In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 861 Before the decisive battle

The fighting prowess of the old Confucian scholar is obvious to all. The battle in Daliang City in the past has undoubtedly demonstrated the strength of the old Confucian scholar.

He is not a saint, but his fighting power can compete with a saint.

After hearing what the ancestor of the Xuan family said, the old Confucian scholar's face suddenly darkened: There's no need to talk anymore? Our ancestor has lived for thousands of years, so why bother with children?

Xuan Chi smiled when he heard this: In the face of interests, there is no difference between adults and children.

In that case... When the old Confucian scholar said this, he looked at Xuan Chi with a serious and cold look: I can only ask my ancestor for advice.

You want to fight me? Xuan Chi looked at the old Confucian scholar who was secretly locked on to him as his energy was circulating throughout his body, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

I will severely injure you first, or consume your vitality, so that I can increase the probability of that boy surviving. The old Confucian scholar's voice was full of coldness: And this is Haojing City. If you and I are at this level, once we take action, we will definitely... It provoked a thunderous blow from the sky. I wonder if the ancestor still had the life to get up and fight with that kid after enduring the blow from the sky.

Do you know the consequences of fighting with me? Xuan Chi's voice was full of coldness: I think you, Haoran Academy, don't want to gain a foothold in Haojing City.

The old Confucian scholar did not speak, and a simple ruler appeared in his hand. A vast river flashed on the ruler, and he smashed it directly towards Xuan Chi on the opposite side.

Madman! You dare to mobilize the law of life in Haojing City! Xuanchi cursed, and when he reappeared, he was already three hundred miles away from Haojing City, and the old Confucian scholar's ruler followed him like a shadow and directly suppressed Xuanchi.

Xuan Chi looked ugly, and the next moment his whole body was covered with golden scales, his head turned into a strange deer head, and his hands turned into dragon claws, grabbing at the old Confucian scholar's ruler.


The ruler collided with the claws, and then the ruler retreated. The figure of the old Confucian scholar appeared in mid-air, holding the ruler in his hand, and the whole body was full of excitement: Old Ancestor, are you really unwilling to give up?

You are a fucking lunatic! Xuan Chi's voice was full of coldness.

The next moment, Xuan Chi's body twisted, and he completely turned into a monster. Thunder and lightning flashed between his palms, and he attacked the old Confucian scholar.

The battle between the two immediately aroused the curiosity of experts from all walks of life in Haojing City. After all, the battlefield was less than three hundred miles away from Haojing City, and the terrifying energy fluctuations rolling between heaven and earth could not be concealed from everyone.

God's Mansion

Cui Yu looked out the window curiously and saw a vast river hanging upside down in the distance, as if falling from the sky.

The other half is a mighty long river of thunder and lightning. A monster with flashing thunder can be vaguely seen in the long river, colliding with the mighty long river.

The aftermath of the fight between the two stirred up the vitality between heaven and earth. In an instant, the boundaries of Haojing City were filled with flying sand and rocks, and clouds and mist had been swept away by the terrifying wave of energy.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu murmured curiously: Why did the old Confucian scholar start fighting with others?

The person fighting is the ancestor of the Xuan family.

There was a sound outside the window, and the sound came through the window paper.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this, and quickly stood up and bowed: I have seen the sage of ceremony.

Why did the old Confucian scholar start a fight with the Xuan family? I never heard that the Haoran lineage was in conflict with the Xuan family? Saint Li showed curiosity.

Cui Yu shook his head: That's weird.

I heard that you want to see me? The Li Sage sat on a stool and asked, Are you interested in joining my Li lineage?

Hearing the words of the Li Sage, Cui Yu smiled bitterly: Why is the Sage always thinking about drawing me into the lineage of Li?

Because I really think highly of you. Li Shengren said.

Cui Yu poured tea for the sage, and then said: What do ancestors think of the Xuan family?

The Kaitian family is unfathomable. Saint Li said.

Facing the Li Sage, Cui Yu did not show off, but said: I want to destroy the Xuan family! Destroy the Dahuang Xuan family! Take away the creation of the Dahuang Xuan family!

Hearing this, Saint Li frowned: The Xuan family is not someone to be trifled with.

Ancestor, are you interested in destroying the Xuan family? Cui Yu asked.

It's simply impossible for the two of us to destroy the Xuan family. I'm afraid we won't be involved. Li Shengren shook his head: You dare to think about it. It's more daring than your dreams.

Cui Yu smiled slightly: Of course I won't rush to take advantage of the Xuan family, but what if I have already invited reinforcements? And they are all top experts in the world?

Hearing this, Saint Li glanced at Cui Yu curiously. He didn't agree or disagree. He just said: If you are really sure to shake the Xuan family, I can help you at the critical moment.

Hearing this, Cui Yu didn't say much. Smart people don't need to speak too thoroughly.

If he really takes action against the Xuan family, Saint Li will choose to wait and see. If he has hope of winning, Saint Li will help him at the critical moment and become the last straw that breaks the camel's back. If the Li Sage cannot see the hope of victory, then he will just pretend that nothing happened.

What an old fox, not willing to take any risks. Cui Yu cursed secretly in his heart.

The two stopped talking, but turned to look at the battlefield in the distance. After a while, the thunder light and the Haoran River collided, and then the Haoran River collapsed, and half of the thunder light collapsed.

Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of seriousness: The winner has been decided.

The old Confucian scholar is one step behind. Demigods are the pinnacle of combat power in this world, and they do not need the power of faith to cover them. But the old Confucian scholar's Haoran lineage has been destroyed and has lost the cover of the power of incense. Once the power of incense is exhausted, If you do it, you will suffer from the terrifying and strange attacks in the Dharma Realm, and the fight will naturally not be as cool and unrestrained as those with blood. The Li Sage said.

Hearing what Saint Li said, Cui Yu was thoughtful. At this moment, Saint Li suddenly said: It's strange, that old Confucian scholar is coming towards you.

I don't want to meet this rotten wood. After saying this, Saint Li disappeared directly, leaving Cui Yu sitting in front of the window blankly. The next moment, the old Confucian scholar with blood-stained clothes on his chest appeared. In front of the gate of Shen's house, the old Confucian scholar stood in front of the gate of Shen's house and wandered for a while. He actually walked directly in front of the gate of Shen's house and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people.

Cui Yu felt the aura of the old Confucian scholar in the room and couldn't help but look surprised: What are you doing, sir?

Are you trying to heal your wounds from me, but you're too embarrassed to come? Cui Yu was surprised, but he didn't go out.

Cui Yu was thinking about the Xuan family and Zhenwu Mountain.

Zhenwu Mountain, Cui Cancan, Cui Laohu... Cui Yu's mind was filled with countless thoughts: Can I obtain the secret method of Zhenwu Mountain through Cui Laohu?

Cui Yu fell into deep thought.

until midnight

Cui Yu was sitting in front of the light, calmly deducing the future trend, when suddenly the light dimmed in front of his eyes, and Tang Zhou appeared in front of Cui Yu.

Boy, how sure are you of tomorrow's decisive battle? Are you fully prepared? Tang Zhou asked.

Do you think we can take down the Xuan family? Cui Yu asked.

We have so many experts, if we can't take down the Xuan family... then the Xuan family is not just the Kaitian family, but the human king of China. Tang Zhou was very confident:

Besides, what are you afraid of? If we can't fight, the worst we can do is run away. The land of China is so big, even if the other party is a saint, they can't even think of catching us out. The worst is, it will take five thousand years, and we will leave this world in five thousand years. .”

Hearing Tang Zhou's words, Cui Yu rolled his eyes. Ever since he knew that the end of the law would come in five thousand years, Tang Zhou completely let go and the whole human wave took off.

By the way, how is Taiping Road now? Cui Yu asked.

It has been a few months since the Taiping Dao uprising occurred. Now war is raging across the land of Kyushu, and the Yellow Turban Army has appeared in all major princely states.

And all the princes took the opportunity to display their abilities, secretly planned to recruit troops, and used the excuse of annihilating Taiping Road to massively expand their armaments.

The world is in chaos. Tang Zhou hit the nail on the head: The princes from all walks of life need to train their troops. As long as the training is completed, they can rush into Haojing City at any time and fight to the death with the Emperor of Zhou.

In less than a year, Taiping Dao will bring hundreds of millions of troops to Haojing City. Now the great virtuous masters are gathering all the soldiers and horses from all over the world to practice the Huangtian Formation. Once the practice is successful, it will be the moment of showdown with the Great Zhou Dynasty. . Tang Zhou replied.

Do you think... Taipingdao has any hope of winning? Cui Yu asked.

Want to hear the truth or lies? Tang Zhou asked back.

After hearing what Tang Zhou said, Cui Yu said thoughtfully: Is there any truth or lie?

If the 365 princes in the world really work together and join forces with Taiping Dao, they can certainly destroy the Great Zhou Court and overthrow the rule of the Great Zhou Court.

Tang Zhou said.

Cui Yu heard this and said, Then what? Since you told the truth and lies before, there must be something hidden.

After hearing this, Tang Zhou smiled bitterly and said: But it is impossible for the 160 princes of the Great Zhou Dynasty to be of the same mind as the Taiping Dao. The Taiping Road is just a tool for the 365 princes of the world to test the details of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Hearing this, Cui Yu nodded: This is within my expectation.

The two of them looked at each other, and Tang Zhou smiled bitterly and said: I suspect that Taiping Road has been infiltrated now, and spies from the 365th princes have been mixed in. You can imagine, from 365 Fifteen princes gathered hundreds of millions of troops in the country and formed the Yellow Turban Formation. However, at a critical moment, if the troops of some princes suddenly stabbed in the back, what terrible consequences would there be.

Can't we find out the spies? Cui Yu asked.

I have tried my best to trace the list of princes who have defected to the Great Zhou Dynasty in Zhenguisi, but unfortunately I have never been able to trace it. Tang Zhou replied.

I have a way. You can ask the great sages to break up the armies of the princes, reorganize them, and then lead them by the masters of Taiping Dao. Cui Yu suggested.

Do you think it's possible? How could the princes be willing to hand over the elite soldiers they recruited to the hands of the Taiping Dao? The major princes are just using the Taiping Dao to train their troops. The Taiping Dao is like an alliance leader, a link that links the armies of the princely states Get up. But if you want to take back the military power, it is simply impossible.

Tang Zhou shook his head.

Cui Yu also understood Tang Zhou's difficulties.

But Taiping Dao is now on fire. Even if Taiping Dao doesn't want to move forward, the major princely states will use the name of Taiping Dao to force Taiping Dao to go back.

Now that all the elites of the Taiping Dao have been sent to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, it can be regarded as the last hope of the Taiping Dao. If the Taiping Dao is defeated in the future, they will not be completely destitute. Tang Zhou sighed faintly.

Cui Yu looked at Tang Zhou with his eyes. He felt that Tang Zhou was not easy.

The Taiping Dao he had built with his own hands was now about to be sent to the end of the world. How could he feel better in his heart?

All forces are external objects. Facing their own powerful strength, they are just a cloud. Tang Zhou patted Cui Yu on the shoulder: The princes in the world are using Taiping Dao, but they don't know that Taiping Dao is also using it. The princes of the world. Taiping Dao collects faith in the kingdoms of all princes in the world and provides nutrients for Huang Tian's growth. Now that Huang Tian has grown to a very terrifying level, Taiping Dao will definitely give the princes of the world a surprise in the future! What a big surprise!”

As long as Huang Tian can defeat Cang Tian, ​​then no matter how careful the 365 princes are, they will all restrain themselves. Therefore, it is not the 365 princes who really decide the outcome, but Huang Tian! Tang Zhou comforted Cui Yu.

Cui Yu was not as optimistic as Tang Zhou. He was wondering if things really reached the point of no return, would he also end up? Will he be involved too?

If I can obtain the ninth level of enlightenment in dreams and can activate the origin of a saint, I should have the opportunity to activate Pangu's true body. Cui Yu's eyes showed a glint.

But he has no time to go to Zhenwu Mountain to find the ninth level of enlightenment in his dream. The threat from the Xuan family is imminent. If the Xuan family is not solved, how can he go to Zhenwu Mountain with peace of mind?

It is conceivable that once you go to Zhenwu Mountain, it will take you a hundred or a thousand years before you can obtain the core inheritance, practice to the realm of the Golden Emperor, and obtain the legendary ninth level of magical power.

But if the Xuan family's Tian hatches, what should he do then?

What should I do then?

no way!

There is no way!

Moreover, Cui Yu is also very greedy for the Xuan family's Sky Eye. If he can get one, wouldn't he have great potential in the future?

Besides, it wouldn't take too long to destroy the Xuan family, and it wouldn't delay Cui Yu's plan.

Xuan Family! Zhenwu Mountain! These are two crucial things. Cui Yu muttered.

At this moment, deep inside the palace.

Royal Ancestral Temple

They saw the Emperor of Zhou standing in the ancestral temple. He raised his head and looked at the plaques of the ancestors of the Zhou dynasties and the top plaque of the sky. He raised three incense sticks to offer sacrifices: The king of the people of the Zhou Dynasty is here. Now the Zhou Dynasty is facing a crisis that has not happened in thousands of years. I am facing a great catastrophe, and I ask Heaven to give me some guidance so that I can eliminate the catastrophe of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Emperor Zhou continued to worship, then put the incense in the cauldron with a respectful look, knelt down under the tablet and prayed sincerely.

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