Cui Yu ignored Tang Zhou's words, but looked at Tang Zhou's appearance. He couldn't help but blinked, his eyes full of surprise:

The way you appear is quite unique!

Walking out of the flowers is full of the smell of Biwang.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Tang Zhou's eyes were full of pride: How? This is a secret technique that my ancestor, I, have mastered after painstakingly studying for more than thirty years. It is not only secretive, but can also use the breath of pollen to cover up one's own smell. . Not only are my traces unable to be detected by mystical magical powers, even hunting dogs and wolves are unable to detect my traces. You also know that there are many people in the spiritual world who have hidden magical powers. In order to guard against such magical powers, some major forces also raise All kinds of strange animals. For example, old dogs that have become spirits, lions, leopards, etc.”

Sometimes, the supernatural power may not be able to detect our traces, but the aura on our bodies will leak out, and we will be targeted by the beasts that guard the house. Then the trouble will be even greater. Tang Zhou said.

You are moving very quickly. Are you sure you want to take action against the leaders of the Suppressing Guisi? Once you do, there will be no room for maneuver. Moreover, you need to think about how to take out your own family in advance. Cui Yu looked at Tang Zhou with his eyes and picked off the flower bones that Tang Zhou had escaped from before.

I need to know first how you plan to kill those commanders, and then I will think of a way to clear the suspicion based on your idea of ​​​​taking action. Tang Zhou asked Cui Yu.

Cui Yu did not hide his method: The easiest way to kill people is, of course, the True Dragon's Maggot. If I had not predicted wrongly, everyone in the Suppressing Division would have been killed by my True Dragon's Maggot. Infection. As long as we confirm each other's identity at the banquet, and then I directly induce the real dragon maggots in the other party's body, they will not notice the abnormality in the body. When they return home, they find that the real dragon maggots have devoured them. After a long lifespan, it will be impossible to remedy the situation by then.”

Cui Yu's voice was full of pride, but when Tang Zhou heard Cui Yu's words, his whole body was horrified, and his eyes were full of horror: What did you say? Your real dragon's maggot???

Tang Zhou stared at Cui Yu with his eyes, as if he was trying to verify whether what he heard before was true.

Yes, since I left Dongting Lake that day, I have mastered the method of controlling the true dragon's maggots, and even refined the true dragon's maggots into my pets. Cui Yu said with a smile.

Tang Zhou took a breath and looked at Cui Yu with a horrified expression, his eyes full of shock: How is that possible! Is that damn ghost really something that humans can control?

There was some disbelief in Tang Zhou's voice.

Cui Yu laughed when he heard this: Just because others can't do it doesn't mean I can't do it.

Tang Zhou stopped talking and felt bad. He stared at Cui Yu with his eyes, which made Cui Yu a little creepy: Why are you staring at me like this?

Let me ask you, do I have any real dragon maggots in my body? Tang Zhou's voice was a little uneasy.

Of course. Cui Yu glanced at Tang Zhou. Not only did he have real dragon maggots in his body, but there were also a lot of them.

However, those true dragon maggots have not yet attacked and are only in a semi-dormant state at this time, so their external characteristics are not revealed.

The old guy Tang Zhou had so many true dragon maggots in his body that the other leaders of the Zhenguisi had no choice but to run away. This was why Cui Yu dared to say so arrogantly that he could destroy the Zhenguisi.

The huge leader of the Suppression Division usually looks up but never looks down. If one person is attacked, can the others still escape?

When did you do this to Zhen Guisi? Tang Zhou was frightened at this moment, his eyes full of horror.

So creepy!

How could such a long real dragon maggot end up inside his body?

Remember the Xuan family? Cui Yu asked.

Tang Zhou was stunned when he heard this, and then suddenly woke up. He raised his head and looked at Cui Yu: Have you planned it since then?

Yes, since that time, the true dragon's maggots have spread throughout the whole town through the guards of Zhensi. One person infected two, four infected eight, sixteen infected thirty-two, so we can calculate Come down, within a few days, all the Suppressing Secretaries will fall. Unless they are the Suppressing Secretaries guards who are performing tasks in the outside world, no one can escape.

How could the true dragon's maggot be so long and conspicuous that it could be infected and spread? Tang Zhou's eyes showed a hint of disbelief.

Who said I used true dragon maggots to spread the disease? True dragon maggots can give birth to fetal eggs anytime, anywhere, at any time, and the fetal eggs of true dragon maggots can circulate with the blood and turn into sweat and be emitted. Or it may lurk on the surface of the host's skin, or even stick directly to objects the host has touched. Cui Yu's voice was full of pride.

After hearing this, Tang Zhou suddenly became a big boy, his eyes full of helplessness: What a mess!

This method is simply impossible to guard against. No matter who falls victim to this method, they will have no choice but to wait for death. Tang Zhou's eyes were full of bitterness: So, aren't you invincible?

No! Although the Three Corpse Insects can steal people's lifespans, some people have long lifespans. They may not be able to drain them all in three years, five years, decades, or hundreds of years. How can they be called invincible? Cui Yu He replied: It takes time for the Three Corpse Worms to suck the life out of an opponent's body. If I provoke the other party, I'm afraid that I will be beaten to death before the Three Corpse Worms can suck the opponent clean.

Cui Yu dared to talk to Tang Zhou about the Three Corpse Insects, so of course he had a trump card. The three-corpse bug is not fatal, but when the three-corpse bug and the fetal eggs of the innate mosquito are combined, it can be fatal.

The only drawback is that it takes time for the eggs of congenital mosquitoes to hatch.

Cui Yu calculated the time and found that the innate mosquito fetal eggs in the bodies of the masters in the Suppression Division should have absorbed enough energy by now, and they could hatch out with just a command from him.

Of course, there was no need to talk to Tang Zhou about the innate mosquito clone.

The matter of congenital mosquitoes is really too scary, and mosquitoes are better at keeping secrets. The fewer people who know about it, the greater the power they can exert.

Cui Yu looked at Tang Zhou with his eyes at this moment, and saw that Tang Zhou's face was wrinkled up in misery, and his eyes were full of helplessness: I said, boy, you can't do this! We are unique in the world now. A good friend, how can such evil things exist in a good friend’s body?”

Although Tang Zhou said he had the body of a demon god, he was still frightened by the Three Corpse Insects. It would only be a simple three-corpse worm. The key is that the three-corpse worm and the true dragon's maggot merged and mutated. Not only are there mental blows, there are also physical blows.

Not only can it devour a person's lifespan, but it can also devour a person's flesh and blood.

Three corpse worms devour life spans, and true dragon maggots devour human flesh and blood. The two transform each other into reality and reality, which is very scary and difficult to deal with.

Sooner or later, the real dragon's maggots will spread throughout the world. Are you sure you can escape? Cui Yu asked.

Tang Zhou's face fell down when he heard this, and his eyes were full of hopeless light: How can this be possible! If this happens, will there be a pure land in the world in the future? Aren't you the king in charge of the entire world in the future?

The strange and perverted magical powers of the real dragon maggots make people despair.

If you want to suppress the three zombies and completely get rid of the entanglement and restraint of the three corpses, you must be a quasi-sage who can kill the three corpses.

But how rare are quasi-sages who kill three corpses?

In the future, if Cui Yu loses his mind and wants to drag everyone to be buried with him, won't the entire world's cycle collapse? Will all human beings die?

It's not as serious as you said. Since you have received the inheritance, you should know what the Three Corpse Worms are. The Three Corpse Worms are present in everyone's body. Even without me, there are Three Corpse Worms in the bodies of all living beings. Cui Yu said with a smile: It's just that the Three Corpse Insects are a greater threat to monks, but have less impact on ordinary people.

It would be strange if Tang Zhou believed Cui Yu's lies.

Although he was killed by an ax when Pangu created the world, he was resurrected when the immeasurable calamity came. He even boarded the boat on the other side and fought for the prehistoric world before falling into the world. .

But during the long journey on the road to heaven, how could he not understand the three religions' killing of three corpses?

The True Dragon Maggot is the transformation of the Three Corpse Insects. Although he did not really understand the truth, he had some clues after seeing the other party's habits.

It is not difficult to see that the True Dragon Maggot is the evolution of the Three Corpse Insects.

After all, Tang Zhou's predecessor, Tai Sui Demon God, was not an ordinary demon god either.

Pangu's founding of the world and his fall were mostly due to the Demon God Tai Sui.

Dare to make trouble on Tai Sui's head, it's not a lie.

Although Pangu killed Tai Sui Demon God, he was also cursed by Tai Sui Demon God.

Pangu was at his peak, so of course he wouldn't care about the curse of Tai Sui Demon God, but when all the evolutions came together, that was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu, and his scalp suddenly felt numb. He could not see the essence of the true dragon's maggots, but he could also see that the true dragon's maggots were integrated into the essence and spirit, replacing the three corpse worms and devouring human essence. god.

Cui Yu now actually wants to integrate the true dragon's maggots into the bodies of all living beings in the entire world. Tang Zhou's scalp feels numb just thinking about it.

Although Cui Yu would not preach to anyone who dies, he will die quickly, but with the Three Corpse Insects, he will definitely teach whoever dies quickly to die quickly.

You kid can't do this, big trouble will happen! Tang Zhou's voice was full of seriousness and deepness.

Something big happened? What big thing happened? Cui Yu raised the corner of his mouth: What big thing could happen? God knows this, you know it, I know it, how can you still leak it out?

I won't reveal it, but I can't hide it from 'Heaven'! Nor can I hide it from those old antiques who have left backhands in the ancient times. You want to control all sentient beings in the whole world, how can they allow you to do this? Those defenders of Taoism It’s not like you don’t know the Holy Mother’s Heart.” Tang Zhou’s voice was filled with speechlessness.

After hearing what Tang Zhou said, Cui Yu didn't say anything, but just said: At worst, I'll just be more careful.

Cui Yu still refused to give up.

Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, always feeling that Cui Yu was holding back a big move to deal with the unknown enemy.

Let's go, let's attack the leader of Zhensi tonight. Cui Yu said: We still need to plan in advance and be fully prepared, just in case someone is really lucky and avoids the real dragon. We still need to think of ways to fill the loopholes.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Tang Zhou was depressed and silent. After knowing that he had the real dragon's maggot hidden in his body, Tang Zhou's happiness disappeared.

Cui Yu disguised himself, used the art of creation to change his appearance, turned into an inconspicuous attendant, and followed Tang Zhou to Tang Zhou's house.

Then he saw Tang Zhou starting to greet his servants to prepare for the banquet. Cui Yu handed Tang Zhou a small bottle, which contained a few drops of sweet rain and countless fetus eggs of the three corpse insects in the sweet rain.

To be on the safe side, ask the leaders to drink their drinks before talking. Cui Yu warned.

Tang Zhou took a deep look at Cui Yu and said nothing. He took the bottle and went down to greet the servants.

That night

Tang Zhou's mansion was brightly lit, but the entire courtyard was quiet.

Not long after, I heard reports from the guards outside the door, and leaders of the Suppressing Spies kept coming in.

But as time continued to pass, Cui Yu suddenly shrank his pupils at the end: It's not good! Only seven of the eight leaders came, and one leader didn't come.

Cui Yu and Tang Zhou looked at each other, and Tang Zhou frowned, never expecting that there would be variables.

It was supposed to be a sure win, but now something unexpected happened.

Cui Yu looked at Tang Zhou. Tang Zhou took a breath, made a gesture to Cui Yu to continue, and then took the initiative to greet him.

The leaders took their seats, and the big leader moved to sit at the front. Cui Yu turned into a boy at this time, and slowly walked out from the back with a 'special' drink, all the way to the front of the hall, and calmly filled it for the leaders. Drinks.

Sure enough, none of them can run away. They all have fetal eggs of the true dragon maggots in their bodies. And it's not just a few, but many, many fetal eggs! Cui Yu walked past several leaders with a look in his eyes. Happy.

But he still filled up his drink as planned.

After all, who would dislike the fact that several leaders have too many corpse insects in their bodies?

No one will dislike it!

Tang Zhou picked up the wine cup and said: With the great changes in the world in recent years, we brothers have not been together like today for a long time. Today we have free time to get together, so we should drink a big bowl.

After hearing Tang Zhou's words, the other leaders were indifferent and did not pick up the wine bowls on the table.

Tang Zhou's pupils shrank when he saw this, and a thought flashed through his mind: Exposed? It shouldn't be!

Cui Yu on the side could see it clearly and couldn't help but sigh softly: Tang Zhou is from Taiping Dao after all, so he is not trusted!

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