In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 839: It’s over, just brush off your clothes and go away

Miaoshan was also scared, and she was also murmuring in her heart!

That was the method of a saint. Back then, strong men from all walks of life had left behind many evil hands in order to return to life and have a chance to fight Xuanhuang again.

Especially the great way of saints, Miao Shan dare not touch it.

She is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and is theoretically on the same level as the saint, but is it really on the same level?

The saint is the ancestor, the source of all laws in the world. The magical skills that Miaoshan and others learned were passed down from the ancestors of each family. If Miaoshan dared to say that she and the other party were in the same realm, she herself would not dare to imagine it.

She is moving forward, but what about the saint? After becoming a saint, he went through countless years of hard training. No one knows what terrifying methods the saint possesses.

So even though Miao Shan was very curious about the Dafa of Enlightenment in the Dream, she was extremely fearful in her heart and did not dare to even take a look at it. I am afraid that it will affect my Taoist heart and be assimilated by the saint.

There was a hint of disappointment in Cui Yu's eyes. If he wanted to solve the final shortcomings, and even unleash the power of enlightenment in dreams and the original power of a saint, he still needed to find the last step of enlightenment in dreams. roll.

Fortunately, Cui Yu knew the whereabouts of the enlightenment method in the dream, and it was very likely that he would stay in Zhenwu Mountain.

I still have ten years, and everything is still in time. Now is not the time to go to Zhenwu Mountain, but to arrange the secular things first. Cui Yu narrowed his eyes: Finish the cause and effect in the mortal world, and bring the divine family to justice. After settling in, I went to Zhenwu Mountain to study.

Cui Yu is not too anxious now, why?

Because Cui Yu knew in his heart that his saint power would be fully accumulated in ten years. At that time, he would just continue to bless the seal.

Turning his head to look at Dalin Temple, he saw that the Dalin Temple, which was once full of flowers, was now littered with corpses.

The birds in the mountains seemed to be aware of the crisis and were too frightened to sing.

Since the matter here has been settled, I will leave first. Miaoshan looked at Cui Yu and said: By the way, you and Han Xin have a good relationship. Can Mahayana Buddhism be preached in Han Xin's territory in the future? If Mahayana Buddhism As we grow stronger, the merits you and I accumulate will also increase.”

Okay. Cui Yu nodded.

Seeing Cui Yu's response, Miaoshan nodded with satisfaction, and then turned into a stream of light and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Seeing Miao Shan walking away, Cui Yu looked at the mountains with his eyes. Dalin Temple had turned into a cemetery. He couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: I don't know how many years of ancient temples were exterminated overnight. Dalin Temple was destroyed. If the news spreads, it will definitely shock the world.

I realized the Dafa in my dream!

Cui Yu sighed again. Although Dafa was flawed and had all kinds of big pitfalls, it was his only choice at the moment.

Only the Dafa enlightened in a dream was the fundamental Dafa he had ever seen that could truly adapt to this world.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves: And now that I have obtained the origin of guiding saints, how to develop and utilize the method of enlightenment in dreams and turn those origins into my power is the most important thing.

What Cui Yu can do now is to integrate the origin of the saint into his own Little Thousand World and become the foundation of the Little Thousand World. When he masters the complete method of enlightenment in dreams, then the Little Thousand World will be able to combine dreams and reality. When the state of the world changes, that's when the world truly comes and goes with just one thought, and when you master all kinds of incredible magical powers.

Cui Yu himself did not benefit from the integration of the saint's origin, but his small world benefited.

Can you have a small world? Is there any more exciting creation in the world than this?

Cui Yu thought about it again, and didn't even want the Dinghai Divine Pearl. He sent it directly into the Xiaoqian World to strengthen the water avenue of the Xiaoqian World.

In the future, using the Dinghai Divine Pearl to open up the twenty-four heavens may help the Small Thousand World to break the shackles and be promoted to the Middle Thousand World.

Cui Yu felt that it might not be impossible to use the Dinghai Divine Pearl to evolve the twenty-four heavens and evolve the small thousand world into the middle thousand world.

Because the promotion of heaven and earth is about breaking the shackles, just like breaking through the limits of the law of force. The strength of one hundred and eight thousand kilograms is the limit of the human body, but as long as we break through it on this basis and obtain a breakthrough of one billionth of a 'milligram', we have broken the limit of strength, thereby breaking through to a higher level. Levels, higher dimensions, higher realms.

Go back to Shen's house first and take a look. Hai Lan is still imprisoned in the imperial prison by the Emperor of Zhou Dynasty. A thought flashed in Cui Yu's mind, and he was about to get up and leave when he suddenly saw a figure hanging on a branch in the distance. He is an old Confucian scholar.

The world in the dream disappeared, and of course the old Confucian scholar also fell out of the Holy Land of Lingshan.

Cui Yu used his escape technique and came to the tree, lifted the old Confucian scholar down, looked at the old Confucian scholar who fell into a coma, and couldn't help but frown: Six senses are closed? You actually sealed your consciousness by yourself?

There was a hint of surprise in Cui Yu's eyes.

Cui Yu casually put the old Confucian scholar into Qiankun in his sleeves, and then looked at the outer courtyard of Dalin Temple: I don't know if there are any survivors in the outer courtyard of Dalin Temple.

Cui Yu used his escape technique and reappeared in the outer courtyard of Dalin Temple. He then came back to life and sensed life. Cui Yu actually noticed the emergence of a little life.

That's it? Cui Yu's pupils shrank and he quickly walked through the lobby and saw Zhao Xindou lying on the hospital bed.

At this time, Zhao Xindou had died of anger. The majestic pillar of the Zhou Dynasty actually died here. He died so suppressed and aggrieved. How could it not make people feel regretful?

After all, Zhao Xindou did not escape Tang Zhou's plot. You must know that the Six-Character Mantra was taken away by Cui Yu. Zhao Xindou lost the suppression of the Six-Character Mantra. How could he retain his soul?

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At present, there is only an empty body left, the vitality seems to be cut off bit by bit, and the physical body is approaching the state of decay and decomposition.

Cui Yu pointed his finger, and the air of ice surged out. He used the power of Gonggong to seal Zhao Xindou, and then he put Zhao Xindou's body into Qiankun in his sleeves.

Cui Yu took Zhao Xindou's body away, and while thinking about it, he thought of the gods: The bodies of the gods must have been preserved. The Holy Land of Lingshan disappeared, and the old Confucian scholar's body fell out. There is no reason that the body of the gods would follow. He lost his blessing due to the destruction of the Holy Land of Lingshan.

Cui Yu used his escape skills to travel around the mountains, and finally found a god on a mountaintop whose breath had been cut off and whose body had begun to decay.

The great treasure of the Great Zhou Dynasty actually needs the blood of the Shen family to activate it. The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk is a good thing. If it can be integrated into my Little Thousand World and let my Little Thousand World's Six Paths of Reincarnation evolve, will it be possible to avoid the small world of reincarnation? Is the world going to decline? A thought came to Cui Yu's mind, and he set his sights on the artifact of the Zhou royal family.

Cui Yu let down two or three drops of sweet rain, repaired the body of the spirit, and then used it to bring the spirit back to life. He saw dark clouds covering the sky and the earth, overwhelming the rivers and seas, and descending over the Dalin Temple. The phantom of the Six Paths of Reincarnation appeared again, and inexplicable auras emerged from all directions, blessing the Six Paths of Reincarnation evolved by Cui Yu.

Cui Yu was no stranger to visions brought about by resurrecting the dead. He casually pulled out the soul of the god from the void, then used his magical power to rise into the sky, and disappeared in the next moment.

In fact, if Cui Yu wanted to resurrect these monks, he couldn't do it at all. Their energy and spirit have been swallowed up by the strangeness of life and death, which means that their souls do not exist in the six paths of reincarnation, so there is no way to summon them back again.

Cui Yu used his escape technique to escape from this place. As expected, with Cui Yu's departure, powerful wills descended here across time and space. However, he did not notice anyone acting strangely and disappeared without a trace.

Let’s talk about Cui Yu, returning to the small village.

At noon, he was sitting cross-legged under a big tree in the corner of the yard, practicing. He was getting younger and younger, and seemed to have transformed into a seven or eight-year-old boy.

At this time, Runan's aura was also surging around his body, and he had actually touched the limit of the law of force. He was only a little short of a chance to break the limit of force and step into a higher level.

Runan is still suppressing her cultivation, she is waiting for an opportunity.

At this time, Runan's blood was boiling all over her body. She was not breaking through the realm, but suppressing her own realm, fighting against herself, and her own will turned into a shackle on her body.


Seeing Cui Yu arriving, both of them opened their eyes at the same time, with a hint of joy in their eyes.

Cui Yu looked at Shan first: You seem to be different?

Reporting to the Young Master, my subordinates have found a way to increase their own lifespan without taking away living beings from the outside world. There was excitement in Long's eyes.

Oh? If you don't devour other people's vitality, where will your vitality come from? Cui Yu was stunned.

Long's magical power is to devour life and transfer life. If he doesn't devour the vitality of others, where will his own vitality come from?

I have been thinking these past few days that all living beings in heaven and earth will eventually come to an end, and their lifespans will also be limited. Devouring too many of them will harm the harmony of heaven and earth. I want to think about it, since the so-called life is given by heaven and earth, why? Not directly devouring the vitality of the world? After a period of exploration by my subordinates, I was lucky enough to succeed. At this time, he expressed his joy to Cui Yu.

What? Can you swallow the vitality of the world? Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this, his eyes full of horror.

What kind of monster is the man in front of me?

You know, even the mosquito Taoist who was born as a mosquito has no ability to devour the world, but he can devour the vitality of the world. This is simply outrageous.

Yes. Long's eyes were full of innocence.

How did you do it? Cui Yu asked impatiently.

How did you do it? As long as you think about it, you can do it! He said in a muffled voice.

Cui Yu smiled bitterly and looked at him intently: That's it?

That's it! Shan nodded firmly.

Is there anything abnormal? Cui Yu asked.

How can there be no punishment from heaven when man violates the power of heaven and earth?

No, nothing. He replied.

Cui Yu frowned deeper when he heard this: Is it because Tiandao has fallen into a deep sleep? Or is it because Tiandao is too weak to care about it at all?

But Cui Yu always felt that there is no free lunch in the world. If you devour others in the middle of the night, others will still curse and resist, let alone the omnipotent heaven?

You must remember, if there is no need in the future, don't swallow the laws of heaven and earth. I'm afraid that terrible karma will come to your door in the future. Cui Yu warned him carefully.

Hearing this, he was stunned for a moment, but he still nodded seriously: Don't worry, young master, I will remember it.

Cui Yu turned to look at Runan again. The girl looked at him eagerly. Although she didn't say it clearly, her eyes were full of expectation.

You really want to break the limit of power? Cui Yu asked.

Runan nodded: Only by breaking the limits of strength can we have a broader future. Of course, this little girl will not give up.

I mean, what if you can't wait for the treasure that breaks the limit of power? Will Huo Huo die of old age if he doesn't break through for the rest of his life? Cui Yu asked.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Runan was stunned for a moment, and after a long time he said: That's right! If I can't reach the highest realm, what can I do even if I break through? In the end, I'm not going to be enslaved by others? I'm not going to be inferior to others. One head! In this case, what’s the point of breaking through or not?”

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Cui Yu looked at Runan with his eyes, and saw in the other's eyes the determination to succeed or succeed.

Why are you so stubborn? Cui Yu said angrily.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of helplessness.

He also did not give Runan a treasure that could break through the limit of power. Although his creation technique could create the exact same Pangu Chalcedony, the Pangu Chalcedony he created was just superficial and did not possess its true essence, so it could not help others at all. breakthrough.

Otherwise, Cui Yu had so much divine blood that he could just strengthen the Pangu Chalcedony in his brain to the same level as Pangu.

Within a year, I will go to Zhenwu Mountain to learn from my master. Are you willing to go with me? Cui Yu asked: When you go to Zhenwu Mountain, you may have the opportunity to come into contact with treasures that break the limits of power.

My little sister is willing. Runan's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Cui Yu nodded, directly changed his pen and ink, and left a note and a hundred taels of gold in the courtyard, which he left to Li Sanlang. Then he looked at the little donkey in the yard: Let's keep this donkey too.

Let's go back to Haojing. Cui Yu summoned the tiger, and the three of them rode directly on the tiger and disappeared into the small village.

This tiger has been following Cui Yu for some years. It was the tiger that was surrendered when he first obtained the magical power of regulating birds and gathering animals at the foot of Qunyu Mountain. Cui Yu has fed him a lot of good things over the years, and it has crossed into the realm of magical power.

Cui Yu did not say goodbye to the Chen family next door and his son, but walked quietly along the way.

When they arrived at a river, Cui Yu transformed into a boat, then put away the tiger, and the three of them boarded the boat.

Although he was riding a tiger, the mountain road was too rugged and bumpy.

Cui Yu has the blood of Gonggong. It is not easy to control the water flow to push the boat. It can be hundreds of miles away in an hour.

On the boat, Cui Yu lit an incense stick and began to summon his ally: Tang Zhou.

Without letting Cui Yu wait long, Tang Zhou appeared in front of Cui Yu: You have really accomplished a big thing!

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