There was a hint of shock in Miaoshan's eyes, but she breathed a sigh of relief after all. She was still aware of the power of the power of destruction.

After practicing to her level, nothing in the universe can escape his control.

These weird things are hidden very deep, so we have to be on guard. I will go underground with you to check them out. Miaoshan's voice was full of caution.

After all, Cui Yu's cultivation level was relatively low. She was afraid that Cui Yu would be harmed by the other party, or that Cui Yu would be deceived by the strangeness.

When Cui Yu heard this, a smile appeared in his eyes, and he did not refute Miaoshan's words because he felt that Miaoshan's words made sense.

After all, little nun Miaoshan's cultivation level is much higher than mine. If Miaoshan goes to investigate in person, he can feel more at ease.

The two of them directly used their magical powers to escape from the void into the depths of the earth. Not long after entering the yellow sand, suddenly a bright white light flashed in front of their eyes. Cui Yu's eyes fell on the bright white light and saw through the light. That silver-white barrier.

Yes, it’s a silver-white barrier!

Cui Yu saw the silver-white metal, shining with mysterious luster, which looked quite dazzling.

The bright white metal shone with streaks of cold luster, and an aura of immortality, chaos, and suppression flashed through the bright white metal. It seemed to be able to suppress everything in the world, all laws, and all magical powers in the world.

Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of seriousness: What is that?

That is the core of the boat on the other side. Miao Shan replied.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this. Unfortunately, it was blocked by yellow sand and could not see clearly the shape of the boat on the other side.

The core external shape of the boat on the other shore is not big, only ten feet in size, but there is something else inside it, creating a Sumeru world. Miaoshan said.

Hearing Miaoshan's words, Cui Yu's heart moved, and then he carefully looked at the materials of the boat on the other side: What material is this?

The immortal matter born in the chaos has the characteristics of immortality and indestructibility, so it can travel through the chaos, allowing everyone to ride on this treasure and descend into this world. Miao Shan explained:

In the past, Taoist ancestor Hongjun traveled far away from the chaos, found the vast world, and then sent a message to the great wilderness. The six saints of the great wilderness followed closely, and then came the quasi-sages in the great wilderness. However, although the quasi-sage has a holy word, but After all, they are only quasi-saints, and there is no way to compare them with real saints. The quasi-saints wanted to follow the footsteps of the saints, but they were blocked by the vast chaos halfway and had to turn back. The prehistoric leader Hongjun and you The saint knew the difficulty, so he condensed the immortal matter in the chaos and created the heavenly boat on the other side, just to help his disciples escape from that exhausted world. Miao Shan explained beside him:

So the Heavenly Boat on the other side is extremely powerful, even stronger than the innate treasure. Even a core component can suppress the soul of life and death.

Cui Yu nodded when he heard the words, and stepped forward to touch the core parts of the Tianzhou on the other side. A cold feeling came, as if it would freeze a person's soul.

Then Cui Yu stopped rambling and began to dig into the soil around the core components of the Boat on the Other Side, observing whether there were any marks left by the souls of life and death on the core components of the Boat on the Other Side.

Cui Yu kept digging around the core components of the Tianzhou on the other side. Suddenly, a pattern appeared in front of his eyes. Cui Yu stopped and looked at it carefully for a long time before exclaiming: Sister, come and see here.

Cui Yu said hello, Miao Shan heard the words and quickly moved forward, and then saw a pattern imprinted on the core component of the other side of the sky boat.

On the barrier of the sky boat on the other side, there is a chaotic and hazy shadow imprinted on it, and the breath of life and death flows on the pattern.

Miaoshan's pupils shrank at this time: What a weird life and death! What a weird life and death! He actually set his sights on the other side of the sky boat.

What do you mean? Cui Yu asked.

Look at this mark. The aura of the great road of life and death is flowing on it. Do you think it is the aura of life and death? Miaoshan said.

Cui Yu stared at the mark carefully and saw that the mark was like oil seeping into the sand. It had penetrated into the wall of the boat on the other side and completely integrated with the boat on the other side:

This is?

This is the mark left by the strange life and death. He wants to invade the core of the other side of the boat and refine the entire other side of the boat. And he has already sensed the other side of the boat, so the other side of the boat has loosened a little, and called him The remnant soul ran out from the boat on the other side and went to the Holy Land of Lingshan to cause trouble. Miaoshan's eyes were full of seriousness.

Cui Yu was thoughtful when he heard the words, and looked at Miaoshan with his eyes: What do you mean, Senior Sister?

The weirdness of Life and Death has already refined the core of the Boat on the Other Side, but it has not yet been completely refined. Otherwise, it would not be that part of his remnant soul ran out, but him driving the Boat on the Other Side and rushing out in a big way, smashing the spiritual mountain. The Holy Realm has usurped the origin of the entire Holy Realm of Lingshan. Now he can only slightly control the Boat on the Other Shore and has temporarily gained some freedom. He is not yet able to truly fully control the Boat on the Other Shore. There was a gloomy look in Miaoshan's eyes.

Cui Yu's expression also turned cold. Hearing the words, he quickly stepped forward and glanced at the boat on the other side. He saw that the thin mark of life and death on the boat on the other side was lifelike, as if it had come to life, and there was an indescribable vitality gestating in it.

The life-and-death soul you killed before was his original soul, but it was also his remnant soul. His origin was integrated into the core of the Ark on the Other Shore, and it was with the core of the Ark on the Other Shore. The Ark on the Other Shore is not destroyed, and his The soul will continue to resurrect from the boat on the other side. If the boat on the other side is not destroyed, no one in this world can kill him. Miaoshan's eyes were full of gloom.

Cui Yu lost his calm after hearing this, and looked at the mark on the boat on the other side with a gloomy expression: I have the power of destruction, and I use the power of destruction to destroy his mark.

Miao Shan shook his head when he heard the words: Since his mark has been integrated into the boat on the other side, he can move freely and can be transferred at any time. Moreover, your power of destruction is too powerful. Once the core is pierced, countless calamities will come five thousand years later. , the world has lost a saint, who can repair the boat on the other side? Without the boat on the other side, how can we escape from the world?

Speaking of this, the little nun Miaoshan cursed a little: The death of the saint led him to take advantage of the loophole and refine the core of the boat of creation.

What should we do now? Cui Yu asked.

The core of the Boat of Creation is a supreme secret treasure that the saints have refined together. It is not that easy to refine. Moreover, he is still suppressed by the Boat of the Other Shore. How easy is it to refine the core of the Boat of the Other Shore? He can't do it now. It’s just that he has obtained part of the authority over the boat on the other side. As long as you and I work together to compete with him for control, we can check and balance him when the time comes.”

Miao Shan looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: The most important thing right now is to rescue you from the Holy Land of Lingshan. As long as you are rescued, it will not be too late to find a way to concoct the core of the boat on the other side in the future.

So? Cui Yu looked at the little nun Miaoshan.

Destroy this world, then take away the boat on the other side and use it to plug the rift. I will rescue you first! Miao Shan said.

Cui Yu's innate mosquito clone heard this and felt that it made some sense. After all, the weirdness of life and death has been imprinted on the boat on the other side, and it is difficult to stop the opponent.

However, if the Mark of Life and Death wants to completely refine the core of the ship on the other side, it cannot be done in a short time.

Cui Yu's innate mosquito clone looked at the mark on the boat on the other side and felt a familiar wave coming, as if there was life gestating in it. He couldn't help but secretly sighed: Lao Liu! It's really Lao Liu!

Miaoshan looked at Cui Yu's innate mosquito clone, guided Cui Yu's innate mosquito clone out of the battlefield, and then looked at the small space in front of him with his eyes.

How to destroy this space? Cui Yu asked.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Miaoshan said: Break the barrier of the world and let the energy of chaos pour in. Facing the erosion of the energy of chaos, even the power of a saint still cannot withstand the erosion.

Cui Yu looked at Miaoshan. Miaoshan was not verbose. The next moment, his crystal-clear jade palms were shot out, and then the space in front of him shattered. Be careful. Once the space collapses, the world will return to pure and turbid. There will be great terror between the collision of turbidity and turbidity. , everything will come to ruins, even the immortal body of the saint cannot withstand it.

As Miaoshan's words fell, the barrier of the world in front of him suddenly opened a large hole about a meter high, and the next moment the torrential energy of chaos surged in like a river bursting its embankment.

Cui Yu's innate mosquito clones and Miao Shan stood in front of the gap. Wrapped by the surging chaotic airflow, they were about to rush towards the small world in front of them. Thanks to Cui Yu's ten feet of chaos, he could freeze the void around him in time.

A person in chaos is as fragile as a boat in the surging sea. It may be destroyed at any time. Miaoshan stood next to Cui Yu.

Cui Yu did not veto Miao Shan's words, because this was how chaos gave him the feeling at the moment. The energy of chaos poured into the space in front of him like a flood that broke a bank.

Wherever the energy of chaos passes, the laws of heaven and earth disappear and decompose, and matter collapses into chaotic spiritual energy.

The space barrier wants to repair itself, but now chaos is like a river bursting its banks, with endless pressure venting. Not only has the gap in the river bank not been repaired, but it has continued to grow under the erosion of the energy of chaos.

In the end, the gap became larger and larger, and more and more chaos energy poured into the small world, destroying the laws of order in the small world. In such a vicious cycle, the more the world barrier cannot be repaired, the more chaotic energy will flow in. The laws and origins of the small world will be destroyed by the chaotic energy, and it will be unable to feed back the world barrier, so the world barrier will become more and more fragile.

Finally, at a certain moment, the entire world barrier was like a crushed glass cover, shattering directly, and Taotao's chaotic energy swept in, annihilating the entire small world in chaos in an instant.

From opening a hole to chaos destroying a small world, it is just a stick of incense.

At the moment when the small world was destroyed, the heaven and earth collapsed and collided, and a terrifying wave swept across. Chaos split open again under the impact of the terrifying wave, turning into a pure and turbid world three thousand miles away.

That hedging force is like Pangu opening up the sky.

It's just that this power was too short-lived. In an instant, the three thousand miles of pure turbidity collided again and continued to be annihilated, affecting chaos within a radius of three hundred thousand miles.

Originally, chaos had no space or distance, but at the moment when the clear and the turbid collided, the world was reopened to the clear and the turbid. At that moment, the laws of space were born. However, with the annihilation of the clear and turbid, the laws of space also collapsed again.

However, the clear and turbid collision between heaven and earth was chaotic and chaotic, but Cui Yu's ten-foot-long chaos was as stable as a mountain. Although it was affected, it was suppressed by Cui Yu in a snap.

Ten feet of chaos can evolve into infinite chaos, and the collision force is just an undetectable wave to Cui Yu's chaos.

When Miaoshan saw Cui Yu using the law of chaos to easily calm down the impact of chaotic fluctuations, a look of horror appeared in his eyes: Your magical power is too outrageous! Mastering chaos is a method that should not exist in the world.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this. He didn't tell Miao Shan that his family's chaos could continue to grow.

From the ten-foot chaos at the beginning to the ten-foot chaos now, Cui Yu was very satisfied.

If he told the news, Miao Shan would go crazy.

Did you see that destroyed space? Miaoshan asked.

Of course Cui Yu saw it.

How do you feel? Miaoshan asked.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard this. It was a small world, and it was really shocking to return to chaos in an instant.

The power of the world is actually so small.

If the hole in the Great Thousand World is not blocked, then the fate of the Great Thousand World in the future will be the same as today. All creatures that cannot transcend the Great Thousand World and jump into the chaos to survive will die in the destruction of the laws of heaven and earth and the collision of pure and turbid. Miao Shan looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this.

Then I heard Miaoshan continue: In fact, the prehistoric world was a perfect world with no flaws at all, and it was not afraid of the impact of the energy of chaos. Even the energy of chaos could not affect the prehistoric world. Even the prehistoric world could The power of chaos was mobilized to nourish the world and nourish all living beings in the world. But who knew that the sky would be broken later and the perfect world would no longer be perfect. Although there was Empress Nuwa to mend the sky, how could the perfect world be repaired since it was broken? ? Empress Nuwa just delayed the arrival of immeasurable calamities.

Hearing Miao Shan's emotion, Cui Yu suddenly fell silent. He looked at the chaos in front of him with his eyes, becoming more and more curious about the prehistoric world.

However, although the prehistoric world has encountered immeasurable catastrophes, it will not be destroyed. It is just no longer suitable for the survival of monks. It actually has no impact on ordinary people. Although the perfect world is broken, the skeleton is still there. Without monks as moths, ordinary people can survive in the world almost forever. There will be endless descendants!

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