In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 829: The Transformation of the Eye of Destruction

Didn't you hide it? Cui Yu stared at the remnant soul of Shenshengbo with a pair of eyes, his eyes full of scrutiny: If you didn't hide it, then why can't I complete the final fusion? Why can't I integrate the Holy Land of Lingshan Merge with my dream?

I'm not a saint, and I didn't create the Holy Land of Lingshan. How could I know why? The voice of Shenshengbo's soul was full of grievances:

If you want to find an excuse to kill me, you can just kill me. Why do you need to slander me like this? I am also a person who was suppressed by Saint Jieyin. How could I know the layout of Saint Jieyin?

What Life and Death Bo Can Hun said was reasonable and reasonable, but when Cui Yu heard it, he always felt that this guy was lying to him and that he was not telling the truth.

Does it mean that there really are creatures that I missed in the Holy Land of Lingshan? Cui Yu thought in his heart. The next moment, the innate mosquito clone flew up, passed through the barrier of the core land and came to the outside world.

Then the innate mosquito clones dispersed and turned into billions of mosquitoes and flew into the entire Lingshan Holy Land, but still nothing was gained.

However, Cui Yu's innate mosquito clone accidentally saw the corpse in Lingshan Holy Land. Suddenly, his heart moved, and an inexplicable thought came to his mind: Maybe the truth is here?

The next moment, billions of mosquitoes gathered together and transformed into the appearance of Taoist Mosquitoes. Then they returned to the core place, picked up the sealed fake life and death book and held it in their hands. They stared at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes full of seriousness. Zise: Is there something else you're hiding that I haven't said?

What else should I hide from you? Haven't I told you everything I should tell you? The strange voice was full of confusion.

What if, I mean, part of the origin of Lingshan Holy Realm is in your body? You devoured the monks of Lingshan Holy Realm in the outside world just to collect the origin of Lingshan Holy Realm. There are many guides in Lingshan Holy Realm. The creatures resurrected by the saint have not had time to grow, and they are just little novices and ordinary monks outside, and then you take the opportunity to swallow them, just to occupy the origin of the Holy Land of Lingshan in advance. Cui Yu's innate mosquito clone is here Although he is aggressive at times, he is not a fool. How could he not know the key to this?

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Sheng Sheng Bo was strangely silent. After a long time, he sighed quietly: Unexpectedly, I didn't hide anything from you.

Life and Death Bo's weirdness felt a little regretful at this time, because he never expected that Cui Yu could defeat the enemy from the outside until the end, nor did he expect that Cui Yu had such means.

Of course, the most important thing is that he wants to leave a chance!

As long as he still has a chance, the opponent will not be able to unite with Dao Lingshan Holy Realm, and he will be able to make a comeback by then.

Since you know, I won't hide it from you. Shengshengbo's weird voice was full of pride: You are now in a dilemma. You want to move forward but you have no origin. If you want to retreat, your essence fails and your origin fails. I will capture and nourish the Holy Land of Lingshan. You are now in a dilemma, the only way is to obtain the origin of the Holy Land of Lingshan in my body.

Not bad! said the innate mosquito clone.

Originally, I hid this bit of origin. I wanted to keep it as a surprise for the old guy who picked up the saint, but who would have thought that he was dead. Speaking of this, the origin of life and death looked calmly at the seal. By Cui Yu:

You can only beg me now to meet my conditions, and then you and I complete the deal, and I will give you the origin of the Holy Land of Lingshan. Then I can be resurrected freely, and what about you? You can also obtain the Holy Land of Lingshan. The origin of the realm, and the legacy of the saints.

That's very good. So what are your conditions? Cui Yu looked at Life and Death Bo Remnant Soul.

The residual soul said strangely and unhurriedly: If you don't want to stay in the Holy Land of Lingshan forever and be a living dead trapped in a dream, you must agree to three conditions. First, you must unlock the seal and Release my soul. Second, recognize me as Lord. Third, help me enter the six realms of reincarnation, enter the underworld, and control the laws of reincarnation that are about to be born.

Cui Yu's innate mosquito clone looked at the strange thing sealed in the fake life and death book with his eyes. Hearing the ridiculous conditions, he almost laughed out of anger.

Are these three conditions the only ones? Cui Yu asked.

That's right! Just these three conditions! You kid has no choice now. Apart from agreeing to my conditions, you can only stay in the Holy Land of Lingshan and fall asleep forever, becoming a living dead. I have lived for hundreds of millions of years, but it doesn't matter. , you can hold on. But how many years can your kid live? After a thousand years, the body will decay and the soul will be assimilated by the Holy Land of Lingshan. When the time comes, it will help me, and I will replace you and join the Holy Land of Lingshan. Life and death are thin. The weird smile was very proud.

Seeing that he seemed to have everything under control, with a proud face full of life and death, Cui Yu gritted his teeth with hatred, his eyes were full of coldness and cruelty:

I think there's a fourth option.

What? Life and Death Bo Weiwei immediately became energetic: Come and tell me in detail?

Hearing this, Cui Yu's eyes showed a cold look: Then I will kill you! As long as I kill you, the origin in your body will naturally belong to me and help me complete the final union.

Hahaha! Hahaha! Life and Death Bo Weiyi suddenly laughed loudly, his voice full of sarcasm, and his eyes were filled with sneers: You want to kill me? Hahaha, even the saints who led you back then couldn't kill me. , Why do you kid want to kill me? I admit that the formation you summoned is very powerful and weird, but at most it can suppress me forever, but it cannot kill me.

Really? I may not be able to do things that the saint can't do. Cui Yu's innate mosquito clone raised the corners of his mouth when he heard the words. The next moment, Cui Yu's innate mosquito clone stretched out his hand, and then saw a black Xi's eyes appeared in Cui Yu's palm.

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Eye of Destruction!

Are these the eyes that you used to break through my ancestor's methods many times in dreams before? There was a trace of fear in Shengshengbo's strange eyes.

PS: Let me explain at this time why Cui Yu could not bear even the other party's gaze in the dream world before, but now he can face the other party directly. Because the dream world is a spiritual fiction, the weird realm is too high, and the power of laws is too powerful, acting directly on the soul level. In the real world, Cui Yu has a physical body, supernatural powers, and Pangu chalcedony to protect his way.

I have not forgotten that your original power is a great supplement to my Eye of Destruction. Cui Yu said.

There is no doubt that Weird is very powerful, extremely powerful, but this beast was previously surrounded and suppressed by Emperor Zhou and the masters of Dalin Temple, and its vitality has already been damaged.

Cui Yu stopped talking, and the Eye of Destruction actually left the palm of the innate mosquito clone and fell directly towards the false life and death book.

Then the next moment, the Eye of Destruction seemed to have received a great tonic, and began to swallow up the strange origin of life and death.

Impossible! What kind of monster is this? It can actually devour my essence! Shengshengbo screamed strangely, his voice full of fear and desolation, and his eyes full of shock.

However, at this time, Shengshengbo's soul had long been suppressed. Facing the devouring of the Eye of Destruction, he could not resist at all and could only let it be devoured by the Eye of Destruction.

In the dream world, Cui Yu sensed the eyes of destruction and raised the corners of his mouth: Sure!

He could sense that with the power of devouring life and death, the Eye of Destruction was gradually condensing from illusion into reality.

The eye sockets condensed into an unknown material, with deep runes flowing and flickering on them, and the power of destruction was twisting. In the eye sockets, the eyeballs of the Eye of Destruction condensed into entities little by little, turning into pitch-black pupils. There seemed to be some inexplicable great existence gestating in the pupils.

As for the area around the eye sockets, it does not appear abrupt because there are no cheeks or bridge of the nose, because the area around the eye sockets is deep!

Endless depth!

It's like it's connected to endless darkness.

The condensation was successful!

At a certain moment, Cui Yu's heart suddenly moved, and he could notice that the black eyeballs were completely condensed and formed.

The black eyeballs are like jade, with huge and indescribably complex rune chains connected inside the eyeballs. The rune chains shuttle through the eyeballs in an indescribable way.

Inside the eyeball, there seems to be a mysterious and unpredictable existence.

Cui Yu looked at the pregnant eyes of destruction, and his heart suddenly moved: Chaos? Pangu?

He felt that the world behind his eyes was filled with boundless space of destruction. The space of destruction was endless and filled with the power of destruction.

In the world of the power of destruction, eyeballs became the only ones.

It's as if the world of the power of destruction is like chaos. There is no time and space, no order and laws. In that space, there is only the pure power of destruction.

And the eyeballs of the Eye of Destruction that he saw were like fetuses conceived in the world of destruction, and there was life gestating in the fetuses.

It was as if the great god Pangu was born in the vast chaos.

Cui Yu didn't know why, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he suddenly thought of Pangu Genesis.

The eyeball is shaped by Cui Yu's energy and spirit, and is based on Cui Yu's energy and spirit, so Cui Yu controls it from his heart, and seems to have transformed into Cui Yu's third avatar.

He could detect that there seemed to be something mysterious and unpredictable within the eyeballs, just like Pangu Chalcedony.

Don't swallow it! Don't swallow it! I am willing to surrender to you! I am willing to hand over the origin of the Holy Land of Lingshan to help you complete the great cause of harmony! Cui Yu woke up from the screams in his ears.

In front of the Eight Treasures Lotus Pond, Cui Yu's innate mosquito clone stared at the sealed strange thing with a sneer in his eyes: You are such a bitch. I used to refuse to make deals with you, but now We decided to destroy you and die with you, but you are afraid.

Cui Yu's innate mosquito clone smiled faintly at this moment: Go on, tell me what you think. Remember, this is your last chance.

I am willing to hand over the final origin of the Holy Land of Lingshan, and then recognize you as my master, and I will never betray you in the future. The remnant soul of Life and Death said quickly.

As he spoke, inexplicable light continued to be pulled out of his body and floated between heaven and earth.

There was a smile in Cui Yu's eyes. He didn't seem to be interested in the origin of the Holy Land of Lingshan that was right in front of him. Instead, he stared at the remnants of life and death with his eyes: Since you said you regard me as your master, what proof do you have?

I am willing to swear! I swear by the way of heaven! If there is betrayal, my body and soul will disappear. Sheng Sheng Bo said strangely.

After hearing the words of life and death, Cui Yu nodded on the surface, but disagreed in his heart. How could he believe this old man's nonsense?

This old guy's methods are very terrifying, and his calculations and layouts are rare in the world. If he is not careful, he will get caught.

There is no basis for what you say. Cui Yu replied.

The soul of Life and Death looked tangled when he heard this, and finally spit out a rune from his mouth and suspended it in front of Cui Yu's innate mosquito clone: ​​This is the rune of life and death. If you master this rune, you can control my life and death.

Having said this, the remnant soul of Life and Death stared at Cui Yu with his eyes: Ancestor, I am unlucky to bump into you. Who would have thought that you could actually master the power of destruction? And the power of destruction happens to be my nemesis!

When the remnant soul of Life and Death said this, he suddenly felt the urge to curse.

Cui Yu looked at the remnant soul of life and death with his eyes, and said to himself: It's too smooth. Don't believe this old guy's words easily. I'd better be on guard in secret. Everything goes so smoothly that people think I am. main character.

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Cui Yu's innate mosquito clone collected the life and death talisman and seemingly put it into his body. In fact, it was sent directly into the Eye of Destruction, where it was crushed and absorbed, and turned into nourishment for the Eye of Destruction.

Master, you are about to absorb the origin of the Holy Land of Lingshan and complete the final steps. By then you will have obtained the origin of guiding saints. This is the foundation of sanctification. By then, you will surely be able to soar into the sky and hopefully become a saint. . The strange life and death of Bo urged Cui Yu with an earnest look on his face at this time.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this: Okay! I will join the Holy Land of Daoling Mountain and complete the final transformation.

Cui Yu looked at the last source, and the next moment he used his magical power, and the source was refined into Cui Yu's dream world.


There seemed to be a thunderous sound that pierced the sky. The entire Lingshan Holy Land began to tremble, and an inexplicable fluctuation was heard in the Lingshan Holy Land.

In Cui Yu's dream world, Cui Yu's eyes widened at this moment, watching as his dream world and Lingshan world completely overlapped, and then continued to penetrate each other in a burst of banging sounds, and then merged into one.

The next moment, Cui Yu's dream expanded infinitely, and then an inexplicable feeling came into Cui Yu's heart. Cui Yu's dream suddenly shattered. Cui Yu's body on the Eight Treasures Lotus Pond opened his eyes and woke up.

Succeeded? Cui Yu opened his eyes, his eyes full of strangeness.

Although the Holy Land of Lingshan in front of him was still the Holy Land of Lingshan, in Cui Yu's eyes, there was an indescribable illusion and an indescribable emptiness.

Although the Holy Land of Lingshan is still the Holy Land of Lingshan, in Cui Yu's eyes it is no longer the same and has undergone earth-shaking changes.

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