In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 816 One thought opens the sky

The destruction of heaven and earth, the recurrence of clearness and turbidity, really frightened the Zhuxian Sword.

You must know that when the world is destroyed, the force of the collision between heaven and earth is enough to destroy all strong people. Even the innate spiritual treasure cannot bear the force of the collision between heaven and earth.

Cui Yu ignored the Zhuxian Sword and just moved the Zhuxian Sword and the Tongtian Jianmu into Chaos. Cui Yu had a small Chaos of his own, although the Chaos was not big, only ten feet in size (growing).

Cui Yu's chaotic space was originally ten feet, but in just a few years, it had grown from ten feet to ten feet.

But there seems to be no difference between ten feet and ten feet in chaos, because the size of chaos is just a concept given by man-made ones. Chaos can be infinitely large or infinitely small. One foot and ten thousand miles are just a point, and there is no difference.

As the world collapsed and turned into a world embryo, the true spirit merged into the world. Cui Yu felt that some kind of change had occurred in his little world.

[After the fusion is completed, you will gain supreme magical power - open the world with thoughts]

As Cui Yu's dream world merged with his own little world, there was a flow of information in Cui Yu's mind. Then Cui Yu's pupils shrank, his eyes full of shock:

What a heaven-defying magical power!

The world is still the same world, but Cui Yu has an extra magical power: reading to open the world.

Cui Yu glanced around and saw a golden god standing in his own chaotic world. The god was cast like gold. No matter how chaotic the air flow surged, he could not do anything about the god.

Divine light burst out from the whole body of the spirit, and behind its head, the world was born and died, and a world embryo was evolving.

Is this my magical power? Has it materialized? Cui Yu looked at the golden sacred thing. Although it looked illusory, like it was made up of transparent light, he could vaguely tell that it was Cui Yu. Fishing expression.

Communicate with that sacred figure, and then more information flows into Cui Yu's mind.

What is reading the world?

This magical power was deduced from the influence of the Great Way of Nothingness in Dreams, which guides saints. As long as Cui Yu practices the method of enlightenment in dreams, the world he opens up again will not be a dream world, but a real existence. world.

The difference between fiction and reality, between truth and falsehood, is just a matter of Cui Yu's thoughts.

The only key factor that restricts reality or illusion is the world embryo behind the golden sacred figure, which is the small world Cui Yu originally opened.

Cui Yu's real small world is the fundamental world.

The world opened up by practicing cultivation in dreams is an illusory world.

In other words, as long as Cui Yu practices the method of enlightenment in dreams and opens up the dream world, the dream world will still be illusory, but as long as Cui Yu's heart moves, the original power of the real fundamental small world in the chaos will be poured into the dream. In the middle world, the origin of the world can be transferred and the dream world can be transformed into reality.

This function seems useless and of little use, but if you think about it carefully, in the future Cui Yu will practice the Dafa of Enlightenment in Dreams, and the world he opens up every time will be the real world. How explosive will the effect be?

The reality of the world is all in Cui Yu's thoughts. As long as Cui Yu thinks about it, the illusory world can immediately evolve into the real world, and the real world can immediately reverse into the illusory world.

Even if the dream world is transformed into reality, not only will it not affect Cui Yu's fundamental world after its death, but the real world in the dream will give birth to strange substances between birth and death to feed Cui Yu's fundamental world. .

Of course, all this is related to the strength of Cui Yu's fundamental world, the size of the real world opened up, and Cui Yu's real world. If the imaginary world is too big and Cui Yu's real world origins are not enough, then you can choose to materialize certain objects in the dream world and transform illusion into reality.

Incredible! Cui Yu opened his eyes, with a cautious look in his eyes.

This magical power is really too strong!

As the world evolves into nirvana again and again, Cui Yu's fundamental small world will evolve faster and faster.

This is not Cui Yu’s cultivation method, but the world’s cultivation method.

Every time Cui Yu practices in the dream world, it is the birth and death of his own small world, and the reincarnation of the small world.

Use the cycle of birth and death in the dream world to replace the cycle of birth and death in your own small world, help your own small world accumulate the origin, and deduce the process of birth and death evolution. This is simply a world cultivation simulator!

How can this be a method for human cultivation? This is clearly the world’s cultivation method.

Boy, are you so angry that you want to murder me? The Zhuxian Sword was hung tightly on the Tongtian Jianmu, relying on the Tongtian Jianmu for protection.

Tongtian Jianmu is an innate spiritual root that uses the energy of chaos as food. It can absorb the power of chaos for its own use and has the power to suppress chaos.

I'm just testing a magical power, ancestor, please be patient. Cui Yu reassured, but his thoughts were diverging. If one day, his magical power can evolve again, it can directly integrate with his own ten-foot-long chaos. , won’t I be invincible by then?

I must obtain the origin to guide the saints. If I can integrate the holy realm of Lingshan into my small world, then my small world may have the opportunity to reach the sky in one step, directly breaking through the shackles and breaking through to the realm of the small thousand worlds. Cui Yushan A thought passed.

Then the next moment, as Cui Yu thought in his heart, a mysterious will seemed to pass through the embryo of the world in his own chaos. In an instant, two sounds of humming and haha ​​spread throughout the embryo, and then the world exploded, clear and turbid.

In the blink of an eye, the universe evolved, and everything revived, returning to its original state before the creation.

Cui Yu replanted Tongtian Jianmu and asked Tongtian Jianmu to absorb the energy of chaos and decompose it into innate energy to expand his small world.

At the same time, the countless rules running in the small world came into Cui Yu's mind. Cui Yu felt that he was transformed into the way of heaven at this time, and as he thought, the rules in the entire world changed.

With a thought in Cui Yu's mind, a mountain in the distance turned into nothingness out of thin air and turned directly into a lake.

The thoughts in my mind flickered again, and the lake in the distance turned into a forest.

A single thought changes the world and establishes the order of heaven and earth.

Feeling this powerful power, Cui Yu was filled with confusion: The way of heaven is so powerful, in his world, who can defeat the way of heaven? What incredible level of practice has the saint and ancestor Hongjun who can fight against the way of heaven reached? ?”

Countless thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's heart, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Too strong!

Then the next moment Cui Yu opened his eyes and his consciousness returned to his physical body, he saw Qi Lingchan sitting cross-legged on the eight-treasure lotus pond, making seals in his hands, and immeasurable Buddha light emitting from his body. The Buddha light dispersed into the void and seemed to be connected to the entire Lingshan Holy Land.

At this time, Cui Yu practiced the supreme magical power of opening the sky with one thought. Looking at Qi Lingchan's movements, his heart suddenly moved slightly. He raised his head and looked at the sky above his head, and saw that Qi Lingchan's Buddha's light seemed to be infecting the entire Lingshan Holy Land. As long as Qi Lingchan's Buddha's light spreads throughout the entire Lingshan Holy Land, Qi Lingchan will completely refine the entire Lingshan Holy Land.

The six-character mantra sticker on his body was still shining with light, suppressing his body.

The Six-Character Mantra Sticker is a big trouble. My strength is too weak. Even the Six-Character Mantra Sticker cannot be usurped. If I have enough foundation and usurp the Six-Character Mantra Sticker, I will definitely be able to soar into the sky. Cui Yuqing Sigh lightly.

Cui Yu has the ultimate inner golden body, and he can withstand the power of gods and Buddhas by usurping the Six-Character Mantra Sticker. The key is what if the fragments of the gods and Buddhas' true spirits come across time and space?

You will definitely die a good death by then!

Looking at the magical powers all over his body, Cui Yu couldn't think of a way to apply the six-character mantra. Now the only way is to mobilize the power of the saint.

Although his own magical powers have evolved in combination, the power he deserves is still there.

Within Cui Yu's chaos, the golden sacred eyes opened. The next moment, a saint's power descended and poured into the six-character mantra sticker behind Cui Yu.

Then Cui Yu's heart suddenly moved, and he was inexplicably connected to the six-character mantra sticker. Then the six-character mantra sticker flew away from behind Cui Yu, fell directly into the Dharma Realm, and was held in the sacred hand.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu was dumbfounded. He never expected that his magical power could actually remove the six-character mantra.

Cui Yu was stunned, but he didn't know that Qi Lingchan, who was above the lotus platform, almost collapsed: My six-character mantra sticker! My six-character mantra sticker! How can you take away my six-character mantra sticker? How can you master it? Where’s the six-character mantra sticker?”

Qi Lingchan's voice was full of shock, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Cui Yu smiled after hearing what the other party said.

The whole person smiled happily: Why can't I master the six-character mantra sticker?

Qi Lingchan looked gloomy and stared at Cui Yu with his eyes: You have so many hidden methods, which really surprises us.

Of course, the most unexpected thing for us is that you have mastered the legendary Zhuxian Sword! I am very curious, who are you, and you have mastered so many incredible methods. Qi Lingchan looked at Cui Yu and asked first sentence.

Which monk in the prehistoric world are you from? I have never heard of anyone who can master the treasures of Buddhism and Taoism. Qi Lingchan was really confused now.

In his eyes, Cui Yu's whole body was now shrouded in a layer of fog, covering Cui Yu so that people couldn't see clearly.

Does it matter who I am? Now that we are at odds with each other, who I am doesn't seem to matter anymore, right? Cui Yu asked.

It will take a lot of time for Qi Lingchan to regain control of the Holy Land of Lingshan. At least in thousands of years, Cui Yu has enough time to prepare.

It's really not important anymore. Qi Lingchan sat cross-legged on the twelfth-grade golden lotus: Now as long as you promise me to hand over the book of life and death and withdraw from the Holy Land of Lingshan, the grievances between you and me can be wiped out. I'll walk on your Yangguan Road, and I'll walk on my single-plank bridge, so we won't interfere with each other.

You want to kill me, but now you can't kill me but you want to explain to me, and you want me to hand over my life and death certificate and exit the Holy Land of Lingshan. Aren't you kidding me? Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of sneer.

So what? Qi Lingchan sat high on the lotus platform: Now that the overall situation has been settled, the Holy Land of Lingshan is destined to fall into my hands. How can you still make waves? Unless you can break through the twelfth grade The defense of the golden lotus pulled me off the twelfth-grade golden lotus. No matter who you are, as long as you sit on the twelfth-grade golden lotus and master the power of the twelfth-grade golden lotus, you can become the master of this world. This twelfth-grade golden lotus is The key hub of the dream world. Unfortunately, this is the world after countless tribulations, and the person who can break my twelve-grade Golden Lotus has not yet been born. If you withdraw now, that's it. Otherwise, wait until I am completely refined. The twelfth-grade Golden Lotus has mastered the entire Holy Land of Lingshan and gathered the origin of the saint. By then it will be too late for you to leave.

Cui Yu glanced at Qi Lingchan, who was sitting on the lotus platform. He looked like a Buddha with his immortal aura, but Cui Yu always suspected that he was not a saint at all, but was made by the soul of life and death. hidden.

Twelve-grade golden lotus? I really want to try! Who said that if you enter the lotus platform, others will have no chance? You don't remember how I sent you to the lotus platform before, right? Cui Yu said Asked.

Haha, that's because I suppressed that bastard's power with the Six-Character Mantra Sticker, and also used the Buddha Kingdom in my Palm to suppress the opponent, which weakened the power of the Twelve-Rank Golden Lotus. Now you have no assistant, and I still have With the blessing of the power of the world, why do you fight with me? Qi Lingchan looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: The twelfth-grade golden lotus is the ultimate defense in the world. Even if you have the Zhuxian Sword, you will never be able to break it. My twelve-grade golden lotus. Of course, if you can gather a complete Four Swords Formation of Zhu Xian, I will naturally retreat and let you sit on this lotus platform.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this: You are too full of words. Who will sit down depends on everyone's ability.

The next moment Cui Yu came to the twelfth-grade golden lotus, he saw layers of light bursting out from the twelfth-grade golden lotus, blocking Cui Yu from the lotus platform.

Qi Lingchan was also staring at Cui Yu at this time. He wanted to see what Cui Yu was capable of, and he dared to break open the twelve-grade golden lotus and kick him off the lotus platform.

Cui Yu stretched out his hand to touch the light pillar of the lotus platform. The next moment, the lotus platform buzzed, and the light pillar burst out with an extremely powerful force, directly knocking Cui Yu over.

Fortunately, Cui Yu had an inner gold body to protect him, so the counterattack from the Twelve-Rank Lotus Platform could not stop him.

Cui Yu steadied his body and looked at the lotus platform in front of him with serious eyes: What a twelve-grade golden lotus.

The next moment, Zhen Shui Wuxiang activated.

My own True Water Wuxiang can even pass through the power of time, let alone the twelfth-grade golden lotus barrier in front of me?

With Cui Yu's magical powers, it turned out that Cui Yu was too confident.

I saw the twelfth-grade golden lotus burst out with a bright light and flew out from Cui Yuban again.

Qi Lingchan used his magical power to stabilize the Eight Treasure Lotus Pond and the Twelfth Grade Golden Lotus. He stared at Cui Yu with his eyes: The power of Gonggong! How is this possible! How come you have mastered the power of Gonggong again?

Hearing Qi Lingchan's words, Cui Yu smiled: What's this? I'm staring at you with wide eyes. You'll be even more surprised behind me!

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