In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 808: The Saint’s Backup

Every living creature in the Holy Land of Lingshan can be said to be a continuation of the life and consciousness of the Holy Saint. Countless thoughts were running rapidly in Cui Yu's heart.

Did Saint Jieyin really want to resurrect the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Arhats in the Spirit Mountain with the help of dreams? Is there a possibility that after Saint Jieyin fell, he wanted to avoid countless tribulations and resurrect through the evolution of his last dream? Cui Yu thought about the time when he dreamed back to the ancient times, when the Western sage asked about the future generations, and his unabashed answer, could this be cause and effect? Taking advantage of the sage's plan?

Cui Yu suddenly felt a little horrified in his heart: Could it be that every creature in the Holy Land of Lingshan represents the fallen will of the Saint?

That's not right. Qi Lingchan said at the beginning that he was being chased and accidentally broke into the Holy Land of Lingshan and obtained the inheritance of the Holy Land of Lingshan... Does it mean that Qi Lingchan lost this memory? Or is it Qi Lingchan? Lingchan's memory has been tampered with? Countless thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's heart.

But Goldfinger said Qi Lingchan was born in the Holy Land of Lingshan? Did Qi Lingchan lie? Or do you really not remember?

But now he no longer cares about exploring the truth. He is now trapped under the suppression of Relic and he needs to escape.

To be honest, he also secretly coveted the origin of the saint.


Cui Yu replied directly without thinking.

The next moment, countless golden lights flashed on the golden finger page. This time, the golden finger page took a very long time to gestate. It took more than thirty breaths before a golden light flew out of the void and fell into Cui Yu's body:

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the original power of the relic. 】

[Note: The original power of the relics is equivalent to the power of the holy path that guides the saints. 】

Then there was another stream of information flashing, pouring into Cui Yu's mind overwhelmingly, which was about the method of using the relics.

However, before Cui Yu could understand the message, the next moment his golden finger page started to flash again:

[I discovered that supernatural powers can evolve. Can I evolve? 】

Supernatural power evolution? Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this, and looked at his golden finger page. After thinking about it, he couldn't see any options for evolution.

Cui Yu didn't need to think, the next moment the golden finger page flashed, and Cui Yu had already found the answer:

[Name: Cui Yu. 】

[Talent: Usurpation. 】

[Talent: Space-time Interference]

[Divine blood: 10,000 drops. 】

[Demon God Gonggong’s blood: 40,000 drops. 】

Magical power categories:

【Adjust the birds and gather the beasts together】

[Supernatural power: Resurrection from the dead (big). 】

[Supernatural Power: Creation]

[Wonderful method: Tightening Curse. 】

[Wonderful method: nectar technique. 】

[Wonderful Method: Nailhead Seven Arrows Book]

【Three flavors of real fire】

【Transform into a canopy】

[Dragon Lock Control Technique. 】

[Reduction method (small)]

[Hidden Mind Technique]

【Mahayana Fruition Position】

[Supernatural power: Gonggong’s true form. 】

【Apotheosis of Gods on behalf of Heaven】

【God and Demon Skin】

【The power of breaking the forbidden】

【Master the Five Elements】

【Inverting Yin and Yang】

【Hidden Fetus Dharma Realm】

Magic weapon categories:

[Yin Yang Diagram]


【small world】

[Magic weapon: Dinghai Divine Pearl. 】

【Tightening Curse】

【Dragon Binding Lock】

【Pangu Chalcedony】

[Dutian Divine Thunder (Sealed. Physical strength is enough to unlock)]

【Tongtian avatar】

【Hongjun's true body】

【Three-Legged Golden Crow】

【Donghuang Bell】

【Bronze Door】

【Eye of Destruction】

【Innate Golden Body】

【Pangu Bloodline】

[Pangu's true body (prototype) - one ten thousandth completeness. )

Cui Yu looked at the golden finger page in front of him, and saw that the golden finger page began to flash. Then in Cui Yu's shocked eyes, he saw the symbols representing The Enlightenment of the Dao in Dreams, Innate Golden Body, Mahayana Dharma Seal and Relics. The four names of Sub-Origin began to flash with golden light, and then the golden finger page refreshed quickly:

[Discover magical powers that can be evolved]

[The Dharma of enlightenment in a dream + the innate golden body + the seal of Mahayana Buddhism + the origin of relics = attracting the true spirit of the saint. 】

[Note 1: This true spirit is the complete true spirit of the Holy Spirit]

[Note 2: Somewhere along the way, the guiding saint will be resurrected with the help of the true spirit, and you will have two endings. First: Surrender your body and ask Saint Jieyin to take control of your body. Get back the power in the holy realm of Lingshan. Saint Jieyin will be compassionate and reshape your body for you. Second: You have a big secret. Whether it is Pangu Chalcedony or Pangu Bloodline, they are all supreme artifacts that covet the laws of the supreme power. It is very likely that the guiding saint will extract your soul and refine it, and seize your secret. 】

Cui Yu looked at the golden finger page in front of him, and his whole body couldn't help but feel numb. His eyes were full of disbelief: What? What is this? Isn't the Saint Jieyin dead? The origin of Saint Jieyin has already been destroyed. Once it’s gone, can it still be resurrected?”

[The saint is immortal. Unless someone replaces the saint's fate, or destroys the saint's personality, the saint will never perish. 】Goldfinger answered Cui Yu’s words:

[And if you want to kill the saint, you must have the power of the Heavenly Dao level in the perfect world. The heavenly way of the world is ultimately flawed and cannot completely wipe out the saints. Unless the world returns to ruins, the fallen saint will not have time to return, and will be buried in this world forever, buried in time and space, and unable to resurrect through time and space. 】

Cui Yu was horrified when he heard this. He stared at the golden finger page in front of him with thousands of thoughts flashing: A complete true spirit of a saint. If I can master the true spirit of a saint, it will be equivalent to mastering the saint. According to the law, there will be no obstacles in front of me when it comes to the realm of a saint. As long as I improve my practice of divine power, I will be a true saint by then!

Cui Yu's heart skipped a beat, and countless greed arose in his heart.

In the next five thousand years, the Dharma-ending world will come. Can I really cultivate to the point where I can embark on the road to heaven in five thousand years?

And if I had the complete true spirit of a saint, wouldn't I be able to soar into the sky and take the exam with the answers?

Not to mention five thousand years, giving him five hundred years is enough time for him to elevate the divine blood in his body to the realm of a saint.

This is a big gamble!

You must know that this is the true spirit of the saint, which is different from the marks and true body he obtained.

Whether it is Tongtian's real body, Hongjun's real body, or even Gonggong's real body, he only stimulates the other's realm and does not have any control over the other's magical powers. It can be said that it is an empty shell with no strength. Cui Yu's Gonggong True Body is the best example. He cannot exert any magical powers of Gonggong True Body at all and can only rely on the brute force of Gonggong True Body. Shoot people.

But the true spirit of a saint is different!

That is the complete law of the saint, and you can master the saint's way.

If you use the saint's law to activate the real body mark you obtained, then...

Cui Yu simply couldn't imagine it.

Moreover, in the future, if you mobilize the saint's true body mark, you will definitely touch the power in the dark. At that time, the saint's true spirit fragments will be resurrected like Gonggong's true spirit fragments. At that time, if the saint takes away his life, What should I do?

Countless complicated thoughts were circulating in Cui Yu's heart, and he tried his best to turn his bicycle into a motorcycle. But if he fails, I am afraid he will have to confess.

What should I do? Cui Yu's eyes flickered with countless glances as he looked at his own page, hoping to find a way to restrain the saint's true spirit.

Cui Yu looked at all the magical powers in his family, and finally his eyes fell on three magical powers.

The first one is the power of destruction!

Needless to say, the power of this power of destruction. As long as your power of destruction is strong enough, even heaven can counter it.

The second Cui Yu landed on Pangu Chalcedony.

My own soul has been re-conceived by Pangu Chalcedony, and has undergone inexplicable changes in Pangu Chalcedony, transforming in an unpredictable direction. Pangu Chalcedony is a high-level power, and may be his trump card to turn things around at critical moments.

The third magical power is the Dutian Divine Evil Formation.

That's right, it's the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation!

The true spirit of the saint is only the true spirit of the saint. It is hard to say how much power it can exert. But with our unfathomable Dutian Shensha formation, we should have a chance to touch it, right? Wouldn't the whole army be wiped out as soon as they made contact?

That is the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation!

But thinking about the saint-level power of the other party, Cui Yu felt a little guilty.

My own Twelve Du Tian Shen Sha Grand Formation is the Du Tian Shen Sha Grand Formation, but it is not the ordinary Du Tian Shen Sha Grand Formation. It is true that Cui Yu refined the Dutian Divine Evil Formation, but he unintentionally refined the great terrifying divine thoughts formed after the death of the twelve ancestral witches into it.

Cui Yu didn't know how powerful that great terror was. If he hadn't been suppressed by the Pangu bloodline, I'm afraid that he, the master of the Dutian Shensha Formation, would be the first to be swallowed up by the formation and fed on the weirdness.

Cui Yu thought about it for a long time, but finally decided to take a gamble!

What is the difference between having the opportunity to obtain a complete true spirit of a saint and directly obtaining a holy status?

Unlike the real body that he had obtained through usurpation before, the real body had no power and no magical laws. But this saint's true spirit is different. It contains the operation of laws, a complete law, not power.

If the two are combined, they can complement each other.

By then, after Cui Yuzhen has completely integrated this true spirit, as long as he can continuously improve his divine blood, he will be able to continuously master the power of the saint.

Support the brave to death and starve the timid to death! Of course, although I have a backup plan, I can't be reckless. Maybe Qi Lingchan and Qi Lingchan can take advantage of the weirdness in this world, and I can use this weirdness to get rid of Qi Ling Zen, and then reveal the innate golden body, inducing this strange thing to seize my body. At that time, I will usurp the true spirit of the saint, and let the true spirit of the saint guide me to fight with the strange person. At that time, I can come out. Clean up the mess and capture these two guys. Countless thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind.

Weiwei wants to seize Qi Lingchan's body, for what reason? Just because he wanted a physical body, and it was not an ordinary physical body, Cui Yu felt that his innate golden body could satisfy him.

Cui Yu looked at the options on the Golden Finger page and said calmly: Stop evolution temporarily.

As Cui Yu's thoughts fluctuated, he saw the handwriting on the golden finger plate solidified, as if waiting for Cui Yu's choice.

Cui Yu ignored the golden finger and looked at the light of relics born in his body.

The original light of the relics comes from the relics that guide the saints, and is the original energy in the relics.

Just entering Cui Yu's body, he seemed to be aware of the dream world in Cui Yu's spiritual world, and then the next moment without Cui Yu's control, the source of the relic seemed to be attracted by Cui Yu's dream world of enlightenment, and fell directly into it. Enter Cui Yu's dream world.

Then the next moment, it dispersed in Cui Yu's dream world, turned into nothingness, and completely integrated into Cui Yu's dream world.

Outside, Cui Yu's expression suddenly changed slightly, and his eyes wandered.

He felt that his dream world had changed, and there had been an inexplicable change. It seemed that there had been some inexplicable sublimation. It seemed that there were some inexplicable things in his dream world, and the whole world became more real. . But if you ask him to explain in detail what exactly has changed in the dream world, he won't be able to tell.

But Cui Yu knew in his heart that after this pure saint origin was integrated into the dream world, the evolution of his dream world was a good thing.

It's a pity that this kind of power is too little, and I can't completely change visible to the naked eye. Cui Yu regretted in his heart, then gathered his mood, opened his eyes and looked at the relic above his head.

There are very few sources of the holy way that have been usurped, but there are enough relic sources that have been suppressed by the outside world. As long as the relics are conquered, are you afraid that there will be no source to use?

This is the relic left by the Saint to lead the way. It is round and flawless, and does not increase or destroy. It is pure and void. This relic also contains the essence of the Saint to lead the way. If I could swallow this whole What incredible changes will this relic undergo? Cui Yu looked at the relic above his head, feeling an inexplicable greed in his heart.

Cui Yuneng noticed that as he integrated into the origin of the relic, he seemed to have an inexplicable connection with the relic above his head.

However, Cui Yu did not act rashly, but swept his eyes across the black air current in front of him. Once the relic was broken, Weirdness would definitely escape.

Before I take away the relic, I need to kill this weirdo, otherwise I won't be able to escape even if I get the relic. The thoughts in Cui Yu's heart flickered.

You want to kill me? Just as Cui Yu's thoughts were turning, the black mist in front of him suddenly said.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect this strange thing to be so smart. He had just made a little murderous intention and was already noticed by the other party.

I'm just a clone now, so what if you kill me? If I were you, I would choose to join forces and kill Qi Lingchan together. By then you will have refined the origin of the saint, and I will take the opportunity to escape. , so that cooperation can benefit both sides. That strange ray of power looked at Cui Yu.

When Cui Yu heard this, thoughts flashed in his mind. He looked at the strange thing in front of him and asked, Where is your soul suppressed?

Outside the Holy Land of Lingshan. He said strangely.

Hearing this, Cui Yu looked at the strange thing in front of him and asked doubts in his heart: Since Qi Lingchan knew that you were sealed by the Six-Character Mantra, he didn't see the Six-Character Mantra. Your avatar is not a matter of the original body. Why? Can you hide it from Qi Lingchan?

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