In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 592: Taiqing Sage’s Methods

The road to heaven is the road to a saint, and even the poorest cultivation level requires the Da Luo realm to enter it. It can be said that the Daluo realm is just the threshold to embark on the road to heaven.

In the post-end Dharma era, the energy of heaven and earth finally counterattacked, ushering in a rare golden age.

Everyone got the chance to make a breakthrough one after another.

Da Luo broke through and became a quasi-sage. The quasi-sage took a crucial step by killing three corpses and directly attained enlightenment and became a saint.

Cui Yu looked at the Great Monkey Demon with his eyes, and there was a glint in his eyes.

The Ape Demon Great Sage wants to find a treasure to suppress the energy of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, but Cui Yu wants to find the whereabouts of Yu Ji and Xiang Caizhu.

The most important thing is that the origin of this small cave is hidden at the node of the road to heaven and the small world.

If you want to master this small world, you must touch the road to heaven.

The Ape Demon Great Sage looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes: Why me?

There are so many powerful people in the human race, how could it be him?

I don't think you are the kind of person who forgets his own good after seeing benefits. Cui Yu said calmly.

The Great Ape Demon raised his hand, Cui Yu stretched out his palm and clapped it with the Palm of the Ape Demon Great Sage.

The Great Monkey Demon is very thin, only about 1.3 meters tall, and looks like a skinny little monkey.

Where is the mysterious place you mentioned? The Ape Demon Great Sage looked at Cui Yu curiously, his eyes full of exploration, and a little golden light flickered.

Has the Great Sage ever heard of the Road to Heaven? Cui Yu asked.

The Road to Heaven? What is that? the Great Ape Demon asked curiously.

Seeing that he had never heard of the Great Sage of the Ape Demon, Cui Yu did not explain too much. Instead, he made a hand and chanted a mantra. The next moment, he activated his earth escape technique and disappeared directly from the surface.

If he didn't have the Earth Escape Technique, it would be really difficult for him to find the entrance to the Heavenly Road in this world.

Seeing Cui Yu disappear, the Ape Demon Great Sage turned his head and glanced at the ancestral dragon skeleton behind him. The next moment, he disappeared out of thin air, following Cui Yu.

The two of them came all the way to the center of the earth, and saw red light rolling in the center of the earth, and the magma was scorching hot.

Cui Yu stood outside the magma in the center of the earth, scanning the entire earth's magma, and finally found a cave on a wall.

Cui Yu used his escape technique and flew away, landing in the cave. From a distance, he saw bright night pearls in the cave, illuminating the entire cave with brilliant lights.

At the cave, there is a portal and a simple stone door carved.

Is this the mysterious place you mentioned? The Great Ape Demon followed closely, curiously looking at the stone gate in front of him.

Cui Yu ignored the words of the Ape Demon Great Sage, but his eyes fell on the stone door. A pool of golden-red blood was particularly dazzling.

Xiang Caizhu! Cui Yu had the magical power to bring back the dead, and he noticed at a glance that the pool of blood was Xiang Caizhu's blood.

The divine blood he created for Xiang Caizhu, could he not be aware of Xiang Caizhu's aura?

It can be said that no one in the world knows Xiang Caizhu's aura better than him.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of seriousness: How did Xiang Caizhu find the entrance to the Road to Heaven? So what about Xiang Caizhu's traces? Who forced Xiang Caizhu to flee into the Road to Heaven?

Cui Yu's heart skipped a beat. He could imagine that Xiang Caizhu had definitely met a formidable enemy and an irresistible opponent.

Is it possible that someone in the Seven Kingdoms forced Xiang Caizhu to this point? Cui Yu's eyes were full of disbelief.

He felt that it was impossible for anyone in this world to force Xiang Caizhu to such an extent.

The Ape Demon Great Sage also came over, his eyes looked at the blood on the ground, and then looked at Cui Yu: Do you know him?

Cui Yu nodded, stared at the blood carefully for a while, and then came to the stone gate and looked at the ancient stone gate: Don't underestimate this stone gate. No one in the world can shake this stone gate.

It's just a stone gate. How can it be as strong as you said? The Great Ape Demon does not believe in evil, and his eyes are full of curiosity.

Cui Yu looked at the Ape Demon Monkey King, and the next moment he saw the Monkey Demon Monkey King suddenly take action and punch the stone door. The iron fist of the Monkey Demon Great Sage could shake the mountains, but it could not touch the stone gate.

Isn't it possible? The Ape Demon Great Sage was shocked. Is there anything in this world that he can't shake?

Cui Yu ignored the Great Sage of the Ape Demon. The next moment he put his hands on the door, and then the magic power in his body began to circulate, and a magic formula was pinched.

As Cui Yu performed his magic trick, the stone door suddenly twisted, and a pair of unicorns appeared on it.

Qilin glanced at the two of them, and the next moment he suddenly opened his mouth and engulfed them.

Don't show off your power, evildoer! The ape demon great sage looked at the charging Qilin and was about to take out his iron rod to fight.

Cui Yu quickly grabbed the Ape Demon Monkey King and said, Don't resist, come with me.

The Ape Demon Great Sage glanced at Cui Yu and stopped in time. The next moment, both of them were swallowed by the Qilin.

The two of them felt their eyes blur, and then they came to another world.

gloomy sky

The ground is also withered and yellow.

Where is this? the Great Ape Demon asked curiously.

The front end of the Road to Heaven, to be precise, we haven't entered the Road to Heaven yet. Cui Yu said.

If the road to heaven is a train, then the two of them have just arrived outside the train station and are still some distance away from entering the train station.

The world is gray and it turns out to be a small world.

Strange laws circulate in the small world, and the order of the entire world is somewhat strange and indescribably weird.

The two of them are still in the Great Thousand World. The current small world is just a passage in the Great Thousand World, a passage leading to the world barrier.

This place seems to be a piece of yellow sand, but it contains the 'Taiqing Liangyi Dust Formation'. This formation was set up by the saint and contains 'life', 'death', 'disillusionment', 'destruction' and 'stem' Kun, micro, dust, and other eight changes, if you are not careful, you will die. Cui Yu carefully looked at the yellow sand world in front of him.

Cui Yu had seen this place in Zulong's memory fragments, and was no stranger to the Liangyi Formation.

The Taiqing Liangyi Dust Formation was deployed in response to the weirdness of this world, specifically to stifle the weirdness of this world.

In the vast world, there is the blessing of the chaotic and twisted heaven, and the people of the prehistoric era are not those strange opponents. But if the wilderness comes out, those weird things will be like a little brother to the saint with one punch.

The saint is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, who adapts to the rules of chaos, and is by no means comparable to those of the creatures in the world.

The road to heaven is close to the barrier of the world, and a powerful person from the ancient world took action, subverting the nearby rules of heaven, hiding the entrance in the cave world, and isolating the exploration of the will of the world.

Saint? The Ape Demon Great Sage said in surprise: The methods of a mere saint are nothing to be afraid of. Let alone the methods of a saint, even if the saint comes, I will kill the ancestor with a stick.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this, knowing that the Great Monkey Demon had misunderstood. The saint he was talking about was not the same species as the saints in the world.

The Great Sage is wrong. The saint I am talking about is not the saint of our world. Cui Yu replied.

Our world? Apart from our world, are there other worlds? The Great Monkey Demon is indeed a monkey spirit, and he quickly grasped the key point.

Cui Yu said with a smile: The saint I am talking about is the Hunyuan Wuji Saint.

The Ape Demon Great Sage didn't understand, so Cui Yu patiently explained: The Great Sage's current realm is the Golden Imperial Realm. In another world, it is called the Golden Immortal.

Sure enough, there is another world? There is also a golden immortal? The Great Ape Demon seemed to have heard the exciting news, his eyes were full of ecstasy.

It was as if the people on earth had discovered clues to aliens. The excitement was indescribable.

Beyond the Golden Immortal, there is Tai Yi. That is the realm of the tomb keeper. Cui Yu said.

Taiyi? Is their realm Taiyi? Is the highest realm that breaks through the Golden Emperor Taiyi? This is the first time that the Monkey Demon Great Sage clearly knows about the mysterious and unpredictable supreme realm.

Beyond Taiyi, there is a realm called Daluo. And above Daluo, there is the 'Hunyuan Wuji', also called: saint. A saint is immortal, has no cause and effect, and is free from all calamities. Immortal. With the power of heaven in hand, it is as if heaven has descended upon him, making people irresistible. Cui Yu looked at the Ape Demon Great Sage.

Heaven! The Great Ape Demon suddenly exclaimed: You are talking about the monster 'Heaven'!

Heaven is supreme. Is there any cultivator who can compete with heaven? The eyes of the Monkey Demon Great Sage were full of disbelief.

That’s ‘heaven’! The supreme heaven!

Cui Yu knew the Heaven mentioned by the Ape Demon Great Sage. Heaven was mysterious and possessed elusive power. Cui Yu had never really fought against Heaven and could not judge the realm of Heaven.

I don't know what realm of heaven you are talking about, but the saints I know are saints who have achieved Hunyuan. They have endured for thousands of eons without being worn out, and are not stained by cause and effect. They always exist with heaven and coexist with Tao. The sage is omniscient and omnipotent. The sage is the Tao. The sage understands all things and the vast world. He sees the past, present and future in his eyes, and plays time and space, birth and death, and reincarnation in his palms. As soon as his thoughts move, the way of heaven will change. Infinite and limitless, without birth or destruction, it returns to the void of silence, can be gathered or dispersed, does not arise or die, is indestructible for all eons, transcends time and space, causes and effects do not touch its body, swims outside things, does not take the reincarnation of time and space as its basis, and exists forever. .”

At this point, Cui Yu said the most classic words from his previous life: Below the saints, all are ants.

All saints are just ants? The Ape Demon Great Sage suddenly trembled, his eyes were full of fear, and his eyes were full of awe and yearning.

Is there really such a terrifying great monk in the world? The voice of the Ape Demon Great Sage was filled with trembling.

Although it was a question, there was no doubt in his heart, because when he mentioned the idea of ​​a saint in his mind, there seemed to be an inexplicable force sensing it, confirming what he was thinking.

His ancient blood was boiling, and he was constantly fearful, secretly telling him: stay away from the saint! Revere the saint!

He thought that his own blood was terrifying enough, but he didn't expect that the legendary saint would cause the dead person in his body to still be filled with instinctive fear.

Even though he is dead, he is still afraid, which shows how terrifying he is.

The space in front of you was created by the saint. Cui Yu said with a smile.

Hearing Cui Yu's words, the eyes of the Monkey Demon Great Sage were full of heat: It's really hard to imagine what kind of cultivation the saint has and what kind of power he has. Whether we can hope to break through the wonderful realm of the saint in this life.

Before he finished speaking, the aura of the Great Monkey Demon suddenly boiled in his body, and his whole body's energy and spirit underwent an extreme transformation, stepping into the legendary Taiyi realm.

Cui Yu couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the ape demon great sage who had broken through into the Taiyi realm, with his mighty momentum soaring into the sky.

Isn’t Jinchi the limit of this world? How did the other party break through the limit and reach the Taiyi realm?

There are saints here who have blocked the way of heaven in the world and temporarily blocked the shackles of the world, so this monkey can break through. Chi You's voice rang in Cui Yu's ears.

I broke through? I broke through? I actually broke through the shackles of the limit and broke through to the Taiyi realm? The monkey demon great sage raised his head to the sky and shook the world with his roar, his voice full of disbelief.

Oops! Control your breath quickly! Cui Yu suddenly thought of something and shouted quickly.

It's a pity it's too late.

The Monkey Demon Great Sage had already alerted the Taiqing Liangyi dust formation. Suddenly, the four seasons of the sky and the earth changed, and the yellow sand in the sky changed, turning into a piece of white snow. The two came to the world of ice and snow.

White snowflakes fell from the sky, exuding an extremely cold air, and the void seemed to freeze wherever it passed.

You monkey have gotten into a big trouble. This place is a great formation refined by a saint, shielding the shackles of the world, so you can break through the limit and enter the realm of Taiyi. But... you also alarmed Taiqing Liangyi We are in big trouble with the dust formation. Cui Yu panicked, and without saying a word, he quickly used the Dinghai Divine Pearl to cover his whole body.

The twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls shone brightly, covering Cui Yu tightly. All snowflakes approaching the Dinghai Divine Pearls were absorbed by the space inside the Dinghai Divine Pearls.

The Ape Demon Great Sage looked at Cui Yu's Dinghai Divine Bead, his eyes straightened, and he couldn't help but wiped his eyes vigorously: I'm afraid I saw it wrong, right? Isn't there only one Dinghai Divine Pearl? ? How come you have twenty-four? Am I possessed by something crazy and invaded by random thoughts?

The eyes of the Monkey Demon Great Sage were filled with disbelief, thinking that when he broke through to the highest realm, he had fallen into the illusion of the inner demon.

There cannot be twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls, so the Dinghai Divine Pearls are fake! The Golden Imperial Realm between heaven and earth is the limit. How can I break the shackles and step into the legendary realm?

It is very possible that his own cultivation level is also fake!

Everything is fake!

Ever since he passed through the stone gate, he had fallen into an illusion and was directly attacked.

What a good opportunity! This monkey breaks through in a hurry and has an unstable Taoist mind. It's a good time for me to take action. Xin Yuan looked at the self-doubting monkey and was immediately overjoyed. He rushed over without saying a word.

This is your opportunity!

Monkey. The Heart Ape directly evolved into the illusion and enveloped the Monkey Demon Monkey King.

To be honest, it is almost impossible to shake the state of mind of a powerful person in the Taiyi realm.

But at this time, the monkey demon great sage fell into self-doubt, but gave Xin Yuan the best chance.

It was a godsend.

In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

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