In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 588 The source of strangeness

Cui Yu was thoughtful when he heard this. When he usurped the 'Three Corpse Insects' before, Goldfinger had introduced that the source of the Three Corpse Insects' birth was a true dragon body.

After the death of the real dragon, the three corpse worms inside the body underwent a strange mutation, and actually combined with the maggots on the real dragon's body, turning into a brand new, terrifying monster that had never appeared in the world.

After hearing Tang Zhou's words, Cui Yu turned his head and glanced at the group of people following closely in the distance, and continued to move forward the next moment.

Although the space cracks are terrifying, for Cui Yu, they are like a beacon, constantly avoiding the space cracks along the way. Cui Yu's methods really made Li Si and others dumbfounded and their eyelids twitched.

Along the way, corpse insects kept appearing, but they were all collected by Cui Yu and turned into parts of Cui Yu's clones.

Cui Yu strolled, with a hint of thought in his eyes.

The most terrifying thing in this bloody sea ruins is the Three Corpse Insects. Even if there is a strange birth in the sea of ​​​​blood, facing the terrifying three zombies, the lifespan will be sucked away by the three zombies for countless years.

There are no strange things in the blood sea ruins, only three zombies.

To all sentient beings, the Three Corpse Insects are the most bizarre and evil things in the world.

Once contaminated, it will become one with your essence and spirit, asking you if you are afraid?

Except Cui Yu, no one is not afraid.

Even the lives in those space passages were devoured by the Three Corpse Insects, and the entire Blood Sea ruins became terrifying and gloomy.

Cui Yu opened a safe passage for everyone along the way, and everyone followed him cautiously.

Half a quarter of an hour later, suddenly there was a wind blowing between the sky and the earth, and the blood-red sand covered the sky and turned into an earth-shattering sandstorm. The overwhelming sandstorm was so fierce that the whole world was blown into a bright red, and no one could be seen outside Mi Xu.

This sand is already considered a treasure. Cui Yu felt the overwhelming red sand and threw himself directly on the ground, wrapping his head with his clothes.

The sea of ​​​​blood dried up, and all the filth in the sea of ​​​​blood merged into the river bed. Of course, the mud also merged into the filth in the sea of ​​​​blood.

This thing is the most restrained spirit, and it pollutes the three souls and seven souls of a person. It can be said that in this blood-red wind and sand, the monk's three souls and seven souls cannot leave the body at all, nor can they sense the power of the outside world, and all connections with the entire world are cut off.

If a monk cannot use his soul to sense heaven and earth, he cannot use the power of heaven and earth, and of course he cannot exert power that cannot shake the world.

Even the vitality between heaven and earth was polluted by the red sand.

Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of thought: Fortunately, there are no terrifying things in the Blood Sea Ruins, otherwise we would have suffered a big loss.

The Three Corpse Insects are too terrifying. As long as they are in a life form, they cannot escape the poisonous hands of the Three Corpse Insects. Weirdness is also hard to escape the evil hand!

Cui Yu actually still had a doubt in his mind: how did such a terrifying three-corpse insect come into being?

What kind of existence could give birth to such a terrifying thing as the Three Corpse Insects.

The sandstorm filled the sky, blowing Cui Yu's clothes to pieces. The blood-red sand particles hit Cui Yu's exposed skin, as if being burned by fireworks, and a little scar appeared.

What a terrifying evil power. Cui Yu's eyes were full of seriousness, which was the corrosive power of the blood sea attached to the red gravel, constantly attacking the skin.

This is Cui Yu's skin-protecting body. The people in the distance are even more embarrassed. At this time, one by one uses magical powers to protect the body.

A three-foot legal domain formed around Li Si, and all the red gravel was blocked from the legal domain. The Dharma Realm protected Zhao Siyue and Zhao Mingzhu from being invaded by the blood-red sand in the sky.

The group from the Han Dynasty was even simpler. They saw the power of the Three Talents flashing around Wang Yanchun, and all the wind and sand that came close fell into the Three Talents Formation, adding a touch of power to the Three Talents Formation.

As for the Great Monkey Demon, he simply stood there expressionless, letting the red sand blow by and resting with his eyes closed, but the power of the red sand was not affected at all.

Looking at Tang Zhou next to him, he was now wrapped in a turtle shell, and his whole body was shrinking into the turtle shell.

Red sand filled the sky, and Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of worry: I don't know if Yu Ji can stop such terrifying red sand.

Cui Yu's Pangu bloodline was flowing in his body, but he had nothing to do under the yellow sand anyway, so he simply used Pangu's bloodline to comprehend the Five Elements Escape Technique.

Although the red sand falling on Cui Yu's skin will corrode Cui Yu's skin, Cui Yu can repair the corrosive power of the red sand with just a little rain.

The red sand covered the ground and lasted all day and night before it stopped.

After taking a look at everyone, there was nothing serious. Everyone is the top powerhouse in the Golden Imperial Realm, and they are not immune to the yellow sand. The mere yellow sand can't help them at all.

Cui Yu continued on his way, looking for Yu Ji's path as he walked.

After walking another two hundred miles, Cui Yu paused and looked into the distance with horror.

In the long yellow sand, in the red world, a skeleton stands tall and proud in the red sand, exuding evil energy.

The frame is very high, as much as ten thousand feet tall.

That's a dragon-shaped skeleton. Cui Yu looked at the dragon-shaped skeleton with a solemn look in his eyes.

The skeleton is hundreds of miles long and is as crystal clear as jade. It seems to be an aesthetic jade stone, standing tall in the red world and becoming the only embellishment of the red world.

Be careful, that's the source of terror. All the real dragon maggots came out of that skeleton. Tang Zhou whispered in Cui Yu's ear.

The skeleton is ten thousand feet high and hundreds of miles long. It looks like a city from a distance.

You mean the real dragon maggots flowed down from the skeleton? Cui Yu looked at the skeleton with surprise in his eyes.

He didn't feel any evil power on the skeleton.

The atmosphere in the venue was serious, and everyone looked at the skeleton with cautious expressions. Even the Ape Demon Great Sage took out the Dinghai Divine Needle at this time and quietly waited for Cui Yu to make a move.

Where is the Ancient Dragon Palace? With this skeleton blocking the road, why don't we go around it? Cui Yu asked curiously.

The Ancient Dragon Palace is sealed in the skeleton. Zhao Siyue said.

Sealed in the skeleton? Where? Cui Yu asked in surprise.

He opened his eyes and looked again and again, seeing the skeleton clearly inside and out, but it was difficult to detect any precious light in the skeleton.

Are you sure that the East China Sea Dragon Palace is inside the skeleton? Cui Yu asked doubtfully.

We have gone in before, and there seems to be a world hidden in the skeleton. Yu Ji was also left behind in the skeleton. Zhao Siyue stepped forward, looking at the distant skeleton with a pair of eyes, a hint of embarrassment in her eyes.

Hearing this, Cui Yu frowned. The moment he saw the skeleton, he always felt inexplicably uneasy.

How did you cross the sea of ​​insects and come here? Cui Yu asked.

We came here, entered the skeleton, and suddenly woke up the sleeping insect sea, and then were chased out. Zhao Mingzhu answered from the side.

Cui Yu glanced at Zhao Mingzhu and saw that this girl was very similar to his wife, Zhao Cailun.

Because of Zhao Cailun's unkindness, Cui Yu had a bad impression of the entire Zhao family.

Cui Yu looked at the skeleton in front of him and observed it thoughtfully for a while. He always felt that the skeleton seemed to be a living thing, but there was no evidence.

Let's go. You won't know until you go and see what kind of horror is inside. Cui Yu's eyes showed a trace of evil spirit, and he wanted to rescue Yu Ji despite the mountains and seas of fire ahead.

Cui Yu kept walking, carefully observing the skeleton along the way, but he had already arrived in front of the skeleton in half a day.

Looking at the dragon bone with its big mouth open, Cui Yu glanced thoughtfully, always feeling that the dragon's mouth could close at any time and swallow him in.

Cui Yu's body was light, his feet stepped on jade-like bones, and he walked along the mandible towards the dragon's mouth.

The dragon's head is very big, covering a radius of ten miles.

When Cui Yu walked into the throat, he suddenly stopped and lowered his head to look at the reverse scale at the throat.

A piece of reverse scale chaotic energy lingers, and the innate Tao charm on it has not dissipated, and it looks very mysterious.

Is this Ni Lin? Cui Yu paused: What a treasure, why don't you get it?

Ni Lin is a good treasure. There is no reason for everyone to be indifferent after seeing Ni Lin and miss the treasure like this.

The Ni Lin was guarded by true dragon maggots, as well as terrifying flames. Someone tried to take Ni Lin away before, but suffered a big loss. Zhao Siyue introduced.

Cui Yu glanced at Ni Lin, and the next moment he activated his escape technique, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Ni Lin.

The reverse scale is lifelike, with the energy of chaos lingering, and there is a layer of natural innate texture on the surface.

Cui Yu looked at Ni Lin and turned to look at everyone: You don't want this treasure? Do you want me if you don't want it?

The Ape Demon Great Sage was silent and looked at Ni Lin with some fear.

Corpse Ancestor remained silent and subconsciously distanced himself from Cui Yu.

Li Si saw Cui Yu's actions and became a little anxious: Boy, don't do this nonsense. If another disaster is caused, wouldn't it be harmful to everyone? Just bring everyone into the legendary East China Sea Dragon Palace. Don't give birth to more children. trouble.

Cui Yu glanced at Li Si, and then at Ni Lin. He always felt that Ni Lin seemed a little strange.


Not quite!

Anyway, it's very unique.

It's as if this reverse scale is alive.

Cui Yu stared at Ni Lin for a while, but after all, he made no move. Yu Ji has not been found yet, so it is not appropriate to cause more trouble.

Cui Yu continued to walk forward, but when he passed the throat, the space suddenly became distorted, and the light in front of him dimmed, as if he had entered a unique world.

A very empty world.

It is ten miles in diameter, with yellow sand all over the entire small world, and not a single blade of grass grows in the small world.

Tang Zhou and others also followed: This is it! This is the source of the True Dragon Maggot.

Before Tang Zhou could speak, Cui Yu had already noticed something unusual. He saw the yellow sand on the ground twisting for a while, and the next moment all the yellow sand turned into bright red three corpse insects.


When everyone entered here, they were directly affected by the illusion!

Where is the yellow sand here?

It was clearly overwhelming, with an unknown number of three corpse insects.

At this time, the Three Corpse Insects had wrapped themselves around the soles of everyone's feet, and were climbing up along their ankles, heading towards their thighs.

Run! Tang Tuesday turned around and ran without saying a word.

Of course, a small space could not stop a great monk like Tang Zhou.

Not only Tang Zhou was running, but Zhao Siyue and Zhao Mingyue were also running.

Li Si's magic interface was ineffective against the three corpse insects, and Li Si turned away in fright, like a frightened rabbit.

Not only his own group, but the Ape Demon Great Sage had also disappeared long ago, and the Corpse Ancestor and others also ran out one after another.

Only Cui Yu stood quietly, watching the overwhelming three corpse insects coming in. The dragon insect transformation came out, and all the three corpse insects entered Cui Yu's clone like a thousand rivers returning to their clan.


A shrill cry rang out, and all the corpse insects retreated from Cui Yu's body like a tide, and then burrowed into the yellow sand one after another, disappearing without a trace.

Listening to the roar, Cui Yu's brows twitched: Is there spiritual intelligence? Impossible. How can the Three Corpse Insects be intelligent?

Cui Yu continued to walk in the yellow sand. The three corpse insects trembled and trembled wherever he passed, and were absorbed by Cui Yu.

He didn't know how long he had been walking, but just when Cui Yu was getting impatient, his eyes suddenly shone brightly, and an endless crystal palace appeared in front of him.

The Crystal Palace was covered by a blue light. Cui Yu looked at the blue light with a look of surprise in his eyes.

In front of the blue light mask, there is a huge stone tablet with ancient words: Crystal Palace.

The Dragon Palace of the East China Sea is not in the water, but here.

There is a river surrounding the entire Crystal Palace.

Luofu Weak Water. Cui Yu mastered Gonggong's real body and could see the origin of the water flow at a glance. This was clearly the legendary Luofu Weak Water.

Cui Yu's mind was spinning, and he had found all the information about Weak Shui from Gonggong's power.

The term weak water comes from the Classic of Mountains and Seas. The Book of Mountains and Seas records: There is water in the north of Kunlun, but its power cannot beat mustard, so it is called weak water.

Records of Ten Continents in the Sea·Fenglinzhou says: Fenglinzhou is located in the center of the West Sea. It is 1,500 miles away. The island is surrounded by weak water on all sides. It cannot be crossed even if a feather does not float.

Weak water cannot withstand any force.

With weak water guarding the East China Sea Dragon Palace, it can be said to be absolutely safe.

Unless you enter through the gate, no monk, no matter what escape method you master, can never hope to cross the weak water.

Cui Yu looked at the gate of the Crystal Palace in front of him. The gate was three hundred feet high, like the legendary Dragon Gate.

On the gate, there are wonderful sculptures and carvings, and countless ancient ancient characters flash.

The door of the Crystal Palace is not an entity, but a blue light curtain.

Even the blue light curtain is somewhat transparent, and the East China Sea Dragon Palace behind the gate can be vaguely seen.

On the blue light screen, there was a divine dragon swimming. The divine dragon opened its mouth and stared at Cui Yu eagerly.

Cui Yu looked at the dragon in front of him and its open mouth, thoughtfully.

The next moment, Cui Yu kicked him out. With the force of one hundred and eight thousand kilograms, coupled with the method of achieving enlightenment through strength, not even a single ripple came out of the kick.

Seeing that there was no one in the Crystal Palace, Cui Yu pulled out the seven-star sword, poured divine power into it, and slashed through it the next moment.


Sparks were flying everywhere, and the Seven-Star Sword was bitten by the dragon's head. The dragon's head glared at Cui Yu and swallowed the Seven-Star Sword in one gulp.

The gate of the Dragon Palace was not opened, but a seven-star sword was given as a reward.

In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

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