Cui Yu glanced at Tang Zhou and was a little surprised. He didn't know what kind of terror it was that frightened Tang Zhou like this.

What's in it? Cui Yu asked carefully without being careless.

Cui Yu's voice was calm. He now had the means to deal with those big horrors, and at least saving his life was no problem.

The confidence for all this comes from his own power of destruction and the true form of Gonggong.

Although Gonggong Zhenshen has various side effects, it is really useful.

Sea of ​​blood! Endless sea of ​​blood! Tang Zhou's body seemed to be trembling when he talked about the sea of ​​blood.

Sea of ​​blood? Cui Yu was stunned, and a figure appeared in his mind. The Blood Demon God recently ran away and disappeared without a trace.

Cui Yu kept walking and continued walking. After a while, Cui Yu suddenly stopped and looked at the corner wall. A familiar hairpin came into view.

That's Xiang Caizhu's hairpin.

Xiang Caizhu's hairpin appears here, and many things do not need to be explained.

Xiang Caizhu not only entered the small cave, but also entered the road to the sky. Cui Yu took a breath.

He couldn't figure out why, since Xiang Caizhu had already escaped pursuit after entering the small world, why did he still want to enter the Road to Heaven?

Moreover, the gate to the Road to Heaven is closed. How did Xiang Caizhu enter the passage?

There are two ways of thinking. The first is that Xiang Caizhu got into it through unknown means. In the second type, Xiang Caizhu took advantage of the chaos and sneaked into the cave after everyone opened it.

Either way, it is not good news for Cui Yu.

How much do you know about the Road to Heaven? Cui Yu asked Chi You.

The Road to Heaven is divided into three parts. The first part is the passage within the world. The second part is after passing through the world barrier, a small space attached to the world barrier, which is the front end of the real Road to Heaven. It can be used for people to rest and observe and feel the power of chaos. The third part is the real road to the sky. If you don't pay attention, you will get lost in the chaos. Chi You replied: I can't remember the rest.

We are now in the world, which is equivalent to the first part of the road to heaven? Cui Yu asked.

The first part is not counted yet. Now is the node between the small world and the first part. We are only in the cave world and have not yet set foot on the front end of the road to heaven. Chi You replied.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard this. He walked to the wall and took the hairpin in his hand: I really want to know what Xiang Caizhu went through before he died. Who pushed Xiang Caizhu into despair?

Cui Yu lowered his head and looked at the hairpin, and saw that the hairpin was stained with traces of dried blood. It was obvious that Xiang Caizhu encountered a powerful opponent, forcing Xiang Caizhu to hide in the Road to Heaven.

There was a murderous intent in Cui Yu's eyes, the other party had forced Xiang Caizhu into a desperate situation!

Cui Yu's pace quickened, and Tang Zhou and others immediately followed after seeing this.

I didn't see any trace of Xiang Caizhu in front of me at all. Tang Zhou said in Cui Yu's ear.

Cui Yu didn't say anything, just kept on walking.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, when Cui Yu was feeling a little tired, more than thirty dark caves suddenly appeared in front of him.

The passage has reached the end, with only more than thirty caves blocking everyone's path.

Zhao Siyue looked at the dark cave with her eyes, then turned to look at the crowd, with a questioning look in her eyes: These thirty-six caves are thirty-six roads. No matter which road leads to it, it will lead to a pool of blood in the end. The sea world will eventually face the legendary horror.

Cui Yu looked at it carefully for a while, and then asked: Which cave did you choose before?

Tang Zhou pointed to the far left, and Zhao Siyue and others pointed to the far right.

Cui Yu's eyes swept across the black hole in front of him, and he asked Xin Yuan in his heart, and Xin Yuan didn't know. After all, the road to the sky was too mysterious, even Xin Yuan didn't know.

Cui Yu said nothing, chose one at random, and rushed in directly.

The caves are very high. Each cave is more than ten feet high and seven or eight feet wide. It looks like a cave.

The torch in Cui Yu's hand was like a dim flame in the dark night in the cave, and his whole person was swallowed up by the darkness.

The pure darkness without any light was dull and depressing.

Cui Yu casually threw the torch and inserted it directly into the bluestone slab.

This is not an ordinary torch, but a special kind of animal fat in this world. One torch is enough to burn for a month.

Moreover, this torch cannot be extinguished by the wind and has no oily smoke, so it is the favorite of the nobles.

Cui Yu paced leisurely. Whenever he came to a dim place illuminated by a torch, Cui Yu would throw it away and insert a torch into the cave.

No one knew how many torches Cui Yu had in his hand. All they saw were torches stuck on the ground. The dark cave became brighter, and the depression in his heart gradually dissipated.

How many torches have you prepared? Zhihu followed Cui Yu, looking at the torches along the way, a little frightened, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Cui Yu didn't prepare any torches, but there were still many rocks in Qiankun in his sleeves, which could be transformed into one lighting torch after another.

After walking for about ten miles, Cui Yu suddenly said: Are we almost there?

Probably. Zhihu was a little unsure.

The entrance of the stone cave became smaller, and outside the entrance of the cave, there was a golden light bursting out, and the roars and roars were earth-shattering.

Cui Yu walked out of the cave and saw a small sun in the distance, lighting up the whole world.

In fact, Zhihu was right, it was indeed an endless sea of ​​blood. A small sun above the sea of ​​blood shot out endless heat, seeming to evaporate the entire sea of ​​blood.

It was a three-legged golden crow. It was running back and forth above the blood sea, as if it wanted to break through the obstacles of the blood sea and return to the land.

The space above the blood sea seemed to be distorted. The Golden Crow was very fast and could travel thousands of miles in a snap, but it still could not fly out of the distorted space.

Countless shadows in the sea of ​​​​blood charged up and rushed toward the sun, but before they could get closer, they were turned into nothingness by the Golden Crow's true sun fire.

Countless shadows emerged from the sea of ​​​​blood in a menacing manner, rushing over one after another.

Even in the sea of ​​blood, there are still big hands covering the sky and the sun, trying to capture the Golden Crow.

But the flames of the Three-Legged Golden Crow were too domineering. They were not afraid of the big hand and flew directly over to burn it into nothingness.

Liu Bang is not dead yet? He is still struggling in the sea of ​​blood? Zhihu looked at the little sun with surprise in his eyes.

Liu Bang? Where is Liu Bang? Cui Yu asked curiously.

The sea of ​​blood is vast and has no peaks. Why didn't he see Liu Bang?

That little sun in the sky is Liu Bang. Zhihu pointed at the little sun and said.

Cui Yu's pupils shrank when he heard this: You mean, that three-legged golden crow is Liu Bang?

Three-legged Golden Crow? Is that bird called the Three-legged Golden Crow? Zhao Siyue asked curiously.

That's right. Cui Yu nodded, his eyes full of surprise: Liu Bang actually has the blood of the Three-legged Golden Crow? And he can also obtain the incarnation of the Three-legged Golden Crow?

A little haze was born in Cui Yu's heart. His relationship with Liu Bang was not very good.

Life and death enemies are not considered enemies, but they are definitely not friends.

Thousands of thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's heart, countless thoughts flashed in his mind, his eyes carefully stared at the sea of ​​blood in front of him, and then his whole body became horrified.

Where is the sea of ​​blood? It was clearly a small insect composed of countless red threads.

A dense sea of ​​real dragon maggots.

Impossible! How many great powers would have to fall here to form so many true dragon maggots? Cui Yu's eyes were full of disbelief.

He finally knew why those strong men had been tricked.

If not for a closer look in this sea of ​​blood, who would be able to identify the Three Corpse Insects?

There are so many three-corpse bugs, it’s just a joke.

No wonder those old guys fell over.

Brother, since you can master the True Dragon Maggot now, you should be able to survive this sea, right? Zhihu asked in a low voice.

Cui Yu didn't speak. The next moment, a figure walked out from behind. It was the incarnation of Cui Yu's true dragon maggot.

The incarnation was seen walking into the sea of ​​blood. The next moment, countless three corpse insects in the blood sea were restless, like thousands of streams returning to their clan, and they were rushing towards Cui Yu's dragon insect transformation incarnation.

All rivers flow back, and the sea accepts all rivers.

Cui Yu's incarnation seemed to have become the source, and all the insects rushed towards Cui Yu's incarnation one after another.

The soles of Cui Yu's incarnation are condensing into entities.

The ankle condenses into a solid body.

The internal organs are being shaped, and the meridians throughout the body are taking shape.

The bones are condensing one by one.

The internal organs are taking shape and the facial features are shaping.

The pores and hair continued to condense, and soon it turned into an identical and complete Cui Yu.

It's just that there are too many corpse worms here. Endless corpse worms are surging in, and the whole body of Cui Yu's incarnation begins to twist. A world seems to have opened up in the body of Cui Yu's incarnation, and countless corpse worms fall into it.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour.

One hour, two hours.

One day, two days.

After seven full days, the endless corpse insects completely disappeared and fell into Cui Yu's incarnation.

The next moment, Cui Yu's incarnation fell behind Cui Yu. Then Cui Yu felt the transformation of his incarnation, his eyes filled with horror.

He could feel that an endless world seemed to have opened up in his avatar's body, and countless red bugs were sleeping in the world - no, to be precise, they were transforming.

One by one, the insects transformed into strange monsters, similar to the mosquitoes that Cui Yu's three corpse insects originally transformed into.

Gathering and dispersing are immortal, gathering the vitality of all living beings. Cui Yu felt the changes, his eyes flickered inexplicably.

The Dragon-Insect Transformation may not have provided Cui Yu with particularly powerful power, but it has provided Cui Yu with an incredible ability - stealing life span.

To be precise, it is to steal the vitality of all things.

People have a lifespan, plants and trees have a lifespan, monsters have a lifespan, and gods also have a lifespan.

However, even heaven and earth will have their five periods of decline, there will be great catastrophes of the end of the Dharma, and there will also be times of destruction.

The three corpse insects can steal the vitality of all things and provide Cui Yu with immortality.

As long as there are three corpse insects in the bodies of living beings, they must be under Cui Yu's control.

His vitality will be held hostage by Cui Yu.

What's more, Cui Yu can also control the three corpse worms to parasitize the opponent's body, absorb the opponent's vitality, and even replace it and become the three corpse worms in the opponent's body.

The three corpse insects will not be destroyed, and Cui Yu will not die.

What's more, the three corpse insects can also protect Cui Yu from disaster, protect Cui Yu from disaster, and die for Cui Yu.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of shock. Stealing the vitality of all things in the world?

Even the vitality of heaven and earth can be stolen, hastening the death of heaven and earth, and hastening the arrival of immeasurable calamities. Cui Yu wanted to ask, is it true, brother?

Cui Yu didn't know whether this ability was real, but Cui Yu had seen how difficult the Three Corpse Insects were.

Countless Three Corpse Insects were taken away by Cui Yu, and Liu Bang escaped from danger and landed on the shore and turned into a human. He was breathing heavily, and his eyes were filled with horror of the aftermath of the disaster.

Looking at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes, Liu Bang's eyes were full of disbelief.

The next moment Liu Bang waved his hand, Corpse Ancestor and others appeared on the scene.

All the masters of the Han Dynasty are here.

Corpse Ancestor looked at Cui Yu with his eyes full of fear. For some reason, when he looked at Cui Yu, he always had a desire to kill him.

He recognized it. Wasn't this the kid who set fire to the coffin in the underground world?

Who is he? Corpse Ancestor lowered his voice and asked Liu Bang.

This person's name is Cui Yu, and he is a true disciple of Haoran's lineage. Cui Cancan replied. At this time, Cui Cancan stood next to Wang Yanchun with a pale face, and the eyes of the group were full of horror.

A disciple of Haoran's lineage? Corpse Ancestor looked confused. What is Haoran's lineage? How could he know?

However, he had seen Cui Yu's difficulty and his strange methods of conquering the Three Corpse Insects.

Be careful, this kid is very evil. Corpse Ancestor whispered in everyone's ears.

The Corpse Ancestor mark on Cui Yu was given by Golden Finger. The Golden Finger gave Cui Yu strong concealment. Even in front of the Corpse Ancestor, he didn't even notice the corpse spots on Cui Yu's body. He didn't know that this person was a bad person many times. The bastard who mastered his own plan.

Cui Yu glanced at everyone, but he didn't expect that Zhenwu Mountain and the Han court would get involved.

After searching the field, there were only people and horses from my own side and the Han people's side, and the rest were missing.

Where is the eldest prince? Have you ever seen the eldest prince? When Zhihu didn't see Ji Wushuang, he suddenly became anxious and asked quickly.

If Ji Wushuang died here, everyone present would not have a good life.

There seems to be a chaotic space ahead, as if it is connected to countless small worlds. If we are not careful, we will fall into it. The eldest prince Ji Wushuang has already fallen into it. Liu Bang's eyes were full of regret: When we rashly stepped into the sea of ​​​​blood and suffered from countless strange insects, I wanted to rescue His Highness, but it was already too late.

Cui Yu! Zhihu looked at Cui Yu with his eyes full of bitterness: The eldest prince cannot die! If the eldest prince dies, I'm afraid I won't survive.

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