In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 569 Mastering the Five Elements

Liu Bang actually returned to his ancestors and transformed into a three-legged golden crow. You know, no matter how weak the three-legged Golden Crow is, it is at the base of the Golden Immortal realm.

Golden Immortal is the Golden Imperial Realm of this world. Moreover, as an innate creature, Jinwu was born to hold innate authority, and was countless times more powerful than the ordinary Jinchi.

The Golden Crow is not big, only the size of a palm, but the next moment the Golden Crow distorts and transforms directly into Liu Bang's original appearance.

The bloodline has returned to its ancestors? Has the bloodline really completely returned to its ancestors? Liu Bang's eyes were full of excitement. Although he did not obtain the corpse of his ancestor in the inherited memory, it was enough for him.

Just a hint of regret rose in my heart. He just obtained the remaining blood of his ancestors, and he has already transformed into an innate divine bird, and his bloodline has completely returned to his ancestors.

How incredibly powerful would he be if he obtained the complete body of Donghuang Taiyi?

What an incredible creation must that be? Unfortunately, he looked through the entire space, but still didn't notice any traces, as if the corpses and treasures in his family's memory inheritance had never existed.

Now that I have obtained the treasure, I have to leave as soon as possible. Also, this crystal pagoda was also cast by the ancestors and is a rare treasure. I must take the treasure away as a foundation for my great Han Dynasty. Liu Bang Looking at the crystal pagoda, his eyes were full of energy.

It's just that Liu Bang didn't notice that the two teeth marks on his thighs that were bitten by the Corpse Ancestor slowly developed black corpse spots the size of rice grains.

Outside, Cui Yu woke up from a bout of back pain. He rubbed his painful neck. Cui Yu suddenly opened his eyes: Where am I?

We have escaped from the pagoda. Chi You lay in Cui Yu's shadow, playing with the Donghuang Bell in his hand, his eyes full of curiosity.

As long as you are a monk from ancient times, there is no one who has not heard of the name of Donghuang Bell, and there is no one who is not curious about Donghuang Bell.

Did you escape? Cui Yu stretched out his hand, and the Donghuang Bell flew out of Chi You's hand and landed in Cui Yu's hand.

Inside the Donghuang Bell, Cui Yu discovered Wuken Void, and a flickering star ignited the dark night. As the owner of Donghuang Bell, Cui Yu can certainly see that there is any starlight, but it is just the light emitted by Donghuang Taiyi.

The space inside the Donghuang Bell is too large, so Donghuang Taiyi looks like a starlight, completely inconspicuous.

You really did it? Cui Yu's eyes were full of surprise. He held the Donghuang Bell and looked at Taiyi's corpse inside the Donghuang Bell.

Chi You was a little proud: Of course, you don't even know who I am, ancestor. Touching the Donghuang Bell, Cui Yu felt an inexplicable sense of security in his heart, which was a security he had never felt before.

The most important thing is that Donghuang Taiyi's corpse can provide him with a lot of divine power, which is his greatest confidence.

By the way, where is the legendary Dragon Palace? After Cui Yu sent the Donghuang Bell back into the chaos to be conceived, he looked at Chi You with his eyes.

Chi You was silent for a while after hearing this, and after a long time he said: I suspect that the East China Sea Dragon Palace was crushed under that crystal tower. Chi You pointed his eyes at the crystal tower towering into the clouds.

Suppressed under the crystal tower? Did you read that correctly? Cui Yu was puzzled.

The tomb of Donghuang Taiyi is built on the Crystal Palace! We looked at it from the outside and it was a Crystal Palace, but after entering it, it turned into the tomb of Donghuang Taiyi. This is obviously abnormal. Chi You said to Cui Yu : I suspect that the Crystal Palace distorted the void and projected it onto it, covering up the tomb of Donghuang Taiyi. The Golden Crow belongs to fire, but it bathes in the East Sea. It is reasonable for Donghuang Taiyi to build his tomb on the Crystal Palace. Cui Yu heard this A pair of eyes looked at the Crystal Palace: Then how should we open the Crystal Palace?

Tear down that pagoda, Chi You said. Cui Yu looked at Chi You as if he were looking at an idiot. There are so many powerful people on the scene, and he acts in such a high profile, which is completely inconsistent with his own style.

When the time comes, if you become one of the losers, won’t you have to make wedding clothes for others?

I suspect that the origin of this world is hidden in the Crystal Palace. As long as the origin of the world is integrated with your small world, your small world will have the opportunity to evolve into a small world. Chi You looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: Push Don’t tear down Crystal Palace, make your own choice.”

Those old guys are still in the pagoda. It's purely thankless for me to take action now. It's better to take advantage of the opportunity to learn magical powers. When I master the five elements, I will have the means to escape. I won't think about how to overthrow the Crystal Palace. Urgent. Countless thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind.

He has been coveting escape techniques for a long time, especially those methods of flying to the sky and escaping from the earth, which made Cui Yu's eyes hot.

If he obtains the escape technique, many things in the future will be much easier to handle. Thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's heart, quietly turned into air, and hid underground, preparing to comprehend and master the Five Elements.

This time, Cui Yu had some insights in his heart when he observed the innate divine prohibition of the Donghuang Bell. The laws involved in the Donghuang Bell are too complicated. Even if Cui Yu only scratches the surface, it will be of immeasurable benefit to him.

And if you want to open the Crystal Palace, you have to push away the pagoda. This is definitely not that easy. Let those old guys plan for a while first, and then you can identify the opportunity and take advantage of it to gain benefits.

Cui Yu sneaked into the underground cave and constantly felt the energy of the five elements between heaven and earth. To be honest, Cui Yuji had refined the Dinghai Divine Pearl and had a great understanding of the water energy.

In addition, the Donghuang Bell can suppress the Hongmeng of heaven and earth, and the five elements and five qi are naturally suppressed by Cui Yu's Donghuang Bell. There are divine prohibitions on the innate five elements on the Donghuang Bell.

There are not only divine prohibitions on the innate five elements, but also divine prohibitions on the innate yin and yang, and even chaos.

These types of divine bans are a whole. The Donghuang Bell can be used to suppress the five elements of heaven and earth, reverse the yin and yang of the five elements, and transform the energy of chaos.

Cui Yu wanted to learn supernatural powers, but Chi You did not stop him. A sharpened knife is a good chopper. If Cui Yu could master the Five Elements Escape Technique and master the ability to escape, he would not be so passive in the future.

Cui Yu fell into a state of enlightenment. Along with the enlightenment brought by the innate divine ban, Cui Yu felt like divine help, as if there were no secrets in the world and the five elements in front of him.

Even the shape of the finger, which had not been seen for a long time, began to make progress, and it was one step closer to the legendary mediation of creation.

I don't know how long it took, but Cui Yu slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of inexplicable brilliance.

Master the five elements and complete the cultivation! The so-called mastery of the five elements is a very unique magical power that can mobilize the power of the five elements between heaven and earth for one's own use.

This supernatural power is said to be powerful, but it is really powerful. But if it's tasteless, it's really tasteless. A strong person like Buddha can evolve the Five Elements Mountain and suppress his opponents.

What if you mean tasteless? It really has no effect on fighting. Mastering the five elements is more like an auxiliary magical power, used to supplement the left person's magical power.

Mastering the strength and weakness of the Five Elements all depends on the individual. What kind of divine passage method you can comprehend from the power of the five elements all depends on your own ability.

The strong can change the world and move mountains and unload ridges, but the weak are useless. The power that can be exerted by mobilizing the energy of the five elements and attaching it to weapons is limited.

Completing the practice of 'Mastering the Five Elements' means that I have the opportunity to understand and master the magical powers of the Five Elements. Mastering the Five Elements is only the general outline. What kind of magical powers can be understood from the power of the Five Elements depends on my own ability. Cui Yu did not get up, but continued to meditate and master the magical power of the five elements.

He had to comprehend the Five Elements Escape Technique. He does not lack divine power now, but what he lacks is the escape technique to be able to travel towards the dusk sky in the North Sea.

Cui Yu felt that now he should put all his attack-type magical powers aside and solve the problem of transportation first.

Is the Five Elements Escape Technique powerful? Even if you say it's great, it's great. If you say it's not great, it's still a real talent. As long as the object of the Five Elements comes into contact and the Qi of the Five Elements circulates, you can escape with the help of the Qi of the Five Elements.

The energy of the five elements is everywhere in the world, and this escape technique is actually down to earth. But it’s hard to master. Especially if you need to perform incantations, it will take more time.

Cui Yu closed his eyes, twisted the power of the five elements around his body, mobilized the soil around him, and saw that the rock cave slowly became flat and turned into a smooth stone chamber.

Cui Yu was meditating and mastering the Five Elements, and wanted to understand the Five Elements Escape Technique, but he didn't know that the outside world had already turned upside down.

Liu Bang transformed into the Golden Crow, mastered the true fire of the sun, and his strength was unparalleled. But Liu Bang was not exposed. Now everyone in the world is staring at this place. If he is exposed, he will definitely attract attention.

Is Liu Bang such a stupid person? Absolutely not! He was not stupid and hid directly. After all, when they were in front of the candlelight, everyone was attracted by the corpse ancestor and never noticed Liu Bang.

Liu Bang took advantage of everyone's unpreparedness and entered the palace directly. Therefore, although everyone knew that someone entered the next level of space, they did not know that it was Liu Bang who entered the third level of space.

As for Bai Qi, although he knew something, he remained silent for some reason. By the time everyone entered the third level of space, the day lilies were cold.

Not to mention the Golden Crow corpse, even the Golden Crow blood and the True Fire of the Sun were gone. Only an empty void remains.

Everyone looked at the empty space in front of them, their eyes filled with disbelief. Especially the Corpse Ancestor, who was even more confused at this time: Where is my Golden Crow corpse?

Where did the Golden Crow body go? Corpse Ancestor didn't think anyone could move Donghuang Taiyi's body. Moving the body of Donghuang Taiyi requires not only magical powers, but at least enough spatial magical powers.

Without the magical power of space, even if the Great Luo Jinxian came, he would never be able to run out carrying the corpse of Donghuang Taiyi, whose body was burning with blazing true sun fire.

That is impossible! Not to mention the original protective power of Donghuang Taiyi's physical body, even the Great Luo Immortal cannot shake it. Even the true fire of the sun is not something that the Great Luo Immortal can resist.

Who stole my body! Who destroyed my layout! Corpse Ancestor looked up to the sky and roared, his voice full of anger.

After the crowd, no one noticed that Liu Bang appeared quietly in the crowd, and was blocked by the masters of the Han Dynasty.

Corpse Ancestor's roar of filial piety shocked everyone. Looking at the empty void in front of them, the strong men from all walks of life obviously find it difficult to accept it. Everyone came here fighting for life and death, but they didn't get any treasures. How do you ask everyone to accept it?

Senior, since he is the tomb keeper, he should know this place best. I wonder whose tomb is here and where did the body go? Bai Yuliang looked at the corpse ancestor with his eyes.

The Corpse Ancestor is so excited. It is obvious that there is a treasure hidden here, otherwise the Corpse Ancestor would never look like this.

What do you know? This place is the tomb of the ancient sun god Donghuang Taiyi. The realm of Donghuang Taiyi not only surpasses the Jin Dynasty, but also transcends the two realms above the Jin Dynasty. The body of such a powerful man contains the inner creation Can you imagine? But who knew that someone would get there first! Corpse Ancestor cursed, his voice full of anger.

Surpassing the Jin Dynasty? Beyond the two realms above Jinchi? What an incredible realm that must be? The Taiyi realm has caused everyone to break their heads and not be able to cross it. So what kind of grace will it be to transcend the two realms of Taiyi?

No one dared to imagine it, and they couldn’t imagine it at all.

The most important thing is that buried here is the Donghuang Bell, a treasure that was born in the chaos. The sound of the Donghuang Bell can suppress three thousand Hongmeng worlds. Do you think this treasure is valuable? Corpse Ancestor said in confusion at this time, He did not hesitate to exaggerate the blessings contained therein: Moreover, among the burial objects of Donghuang Taiyi, there are countless innate blessings. There are flat peaches that can make people immortal, as well as countless innate spiritual treasures, and countless ancient heavenly collections. That In ancient times, Donghuang Taiyi once ruled the world and was the common master of all races in the world. You can imagine how many creations he has collected. As long as you can imagine the treasures, you can find them. Corpse Ancestor's words fell. All the old antiques couldn't help but stop breathing, their eyes began to glow red, and their eyes were full of greed.

Seeing this, Corpse Ancestor was quite satisfied. Donghuang Taiyi's body was missing. He wanted to find Donghuang Taiyi's body like looking for a needle in a haystack. He was going to use the greed of these people to help him complete his great cause.

The space here has just been opened. The person who stole the Donghuang Taiyi treasure must be among us. Ying Zheng's voice was full of seriousness: It seems that there are only two people who can enter this place before us. It must be two people. Stealing creation.”

The first person I know is named Cui Yu. He is an ant whose cultivation level cannot reach the realm of supernatural powers. Zhu Wuneng said.

Cui Yu? Did he steal Donghuang Taiyi's treasure house? Cui Cancan exclaimed.

It's not him! Corpse Ancestor shook his head: Although I don't know the so-called Cui Yu, but with the realm of magical powers, it is simply impossible to steal the bodies of Donghuang Bell and Golden Crow. If you want to evacuate this place, It must be at least the level of Jin Chi, and it must also possess unique spatial magical powers.”

That's the second person. Think about it, everyone, who is the second person? Do you still have any impressions? Ying Zheng said, his voice full of seriousness: Everyone only needs to look at who is missing at the scene, and it will be clear at a glance. PS: Please subscribe, dear fellows, my child hasn't eaten meat for a long time, woo woo woo...

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