Hearing this, Cui Yu looked at Chi You with strange eyes. There is no doubt that the place where Chi You is sealed is by no means a simple place, and must contain great dangers.

But now he couldn't find a clue. This small world was too big, thousands of miles across, no smaller than his own country in later generations.

It is not easy to find the legendary Ancient Dragon Palace in such a large area. Moreover, Cui Yu doesn't have the escape technique yet, so traveling across thousands of mountains and rivers is not something that can be accomplished in a short time.

Cui Yu looked at Chi You, his expression suddenly a little subtle: By the way, you have become a tengu now. Even if you get your head back, will you put your head on the dog's body? Cui Yu looked at Chi You and asked Cleared the doubts in my heart.

Chi You's body has been fused with the Tengu. After Chi You's stumps return, will he be a dog or a dog?

Chi You's face turned dark when he heard this. What could he do? Wasn't he harmed by Qi practitioners in this world?

If Heaven hadn't taken action in the Kunlun Mountains, how could Chi You have become so embarrassed?

I have decided that from now on I will become one with the Tengu. I am the Tengu, and the Tengu is me. I will have two forms! There was no sadness on Chi You's face: Although I have an immortal body, in a certain place In some aspects, there are also shortcomings. But when I master the ability of Tengu to devour, my shortcomings will be infinitely reduced, and I can even use Tengu to devour the origin of this world, swallow the weirdness in chaos, and use it to impact chaos. The realm of the Yuan Jinxian. This world is the vast world, and saint is a title for the Hunyuan Jinxian.

There are four levels of golden immortals: first-level golden immortals. Second class Taiyi. Third-class Daluo. Fourth level Hunyuan. The Hunyuan Golden Immortal represents the realm of the prehistoric saint.

However, not every Hunyuan Golden Immortal can conform to the way of heaven. Those who can conform to the way of heaven are saints, and those who cannot conform to the way of heaven are Hunyuan golden immortals.

Chi You felt that there was nothing wrong with possessing the Dharma of the Tengu. The Tengu master devoured the law, devoured all things in the world, and could even swallow up the whole world. It was much faster than his real form of the witch clan.

Don’t you see that the prehistoric world has gone through countless calamities, and only at the beginning of the world did the witch clan have twelve natural ancestral witches born?

Even Chi You later did not break through to the realm of ancestral witches. He just found another way and cultivated the immortal body. Even the quasi-sage can't help him.

It can be seen that the cultivation of the Wu clan is as difficult as climbing to heaven. But that's not the case with that day dog. As long as he swallows, he can increase his strength without limit.

The most important thing is that the Tengu can not only swallow the small world/small thousand world/big thousand world, but he can also swallow chaos, and he can live equally well in chaos. This is far from the abilities of creatures in the big thousand world. Comparable.

Tengu is a rare creature created by nature, and the conditions for its birth are very harsh, even more difficult than that of a saint. He took away the Tengu, and even if the small world was born and destroyed for countless calamities, it would never delay the growth of his Tengu or have any impact on him.

You can see clearly. Cui Yu glanced at Chi You with a strange look, then turned to look at the endless sea water: Where is the place where your head is sealed?

Follow me. Chi You controlled the tengu's body, jumped out of Cui Yu's shadow, and ran directly into the distance.

Boy, I have something to tell you to prevent you from being careless. Chi You disliked Cui Yu's slow movements, so he transformed into the size of a calf and carried Cui Yu on his back: Don't underestimate me. The blood people of this world. Your biggest enemy in this world is not the Qi Practitioner, but the blood people.

Huh? Cui Yu was surprised when he heard this and didn't know why he said this.

Theoretically speaking, the Wu clan can also be regarded as blood people, inheriting the blood of the great god Pangu. Chi You said.

But there is no Pangu in this world. Cui Yu looked at Chi You.

There is no Pangu, but all the masters in the ancient world have been buried. From the saints to the golden immortals, they all overturned in this great world. Chi You's voice was full of emotion.

Cui Yu frowned and his heart skipped a beat. Now that he has not even achieved immortality, how can he be a match for those terrifying beings?

Don't worry, those guys are actually the weird things created by the Heavenly Dao of this world in order to fight against the masters of the ancient world. They have all fallen long ago. I just told you to be careful and don't be careless. Although those guys have fallen, But the bloodline still remains in the world. It is just getting thinner from generation to generation, but as long as there is a suitable opportunity, this bloodline may not be able to be stimulated again. Chi You reminded Cui Yu, fearing that Cui Yu would overturn: This world can accommodate The limit of realm is the Golden Imperial Order, but the Golden Imperial Order also has strong and weak points. Cui Yu thought thoughtfully.

The two shuttled under the water. After a while, Chi You stopped and came to a dark trench. The trench is dark and you can't see your fingers.

Cui Yu looked at the underwater world with his eyes, and a huge luminous pearl appeared in his hand, illuminating a radius of dozens of feet.

Even if he is a monk without practicing child arts, it will be difficult for him to see everything clearly in the dark underground world.

Why did you bring me here? Cui Yu asked in surprise.

Of course it's to find my physical body. Chi You looked at the bottomless trench in front of him with his eyes: I can be sure that my physical body is hidden here. Cui Yu frowned as he looked at the endless trench. He couldn't see the slightest clue.

At this time, Chi You transformed into the form of a tengu, sniffing back and forth on the ground. The next moment, he suddenly stretched out a palm, and the trench collapsed, revealing a simple bronze door.

The gate is very high, a hundred feet high.

Nantian Gate! Chi You's eyes flashed when he saw the gate, and his voice was full of horror.

Nantian Gate? The legendary Nantian Gate of the Ancient Heavenly Palace? Cui Yu threw the luminous pearl in his hand and landed in front of the bronze door in front of him. With the light of the luminous pearl, Cui Yu could see a bit of what was going on.

I saw dragons, phoenixes, unicorns and other auspicious beasts engraved on the Nantian Gate. The cloud patterns were flowing and seemed to contain terrifying energy.

On the bronze door, there are countless immortals and palace maidens engraved on them, their expressions are lifelike, as if they have come to life.

However, in the center of the gate, there are four lifelike figures engraved, which seem to be guarding the Nantian Gate.

Cui Yu couldn't help but look at it carefully, but unexpectedly, he saw the figure suddenly staring at him fiercely, as if he was alive. Cui Yu was so shocked that the power in his body boiled, and he couldn't help but take a step back and fell to the ground.

This is a forbidden law in the Heavenly Palace, what? Are you scared? Chi You laughed loudly, his mouth split open, and his voice was full of pride.

This is the magical consecration method in the Heavenly Palace. It is blessed by a ray of divine power from the four heavenly kings. Look at how useless it is. Chi You's voice was full of humor.

Cui Yu climbed up in embarrassment and looked at the statue on the bronze door. He saw a strong man standing two feet and four feet in the center to the left, with a face like a living crab and a beard like a copper wire.

The strong man holds a green-edged sword with a talisman on it, divided into four characters: Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind. Aren't you afraid of a man with a head like a crab staring at you fiercely?

Chi You next to him saw that Cui Yu was fascinated and explained: This person's name is Mo Li Qing, and he is the growth king among the four heavenly kings. Look at the talisman on the sword in his hand. The wind in his talisman is the strongest. This The wind is a black wind, and there are thousands of spears in the wind. If a person touches this blade, his limbs will turn into powder; if it is a fire, golden snakes will twine in the sky. There will be a black smoke all over the ground, the smoke will cover people's eyes, and the flames will burn people.

The King of Growth, Demon Li Qing? Cui Yu was stunned. Is this the legendary King of Growth, Demon Li Qing?

Are the Four Heavenly Kings strong? Of course he is strong. In the beginning, he was so killed that Chan taught him to abandon his armor. If it weren't for Yang Jian's tricks, I am afraid that the juniors of Chan taught would be overturned.

When Nezha and other heavenly warriors faced the four heavenly kings, they were killed at first and had no power to fight back. Behind Mo Liqing, there was half a figure. Although the figure was only half a figure, in Cui Yu's eyes, for some reason, he suddenly saw through Mo Liqing and saw the full figure of the figure behind the King of Growth.

I saw the man using a spear and a jade pipa on his back, with four strings on it. He also pressed the words earth, water, fire, and wind and plucked the strings to make a sound of wind and fire.

The second of the Four Heavenly Kings: Sea of ​​Demonic Ceremonies. As for appearance, Cui Yu thought that the four of them all looked the same, with faces like living crabs.

Looking at the door on the other side, symmetrical to Moli Qing is a hand holding a Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella. There are emeralds, emerald seals, emerald greens on the umbrella, luminous pearls, dust-proof pearls, fire-proof pearls, water-proof pearls, cool-down pearls, nine-curve pearls, beauty-fixing pearls, wind-fixing pearls, and pearls strung into four characters.

Loading the Universe. I dare not hold this umbrella open. When it is opened, the sky is dark and the earth is dark, and the sun and moon have no light; when it is turned, the universe shakes.

This is magic gift red. Cui Yu said secretly in his heart. There is a person behind the magic ritual red with two whips.

There is something in the bag, shaped like a white mouse, and its name is

The purple fox and marten was released into the air and appeared like a white elephant with flying wings on its ribs, eating all the people in the world.

This is the magic gift of one of the four heavenly kings. Cui Yu had already recognized the four heavenly kings. At this time, his eyes swept over the demon Lishou, and Cui Yu's eyes fell on the leather bag around his waist involuntarily. Then he saw that the leather bag suddenly twisted, and a head came out of the leather bag. The head was the size of a fist, exuding a ferocious... The light stared at him fiercely.

That fierce light contained overwhelming murderous intent, and seemed to be able to pounce out of the bag at any time. Cui Yu was so frightened that he suddenly pulled out the Seven-Star Sword from his sleeve. The divine power in his body activated the Seven-Star Sword, and the light circulated, illuminating the dark canyon.

What are you doing, kid? Chi You asked in shock. He thought he was in some kind of danger, so he couldn't help but ask quickly.

At this time, Chi You also became tense and looked around with his eyes.

That picture is alive. Cui Yu pointed at the statue on the bronze door with the seven-star sword in his hand.

Alive? They are just blessed. These gods are all dead. They all fell into the catastrophe. How can they be alive? Chi You breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

The flower fox marten has moved! The flower fox marten in the bag has moved. Cui Yu pointed at the door with his long sword. Chi You looked over after hearing this and couldn't help but frowned: Where is the flowered fox marten? Are you a fool? Cui Yu looked at the bag, but where is the flowered fox marten?

The pouch is still the same pouch, but the ferocious flowered fox marten is missing.

You're wrong, kid. These pictures have been illuminated and contain a trace of the power of the gods during their lifetime. It's normal for you to feel the power of the gods before you have achieved immortality, and it affects the three souls and seven souls. Chi You looked at Cui Yu. : The four generals of the Demon Family are engraved on this gate. Looking at the ancient world, the Four Generals of the Demon Family are also the top group of monks. Unfortunately, they encountered a hard problem. The methods were restrained and they died a little unjustly. Chi You shook his head. Shaking his head, he began to introduce the figures on the scroll to Cui Yu.

The four heavenly queens, countless heavenly soldiers and generals, fairies and palace maidens are all supporting objects. Cui Yu frowned. He couldn't listen to Chi You's introduction at this time. He just stared at the bag with his eyes: Did you see it wrong? How could I see it wrong? He practiced the Dingxian Divine Light, He specializes in restraining all souls, so how could he get it wrong?

The gate of the Heavenly Palace? Impossible, right? Who has the ability to carry the Nantianmen into this world? Chi You stepped forward and observed carefully in front of the Nantianmen: Impossible! The Nantianmen is the legendary portal of the Ancient Heavenly Palace. It’s so far away from this world, it’s simply unrealistic to move the Nantianmen here.” Chi You shook his head and looked at it seriously, and after a long time he was surprised and said: “It’s an imitation.”

Imitation? Cui Yu was stunned.

It's an imitation. It's just someone imitating the gate of the Heavenly Palace. Chi You thought thoughtfully. Cui Yu also had a hint of doubt on his face when he heard this. Since it was an imitation, the pattern on the door was certainly fake.

Did I see it wrong? The thought in Cui Yu's mind had just turned, and the next moment he saw the four heavenly kings on the gate all opening their eyes, staring at him with murderous looks on their faces.

The four heavenly kings were so powerful that they seemed capable of delivering a domineering blow at any time and crushing themselves into powder.

Moreover, Cui Yu clearly saw that the eyes of the four heavenly kings moved. Not only did the eyes of the Four Heavenly Kings move, but they also slowly raised the weapons in their hands, about to rush out of the gate and deal a fatal blow to themselves.

Ancestor, the four heavenly kings on the gate are alive! The four heavenly kings on the gate are alive! Cui Yu turned pale in horror and clenched the seven-star sword tightly in his hand.

At this time, Chi You was studying the materials of the palace gate under the gate. When he heard this, he raised his head in surprise: I said, you kid, can you stop making a fuss? Your mental strength is too weak and you simply can't withstand the pressure of the righteous god. Your spirit is in a state of confusion. It's normal for me to be mistaken... Chi You raised his head as he spoke, but the next moment he saw the sword in Mo Liqing's hand, carrying a black wind, slashing Chi You's dog's head with a sword.

Get away quickly. Cui Yu shouted quickly, and the seven-star sword's innate sword energy burst out. Chi You also screamed strangely: Damn you, you don't have martial ethics at all! How can there be something weird here? All the ideas that the four heavenly kings invited to consecrate turned out to be weird? He was cursing and looking embarrassed. run away.

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