In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 537 Flooding the Seven Kingdoms

Seeing that Cui Yu was about to be slapped to death, Miao Shan took action at the critical moment.

The jade bottle is an innate spiritual treasure mutton fat jade pure bottle.

Willow branches are willow branches with innate spiritual roots.

The willow branch is born in response to the laws of space. It is born as a hollow willow and controls the laws of space innately.

Seeing that the huge palm was about to fall, Miao Shan held up the jade purification bottle in his hand, and saw a green light burst out from the jade purification bottle, turning into a shield to block the suppressing big hand.

But even though Miao Shan had a jade purification bottle, his face was flushed at this time, and his blood surged from the shock of that claw.

Cui Yu looked at Miao Shan in surprise, never expecting that the amiable little nun in the past would actually have such tricks at this time.

Then Cui Yu continued to escape and ignored Miao Shan.

Miaoshan has an innate spiritual treasure, a mutton-fat jade purifying bottle, and this array cannot trap her.

Moreover, Cui Yu felt that Miao Shan would most likely not allow him to successfully open the Dongting Lake Dragon Palace Formation, so Cui Yu turned around and left without saying a word.

Seeing Cui Yu turning into air and floating directly in the direction of the Well of Gods and Demons, Miao Shan couldn't help but change his color.

She's not stupid, how could she not know Cui Yu's plan?

Believer, no! Never! Miao Shan looked at Cui Yu's back and exclaimed, wanting to stop him, but the next moment Zhao Kuo had already controlled the formation to suppress it:

No matter who you are, anyone who stands in my way will die!

Zhao Kuo's voice was cold. No matter who he was from the Buddhist sect, even if the legendary Buddha from the Great Thunder Sound Temple came, he would never show mercy.

In the Middle-earth China, it is a world of bloodline people, and Qi practitioners have to stand aside, not to mention Buddhism, which has no foundation in the Middle-earth world?

Miaoshan was entangled by the power of Zhao Kuo's formation and watched Cui Yu enter the well of gods and demons, but there was nothing he could do.

further away

Zhang Jiao and Tang Zhou looked at each other and fell into silence.

Why didn't you stop it? Zhang Jiao asked.

The number of days is like this. Tang Zhou sighed.

Is he a fool?

That is the true form of Gonggong!

He stopped Cui Yu's good deeds today. What if Cui Yu Gonggong recovers his true form and comes to settle accounts with him in the future?

Without any obstacles, Cui Yu successfully reached the underground, then climbed to the high platform and looked at the dragon-shaped pattern with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

After all, it is about the development of humanity and the fate of hundreds of millions of people. Although Cui Yu has long made up his mind, he is still a little shaken at this time.

Great chaos! Xiang Caizhu is inside! You also want to find the Dragon Palace treasure to suppress the true spirit of Gonggong. Do you have any choice? If the seven vassal states are not destroyed, you and Xiang Caizhu will not live in peace. Chi You's voice rang in Cui Yu's ears.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard this.

Even if Dongting Lake is really connected to the wilderness, so what? As long as you rescue Xiang Yu, with Xiang Yu's power, you can suppress the beast from entering the wilderness. And when the time comes, I will take back the limbs in Dongting Lake, you Obtaining the branches of the innate sycamore tree, the Seven Arrows Book of Nail Heads can kill even the Daluo Immortal. Are you afraid that a mere demon clan will cause chaos? Chi You has a silver tongue.

After hearing what Chi You said, Cui Yu felt that what the other party said was very reasonable, not just ordinary.

The true spirit of Gonggong is in his body now, and it will definitely break out of the seal in a year. How should he cope without the power of the Buddha's seal?

If only I could obtain the innate sycamore branches and use the nail-head Seven Arrows book to curse Gong Gong's true spirit...

Cui Yu thinks it's good.

The Gonggong True Spirit is just one thousandth of a fragment, and it definitely does not have the power of the Great Luo Immortal. When the time comes, you can curse it to death by casting the Seven Arrows Book of Nail Heads.

Creatures of the wilderness, if you really suffer a catastrophe, don't blame me. I don't want to embarrass you, but they are the ones who forced me to do it, and there is nothing I can do about it! Cui Yu felt the shaking of the ground caused by the war outside. , there was a cold light in his eyes, and then the next moment a ball of blue light flashed in his palm, and the Dinghai Divine Pearl appeared in his hand.

Cui Yu held the Dinghai Divine Pearl with a sneer on his lips: Really

Do you want me for you old immortals?

The next moment Cui Yu didn't hesitate and pressed the Dinghai Divine Pearl directly against the dragon's mouth.


Perfect fit.

However, although the Dinghai Divine Pearl returned to its place, there was still no abnormality in the entire altar.

The blood of Prince Longsan, right?

Cui Yu looked at the grooves on the altar in front of him. The next moment, the Seven-Star Sword of the Small World flashed across the ice. Prince Long San was unconscious in the ice. His blood was already flowing out of the ice, and it was full in a short time. A big basin.

Cui Yu stretched out his palm, and the blood passed through the Dharma Realm, suspended in the sky above his palm, and was then wrapped in an earth bowl formed by divine power.

Then he saw the earthen bowl in Cui Yu's hand overturned, and his blood flowed into the groove on the altar.

Then the next moment, the entire altar lit up with blue light. In an instant, a blue light pillar soared into the sky from the altar, ignoring the mountain and stone barriers, and rushed directly into the starry sky.

Then the wind and clouds gathered, and there was lightning and thunder.

Water vapor from all directions seemed to be attracted by the blue light pillar, and the water vapor from the Kunlun Mountains, which was thousands of miles in radius, was like a tsunami, pulling towards the blue light pillar.


Miao Shan, who was fighting with Zhao Kuo in mid-air, changed his color when he saw this scene.

The worst happened, Cui Yu actually opened the ban on Dongting Lake.

Cui Yu actually opened the Taikoo Cave in Dongting Lake.

It's over! It's over! Little nun Miaoshan's beauty turned pale at this time, and her eyes were full of panic.

Even with her cultivation and state of mind at this time, she knew that things were in serious trouble when she saw the water vapor gathering between the sky and the earth.

All the water veins in a radius of thousands of miles, including the most mysterious Kunlun ruins, were gathered together at this time.

Black clouds cover thousands of miles in the sky, and underground water veins gather from all directions of the sky and earth like pens and dragons and snakes.

The rivers flowed backwards, and the seawater poured in backwards, converging towards Lijiacun through underground water veins.

I know! I know! The opening of the underground palace is to use the buoyancy of the world's water veins to push out the ancient Dragon Palace sealed underground. The person who designed this mechanism wants to use the power of the world's water veins to open The mechanism of the underground Dongting Lake. Tang Zhou's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

Then the sound of rushing water rang in my ears, and I saw water emerging from the God and Demon Well in Lijia Village. The water flow became larger and larger, and finally turned into a huge flood.

The mouth of the well is like a big waterfall, like a dam that has burst, with waves of water sweeping out.

Looking at the gushing water, Zhang Jiao looked surprised. He couldn't figure it out. The mouth of the Well of Gods and Demons was only two meters wide, but the water that emerged at this time seemed to come from another world, rushing directly. A flood started.

The water-blue light pillar inserted into the starry sky seemed to be connected to another world, and the flood poured down like the Milky Way falling from the sky.

In an instant, Lijia Village was submerged, and the floods surged towards Zhao Kuo's formation.

What kind of flood? Suppress it all! Zhao Kuo saw water spurting out of the ten thousand-foot-high blue light beam, his eyes full of disdain. The next moment, turtles and snakes coiled around, forming a wall, trying to contain the flood. Blocked and repressed into the underground world.


He underestimated the power of the Ancient Dongting Lake Dragon Palace.

He also underestimated the methods of the ancient gods.

The Dragon Palace in the ancient Dongting Lake had been sealed for countless thousands of years. It was the product of countless tribulations. Now it was released and reappeared between heaven and earth. It was simply not something that Zhao Kuo's military formation could compete with.

The blue light beam twisted and formed the lake, as if it was connected to another world and a passage to another world.

Infinite seawater surged out, yes, it was the seawater that surged out from the light pillar. It filled Zhao Kuo's dragon-snake formation in just a few breaths.

The seawater flows endlessly from the light column, and it seems that there is a world composed of seawater inside the light column.

The flood is surging, faster than the Yellow River Falls

A thousand times more.

The formation of turtles and snakes cannot suppress the surging water. The accumulated water flow may weigh hundreds of millions of kilograms. And the weight is still rising! Zhao Kuo changed his color for the first time.

At this time, the turtle and snake formation formed a wall, surrounding the sea water and the blue light pillar.

The blue sea water continued to rise, and the pressure doubled rapidly. Even if Zhao Kuo mastered the turtle and snake formation, he had already reached the limit after thirty breaths.

Question: How heavy is the water in West Lake?

The water in the West Lake is simply insignificant compared to the water flowing out of the light pillar.

The floods in the sky and the earth were surging. Xiaoli Village was surrounded by Zhao Kuo's formation for a hundred miles. The sea water was getting higher and higher. In a short time, it had risen hundreds of meters, which had exceeded the limit of the dragon and snake formation. Even at this time, Zhao Kuo It was too late to mobilize soldiers to mobilize the formation to escape.

Didn't Zhao Kuo think about withdrawing his troops?

After forming the military formation, how far can he take the soldiers to fly by controlling the military formation?

A hundred miles?

Two hundred miles?

Or three to five hundred miles?

Is there a difference?

The water speed is too fast, and sooner or later the flood will catch up.

At this time, if we fight hard and suppress the flood, there may be a way out. Otherwise, even if they could escape hundreds of miles away, the soldiers would still be unable to avoid the flood when the strength of the formation was exhausted.


A muffled thunder sounded in the sky and the earth. The old Dragon King was flying among the clouds, his eyes looking at the blue light beam that penetrated the sky and the earth. His eyes were full of madness: The Taikoo Dongting Lake has opened! The Taikoo Dongting Lake has opened!

But the old Dragon King felt something was wrong. Two things were needed to open the Taikoo Dongting Lake.

The first item is the Dinghai Divine Pearl. The second item is the blood of Prince Long San.

How did the scholar of Dayu obtain the blood of Prince Long San?

Ever since the Third Prince Long disappeared near Lijia Village, there has been no trace of the Third Prince in the world. At this time, the old Dragon King's heart trembled: Could it be that...the Third Prince Long fell into the hands of the Great Yu Kingdom?

The next moment, the old Dragon King soared into the clouds and mist, and suddenly hit the blue light beam, hoping to take advantage of the situation and enter the ancient Dongting Lake Dragon Palace.

He has confirmed that the blue light pillar is the entrance to the ancient Dongting Lake.

As long as you enter the blue light pillar, you can enter the legendary ancient Dongting Lake.

But the next moment, the old Dragon King hit the light shield and was blown away by the turbulent sea water.

Impossible! I am a dragon! I am born to be able to control all kinds of water, but I was swept away by the sea water? How high is the water pressure in this beam of light? The eyes of the old Dragon King were full of disbelief.

As the old Dragon King rolled around, he suddenly heard a scream in the void. The dragon and snake phantoms collapsed. Countless soldiers fell directly into the flood like dumplings. They could not even flutter and were directly washed away by the flood. .

[In view of the general environment,

The turtle and snake formation was broken.

The seawater hundreds of meters high, intercepted by the turtle and snake formation, rushed towards the distance like a landslide and tsunami.

Zhao Kuo fell on the Dragon King's back with a pale face, his eyes full of seriousness: We are in big trouble!

These soldiers are the last elites of each country. Once they are washed away, it is equivalent to the destruction of the seven vassal states.

Regardless of Taiping Dao or those with ulterior motives, they will never miss this opportunity.

Seeing the sea roaring and raging in all directions, seeming to submerge the surrounding vassal states, Miao Shan took the willow jade purification bottle and threw it away with an ugly expression. He saw the mutton-fat jade purification bottle falling into the flood and turning into There was a bottomless pit, swallowing the flood released from the light pillar.

It's over! It's too big!

Miaoshan's face was extremely hard to see.

Others don’t know, but she doesn’t know?

The sealed place of Taikoo Dongting Lake can be called a small world.

To be precise, it is a small world filled with sea water


Now that the hole in the small world has been opened, the sea water of a small world is vented out, and there is no reason why the seven major princes will be spared.

Even the Great Han and Great Qin would be affected.

There is no winner in this war.

The most important thing is the troubles sealed in Dongting Lake. Once they come out, the whole world will be in chaos again, and the order of heaven that was finally restored will collapse again. Miao Shan was so angry that his teeth itched with hatred.

What Tang Zhou said was actually wrong. It was not a passage at all, but a small world like the Queen Mother of the West's cave.

Since it is a small world, of course there can be many entrances.

We're in big trouble! Miao Shan frowned.

All she can do now is try her best to contain the sea water and not cause more damage, so as not to wake up the Heavenly Dao more completely, and everyone will be in bad luck by then.

Cui Yu is so reckless! We have been planning for a hundred thousand years, but now we have all failed. As long as the heaven can restore the realm of accommodating Da Luo, our goal can be achieved, but it is a pity that it is dangerous now. Miao Shan cursed, but I had to help Cui Yu wipe his butt.

It's just that although Miaoshan has the innate jade purification bottle, compared to the vast sea water in a small world, it is still too small a drop in the bucket.

More floods swept out, rushing toward the seven vassal states, as well as the Han and Qin states further away.

At this time, a series of terrifying fluctuations came from the sky and the earth, and those old guys who were lurking and peeping in secret finally set off.

Now that Dongting Lake is open, of course it’s time to show up.

One after another, obscure fluctuations continued to come from all directions, quickly gathering around Xiaoli Village, and their eyes fell on the beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth. There was a touch of excitement and fanaticism in his eyes

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