Li Xianwen stood in the Dharma Realm, looking at the innate divine sword that had been chopped down, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

In his opinion, Cui Yu was at the end of his strength at this time, and all the treasures on the opponent's body would be his.

Including but not limited to the innate sword in front of you.

It’s just Cui Yu, who is in the third level of martial arts. Why can’t he be killed by himself?

As long as Cui Yu is killed, all the treasures of the other party will be his.


Cui Yu scolded and urged the Seven-Star Sword to slash at Li Xianwen.

This Li Xianwen is obviously an extraordinary person. He can clearly see Cui Yu's innate sword in the Dharma Realm.

Can't you avoid it even if you can't beat it?

Li Xianwen's body flashed, and he directly avoided the domineering blow of the innate sword. Then he saw chaos rolling, and the clear and turbid waves opened up. Cui Yu's innate sword was a little precarious in the clear and turbid waves that created the world.

Fortunately, facing the unprecedented wave of purity and turbidity, Li Xianwen did not dare to get involved. He was afraid that he would be wiped out by the unprecedented turbidity and had to retreat far away.

The Seven-Star Sword absorbed all the clear air of the sky, then returned to the world in an instant, and fell into Cui Yu's sleeve again.

Seeing that Li Xianwen could not be killed with one strike, this bitch did not want to confront him head-on. Cui Yu jumped into the golden light formation without saying a word.

You bastard, you have a lot of tricks. Li Xianwen looked at Cui Yu's tricks with a cold look in his eyes. Then he looked at his broken arm and couldn't help but frown.

Rebirth of a severed limb?

Thinking too much!

Unless they have practiced the magical power of rebirth from severed limbs, even Jin Chi and Jin Xian will be in big trouble once their bodies are cut off, and it will be impossible for them to regenerate themselves.

There are three ways to repair injuries: The first is to regenerate a broken limb. The second method is to take back the severed limb and reattach it. The third option is to find a panacea to grow your physical body again.

Unfortunately, any of these three methods is difficult.

Li Xianwen appeared in the world from the Dharma Realm. He looked at the Lupus Land in front of him with his eyes, and could not help but frown. There was no trace of his own arm.

It was obvious that after Cui Yu tore off his arm, he took it away quietly without leaving it behind at all.

He didn't have a magical method to regenerate flesh and blood, and the elixir to regenerate broken limbs was extremely precious. Where could he find it?

The only chance now is to find his broken arm and reattach it.

You bastard, come out and die. Li Xianwen stood outside the formation, stared at Cui Yu, and yelled angrily.

Seeing that there was no movement in the formation, Li Xianwen pondered for a moment, his heart skipped a beat and he immediately stepped in.

Inside the golden light array

Cui Yu walked into the golden light formation and saw a golden light monster covered in blood. He came forward with a flattering expression: Master, are you back? Are you tired? Do you want someone to help you beat your legs?

Obviously, Cui Yu's domineering Gonggong attack had frightened the golden light monster.

The Jin Chi master outside the formation is about to break in. Can you stop him? Cui Yu asked.

If he hadn't been contaminated with so much blood evil energy, it shouldn't be difficult to block him, but now I'm afraid it will be difficult. The villain can only try to deal with him as much as possible. Jin Guang said strangely.

How long can we survive? Cui Yu asked.

An hour. Jin Guang said strangely.

An hour? Cui Yu frowned.

One hour is too short.

Three hours. Cui Yu looked at the sky: Now that the sun is gradually rising, I can mobilize the golden light array, absorb the power of the sun, and wash away the blood on the golden light array. As long as you can hold him back, follow me Wash away the blood stains and you will become stronger and stronger.

Hearing this, the golden light monster looked at the sky: Sir, please don't try to trick me. The evil spirit of blood on the villain's body cannot be washed away in half a month.

Cui Yu glanced at the golden light monster, he was quite smart.

That's all, try to delay as much time as possible. Cui Yu turned around and walked towards the altar, and then bowed to the scarecrow. Zhao Kuo's 'so' was worshiped by Cui Yu again.

Then Cui Yu sat on the altar, thinking about ways to kill Li Xianwen.

Li Xianwen is a monk in the Jinzhi realm. Unless he uses Gonggong method, it will be difficult to kill the other party.

Jin Chi is not that easy to kill.

The other party will never confront him head-on.

Young Master. Long walked over quickly, dragging the huge lump of ice in which Xia Houying was frozen.

Cui Yu looked at Xia Houying in the ice. At this time, Xia Houying was using his magical powers in the ice, seeming to be fighting against the cold air that was melting inside.

Cui Yu knocked on the ice, and for a moment he was unable to do anything to Xia Houying in the ice.

If you want to kill Xia Houying, you have to melt the ice. If the ice is melted, Xia Houying will most likely take the opportunity to escape, or break through the ice to pursue him.

If he doesn't break the ice, he won't be able to kill Xia Houying in the ice.

Gonggong's ice is a kind of protection for Xia Houying.

Cui Yu looked at Xia Houying. Xia Houying had his eyes closed in the ice and was just doing his exercises silently.

At this time, the atmosphere in the venue seemed to be serious.

Cui Yu looked at Shan: Across the ice, can you take away the life from him?

Hearing this, his heart was shocked, and he looked at Cui Yu in shock, and then he was overjoyed: Young master, do you want me to take away the life in this person's body?

If you have the ability, just take it. Remember, just let him breathe. Cui Yu already had an answer in his heart when he saw Long's expression.

Thank you young master! Thank you young master for your gift! I kowtow to you. Hearing this, he was overjoyed.

This is true creation!

What kind of aloof and powerful figure is Jin Chi?

He couldn't even think about absorbing Jin Chi's life source.

I can't even imagine it.

Can the origin of life of Jin Chi be the same as that of ordinary people?

This is simply a great tonic!

He felt that since he had devoured Xia Houying's vitality, he would be able to feed him back in martial arts, raising his martial arts cultivation to an incredible level.

Martial arts training is essentially about developing the vitality in the body.

The same is true for Cui Yu's martial arts methods. In essence, it is just to develop the vitality in the body.

The stronger the vitality, the higher the talent, and the faster the progress in martial arts practice.

Feeling happy, he carried Xia Houying aside, while Cui Yu sat in the golden light formation, silently recovering the Gonggong demon blood in his body.

Restoring Gonggong's demonic blood is easy, as long as you keep absorbing the divine blood.

At this time, the whole formation was shaking, but Li Xianwen, who had only one arm left, rushed in from outside the formation aggressively: Senior of Dayu! Golden light monster! You must die! If you surrender to me, call me If I plant a restraint, I may be able to spare your life. If not, today is the day you wait to die.

Haha, you ignorant boy, what a big sigh. Before I became enlightened, ancestor, you didn't know where to play in the mud. Hearing a sneer, a blood-red golden light monster appeared in the formation.

The next moment, blood-red golden light burst out from the sky, killing Li Xianwen.

Looking at the overwhelming golden light, Li Xianwen shook his head. The next moment, a flag flag appeared in his hand. The flag waved and shot out streaks of purple brilliance, blocking the golden light that filled the sky.

Then Li Xianwen held the flag in one hand and suppressed the golden light monster directly: I want to see what the golden light monster can do that can make King Wu and King Wen retreat.

The golden light monster held a beam of red light in his hand and fought with Li Xianwen. As the two of them went back and forth, the golden light monster was clearly outmatched and at a disadvantage.

Cui Yu on the high platform saw clearly that according to this fighting method, the golden light monster would not be able to last for an hour.

It's a shame that my golden light formation has only repaired eight mirrors, otherwise I would have to leave this bastard here today. Cui Yuhen's teeth itched. It would have been difficult for the eight mirrors to deal with the masters of the Jin Dynasty, not to mention that all the mirrors are now polluted by the evil spirit of blood?

Damn it, since you don't know how to live or die, then I will let you taste the power of Samadhi True Fire. Cui Yu suddenly hit his mouth, and the next moment he opened his mouth, and the overwhelming Samadhi True Fire rushed out.

The golden light monsters gathered and dispersed in the formation, and when they noticed the terrifying Samadhi True Fire, they dispersed into golden light in an instant.

Li Xianwen was unable to dodge and was directly hit in the head by the Samadhi True Fire.

In an instant, red light burst out from the golden light array, and Li Xianwen's whole body suddenly changed color: What a powerful flame.

The flag streamer shot out a shield of light, protecting him. As the true fire of Samadhi burned, there were flames in all directions, and the scene inside could not be seen clearly. There was a sea of ​​fire as far as the eye could see.

In the Samadhi True Fire, he felt that his divine power was rapidly being consumed, and his own golden power began to be unable to bear it, and his clothes began to smell like a burnt lake.

This flame is so overbearing. I'm afraid I will be burned to ashes in less than a moment. Li Xianwen's whole body suddenly changed color in the sea of ​​​​fire, and the scorching heat wave penetrated his defense and wanted to roast him to death.

Even the flag in his hand started to feel hot to the touch, making it difficult to hold it.

He wanted to look for traces of Cui Yu in the golden light array, but he saw blazing fire and smoke in the golden light array, which made him unable to open his eyes.

Li Xianwen didn't dare to stay, so he left the sea of ​​fire without saying a word, and then flew out of the golden light formation.

Stroking the burnt hair on his head, he turned around and looked at the sea of ​​fire in front of him with a horrified expression. Li Xianwen's eyes were full of solemnity: What the hell kind of magical power is this?

He has seen many flames, but he has only seen such a domineering one three times.

It's troublesome. That kid still has such a way to protect him. When he recovers and regains that terrifying power, won't it be the time for my death? Li Xianwen began to panic in his heart.

He was suddenly worried now. If he couldn't kill this guy, how could he let him go?

At this point, we can only call for reinforcements. Li Xianwen took a breath of air, his eyes full of helplessness.

To be honest, he didn't want to call for reinforcements, but if he didn't call for reinforcements, there seemed to be nothing he could do.

Yes, Li Xianwen was a strong man in the Jin Dynasty and had nothing to do with Cui Yu.

He couldn't break through the golden light formation, and he couldn't fight the flames.

What if I find a way to extinguish his flame? Li Xianwen was unwilling to give up, and thoughts flashed in his mind.

I will try again. If there is a way to extinguish the flame, I will kill Cui Yu and destroy the golden light array. If the flame cannot be extinguished, I am afraid we will have to call in foreign aid.

I remember that the peasant saint seemed to have a gourd that could hold water from all over the world.

Li Xianwen thought of this and turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

Not long after, at noon, I saw Li Xianwen hurried back.

Li Xianwen came to the golden light formation again. It was already noon, and the strong light of the sun was projected down. Even the blood color in the formation was reduced a lot, and the original appearance of wisps of golden light emerged.

The name of the golden light monster is too great. The power of this golden light array can only kill the powerful Bai Chi, but it cannot do anything to the Jin Chi. I don't know why King Wen and King Wu returned without success. But the golden light monster I can deal with the saint for a while. Li Xianwen glanced at the golden light formation, feeling a little strange in his heart, but he no longer hesitated and stepped directly into it.

At its peak, the twenty-one mirrors of perfectly preserved golden light monsters were naturally capable of killing gods and Buddhas.

But now only eight sides of the mirror are complete, which will only cause Jin Chi a little trouble at most.

Cui Yu never thought of relying on the golden light array when he killed people. The golden light array was only used to cover up his true form of Gonggong.

Li Xianwen wanted to quietly step into the golden light array to attack Cui Yu. As soon as Clinker entered the golden light array, he was immediately discovered by the golden light monster.

How brave! How dare you come here? The golden light monster looked at Li Xianwen who sneaked in quietly, and shouted angrily. At the same time, the blood-red golden light strangled Li Xianwen.

As soon as Li Xianwen stretched out his palm, he saw a large purple flag appear, blocking the golden light in the sky.

Senior of Dayu State, you will die quickly if you don't come out. Hand over Xia Houying, I will spare your life, otherwise I will crush your golden light array today. Li Xianwen's voice was cold, and he kept going back and forth with the golden light monster. After a fight, the golden light monster was defeated after fifteen moves and was scattered by Li Xianwen.

Li Xianwen smiled coldly and was about to continue rushing towards the altar under the golden light. Cui Yu on the altar smiled coldly. Two thousand drops of divine blood were consumed. The next moment, the overwhelming true fire of Samadhi was released.

Li Xianwen looked at the overwhelming flames with a sneer on his lips: Well done! Well done!

The next moment, Li Xianwen planted the flagpole in his hand on the ground, and then took out an emerald green gourd from his sleeve.

I saw Li Xianwen's gourd hanging upside down, tearing open the stopper of the gourd, and the next moment a torrent of water poured out.



Li Xianwen screamed in disbelief: Impossible, there is no fire in this world that water can't put out!

The flames became stronger after encountering the water flow. In an instant, they broke through the flag's defense and directly licked Li Xianwen's body, setting all his white hair on fire.

Li Xianwen screamed and fled in a panic, escaping from the golden light formation like a rat holding his head.

Within the formation

Cui Yu looked at his shadow: Ancestor, how about you kill that bastard for me?

He set his sights on Chi You.

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