In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 523: A plan to attack the heart

Emotionally speaking, Cui Yu didn't believe that the Xiang brothers and sisters were really dead, but rationally he told him that a demon as powerful as Chi You and other ancient demons could be quartered, let alone the Xiang brothers and sisters?

Although the Xiang brothers and sisters are strong, they are still far from Chi You.

Back in the formation, Cui Yu looked gloomy and whispered: Sir, have you encountered any trouble?

I want to give you a blessing. Cui Yu looked at Noon.

Hearing this, he was stunned and looked at Cui Yu in confusion.

Cui Yu said coldly: Can't you take away a person's lifespan? What would happen if you took away the lifespan of a golden imperial edict?

He was stunned for a while: Jin Chi is a great man who is above all living beings. How can a villain have the ability to take Jin Chi's life?

What if you could take away Jin Chi's vitality? Cui Yu asked.

I don't know. Hearing this, he shook his head: I don't dare to think about it.

Don't you dare to think about it? Cui Yu looked at it for a long time: You guard the altar and wait for my news.

After speaking, Cui Yu climbed to the high platform and used his magical power to continue repairing the golden mirror.

The most important thing for him now is to repair the golden mirror.

The more golden mirrors that are repaired, the stronger Cui Yu becomes.

A pair of eyes looked at Cui Yu for a long time, his eyes were full of surprise, and then an incredible thought came into his mind: No way? Are you going to attack the powerful Jin Chi? No way! That's Jin Chi!

Beyond the clouds

Zhao Wuji looked at the dying Zhao Kuo, his eyes full of coldness. In his opinion, it was undoubtedly not worth exchanging a great Yu Kingdom for his most talented descendant.

Not worth it at all.

Zhao Wuji's eyes were full of coldness: The ancient Dongting Lake Dragon Palace has two entrances. One entrance is still sealed and occupied by He Bo and other strange gods. Human monks are not allowed to approach at all. That entrance contains great powers. It is so dangerous that even the Sanjiang Water God has been blocked from the door. He has not yet found a way to break through the entrance to the underground palace. The second entrance is Lijiacun. Maybe I will wait until I have the opportunity to enter the Dragon Palace of Dongting Lake and look for the legendary treasure. .The first hole is blocked, this second hole is the hope of all the masters of the human race.

Cui Yu and the golden light monster occupy this entrance, blocking not only my path, but also blocking the path of all human beings in the world. This is not my fault alone. Zhao Wuji's eyes were full of sneers. .

There is no need for humans to think about the first cave entrance. Those strange gods will not allow strong humans to approach at all. Everyone's hope is pinned on the second one.

Of course he didn't want to fight the golden light monster alone, so he had to find at least two helpers.

After a moment of contemplation, two runes flew out, and then Zhao Wuji stood in the mountain and waited quietly.

Zhao Wuji didn't let Zhao Wuji wait long, two streams of light flickered on the horizon, and two powerful men of the Golden Order had arrived.

An old man with white beard and hair is a Qi practitioner of the Qin Empire. It is said that he secretly serves the Qin royal family and his name is: Li Xianwen. He studied under Xu Fu, the most mysterious scholar in the Qin Kingdom.

The second person is a boy of seven or eight years old. He looks a little childish, but his eyebrows reveal endless vicissitudes of life. He is the mysterious master of the Han Dynasty: Xia Houying.

Both of them are masters of the Golden Imperial Realm.

Zhao Wuji, didn't we agree that after the chaos in the Dayu Kingdom is settled in a year's time, shouldn't we explore the entrance of Dongting Lake together? Why are we suddenly invited here now? Li Xianwen said, his eyes full of contentment. It's doubt.

He received a message from Zhao Wuji saying that there was a big change at the entrance of Dongting Lake, so he hurried over in a hurry along the way.

That's right. The Dayu Kingdom has been destroyed, and everything has been settled. We only need to wait for the water level at the entrance to be full in a year, and we can enter it to find out. Why did you suddenly summon us here? Xiahou Yingdu They all complained a bit.

Of course there is an urgent matter, otherwise how could I dare to disturb these two fellow Taoists? Zhao Wuji looked gloomy and pointed at Lijiacun: Two fellow Taoists, please take a look.

The two of them looked over after hearing the words, and then couldn't help but be startled when they saw the golden light in the dark night.

The golden light seems to be at the entrance of Dongting Lake. Could it be that the entrance to Dongting Lake was opened in advance? Is there a precious light leaking out from inside? Xia Houying said in surprise.

After hearing Xia Houying's words, Zhao Wuji smiled bitterly: Where is the underground palace that is opened? The golden light monster occupies that entrance.

The golden light monster occupies the entrance?

The two of them were stunned when they heard this.

This damn golden light monster actually left Longmen Stream and came here to cause trouble for us? He deserves death!

This damn bastard wants to monopolize the battlefield we fought so hard for. He comes to take advantage of us. He must be chopped up. Xia Houying cursed angrily.

The strong people in the Jin Dynasty are also human beings, and they also have human emotions and six desires, which are even stronger than human emotions and six desires.

If Jinxian had no lust, why would the Conferred God War be so brutal?

Two Taoist brothers, this matter is not only because of the golden light monster, but also involves the remnants of the Great Yu Kingdom. Looking at the angry two people, Zhao Wuji quickly interjected.

Can the remnants of Dayu Kingdom invite the golden light monster? Xia Houying asked in surprise.

Zhao Wuji didn't hold back and told everything directly. He didn't even hide the way his grandson was cursed by the other party.

This golden light monster is so overbearing and dares to go against us. If we want to enter the ancient Dongting Lake, this golden light monster must be eliminated. Whether it is for my grandson or to enter Dongting Lake in the future. Zhao Wuji said.

The golden light monster occupied the entrance of Dongting Lake. Isn't it to avenge Dayu who is about to be destroyed? I think this guy clearly wants to find an excuse to sneak into the ancient Dongting Lake Dragon Palace. Xia Houying said coldly: The three of us will go to lead the charge and meet the legendary golden light monster for a while. If the other party is wise, obediently gets out of the way, and hands over the soul of the nephew. If it cannot be handed over, don't blame us for being unreasonable. , when the time comes, we can only call on the experts to get rid of the golden light monster. No matter how difficult and powerful the golden light monster is, blocking the creation of the world, it will still die.

After the three of them knew that the golden light monster was coming for the Xiang brothers and sisters, they were already on guard. At this time, there was a hint of caution in their eyes.

He said it lightly, but that was the golden light monster that both King Wen and King Wu were defeated by. No matter how cautious the three of them were, they couldn't be too cautious.

Then the three of them, led by Zhao Wuji, flew all the way to the sky above the sea of ​​clouds, and then landed directly in front of the golden light formation.

Sir of Dayu, please come out quickly. We brothers will join hands to teach you your methods. At this time, Xia Houying spoke, and his voice was heard in the formation.

In the formation, Cui Yu showed a sneer on his lips: It's interesting, it came very quickly.

Cui Yu walked down the altar and came to the entrance of the golden light array. His figure was hazy as if covered with a layer of golden clouds: Are you all here?

You are not the golden light monster, who are you? We are looking for the golden light monster. Li Xianwen's voice was cold.

Want to find the golden light monster? Come in if you can. Cui Yu sneered.

After Cui Yu finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave, but was stopped by Xia Houying: Wait a minute.

Cui Yu paused and turned to look at Xia Houying.

I haven't asked yet, who are you? Xia Houying asked, his words were very polite. He had doubts about Zhao Wuji's words, and of course he would not believe Zhao Wuji's words easily.

If he could persuade the golden light monster to get out of the way, he actually didn't want to make a big fight.

As for the life of Zhao Wuji’s grandson?

Sorry, as long as the golden light monster gets out of the way, what does the life of Zhao Wuji's grandson have to do with him?

I am a scholar of Dayu Kingdom. Cui Yu turned around and looked at Xia Houying.

Xia Houying nodded when he heard this: It turns out that you are the world-famous scholar of the Dayu Kingdom. Xia Houying of the Han Kingdom came to ask for advice on something.

Cui Yu looked at Xia Houying and remained silent. Zhao Wuji on the side also guessed what Xia Houying meant, and his face suddenly turned gloomy: Brother Xiahou, what do you mean? Do you not believe me?

It's not that I don't believe it, but I want to see if there is any room for negotiation. Xia Houying said with a smile: Since you appear here, can you represent the golden light monster?

Yes. Cui Yu said.

Why did you block the entrance to Taikoo Dongting Lake? It should be noted that Taikoo Dongting Lake is not a matter of one family or one person. Taikoo Dongting Lake involves all the powerful people in the world. By occupying the entrance of Taikoo Dongting Lake, you are fighting against the world. I advise you not to be so stubborn. Although you are famous throughout the ages, you may not be able to defeat four people with just two fists. If you have any requests, you might as well tell them all and see if we can meet them. . If this matter can be resolved smoothly, that would be great. If it cannot be resolved, let us decide the outcome. Xia Houying said with a smile.

I see that you are quite sensible in what you say and you are a smart man, so I will tell you something. Cui Yu looked at Xia Houying with his eyes. This guy was a bit interesting.

Seeing Cui Yusong's relaxed tone, Xia Houying was overjoyed: Your Excellency, please speak.

It would be great if it can be resolved!

After all, it was a golden light monster, and he really didn't want to do anything unless it was absolutely necessary.

I would like to ask you where are the Xiang brothers and sisters? As long as you hand over the Xiang brothers and sisters, all the turmoil will end here, and I will never embarrass you. Cui Yu looked at Xia Houying: How about this? It's not difficult for you, right? As long as you send the Xiang brothers and sisters out.

When Clinker heard what Cui Yu said, Xia Houying suddenly changed his expression: Impossible! Absolutely impossible! The Xiang brothers and sisters are already dead, so it is impossible to hand them over. Even if the Xiang brothers and sisters are not dead, we will destroy the foundation of the Xiang family brothers and sisters. , the Xiang family brothers and sisters will never give up, and they will definitely fight with me after they come out. Your Excellency, you should change your conditions, and bring the dead back to life, we don't have that ability yet.

Cui Yu stared at Xia Houying. After staring for a long time, he raised the corner of his mouth and sneered: It's ridiculous, it's simply ridiculous. It's not that I look down on you. With your methods, you can kill Xiang Yu? Since you can't If you can do it, then let's see the real chapter in our hands. If you have the ability, come and walk around this golden light array. If you don't have the courage, just go back and forth from where you are.

After hearing this, everyone's hearts trembled, and Li Xianwen shouted: Get him.

The three people took action at the same time and rushed towards Cui Yu, but who knew the next moment Cui Yu directly used Zhen Shui Wuxiang, disappeared in front of the formation, and entered the golden light formation.

The three of them stood in front of the golden light formation, looking at the golden light with hesitant expressions on their faces.

It seems that this golden light array must be encountered. Xia Houying's face was cold.

I didn't expect that there are still such evil beings in Dayu Kingdom. Li Xianwen said.

Then the three of them looked at each other and looked at the golden light formation.

I heard people say that if you want to break the golden light formation, you need a blood sacrifice. When the golden light formation returned to the mountains and rivers, we had already seen its biggest flaw. Zhao Wuji said.

Blood sacrifice? Who should I ask for blood sacrifice? Xia Houying frowned.

He was reluctant to part with the elite soldiers and generals under his command.

The Great Yan Kingdom is not about to be destroyed. Let's gather the power of the six countries to directly destroy the Great Yan Kingdom, and then send the nobles of the Great Yan Kingdom to the blood sacrifice array. Zhao Wuji's voice was cold.

After saying this, the three of them looked at each other, then nodded in agreement.

At this point, I have no choice but to find a way to perform a blood sacrifice.

As for how to ask the six countries to send troops to besiege the Yan Kingdom?

There is no shortage of solutions for a few people.

Especially Xia Houying, who himself represents the Han Dynasty. Li Xianwen represents the Great Qin Kingdom.

Then, under the operation of the three people, in the early morning of the next day, millions of cavalry from the six countries were dispatched to attack the last seven remaining cities of the Yan Kingdom.

With the powerful men of the Jin Dynasty taking action, there was no suspense in this war, and the six vassal states naturally carved up the Yan Kingdom.

Countless nobles, princes, grandsons, and defeated generals from the Yan Kingdom, totaling 200,000 people, were driven to Lijia Village.

The leader of Dayan Kingdom was sitting on the dragon throne with an angry look on his face. Zhao Wuji and three others stood in front of him. The atmosphere in the arena was tense.

The Six Nations acted too quickly, and before Dayan could even react, it was already destroyed.

Don't say that we bully you. The Dayan Kingdom has been destroyed now, but we will not kill them all to leave you a chance of survival. As long as you lead 200,000 soldiers into the golden light array and kill the demons in the golden light array, we Allow your three thousand direct bloodline of the Great Yan Kingdom to stay. Zhao Wuji ignored the fire-breathing eyes of the leader of the Great Yan Kingdom, and his voice was full of coldness.

The Lord of Dayan State was trembling with anger. He was not a fool. Of course he knew what Zhao Wuji meant. He was asking himself to lead his army to fill the hole!

But does he have a choice?

He also wanted to say forcefully, 'My mother would rather die than compromise,' but he couldn't say it!

He always wanted to preserve the last bloodline of Dayan Kingdom.

I led 200,000 soldiers into the golden light array to kill the demon. Are you really willing to let go of the three thousand direct blood of my Great Yan Kingdom? asked the leader of the Great Yan Kingdom.

Zhao Wuji smiled: It's not a bad idea to even give me the title of Zhao, or the title of Qin, or the title of Han.

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