In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 515: The Earth Collapses and the Mountains Destroy the Heroes to Death

Just do it.

Cui Yu couldn't find any traces on the battlefield ruins, so he turned into air and disappeared. A few days later, Cui Yu returned to the capital of Dayu Kingdom.

At this time, in front of the capital gate of the Dayu Kingdom, there were all strange soldiers with blue eyes, tall noses, and red hair. Looking at the clothes of the soldiers, Cui Yu frowned: These are not soldiers of the Dayu Kingdom.

Cui Yu didn't know which country's soldiers they were, and couldn't tell.

But now it is obvious that the capital of Dayu Kingdom has been occupied.

It didn't matter which country he was a soldier from. Cui Yu came to Zhihu's yard and saw Zhihu's life magnetic field from a distance.

Zhihu looked reserved and unshaven, sitting in the yard with a disheveled beard. There were more than a dozen wine bottles in front of him. At this time, the wine bottles were tilted here and there, and a trace of wine was slowly flowing out in the yard.

Zhihu held the wine jar with one hand and snored slightly, as if he was sleeping.

You didn't leave? Cui Yu appeared in the corner of the yard, looked at the depressed Zhihu, and asked.

Cui Yu's words woke Zhihu up, and he saw Zhihu suddenly stood up, and the scattered children's holes quickly gathered and shrank. The next moment he saw Cui Yu standing in front of him, he stood up suddenly, in disbelief. He looked at Cui Yu: I have been waiting here for you, and I finally got you here.

Zhihu looked excited and grabbed Cui Yu's shoulders.

Smelling the tangy smell of alcohol, Cui Yu frowned, then pushed Zhihu away: Why do you look like this?

I am responsible for the situation in Dayu Kingdom. Now that Dayu Kingdom is in this state, how can I get something good to eat? Zhihu said angrily: If I don't see you again, I will go to Haojing to apologize. .”

Where have you been? Zhihu stared at Cui Yu with his eyes: I miss you so much. If you were here, the situation in Dayu Kingdom would never have deteriorated to what it is now.

I went to do some errands, and I just heard the news about Dayu Kingdom, so I hurried back to find out more about the situation in Dayu Kingdom. Cui Yu looked at Zhihu with his eyes:

Where are Xiang Caizhu and Xiang Yu?

Cui Yu's voice was a little gloomy.

Zhihu smiled bitterly: I don't know.

Don't know? Cui Yu was stunned, never expecting that Zhihu didn't know either.

Who would have thought that Xiang Yu would be defeated? Xiang Caizhu would also be defeated? Dayu Kingdom was not prepared at all, and I was not prepared at all. Zhihu's voice was full of helplessness.

Otherwise, with a little preparation, he wouldn't be so passive.

On that battlefield, who was the fallen master of the Jin Dynasty? Xiang Yu? Xiang Caizhu? Or those four masters of the Jin Dynasty? Cui Yu asked.

Zhihu shook his head: Those four Jinchi have never been heard from before. I suspect they are masters in the Taiping Dao. They are the trump cards of the Taiping Dao lineage. No one knows the outcome of that battle. I am afraid that only Zhao Kuo , and the four Jin Chi knew exactly what happened that day. The spies from the Suppression Division once went to clean the battlefield, but unfortunately nothing was found.

Cui Yu's face was full of disappointment, and his heart gradually sank to the bottom. Things were beyond his expectation.

Even the imperial court of the Great Zhou Dynasty didn't know what happened, and it would be difficult to find out the news.

If you want to find Xiang Yu and Xiang Caizhu, I have a way. Zhihu looked at Cui Yu and saw Cui Yu's expression gradually getting depressed, so he quickly reminded them.

Do you have a way? What way? Cui Yu perked up and asked.

Haha, as long as you ruin their plan, those old guys will definitely come out to find you. Zhihu's eyes were full of coldness.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard this, and after a long time he said: I understand. They are just remnants of the seven vassal states, not worth mentioning. I was about to meet Zhao Kuo in person to see if he, a military sage, has real talent. Real materials, whether it is worthy of the name.”

Cui Yu patted Zhihu on the shoulder: I want information. Cheer up, I haven't lost yet. As long as we guard the entrance to the Dongting Lake Dragon Palace, we still have a chance.

Zhihu was speechless when he heard this. He just wanted Cui Yu to destroy the Seven Kingdoms Plan. How could he dare to expect Cui Yu to turn things around?

You must know that those are four masters of the Golden Regiment.

In this small borderland, there should be no Jinchi masters at all.

If you don't have a chance, don't waste your efforts. Those are the four masters of the Jin Dynasty. The Great Zhou Dynasty will never send masters to help. Zhihu is not optimistic:

If you could rescue the Xiang brothers and sisters before they disappeared, it would not be difficult to reverse the situation, but now... Zhihu smiled bitterly. He was trying to persuade Cui Yu to give up, lest he get involved.

Jin Chi is just Jin Chi. Jin Chi is also a human being and will die. Cui Yu looked at Zhihu: When did I fight an unprepared battle?

Those are four Jinchi masters. How can you suppress them? Zhihu looked at Cui Yu in disbelief, his eyes full of horror.

Cui Yu smiled softly, of course he had a way.

Wait for my good news. Cui Yu patted Zhihu on the shoulder: Remember, the information must be sent to me in time.

After Cui Yu finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Zhihu standing in the yard with disbelief in his eyes: Those are four Jinchi. Even if you beat me to death, I can't believe it. Four How should Jin Chi defeat him? that this kid has come forward and vowed to turn things around, I have no choice now, so I might as well gamble with him.

After saying that, Zhihu stood up and quickly disappeared into the yard.

Let's talk about Cui Yu. He looked at the chaotic crowds on the streets along the way. The capital of Dayu Kingdom was taken away. It seemed that there was no difference from before. The people still lived how they should live, and they still lived how they should live.

For ordinary people, who rules the sky above them is just a change of tax collector, and there will be no difference.

Cui Yu was walking on the street, thinking of someone who must know the outcome of that earth-shattering battle.

Tang Zhou!

Tang Zhou must know.

Tang Zhou was one of the main planners of this incident. Others may not know it, but Tang Zhou must know it.

Cui Yu came all the way to Tang Zhou's courtyard, only to find that Tang Zhou had already left the building and had disappeared.

Tang Zhou's disappearance caused Cui Yu's plan to fail.

It seems that we can only fight one more time. After wiping out the remnants of the Seven Kingdoms, regaining the Great Yu Kingdom, we can also help Han Xin control the power of the Seven Kingdoms. Cui Yu turned into air the next moment, and when he reappeared, he had already found Xiang village.

Xiang Zhuang led the remaining 300,000 elites of Dayu Kingdom, carrying everyone in the capital, and ran away like a bereaved dog.

When Cui Yu found Xiangzhuang, Xiangzhuang was setting up camp to rest.

It can be seen that Xiang Zhuang's current mental state is quite good.

The appearance of Cui Yu means that many things will be solved.

Someone will carry the heaven of Dayu Kingdom for him.

Cui Yu went directly to Xiangzhuang's big tent. Xiangzhuang was roasting lamb legs unhurriedly and drinking rice wine with great interest.

Where are the rebels now? Cui Yu asked.

Xiang Zhuang glanced at Cui Yu who walked out of the air: We are still three hundred miles away. We saw that the opportunity was not good, and in order to preserve our strength and get a chance to make a comeback, we abandoned the city and fled. So we ran a relatively long distance. However, there are still 100,000 people entangled with that army, playing hide and seek with the opponent's army of one million, attracting the opponent's attention.

Thinking of his dead relatives, Xiang Zhuang felt heartache again.

If we want to save people, we should save them first. Xiang Zhuang said.

A million troops are chasing 100,000 people. Even if they are all old, young, women and children, it is not easy to kill them all.

Cui Yu smiled, acquiescing to Xiang Zhuang's idea.

This place looks familiar. It seems like it's not far from Daliang City. Cui Yu asked.

It's still a month away from Daliang City. Xiang Zhuang said.

Daliang City is a forbidden land. Although it belonged to Dayu in the past, it was captured by Daxia and later by the Haoran lineage. The Haoran lineage may not allow people from the Dayu Kingdom to enter it. Cui Yu took his time. He stepped forward and roasted the leg of lamb.

There is no way. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will never go to Daliang City. If Daliang City doesn't open, we will enter Liangjie Mountain. There are three thousand miles of cloud sea there, which can be our support. Xiang Zhuang said with a serious face: I All we have to do is retain our strength for Dayu Kingdom.

Cui Yu felt that Xiang Zhuang did nothing wrong. Now that Xiang Yu and Xiang Caizhu were alive and dead and their whereabouts were unknown, facing the four Jin imperial masters who appeared on the battlefield of Dayu Kingdom, retaining their strength was the best choice.

What happened to the king and Caizhu? Xiang Zhuang looked at Cui Yu with concern.

There is good news. At least one of Xiang Yu and Xiang Caizhu is still alive. Cui Yu cut off a small piece of lamb leg and ate it carefully.

Xiang Zhuang clenched his fists, his eyes were full of grief and anger, and tears filled his eyes.

Dayu Kingdom originally had a bright future, but it was a pity that it was ruined like this. Obviously he was very unwilling to do so.

There is a difference between one demigod and two demigods.

The bad news is that there are no traces of them. What I have to do now is to force those old guys out and force them to jump over the wall and come to me. Asking me to search for them all over the world is obviously unrealistic. Cui Yu looked at Xiang Zhuang: Do you believe me?

Believe it! Xiang Zhuang nodded without hesitation.

Then what if I want to control the military power of Dayu Kingdom? Cui Yu asked.

Xiang Yu did not hesitate, stretched out his hand to fumble in his sleeve, and then handed over a token: Here are all the tokens of the three armies.

You guys go first, I'll give the remnants of the Seven Kingdoms some surprises, and I'll make a break with them when we get to the entrance of Dongting Lake. Cui Yu's eyes were full of coldness.

Xiang Zhuang was stunned: To put an end to it? With our current strength, can we do it?

Believe me or not? Cui Yu asked.

Xiang Zhuang gritted his teeth: Letter.

Let's do it. Cui Yu picked up the mutton and took a bite.

Xiang Zhuang didn't say much, turned around and walked out of the big tent to do something. Handing over military power to Cui Yu was not a small matter, and this matter had to be communicated to the elders of the Xiang family and the generals.

Cui Yu glanced at the big tent, looked at the map on the wall, and then tilted his head and looked at it for a long time: No matter how powerful the military formation is, if you don't give you time to arrange it, it will be nothing more than waste. I only need to use thermal weapons. If your army is destroyed and your military formations cannot be arranged, you will all be ants. An army of millions? An army of hundreds of millions is no match for thermal weapons.

Cui Yu was very fortunate that in his previous life he had often been exposed to various types of gunpowder and the manufacturing process of various explosives.

He has so much divine power now that he can have as many explosives as he wants.

As long as the opponent's marching route can be determined, no matter how many enemies there are, they can be killed.

It's a pity that I don't know the structure of firearms. Otherwise, I would select 100,000 people and give each of them an AK47, or give them a nuclear bomb and call the Seven-Nation Alliance Dad with their heads down. Cui Yu felt regretful in his heart.

There is no information about the nuclear bomb in his memory.

It's the Great Yan Kingdom that's chasing you, right? The Great Yan Kingdom is chasing you closest, so I'll take action on you. Cui Yu showed a cold look in his eyes, and then sent dozens of sparrow hawks to fly out and head towards the direction of the Great Yan Kingdom's army. Inspection to determine the march route of Dayan Kingdom.

These sparrow hawks were transformed by Cui Yu to return to their ancestors, and ancestral blood was born in their bodies. They are not ordinary sparrow hawks. Each of them is the overlord of the sky, and it is easy to travel thousands of miles in a day.

When Xiang Zhuang came back, Cui Yu had already left, leaving only a note on the table: Wait for news from me.

Cui Yu rushed to the battlefield.

Cui Yu didn't have to wait long before a sparrow eagle sent a picture. It was the scene of the millions of troops from the Yan Kingdom marching southward.

Dayan Kingdom is heading south to encircle and suppress a team of tens of thousands of people. The two sides are chasing each other in a life-and-death race.

The one who left behind was Yu Chuan, the general of Dayu Kingdom.

At this time, Yu Chuan stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the fighting below, his eyes full of seriousness.

Yu Chuan did not end up, he just stood on the top of the mountain and watched coldly.

The one currently fighting with 100,000 people is just a small army of thousands of people from the other side who have followed them.

It's difficult to handle. Yu Chuan took a deep breath, the matter was not as difficult as usual.

He pretended to be the main force to confuse the troops of the Yan Kingdom. In order to kill them all, the Yan Kingdom divided into thirty small teams of 5,000 people. The ten small teams were like hounds, biting tightly behind the army. .

Even if one looks at all the vassal states in the world, the Dayan Iron Cavalry is still a top-notch cavalry. It is extremely fast. How can it compare to the cavalry when it comes to dragging a family and raising a family by itself?

Moreover, Yu Chuan did not dare to send a large army to fight against the opponent unless it was absolutely necessary.

The opponent's five thousand cavalry must have at least three times the number, and traps must be laid out to break the cavalry formation.

Once the entanglement lasts too long, call the opponent's large army to catch up and find your own bluff. Not to mention that your own 100,000 people can't escape, and the 300,000 troops in front can't escape either.

Fortunately, Dayu Kingdom is not a flat plain, but also has mountains, rivers and hills. Yu Chuan led the army with stops and starts along the way, and ended up entangled with the opponent for more than a month.

The price of entanglement is the lives of 10,000 soldiers.

How to stop the opponent's army if there are no lives to fill it?

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