In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 510: Dharma, Heaven and Earth

Although Xiang Yu is brave and indestructible with his copper skin and iron bones, facing the entanglement of four masters of the Golden Imperial Realm, it is impossible to win quickly.

After all, masters in the Jinchi realm are not just fools.

At this level, he is already at the top of the food chain, and his level is not much worse than Xiang Yu.

As for combat power...

However, he saw the magical powers flowing in the hands of the four masters of the Golden Imperial Realm and falling on Xiang Yu. He saw that Xiang Yu's clothes were torn, but that was all.

The four masters didn't even leave a single mark.

If you can't break through my copper skin and iron bones, no matter how many masters come, they will only die when facing me. Xiang Yu's voice was domineering, and his eyes were full of contempt. He wanted to break through before the formation was formed. go out.

Xiang Yu, if you dare to break the formation and leave, we will go directly to the capital of Dayu. I want to see if there are any strong men in the capital of Dayu who can kill the four Jin Dynasties. Seeing Xiang Yu about to leave, One of them threatened.

Xiang Yu paused and turned to look at the strong man who threatened him. Although the man was wearing a mask, Xiang Yu's eyes seemed to tear through the mask and saw the shadow behind the mask.

Use my tricks against me? Xiang Yu paused.

I have to admit that the other party's threat is very effective. Xiang Yu is immortal, but Dayu is not.

Xiang Yu can sneak attack the Wu Kingdom's lair, can't these saints take the opportunity to destroy the Yu Kingdom?


If I want to leave, do I have to beat you to death? Although it's a little troublesome, it's not very difficult for me. There are only a handful of masters in the Jinzhi realm in the world. The four of you hide your faces, so you won't be able to see the light. Are you afraid that I will retaliate in the future? Xiang Yu's aura began to rise.

Kill! Xiang Yu shouted angrily.

Even if he knew that Zhao Kuo was setting up military formations, Xiang Yu still had to stay here and could not leave.

Either he kills the four Jin imperial masters first, or Zhao Kuo sets up a large formation first and traps Xiang Yu.

It's a race against time.

Let me see the true face of the four of you who hide your heads and show your tail. Xiang Yu's eyes were full of unruly.

Even if the opponent forms a large formation and is surrounded by four masters of the Golden Imperial Realm, he is still not afraid.


Xiang Yu's greatest reliance is not his bloodline or the law of power, but his unbreakable golden body.

When the four of them saw that Xiang Yu had no defense at all and directly exchanged injuries with him one-on-one, the four of them were so shocked that they did not dare to directly confront Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu had an indestructible golden body, so he received a blow from himself and had no reaction at all. But if he were to take a punch from Xiang Yu's Law of Strength, he would probably be blown up.

too strong!

Seeing Xiang Yu suppressing the four of them, the four masters felt aggrieved, but they did not dare to retreat.

Here are all the forces of the four countries. Once the four retreat and Xiang Yu has no restraint, it will be a devastating disaster.

The four countries were directly served in one pot.


The only response from everyone was to kill.

The four of them just hope that Zhao Kuo can give some strength and arrange a large formation as soon as possible, otherwise the four of them will not be able to support it.

Dayu Kingdom

Xiang Zhuang stood at the border, looking at the distant atmosphere with his eyes full of caution.

Don't worry, don't you know Xiang Yu's strength yet? No one can defeat Xiang Yu's indestructible golden body. Zhihu consoled him.

There are all kinds of wonders in the world. All kinds of strange and weird powers are simply beyond imagination. Even the most powerful people, such as Taizu Taizu, would not dare to say that they are invincible. Xiang Zhuang said quietly.


At this moment, a shadow ran from the distance and knelt down directly in front of Xiangzhuang. His voice was full of panic: The commander-in-chief was trapped by the four-nation coalition. Four masters of the Jin Dynasty came from nowhere. He took action and dragged the commander into the battlefield, unable to escape.


! Xiang Zhuang suddenly changed his color when he heard this. He was really afraid of what might happen. The next moment, Xiang Zhuang turned into air and disappeared from where he was.

Xiang Zhuang had already reached the outskirts of the battlefield in just three breaths. He looked at the battlefield with a pair of eyes full of embarrassment.

Especially looking at the four golden emperors who besieged Xiang Yu in the void, and the eight golden pillars that tens of millions of troops gathered together to form, Xiang Zhuang's eyes were full of deathly gray: The sky is going to fall! The sky is going to fall!

Xiang Yu is the pillar of the Dayu Kingdom and the sea-fixing needle of the Dayu Kingdom. If Xiang Yu falls, the entire Yu Kingdom will be divided among the four vassal states.

He did not take action rashly, because even if he did, it would not be enough to kill him with the help of Saint Jin Chi.

Thousands of thoughts were spinning rapidly in Xiang Zhuang's mind, and a figure appeared in Xiang Zhuang's mind: Cui Yu!

Only Cui Yu can save the crisis.

The only thing he can think of now is Cui Yu.

Farther away in the country of Dayu

Zhang Jiao and Han Xin sit together

Looking at the letter in his hand, Han Xin smiled and turned the letter into powder: The elites of the four countries have gathered in the Kingdom of Wu. Now is my chance to take action on Taiping Dao.

Take care. Zhang Jiao looked at Han Xin: I will hold the battle for you.

Haha, there are no masters at the Jinzhi level in the four countries. Otherwise, how could Xiang Yu be forced to this point? Han Xin smiled softly, his eyes full of pride:

My Yellow Turban Formation has been mastered, and the destruction of Daxia can only be done in a snap. I must act quickly to destroy the four vassal states before they can react.

When the time comes, our Taiping Dao will stand in a three-legged relationship with Qin and Han in the far west. The future is promising. After Han Xin finished speaking, he stood up and ordered: Send troops.

On the same day that Xiang Yu was trapped, Han Xin led millions of Taiping Dao elites and bravely entered the territory of Daxia.

Under the command of Han Xin, the millions of troops were as uniform as one man.

Attacking cities and fortresses wherever they went, Daxia had no elite troops and was powerless to resist Han Xin.

Han Xin led the army as if it were in a deserted place, turning command into an art for the first time.

Compared with the siege of Xiang Yu, Han Xin's invasion of Daxia was uneventful. At the beginning of Daxia, the remnant army of Taiping Dao was not taken seriously at all.

Let’s talk about Xiangzhuang

Xiang Zhuang hurriedly came to the golden light formation, but was blocked by Runan: My eldest brother has gone into seclusion to practice. I told him before the retreat that no one can disturb him.

I have something urgent, and I would like to ask the girl to pass it on. If Cui Yu is blamed, I will bear the responsibility. Xiang Zhuang said anxiously to Runan.

Looking at the anxious Xiang Zhuang, Runan shook his head: I understand your mood very well, but practicing in seclusion is no small matter. Once you are disturbed, you may become obsessed with it if you are not careful. Please forgive me for not being able to communicate.

Looking at Runan who refused to give in, Xiang Zhuang stamped his feet anxiously and stood in the mountains and shouted loudly: Cui Yu! Cui Yu! I am Xiang Zhuang! I have urgent matters. Please hurry up. Come out quickly.

Cui Yu! A shocking change has occurred in the outside world. If you don't come out, Dayu will be destroyed and Xiang Yu will be killed!

Cui Yu! Come out!

Xiang Zhuang shouted at the top of his voice, echoing in the mountains.

It's a pity that Cui Yu is hundreds of miles away. How can he hear Xiang Zhuang's shouting?

However, Cui Yu didn't hear it, but Xiang Caizhu in the golden light formation did.

Especially when the words The Yu Kingdom is about to end, Xiang Yu is going to be killed came out, Xiang Caizhu's silk cocoon fluctuated violently, and the next moment the silk cocoon exploded, and Xiang Caizhu's head was radiating fiercely. Zhu rushed out from the golden light formation:

What did you say? You said my brother was going to die?

Seeing Xiang Caizhu floating off the ground, Xiang Zhuang shrank: The aura on you???

Xiang Zhuang's eyes were full of horror, because Xiang Caizhu's aura was no worse than Xiang Yu's.

You said my brother is going to die? Xiang Caizhu asked anxiously.

Zhao Kuo commanded the Allied Forces of the Four Nations and cooperated with four masters of the Golden Imperial Realm to trap your brother. No matter how powerful your brother is, Zhao Kuo used the Big Dipper Formation and could borrow the starlight of the Big Dipper. I'm afraid your brother will be in trouble. Xiang Zhuang said with a bitter smile.

Xiang Yu is too overconfident and inflated.

Xiang Caizhu frowned and turned to look at Runan: Where is Cui Yu?

Runan looked at the murderous Xiang Caizhu, feeling inexplicably afraid in her heart: I don't know. My eldest brother disappeared after retreating.

Bastard! The magnetic power of the earth circulated under Xiang Caizhu's feet: Tell Cui Yu that I am going to the front line. If I can't come back, ask him to go to the front line to save me.

After saying this, Xiang Caizhu left aggressively.

Looking at Xiang Caizhu's retreating figure, Runan shook his head, turned around and walked into the golden light formation.

Runan has reached the ultimate level and entered the realm of the four realms of the second heaven. His cultivation speed is not unpleasant.

No matter how powerful the military formation is, it must operate on land. As long as it operates on land, it cannot stop Xiang Caizhu's earth elemental magnetism.

Under the gravity of the earth, the soldiers were struggling. How could they still have the strength to operate the formation?

Let's talk about Xiang Caizhu, following Xiang Zhuang's guidance, he soared all the way, and saw the battlefield of Wu Kingdom in the distance, as well as Xiang Yu and the four powerful officials of the Jin Dynasty who were fighting in the center of the battlefield.

The four powerful officials of the Golden Order stood in the four directions, moving forward and backward to contain Xiang Yu.

On the ground below, the military formation gradually took shape, with eight sky-reaching pillars trapping Xiang Yu in the center.

However, they saw the four powerful men of the Jin Dynasty taking the opportunity to jump into the military formation behind them and disappear into the golden pillars. Only Xiang Yu stood in the void of the formation, looking at the formation in front of him with his eyes full of sneer: You want to trap me with the help of military formation? It’s simply wishful thinking.”

The next moment, Xiang Yu punched and hit the screen in front of him. Ripples were seen on the screen in front of him, and then the next moment, lines like water ripples appeared on the screen, which actually disintegrated Xiang Yu's fist light.

Xiang Yu suddenly changed his color, and for the first time he noticed something was wrong.

Especially as his punch fell, mysterious golden chains twisted out of the void, imprisoning his limbs.

Xiang Yu used a little force to break the chains, but more chains came out the next moment.

Moreover, Xiang Yu also discovered that as he exploded with more power, the large formation in front of him actually absorbed his power, and the greater the counterattack he unleashed.

Theoretically speaking, as long as the formation is not broken and you attack the formation once, the formation will return the same power to deal with you.

Xiang Yu finally changed his color, and he understood the seriousness of the matter.

Big trouble!

The trouble was not ordinary, he was trapped in the formation.

At this time, Zhao Kuo came to the formation, stood outside the golden energy barrier, looked down at Xiang Yu in the formation, like a god, and said proudly: Xiang Mangzi, when your manpower will eventually be exhausted, you will rely on your own force and will not let the world go free. In my eyes, you are domineering and do many evil things, breaking the rules and destroying two vassal states, but you don’t know that there are people outside the world, and today is the day of your death, can you be convinced?

If you are willing to kneel down and beg for mercy and beg me to let you live, I can consider accepting you as my warrior. If not, even if the king of heaven comes today, I will not be able to save you. Zhao Kuo was aloof, his voice full of emotion. Proudly, the bad breath that I had been holding back in my heart in the past was finally vented today.

So what if you trap me? Can you break my copper skin and iron bones? Xiang Yu asked unhurriedly.

Zhao Kuo's face stiffened: You are looking down on the people of the world too much. Although your copper skin and iron bones are powerful, as long as I trap you here and slowly burn you with a slow fire, there will always be someone who burns you into iron slag. moment.”

Haha, you used tens of millions of people to set up a military formation. You are indeed worthy of the name of a future military saint. But how long can you keep me trapped? Those soldiers can't keep running the formation without eating or drinking. Xiang Yu's voice was full of emotion. Dan Ding: Even if I don't struggle, your formation won't last for more than a few days.

Why how many days? It only takes three or four days to seal you. I can't break your iron bones, but I can seal you and make you sink in darkness forever. Zhao Kuo said in his voice. Full of pride.

My great formation can shave off your lifespan. It is enough to cut off all your lifespan and teach you to die in the great formation. Why should I break your copper skin and iron bones? Zhao Kuo said with a smile.

Looking at Zhao Kuo's smile, Xiang Yu felt cold all over his body and his eyes were full of horror.

So scary!

It was simply terrifying to the extreme.

He never expected that Zhao Kuo would have such vicious methods, and he never expected that his own indestructible golden body would have such a big flaw.

His indestructible golden body is indeed powerful and no one can break it. But not breaking the golden body does not mean that it cannot be killed.

This is a soft knife to cut flesh!

This is the real soft knife cutting flesh.

In this weird world, why do you need to kill people directly if you want to kill someone?

Xiang Yu became a little anxious, and suddenly punched out, landing on the barrier, but the barrier did not move at all.

At this moment, a figure in red clothes suddenly flashed in the distance and landed outside the formation.

This is the battlefield of the Great Wu Kingdom. Anyone who has nothing to do with it must evacuate immediately.

A monk stepped forward and blocked Xiang Caizhu's way.

Looking at the military formation composed of tens of millions of troops, Xiang Caizhu shrank. The eight golden pillars were filled with sacred luster. She saw Xiang Yu trapped in the eight pillars.

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