There was silence in the small courtyard. Gao Dacong, who came to ask for help, looked at the old Confucian scholar with an incredible expression on his face.

Obviously, the old Confucian scholar fell into a state of enlightenment again.

How long will it take for him to realize the truth?

It wasn't until the rain covered his waist that Cui Yu raised his head and asked.

Zhang Liang was sitting on the boat at this time: I don't know. It can take three to five years, or it can take a few hours.

Cui Yu looked at the house that was soaked in the rain and was already crumbling.

No time. Cui Yu said.

In less than a day, Daliang City will be flooded by rain.

Daliang City is located on a plateau, how could it be flooded by rain? Cui Yu took a step forward and stepped on the water.

The next moment, with a flick of the palm, the water flow twisted and turned into a pillar several meters thick, and the water flow on the pillar froze to form an enclosed pavilion.

Then the water flow twisted again and turned into a step.

Cui Yu looked at the two little ones, picked them up, and placed them on a pillar more than ten meters high.

Seeing this, Zhang Liang also abandoned the ship and climbed onto Cui Yu's frozen pillar.

He felt it was safer to be with Cui Yu.

We can't sit still and wait for death. I want to go out and take a look. Cui Yu said to everyone after helping Zhao Cailun up.

Senior brother, I'll go with you. Wang Yi looked determined.

No, it's better for me to go alone. Cui Yu rejected Wang Yi.

Being able to flood Daliang City, you can imagine how incredible the other party's magical powers and methods are.

Wang Yi has not yet developed his magical powers, and if he goes there, he will just die in vain.

Cui Yu looked at Gao Dachong, intending to take revenge and take the opportunity to kill him, but now Haoran's lineage was in a huge blow, and if he could keep one more person, he would retain more strength.

Cui Yu waved towards the room and saw the Seven Star Sword flying down from the wall and then hanging on Cui Yu's back.

Cui Yu walked on the water and walked slowly outside Daliang City.

Cui Yu walked on the water, tens of meters at a time. Looking around, all of Daliang City was soaked in the water.

Someone was floating in the water with the door board closed.

Others hugged the carriage and kept shouting in panic.

The smart ones climbed directly onto the eaves, while the older ones held the pillars and floated in the water.

I don't have much time left. Cui Yu stepped on the water, causing countless people to scream for help wherever he went. Cui Yu ignored them and just walked on his own.

Soon Cui Yu came to the city gate, and ordered the soldiers to slide the boats and abandon Daliang City.

Tomson retreated!

Obviously, Tang Chen felt that it was difficult for Daliang City to survive the disaster, so it was better to abandon the matter directly.

Cui Yu arrived at the top of Daliang City step by step, then looked around, and then his heart tightened.

He finally understood why the water in Daliang City did not vent to the surrounding areas.

I saw an invisible barrier rising up in the void around Daliang City, trapping all the water that fell into Daliang City.

The entire Daliang City seemed to be turned upside down by a bowl, and all the water flow hit the invisible barrier and was blocked back.

Is there anyone else who can use magical powers here? Cui Yu looked surprised.

Hurry up and see the world. Xin Yuan exclaimed in Cui Yu's shadow.

When Cui Yu heard the words, the power of the world poured into his eyes, he looked towards the Dharma Realm, and his heart trembled at the next moment.

But in the Daliang Realm, a divine dragon twisted and coiled in the sky above Daliang City's Dharma Realm, trapping the entire Daliang City.

Where is the barrier that Cui Yu sees?

It was clearly the dragon in the Dharma Realm that wrapped around Daliang City and then blocked the water in Daliang City.

What a sin! He is so vicious that he wants to drown all the millions of people in Daliang City. Cui Yu cursed angrily.

But the other party's real body is in the legal world, influencing the real world from the legal world and interfering with the laws of the real world.

The opponent's true body is in the Dharma Realm. How can I subdue him? And with this guy's magical powers, I'm afraid I won't be able to subdue him. Cui Yu looked at the dragon entrenched in the Dharma Realm. The energy of chaos was lingering around him, like a shield. The giant beast that blocked out the sun surrounded the entire Daliang City.

Cui Yu looked at Chi You with his eyes. Now the only person around him who can interfere with the legal world is Chi You.

Chi You didn't care: I can take action, but once I take action, it will definitely attract the attention of the powerful human race. Your crisis in Daliang City has been resolved, but if you hang out with me, you will definitely be dead.

Chi You's move caused too much noise.

Especially the battle at Kunlun Mountain was on the blacklist of all major forces.

Without him, Chi You is too strong!

Even if a saint faced Chi You, he could only flee.

Cui Yu fell silent upon hearing this.

What is the origin of that dragon? Why does it have to fight against our human race? Does it have to flood Daliang City? Cui Yu asked.

Unfortunately, no one can answer Cui Yu's question.

Cui Yu looked at Xin Yuan's dog head again: Don't you usually have the best ideas? Why are you silent now?

I do have an idea. Xin Yuan rolled his eyes, showing a cunning look.

What can you do? Cui Yu asked quickly.

Your dragon-binding lock is the natural enemy of the dragon clan. As long as it is trapped by your dragon-binding lock, no matter what level of dragon it is, it must be captured obediently. Xin Yuan said.

But it's in the Dharma Realm. How can I restrain it? And with its cultivation, it's really difficult to restrain it. The other party sensed something was wrong and flew away. What can I do? Cui Yu said.

Silly! We can design it. As long as you are a dragon, you can't escape the temptation of Ding Haizhu. You just need to use Ding Haizhu as bait and tie him up with a dragon-binding lock. Then he will be at your disposal? Xin Yuan road.

Cui Yu suddenly realized what he said and slapped his head: I didn't expect such a simple method.

Cui Yu looked at the Dharma Realm: Since the other party is to be suppressed, of course it must be suppressed within the Dharma Realm. I cannot enter the Dharma Realm, so I have to leave this matter to you.

Easy to say, easy to say. This matter is simple. Just listen to my good news. Xin Yuan looked at Cui Yu longingly.

Cui Yu threw the Dragon Binding Lock and Dinghai Divine Pearl to Xin Yuan. Xin Yuan rolled his eyes at Cui Yu: You can't design a trap like this.

Cui Yu pondered for a moment, then folded the dragon-binding lock several times and turned it into a net bag to hold the Dinghai Divine Pearl.

A child can be taught. Xin Yuan held the Dinghai Divine Pearl in his mouth and quickly turned around and jumped into the Dharma Realm.

Just after entering the Dharma Realm, Chi You's dog head became a little restless: These are two innate spiritual treasures, how about you and I divide them? When the time comes, you and I take the opportunity to escape in the Dharma Realm, and that kid can't find any trace of us.

Do you think I'm a fool? Without that boy's help, how can I be your opponent? I'm afraid I'll be swallowed up by you. Xin Yuan rolled his eyes angrily, with a hint of disdain in his eyes, and then cautiously He glanced at Prince Long San in the distance.

Then Xin Yuan activated the Dinghai Pearl, and as the fluctuations of the Dinghai Pearl emanated, the drunken third prince suddenly opened his eyes and shook his dizzy dragon head: Dinghai Divine Pearl? Is it the breath of the Dinghai Divine Pearl?

The next moment, the Third Prince Long suddenly raised the dragon's head, and sure enough, he saw beads with pale blue luster shining in the chaos, hanging in the void in the chaos.

My dragon clan's most precious treasure, the Dinghai Divine Pearl, is actually in the Dharma Realm? No wonder the world can't find any information about it. The third prince couldn't help but be overjoyed when he looked at the Dinghai Divine Pearl. The next moment, the dragon's claws extended infinitely, across the distant void, and grasped the Dinghai Divine Pearl. He held the Poseidon Pearl in his hand.

Looking at the Dinghai Divine Pearl caught in the net, Prince Long San was overjoyed: It is indeed the Dinghai Divine Pearl! I have made great contributions to the Dragon Clan by retrieving the Dinghai Divine Pearl. My father will definitely reward me well. Yes. With the Dinghai Divine Pearl, I can speed up the flooding of Daliang City.

Just as thousands of thoughts were flashing in the heart of the third prince Long, and his brain was occupied by ecstasy, Cui Yu, who was standing at the top of Daliang City, saw the third prince holding the dragon-binding lock and the Dinghai Divine Pearl. He couldn't help but be overjoyed: This stupid dragon, Dinghai. The Sea God Pearl appeared inexplicably in the Dharma Realm, and he didn't have any precautions or suspicions.

The next moment Cui Yu recited a spell, the dragon-binding lock was activated, trapping in the dragon claws of the Third Prince Long like a spiritual snake, and following the claws of the Third Prince Long, it wrapped around the arm of the Third Prince Long.

What the hell!

The Third Prince Long sensed something was wrong and wanted to use his magical power to break free of the Dragon Binding Lock, but the Dragon Binding Lock was specially designed to restrain dragons and ignored the Third Prince's power and wandered to his arm in the blink of an eye.

The Third Prince Long screamed and jumped into the air, wanting to get rid of the dragon-binding chains, but how could he not do so in time?

However, in the blink of an eye, the dragon-binding lock had already wrapped around the third prince like a rice dumpling. Then countless barbs popped out of the dragon-binding lock and pierced into the third prince's body. In an instant, the divine power poured out from the third prince's body like a tide. .

The third prince was like a rubber ball. In the blink of an eye, it changed from the size of thousands of miles in the city to the size of a palm.

What the hell is this? Prince Long San shouted in panic, like a bug that was drumming in the Dharma Realm. [Insects squirming]

At this time, the tengu came running from a distance, all the way to the third prince.

Looking at the huge black dog, the third prince felt fear in his heart: It's over, I bumped into the great terror in the Dharma Realm! My life is at stake!

As soon as he finished speaking, he fainted.

It's just a little bug in the realm of Yuanshen, but it almost flooded Daliang City. Although the cultivation level is low, it can't withstand the innate supernatural powers. This innate magical power is really powerful enough. Tengu Didi Gugu, and killed him in one bite The Third Prince picked it up and entered Cui Yu's little world.


When Cui Yu saw the third prince being captured, he couldn't help but be startled: Is it that simple?

He thought he was such an incredible strong man, but he never expected that he would be suppressed by him like this.

Without the obstruction of Prince Long San, the barriers surrounding Daliang City disappeared quietly.

Then Daliang City was like a leaky basket, with countless floods surging out of it and venting towards low-lying areas in the distance.

The crisis in Daliang City has been temporarily resolved.

Suppress that little bug in the small world.

Cui Yu used his magical power, Gonggong's power circulated, and then turned the little insect into an ice wither.

Xin Yuan returned with the Dragon Binding Lock and Dinghai Divine Pearl. Looking at Daliang City where the tide receded, there was a hint of joy in his eyes: Is Daliang City saved?

This is all your fault. Cui Yu said with a smile, and a smile broke out on his gloomy face.

Haha, the merits are immeasurable! The merits are immeasurable! I will be blessed by the power of incense in the future. Xin Yuan said as he got directly into Cui Yu's shadow.

A high mountain in the distance

The Monkey Demon Great Sage was sitting in the mountains drinking tea, quietly looking at Daliang City wrapped in the heavy rain, with a cold look in his eyes: After today, Daliang City will no longer exist.

Yan Qu, you put the handle into my hands yourself, but don't blame me. The Great Sage of the Ape Demon was happily thinking about when he would ride on the Central Plains and cross the Great Wall of Bones to kill, when he suddenly noticed something in the distance. Something was wrong, so he quickly looked in the direction of Daliang City. The next moment, the monkey demon great sage crushed the tea cup in his hand and stood up in shock:

What is that little bug doing? How did you solve the siege of Daliang City?

The Ape Demon Great Sage looked at the water flowing out of Daliang City, and he suddenly became anxious. He quickly looked into the Dharma Realm and saw the chaotic energy rolling in the Daliang Realm. Where is the trace of Prince Long San?

Where is Prince Long San?

The Great Sage of the Ape Demon has numb claws.

He felt that something more terrifying had happened than flooding Daliang City.

He had lost the most important Prince Long of the Dragon Clan. If He Bo and the Sihai Dragon Clan knew about this, how could they spare him lightly?

Ignoring Daliang City, the Ape Demon Monkey King directly entered the Dharma Realm and began to shout loudly: The Third Prince Long? The Third Prince Long?

Inside Daliang City


A group of people sat sullenly on the ice, watching the heavy rain in the sky, all without saying a word.

The ice gave off a chilly air that made several people shiver, but no one complained.

The two little ones were held in Runan's arms, while Zhao Cailun stood at the gate, holding a gourd pot all wet, constantly scooping out the water in the yard, and his eyes were always staring at the old Confucian scholar.

As long as the water reaches the old Confucian scholar, the old Confucian scholar will be choked and wake up immediately. At that time, the old Confucian scholar's enlightenment will probably be interrupted.

A good fortune, everything comes to nothing.

But the yard was like a big sieve, with holes everywhere, and countless water seeped in from the streets.

The air in the courtyard was extremely tense at this time. No matter how hard everyone tried, they could only watch the water flow over the heart of the old Confucian scholar.

What's the use of enlightenment if my life is gone? Just wake up the old Confucian scholar! Zhang Liang struggled to pick up the wooden basin and scoop out the water, while complaining:

If you ask me, we should leave quickly by boat. Why waste time here? Now that Daliang City has become an isolated city, who will come to rescue us? And the other party can flood Daliang City. With such great magical power, Even if a strong human being wants to save him, he may not be able to do so.

Zhang Liang was chattering on the side, but the two little ones were not happy anymore.

Because the two little ones are too short, they can only stand on the ice platform at this time.

My brother said that he will definitely solve the flood problem in Daliang City. Cui Lu refuted Zhang Liang's words with wide eyes.

Your brother has solved the crisis in Daliang City? Haha, do you think your brother is a saint? Don't say that your brother is just a young boy who has not yet mastered martial arts. Even if your brother is really a saint, he may not be able to conquer the outside of Daliang City. That one. Zhang Liang retorted unceremoniously.

You're talking nonsense! My brother said he can do it! Cui Li said, his voice full of anger.

Your brother is talking nonsense. If he had the ability, he would have taken action long ago. Why wait until now? Zhang Liang responded unceremoniously.

My brother can do it!

Your brother is just a lucky boy!

My brother can do it!

Your brother is overestimating his abilities!

When the two were bickering, Zhao Cailun, who was scooping water, suddenly made a move and shouted: Stop fighting, let's see if the water has gone down?

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