In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 387 The Ancestral Dragon’s Bead

The rain was pouring down.

The old Confucian scholar stood under the eaves, looking at the pouring rain, which made the branches on the ground sway constantly and the leaves fell piece by piece, with a trace of sadness and anger in his eyes.

This rain is very abnormal!

Any normal person would know that the heavy rain came out of nowhere.

The heavy rain fell under the eaves, dripped along the eaves, and turned into a curtain of water.

The rainwater fell on the ground and accumulated at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a puddle.

Master. Wang Yi had a look of worry in his eyes. He came behind the old Confucian scholar with the coir raincoat and put the coir raincoat on the old Confucian scholar.

My Haoran lineage is in so many troubles! Why doesn't God give my Haoran lineage a chance to breathe? The eyes of the old Confucian scholar were full of sorrow.

Without a chance to breathe, the enemy's methods have been overwhelming.

Cui Yu opened the window, and the heavy rain came quickly, hitting the house, but it twisted when he got close to the window.

Everything between heaven and earth is silent, only the sound of rain can be heard between heaven and earth.

Cui Yu looked at Zhang Liang: Your calculation is really accurate.

Zhang Liang ignored Cui Yu, but put on his raincoat and came to the yard, jumped on the wooden boat, and poured the rainwater out of the boat.

If I were you, I would leave Daliang City as soon as possible. Someone wants to flood Daliang City and drown everyone in Daliang City. Zhang Liang said while scooping water.

Cui Yu didn't speak, he just stood in front of the window and watched, seeing the rainwater continuously rising and the water in the yard accumulating up to his ankles.

Time passed little by little, and after a quarter of an hour, the rainwater in the yard reached up to the knees and began to flow towards the thousand-year-old well.

It's a pity that although the ancient well is connected to the underground spring, the spring is too thin and cannot dredge too much water at all. The well water soon fills up and pours into the house.

Wang Yi wanted to carry the sandbags, but was stopped by Cui Yu.

Cui Yu pointed his finger, and the cold air condensed in the void. The water in front of the door was frozen into ice, blocking the water outside.

At this time, chickens and dogs were jumping around in the yard, and the poultry raised at home kept howling.

The shrewd hen flew onto the shelf, and the dog jumped onto the pot.

There were screams and shouts outside the alley, and countless people took to the streets at this time, trying to escape outside Daliang City.

What a mess!

Daliang City was in complete chaos.

The officials themselves have too much time to take care of themselves, so how can they have time to take care of the people in the city?

Cui Yu looked at Zhang Liang who was wandering in the yard. The great monk was scooping water like an ordinary person with an anxious look on his face, trying to prevent the boat from accidentally hitting the railing in the yard.

Who took action and wanted to harm people? Cui Yu asked.

How do I know? The other party has reversed the secret of heaven and his cultivation is far above me. How could I know. Zhang Liang looked at Cui Yu angrily and huddled in his bamboo hat: Let's run for our lives.

I can escape, but how can the people in Daliang City escape? Where to escape? Cui Yu asked sadly.

Zhang Liang was silent when he heard this.

Cui Yu looked at his own shadow: Can Ancestor take action?

I don't know how to turn a river upside down. Chi You shook his head.

Can Ancestor kill the monk who brought trouble to Daliang City? Cui Yu asked again.

When Chi You heard this, he looked towards the sky with his eyes, as if he could see the scenery outside Daliang City through the clouds and mist.

It's too late. Chi You shook his head.

Why is it too late? Cui Yu asked.

The opponent has obtained the plain cloud flag, and also obtained the power of gods and demons. Even if I take action, I don't care whether I can defeat the opponent, but after this fight, I won't be able to win or lose in less than ten days and a half. When the time comes, I'm afraid the entire Liangcheng city will be flooded! Chi You shook his head and objected.

Cui Yu's face was gloomy. He felt that what Chi You said was reasonable and the other party did not make excuses to refuse.

Am I just going to have to watch Daliang City being submerged? Cui Yu felt unwilling to do so.

He does have the Dinghai Divine Pearl, but the divine power in his body is limited, and it is simply not enough to use the Dinghai Divine Pearl to reverse the overall situation.

Actually, there is another way to save Daliang City from hanging upside down, but I just don't know if you are willing to let it go. At this moment, Zhang Liang in the yard suddenly spoke, pulling Cui Yuhu's energy back.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this and turned to look at Zhang Liang: Do you have any idea?

There is a way that may be able to reverse the situation, but I'm afraid you won't. Zhang Liang looked at Cui Yu with a hint of expectation in his eyes: I just don't know whether your compassion is true compassion or just an illusion. It has its appearance.”

What can I do? Cui Yu looked at Zhang Liang with his eyes. He hated such people who were trying to sell things off. Especially people like Zhang Liang, who use big words to pressure people in advance and block all their escape routes.

Give me your Dinghai Divine Bead. And I have the Dinghai Divine Pearl. I want to suppress the floods in Daliang City, but it is easy. In this way, the floods in Daliang City are solved, wouldn't it be the completion of the problem in your mind? ? Zhang Liang stared at Cui Yu with burning eyes: If you are really compassionate, why do you care about a mere innate spiritual treasure? If you are fake compassion and shout a few slogans to show off, then just treat me as if I have no mercy. Said. Sure enough, the saying 'man's nature is inherently good' is empty talk, and it is natural for Saint Meng to fail. Millions of people are not worth the importance of an innate spiritual treasure, so why talk about nature being inherently good?

Zhang Liang's words were cunning and vicious, and his voice was full of disdain.

After hearing Zhang Liang's words, Cui Lu snorted coldly: Thief, you just want to steal my brother's treasure, but you really think that others are fools and are at your mercy? Saint Meng only said, 'In the beginning of man, People are inherently good, but they don’t ask people to make sacrifices for their own good deeds!”

Haha, what do you know, you little kid? I said you are hypocritical, but you are hypocritical! 'Man's original nature is essentially good' is the foundation of the teachings of your Haoran lineage. If you cannot practice it and just shout slogans, what is the way of a saint?

With these words, everyone was speechless and all looked at Cui Yu for a moment.

Cui Yu looked at Zhang Liang with a look of surprise: 'This Zhang Liang is very good at moral kidnapping! ’

But the Dinghai Divine Pearl is an innate spiritual treasure, and it is an innate spiritual treasure that he can fully control now. For the teachings of the Haoran lineage, and for the lives of the millions of people in Daliang City, will he hand it over?

Although Zhang Liang was a moral kidnapper, what he said was not unreasonable.

An innate spiritual treasure could cost the lives of millions of people in Daliang City. Should he make a choice?

The education under the red flag in his previous life kept rolling in his mind, and he sacrificed small righteousness for great righteousness. To sacrifice one person for the sake of the world.


People like them have a spirit of selfless dedication engraved in their bones.

Cui Yu stretched out his palm, and a wisp of blue light gathered in his hand. As the blue bead appeared, the wind and rain in the dozens of surrounding alleys stopped, and they were suppressed by the law of Dinghai Shenzhu.

Do you want the Dinghai Divine Bead? Cui Yu looked at the aqua blue bead. The pure blue without any impurities was particularly dazzling.

Outside Daliang City

A series of dragon roars sounded between heaven and earth, and a dragon-shaped opportunity traveled between heaven and earth. Wherever it passed, it mobilized the water veins between heaven and earth. The energy of the water veins transpired, turned into clouds and mist, and surged towards Daliang City.

General Crab, what do you think of my ability? The third prince drunkenly wandered between the heaven and the earth. His whole body turned into a force of energy, wandering among the mountains, rivers and vegetation, constantly drawing the water vapor between the heaven and the earth to gather.

Even the three thousand miles of clouds and mists in the Kunlun Mountains were all attracted by the little dragon king at this time. The billowing clouds and mists in the three thousand miles of clouds and mists were overwhelmingly suppressed.

With the addition of the three thousand miles of cloud sea, the dark clouds completely covered Daliang City.

Okay! Okay! Okay! What a skill, your Majesty! What a skill! Looking at the pouring rain, it continued to fall towards Daliang City. The water in Daliang City continued to rise, and the Ape Demon Great Sage kept flapping his hands. commend.

After being praised by the Great Sage of the Ape Demon, the Third Prince became even more excited when he was drunk: Where are you? My real ability, you little crab haven't seen it yet!

The third prince let out a dragon roar, and the dragon-shaped energy actually passed through the mountains and fell into the innate cloud sea formation.

The next moment, the mist in the innate cloud formation was seen rolling continuously, like waves, restrained by the dragon-shaped energy, and then headed towards Daliang City.

At this time, the water in Daliang City was like a pouring water, and the water was already submerged up to the knees.


Just when the third prince was mobilizing the clouds and mists in the cloud formation, suddenly an ancient and vicissitudes of dragon roar sounded between heaven and earth,

The sound was ancient and seemed to contain a unique rhythm, which actually stopped the movement of the laws of water between heaven and earth.

The next moment, an ancient and mysterious huge figure slowly emerged from the sea of ​​clouds three thousand miles away.

That's??? The great ape demon looked at the shadow in the sea of ​​clouds three thousand miles away. He was so shocked that he was speechless for a moment. His eyes were full of horror: Ancestral dragon?

The figure was thousands of miles long and towered into the starry sky. The scales on its body were flowing with chaotic energy, shimmering with a mysterious aura.

Those eyes stared at him across endless time and space, and the great monkey demon couldn't help but feel his heart tremble in shock, as if it had stopped beating.

Impossible! How come the Ancestral Dragon is still alive? How could the Ancestral Dragon appear in that cloud formation? The Great Ape Demon forced himself to calm down, his eyes filled with incredulity.

The next moment, the huge divine dragon roared and turned into a bead surrounded by the energy of chaos, suddenly crashing into the mist transformed by Prince Long San.

The Dragon Ball of the Ancestral Dragon! That's the Dragon Ball of the Ancestral Dragon! The Ape Demon Great Sage's voice was full of disbelief: After the Queen Mother of the West obtained the Dragon Ball of the Ancestral Dragon, she used the Dragon Ball as a singularity to support the entire innate cloud formation. Operation. The innate cloud and mist formation has been running for thousands of years, and this bead has provided countless contributions. It can be said that the innate cloud and mist formation has been integrated with the dragon beads.

The third prince will definitely obtain the origin of the ancestral dragon by merging the ancestral dragon beads. He will have the opportunity to become the supreme ancestral dragon and recreate the glory of the dragon clan in the ancient times. The Great Sage of the Ape Demon was excited.

He is very excited about the Dragon Clan!

That is Zulong's dragon ball, and it will be of great benefit after swallowing it.

When the third prince got the dragon ball, his white dragon-shaped energy seemed to be impacted, and he penetrated directly into the Dharma Realm, and then began to transform. The scales on his body were peeled off layer by layer, and the entire dragon began to evolve in blood.

At the moment when the third prince appeared in the human world, in the distant Chentang Pass, Wu Zhao suddenly raised his head and looked towards Daliang City with his eyes: What a powerful dragon aura.

And it's still a young dragon. Wu Zhao's eyes were full of surprise: Is there a dragon species in this world that is more powerful than the Third Prince?

There can be no dragon species in this world that is more powerful than the Third Prince. Prince Zhou said.

Wu Zhao was silent when she heard this. Although it was impossible, she did feel it.

Under the influence of that powerful aura, her blood seemed to be boiling.

Have you not captured the third prince yet? Prince Zhou looked towards the vast sea.

Recently, the young dragon seems to have lost its trace. Although it will appear, it is short-lived. Wu Zhao's eyes showed some impatience.

The Wu family has been having a hard time recently.

A large amount of supplies have been defrauded, so it's no wonder that life is easy.

The most important thing is that Wu Zhao's father is now somewhat unstable, and the major branches are beginning to force him into the palace.

It seems inevitable that her lineage will lose its popularity in the Wu family and lose control of the Wu family.

The only way now is to find Prince Long San, surrender him, and become his pet beast.

If he could turn the youngest and most potential dragon of the dragon clan into his own pet, he would be able to reverse the decline of the Wu family.

Chen Lu deserves death! Chen Lu really deserves death! Wu Zhao cursed and shouted in his heart, looking at the sea with his eyes, his mood was like the boundless sea, with dark clouds and emptiness weighing on his heart.

With the capture of the third prince, the decline of the Wu family's April line has been reversed. I, Wu Yiyue, are still the main line of the Wu family. Otherwise, the April line will definitely be driven out by the rest of the Twelve months. Wu Zhao looked at the people beside him. The third prince of the Great Zhou royal family: Even if we marry the Great Zhou royal family, I'm afraid it will still be difficult to reverse the decline. The Great Zhou royal family still needs to look for foreign aid everywhere, so where can we have time to take care of the Wu family?

I have a Millennium Drunk here, which is the favorite of young dragons. Ji Xiaofeng seemed to know that the matter was reaching a critical moment, and took out a green herb from her arms.

Why didn't you tell me earlier that you had such a good thing? Wu Zhao couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he saw Qian Zui.

Lend me your gold brick again, and I will set up a trap to lure that little beast. Wu Zhao said.

Ji Xiaofeng didn't say much and handed over the herbs directly.

Then Wu Zhao was seen busy making arrangements.

There is hope! No one can shake the orthodoxy of my direct lineage of the Wu family! No one! Wu Zhao gritted his teeth and tried his best to cheer himself up.

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