Looking at the old Confucian scholar getting up, Zhang Liang was a little panicked at this time.

The famous Taigong descendants actually came to make things difficult for me, a little scholar. Tell me, what benefits did they give you? The old Confucian scholar looked at Zhang Liang with curiosity.

A fragment of the covenant between ghosts and gods. Zhang Liang said, Do you think I can refuse?

What's the use of the broken covenant between ghosts and gods? Cui Yu asked curiously from the side.

Zhang Liang looked at Cui Yu with a bruised nose and face: Of course it is useful. It can be used to make talismans, or it can be used to refine forbidden objects to control ghosts and gods. Sign a covenant with ghosts and gods and control the life and death of ghosts and gods!

Then Zhang Liang looked at the old Confucian scholar and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist, you see, I helped you break your Taoist heart, which can be regarded as a merit. I don't ask you to let me go, and you can't abuse me.

You have protected my Haoran lineage for three thousand years, and I will let you go. Otherwise... The old Confucian scholar said with a fierce look on his face: I can't survive anyway, so I might as well bury you with me. No matter what kind of grandpa's descendant you are, mine The Tao has failed, even if Jiang Taigong is resurrected, what can he do to me?

The old Confucian scholar stared at him with a ruthless look.

Protecting the Tao for your Haoran lineage? Doesn't that mean you have to go against the lineage of the Lishengren? How can the Lishengren spare me? There are countless masters of the Lisheng lineage, how can they spare me? Zhang Liang shook his head desperately.

Huh? You don't agree? The old Confucian scholar stared at Zhang Liang, stretched out his hand and pinched the other man's neck.

I don't believe you really dare to kill me. Zhang Liang looked at the old Confucian scholar with his eyes: Kill me. Although you have changed the laws of heaven and earth in Daliang City, my master can still destroy Daliang City.

The old Confucian scholar was silent after hearing this, and looked at Zhang Liang: That's good. You can die here. Although Daliang City is not big, it has millions of people in the vast sea. It is still easy to hide someone. of.

Zhang Liang was silent and raised his head to look at the sky. It was obvious that he did not accept his fate!

People outside must have noticed the changes in Daliang City at this time, and they will definitely try their best to rescue themselves when the time comes.

In fact it is indeed the case

At this time, in the sky above Daliang City, a group of people looked down at Daliang City, with serious expressions in their eyes.

Have you noticed it? Ancestor Zhu Wuneng's eyes were filled with water mist. Runes flashed in the mist, as if he could see through the void and see the unpredictable changes in Daliang City.

Zhang Liang fell into it. The old Confucian scholar is more difficult than I expected. Yan Qu frowned.

At this moment, a figure of flesh and blood ran out of Daliang City: It's not good! It's not good! That Daliang City has been tampered with by old Confucian scholars. As long as you enter it, your cultivation will turn into nothing and become For an ordinary person with a mortal body, Daliang City has now become a restricted area for the Haoran lineage.

Junior brother!

Seeing the panic on Wang Yanchun's face as he ran out, Cui Huhu quickly stepped forward to help him up: Who hurt you like this?

That old sour scholar is starting to get weak. Wang Yanchun's eyes were filled with fear.


Everyone was shocked when they heard Wang Yanchun's words, with an expression of disbelief in their eyes.

Return to void!

The last realm below the saint.

Everyone, who can enter Daliang City, rescue Taoist Brother Zhang Liang, and then break the old Confucian scholar's Taoist heart? I, the Saint of Li, are willing to give you a share of 'Xirang'. Yan Qu heard that the other party had returned to the void, and he felt in his heart Big earthquake.

The old Confucian scholar has the appearance of enlightenment. If he doesn't stop him, won't he become a saint directly?

How will the lineage of Li Saints organize the world at that time?

And once the old Confucian becomes enlightened, the lineage of ritual saints may be in big trouble.

With the restraint of the old Confucian scholar, the lineage of ritual saints may be ruined.

Moreover, Zhang Liang's status is not trivial. He was trapped by doing things for his Haoran lineage. If the people behind Zhang Liang ask questions in the future, he will also be in trouble.

Xi soil?

Everyone was excited when they heard about Xirang, but looking at Zhang Liang who was trapped in the trap and Wang Yanchun who returned in a panic, everyone also started to think about it.

The most important thing is that Daliang City has now become a place of lawlessness. Once you enter and are plotted against, you may die without knowing how, and there will be no place to find anyone to reason with.

That old Confucian scholar's good tricks actually changed the laws of heaven and earth. At this moment, a man in purple clothes walked out of the crowd, wearing a black hat on his head: Soldier Zhao Kuo, I am willing to go on behalf of my Taoist brother. It’s just that soil….”

Taoist brother Zhao Kuo actually came out of seclusion? When did you come? If Taoist brother is willing to take action, that's the best thing. If Taoist brother takes action, he will be captured easily. I guess that old Confucian scholar has some skills, and he is no match for Taoist brother. Yan Qu quickly took a box from the disciple of the Lisheng lineage beside him and handed it to the man in a bamboo hat opposite.

Zhao Kuo nodded when he heard this, and then took a step forward the next moment. When he appeared, he was already in front of the gate of Daliang City.

Taking one step forward and entering the boundary of Daliang City, Zhao Kuo paused on his steps and raised his head to look at the sky: What a trick! You have changed the entire laws of heaven and earth.

Then he walked towards Daliang City with a normal expression.

So what if you lose all your cultivation?

He just doesn't care.

If you want to break the Taoist heart of the old Confucian scholar, you don't need cultivation at all.

Daliang City is very big. Zhao Kuo wandered around Daliang City for three days. As a mortal, he couldn't fly in the clouds and fog. If he wanted to find the whereabouts of Baicaotang, he could only inquire along the way.

This old man, does he know where Baicao Hall is?

Zhao Kuo came to a dilapidated gatehouse and saw an old man leaning in front of the doorframe, lazily basking in the sun.

Although the clothes on the old man's body were not silk, they were still intact and clean.

Brother, aren't you a local? The old man looked at Zhao Kuo with his eyes.

How did you know? Zhao Kuo was stunned.

There are no locals who don't know Baicaotang. The ancestor looked at Zhao Kuo's exposed skin, which was very delicate and smooth, and then looked at the purple silk and satin, and said calmly: You are really good at joking. , seeing that you are a person of great value, just ask your followers to inquire about it, or ask the officials in Daliang City to come forward for you, why bother teasing me, little old man.

I have just arrived in Daliang City. I have no friends and no acquaintance with the powerful people in Daliang City, so I can only trouble you. As Zhao Kuo said this, he dropped a piece of Huangjing from his sleeve and handed it to the old man:

Please ask my father-in-law to introduce me on my behalf.

What are you doing with Baicaotang? The old man took Huang Jing with a look of greed in his eyes.

Seeking revenge. Zhao Kuo said.

Seeking revenge! Then come with me. The old man looked Zhao Kuo up and down, stood up and led the way.

After walking and stopping along the way, the two came to a remote alley.

Block the alley. Zhao Kuo looked at the simple alley and had no doubts. After all, he heard that the old Confucian scholar lived in some alley.

The two of them came to a dilapidated gate together. The old man opened the gate and said to Zhao Kuo: Come with me.

The yard looks dilapidated from the outside, but when you enter it, you find that the yard is surprisingly large and neat.

It looks like there is a courtyard of seven or eight hundred square meters. There are seven or eight small buildings in the courtyard, and lanterns are lit at this time.

It's rather simple. Zhao Kuo said to himself: It is precisely because it is so simple that the old Confucian scholar can work hard and make a difference.

The two walked through the central courtyard, and a figure suddenly walked out of the backyard. Zhao Kuo couldn't help but be stunned.

Zhao Kuo was stunned when he saw the visitor, and the visitor was also stunned when he saw Zhao Kuo.

The man seemed surprised as to why Zhao Kuo appeared here.

However, the other party didn't seem to want to recognize Zhao Kuo. Before Zhao Kuo could speak, the other party had already turned around and disappeared at the small door.

It's weird, why did Chen Lu appear here? Zhao Kuo was full of surprise.

Chen Lu can be said to be a lost dog now, to the point where everyone is calling for beating, how could she appear here with the old Confucian scholar?

Before he could figure it out, a shout from beside him brought his divergent thoughts back to reality.

Fan Zeng! Fan Zeng! the old man shouted loudly while walking in the yard.

You old Lutou, what are you shouting at? At this moment, a deep voice sounded, and a man was seen striding out of the backyard.

The person who came was two meters tall and had a strong build. His face was full of heroic energy, and he looked extraordinary.

The other party was wearing a short coat and walked out of the backyard. Zhao Kuo looked at him with eyes: Dragon Walking Tiger Steps, he is really the stuff of a mighty general, but it is a pity that he is a mortal. His bones have been shaped and he has missed the best time to practice.

Hey, this time is good. The strong man's eyes fell on Zhao Kuo, his eyes were full of light, and he came over with kindness: This brother is polite.

Zhao Kuo was silent after hearing the words, as if he had not seen Fan Zeng's actions.

He is a distinguished noble of the State of Zhao, how can he get close to a mere idiot?

I brought him to you. You can take him to the backyard. Lao Lutou said unhurriedly, then turned to look at Zhao Kuo: Follow him and you will see the old Confucian scholar soon. ”

Hearing this, Fan Zeng raised the corners of his mouth and glanced at Zhao Kuo: He is a very ambitious person! Very good! Very good! Very good!

Fan Zeng was not angry, but said with a smile: Come with me.

Fan Zeng led the way in the front yard. Zhao Kuo put his hands in his sleeves and followed him leisurely.

After passing through the middle gate, the gate suddenly closed. Then Zhao Kuo felt his eyes go dark and a sack had been put on his head.

Asshole, I am Zhao Kuo, a noble of the Zhao Kingdom. How dare you be rude to me? Zhao Kuo was stunned, his eyes filled with disbelief. He was unexpectedly attacked by a few ants and untouchables?

Hey, it's the nobles of the Zhao Kingdom. Those old ladies like the nobles the most! Fan Zeng took a step forward, stepped on the sack, and stepped on Zhao Kuo under his feet:

Boy, you are a noble of the Zhao Kingdom, what use are you in our Dayu Kingdom?

Come here, tie him up and take him to serve the guests tomorrow. Fan Zeng's voice was full of cruelty.

Seven or eight young men rushed forward, took away the sack, and then tied Zhao Kuo's hands and feet.

Be gentle, this is a nobleman with delicate skin and tender flesh. Don't hurt the skin. Fan Zeng scolded.

Soon Zhao Kuo was trapped into a rice dumpling, and then Fan Zeng stepped forward and pulled off the bamboo hat on the opponent's body, revealing Zhao Kuo's face.

Looking at that handsome face and flawless skin, Fan Zeng couldn't help but be stunned: What a perfect person!

Then he looked excited and said with an excited expression: You've made a lot of money! You've made a lot of money! You will definitely be loved by those rich women. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Go and notify Mrs. Lu that good stuff has arrived and tell her to come quickly. Don't tell me that I don't take care of her, I will never let her succeed without four old wild ginseng.

Fan Zeng's eyes were full of excitement.

What are you going to do? What are you going to do! Zhao Kuo sensed something was wrong and struggled desperately, but how could he break free of the rope?

Looking at Fan Zeng's ferocious smile, Zhao Kuo trembled in his heart: You were careless!

What are you doing? Look at your tender skin, firm skin, and delicate appearance. You are exactly what those noble ladies love. From now on, you can stay here with me and accompany those noble ladies, okay? Fan Zeng smiled coldly.

Zhao Kuo was shocked when he heard this and looked at Fan Zeng with wide eyes in disbelief. What did he hear?

Why do you ask him to accompany you? Is that a simple companionship?

Why don't you ask him to be a duck?

Just tell him to be a duck!

He was a high-ranking nobleman of the Zhao Kingdom and a great monk in the cultivation world, and he actually asked him to be a duck?

Bastard, do you know who I am? Zhao Kuo panicked.

Daliang City, a remote and remote area, fell into the hands of this group of bandits who knew nothing about the world. He really didn't know what these heartless people would do.

I am the noble son of the State of Zhao! I am the noble son of the State of Zhao! Let me out quickly! I will give you money! No matter how much you want, I will give it to you! My family is as rich as the country, and it is the blood of the royal family. King Zhao It's my uncle. As long as you extort money, no matter how much money, my uncle will allow it. Zhao Kuo's voice was full of anxiety.

He sensed something was wrong!

I really noticed something was wrong!

It's a pity that Fan Zeng is just a low-income person in a remote and remote area like Daliang City. How can he know how powerful he is?

Hearing what the other party said, there was a hint of ferocity in his eyes: We have never heard of the Zhao Kingdom, your son. Besides, even if you are a real prince and grandson, do we dare to go to your Zhao Kingdom to extort the amount of money?

Stop struggling, we will make a fortune on you, enough for us to eat for several years. If you work hard to make those old ladies comfortable, we can let you go back soon. Fan Zeng smiled coldly.

He is just an old bustard from Daliang City, how can he know what the sky and the earth are like?

I won't do it! You might as well kill me! Zhao Kuo gritted his teeth in hatred, his eyes full of stubbornness.

Don't do it? Many people were abducted and said they didn't know how to do it. But as soon as our secret potion was poured down, didn't they all get done obediently? Fan Zeng said with a smile.

Uncle, Mrs. Lu is here. At this moment, the boy's report came from outside the door.

It's just the right time! Madam Lu will definitely like this top-quality product, so she can take the opportunity to get a good price!

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