In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 365: The heart of Tao is broken

As mentioned before, what flows in Chen Lu's body is the blood of time, and the infinite power of time flows in his body.

Chen Lu's awakened time magic power is currently displayed in two ways.

First: time breakdown. You can decompose the power of time into light, thereby reducing your own consumption and achieving the purpose of controlling light.

The Law of Light is definitely one of the most powerful laws in the world.

The essence of light is the true fire of the sun.

The second type: time and space displacement.

The self in the past state and the self in the current state are exchanged, and the injuries on his body are sealed in the past time and space.

In fact, Chen Lu also has a third magical power: time seal.

Within a certain period of time, the power and attacks in the past time and space are released and the world is turned upside down, descending on the current time and space.

It had only been seven days since Cui Yu suffered heavy losses in Daliang City to the moment he arrived in front of Meng Shengren.

Chen Lu's time seal is valid for seven days.

The next moment, Chen Lu activated her magical power, and Cui Yu's ice power was shot into Saint Meng's chest. Before Meng Saint could react, Chen Lu had turned into light and gone away, landing behind Saint Li:

Disciple Chen Lu, I pay homage to the sage. I take this as a form of submission and sincerely ask the sage to accept you.

The coldness on Chen Lu's body disappeared, and she seemed to have never been injured.

Cui Yu's magical power was transferred to Meng Shengren's body. The cause and effect had been changed, and the injury naturally fell on Meng Shengren's body.

At this time, there was silence in the field. Everyone looked at Meng Shengren, but they saw that Meng Shengren's whole body was soaked in frost, and a layer of ice began to condense on his body.

Evil! Meng Shengren stared at Chen Lu with his eyes: I treat you well, why did you harm me like this?

A wise man chooses a good tree to live in. Your bullshit idea of ​​'nature is inherently good' is simply empty talk. If it weren't for the fact that you are a saint, I want to seek your blessing. My Chen family wants to become a saint. How could I worship you? Under your seat, what kind of bullshit theory is nature is inherently good? People have evil thoughts, and your inherently good nature is simply nonsense. Only the etiquette rules of the saints are the justice that supports humanity. Human nature is a ghost, Only etiquette and rules can restrain him. Your empty talk alone cannot restrain the good and evil in human nature. At this time, Chen Lu mercilessly poked Meng Shengren's heart, making sure to break Meng Shengren's Taoist heart.

If Meng Shengren's Taoist heart is not broken, he will have a good life in the future.

Chen Lu knew very well that either Shengren Meng would be sent to the Forest of Merit in the Ten Directions, or she would be hunted down by Shengren Meng endlessly in the future.

As for the previous negotiation with Yan Qu to lead Saint Meng outside Daliang City?

The situation cannot keep up with the changes.

Would he believe the lies of the Great Sage Ant?

And does he dare to believe Yan Qu's words?

What if Yan Qu takes the opportunity to kill someone and silence him?

It is better to take action directly at this time.

Chen Lu, you... how dare you act presumptuously against a saint? Senior Brother Leihuo looked at Chen Lu with an angry look on his face. His eyes looked at Chen Lu in disbelief. The next moment he pulled out a soft sword from his waist and charged towards Chen Lu:

You evil beast, you dare to commit a crime and deceive your master and destroy your ancestors. I will kill you today to clear the door for master.

Senior Brother Lei Huo's sword was flashing with firelight, and the sword light in his hand was everywhere. A spell appeared and he rushed towards Chen Lu.

Anger reaches the sky!

Brother Leihuo was truly furious at this moment.

He never expected that after he had gone through so much trouble to bring the other party back, who would have expected that the other party would actually plot against Meng Shengren?

Doesn't that mean that he indirectly plotted against Meng Shengren? Did you harm the saint?

Lei Huo was so angry that he soared into the sky, but unfortunately his strength was far from that of Chen Lu.

Meng Shengren looked at Lei Huo rushing over, his face anxious: No!

Meng Shengren wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

I saw Lei Huo rushing in front of Chen Lu, and the next moment a strange force in the void came from the Dharma Realm, and instantly chopped off Senior Brother Lei Huo's head.

Blood splattered and Senior Brother Lei Huo's body was kicked into the abyss by Chen Lu.

Evil obstacle! Evil obstacle! I am really blind to ask you to become my master brother of Haoran lineage! I am even more blind to accept you as my disciple! Meng Shengren was furious, and the cold air surged around his body. Gonggong The power of ice is a trouble even for Saint Meng who has been listed in the holy realm.

But looking at the corpse rolled to his feet, Meng Shengren was furious. He took a strong breath and shot out thousands of golden lights from the ruler in his hand, hitting Chen Lu directly.

Meng Shengren struck with hatred!

This blow contained Meng Shengren's anger, self-blame, and annoyance.

It can't be stopped! Chen Lu looked at the fallen ruler, her childish eyes shrank, and she looked at the Lisheng with her eyes, her voice full of anxiety: Lisheng, save me! Please save me, Lisheng!

Sage Meng, you and I are still discussing Taoism. Asking questions and discussing Taoism is no child's play. Isn't it a bit bad for you to clean up the house in front of us? The saint of Li waved his sleeves and blocked the mountain-breaking stone of Saint Meng. hit.

I'm cleaning up the house, you want to stop me? Interfere in the affairs of my Haoran lineage? Meng Shengren's body trembled from the force of the counterattack, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood wrapped in ice.

I have no intention of intervening in the cause and effect of Haoran's lineage, but when you and I are discussing Tao, we can't waste my precious time. The scene of the Li Sage said it so beautifully that no one can find any fault with it. Meng Shengren looked at Saint Li with his eyes, and then looked at Chen Lu who was hiding behind Saint Li. His eyes were full of anger:

Did you set it up? Did you do it?

Saint Meng was not a fool. With so many powerful people present, Chen Lu went to Saint Li for help, and Saint Li came to rescue him, which already explained a lot of problems.

Haha, I just want to ask you, do you still think that human beings are inherently good in nature? Saint Li looked at Saint Meng with his eyes, and his laughter was full of teasing.

There is no doubt that he won this heart-searching discussion!

He won without any doubt and won the heart of Meng Shengsheng.

Time waits for us not! As long as there is an uprising in Taiping Road and three hundred princes attack the Zhou Dynasty, it will be your death. Meng Shengren stared at Li Sheng with his eyes: I am not willing to give in! I am not willing to give in!

One step away is the opposite. In fact, when I sat on the top of the mountain with you and saw Zhang Jiao, something bad was already rising in my heart. Unfortunately, God's calculations are not as good as those of humans. I won this round after all. ! Sage Li looked at Sage Meng: In the future, I will be the only Confucian sect in the world.

You won't succeed! You won't succeed! Meng Shengren's face was ashen, and he tried his best to drive away the cold air in his body. At this time, golden chains stretched out from the void and wrapped around Meng Shengren's feet.

Master, Senior Brother Zilu is dead. He was killed by my own hands! I know that you pushed the old Confucian scholar out just to create confusion and attract the attention of the world, so as to buy time for Senior Brother Zilu to attain enlightenment. But you don’t know what changes happened in Daliang City. Under some circumstances, Senior Brother Zilu’s plan was foiled. It was me who personally plotted and assassinated Senior Brother Zilu. Unfortunately, Senior Brother Zilu had already gathered the Holy Elephant and crossed the border. He passed the critical threshold, but who told him that he had bad luck and got mixed up in this cause and effect? ​​Senior brother Zilu had already suppressed the great sage of the demon clan. At the critical moment, I made a sneak attack and plotted against senior brother Zilu. , ended the last hope of Haoran's lineage. Master, the hope of Haoran's lineage is over! Chen Lu spoke next to her, her voice full of pride.

Why? Why! I just can't understand, why are you doing this? Meng Shengren stared at Chen Lu with his eyes: As long as Zilu becomes a Taoist, he will be the second saint of Haoran's lineage. There are two saints in one lineage, and as the leader of the Haoran lineage, your status will definitely increase with the passing of time, but why do you do this? What benefits does this do to you?

Chen Lu was silent after hearing this, and faced Meng Shengren's aggressive questions. After a long time, Chen Lu sighed leisurely: In order to survive.

He created such a big mess, how could he afford the debt of Shen Mo Mi?

He needs someone to carry it for him.

Obviously, Meng Shengren would never take the blame for himself.

Who threatens you? Is it Saint Li? Saint Meng's eyes were full of unwillingness, and he continued to struggle, trying to find the last chance of survival.

Indeed, he was looking for his last chance.

As long as Chen Lu admits that it was the sage or someone else who forced him to do this, he can reverse the situation.

Don't think about making a comeback. You lost! You lost completely! The Haoran lineage will gradually disappear in the long river of history and become a tributary of the Lisheng lineage. Chen Ludan said calmly.

I'm just imprisoned in the Ten Directions Forest of Merit, not dead! I will come out, one day, I will come out. Meng Shengren stared at Chen Lu with his eyes: What kind of benefit is it? I want you to offend me to death and refuse to leave any way out for yourself.

So what if you enter the Ten Directions Forest of Merits? So what if you are alive? Chen Lu's eyes were indifferent: When you come out, I will either have become a saint or have turned into withered bones and reached the end of my life. How can I be afraid? Are you taking revenge?

Where is the Chen family? You are not afraid, but what about the Chen family? Meng Shengren's voice was full of coldness.

When humans are born, their nature is inherently good. Chen Lu said calmly: They are innocent. You have become a Taoist because of the nature of humans' initial goodness. If you are not afraid of your Taoist heart breaking again, just take action. You just need to take action. , it means going against one’s own heart and one’s own way.”

Chen Lu's words made countless powerful people in the mountains breathe quickly.

Meng Shengren was furious as the Three Corpse Gods, his eyes full of unwillingness.

I'm not willing to give in! I'm not willing to give in! I was actually assassinated by you, a despicable person, and the Haoran lineage was destroyed in the hands of a despicable person like you. I'm not willing to accept it! Meng Shengren raised his head and roared in anger. It's all filled with endless despair and sadness.

At the beginning of human beings, nature is inherently good, isn't it? Saint Li spoke at this time, looking at Saint Meng with his eyes: Fellow Taoist's Tao is just a general talk. Fellow Taoist, it is better to go into the forest of merits in the ten directions to perfect the Taoist heart. How about it? I think in another five thousand years, my Taoist heart should be complete and I can return to this world.

I don't accept it! I don't accept it! Saint Meng glared at Saint Li with his eyes full of anger. Looking at the golden chains that were growing on his body, his anger shot into the sky.

Don't accept it? Li Shengren said with a smile: If you lose, you will lose. Luck is also a part of strength under the circumstances.

Meng Shengren stamped his feet angrily, and at this moment, a roar burst out from Meng Shengren's heart, like a thunder that spread throughout the entire world.

Meng Shengren's Taoist heart was torn apart.

A gap opened.

Saint Meng's state fell, from the perfect state of a saint to the state of a false saint.

Then countless chains came out of nothingness and wrapped around Saint Meng's body, binding Saint Meng tightly.

The soles of Saint Meng's feet began to turn into stone sculptures, and slowly spread towards his knees and waist.

I don't accept it! If you have the ability, you and I can discuss Tao again. Meng Shengren glared at Li Shengren.

The Li Sage laughed so hard that he said, Brother Taoist, go and practice for another five thousand years. As for the Haoran lineage, I will take care of it for you.

The sage was very proud.

As Saint Meng's Taoist heart was broken, a crisp sound came from the bodies of all the disciples of Haoran's lineage, and their Taoist hearts were broken and their cultivation fell straight down to a lower level.

Moreover, the road ahead is broken, and there will be no chance of progress in the future. Everyone will die of old age and will never be able to break through again.

Inside Daliang City

The disciples of the Haoran lineage and the Twelve True Successors were sitting in the courtyard anxiously waiting for news. Their eyes looked at the gray mist in the sky, with a hint of anxiety in their eyes.

I don't know what happened to Master's discussion with Li Shengren. As long as Master finishes the discussion, he will definitely be aware of the predicament in Daliang City. At that time, Master will definitely take action and kill that evil beast. Second Senior Brother' Wen De' spoke at this time, his voice full of expectation.

Saints talk about Taoism. After thousands of years, you and I have been arguing with each other. How could the winner be determined so easily? I only hope that there is a powerful human race in the Two Realms Mountains who can sense that something is wrong and resolve it. The crisis in Daliang City. someone replied.

Just as everyone was talking about it, an inexplicable sound suddenly sounded from the sky and the earth, as if something was cracking.

The voice was clear and crisp, filled with an ominous smell, and all the disciples of Haoran's lineage felt nervous.

What's the sound? Senior Brother Wende's eyes were full of confusion: Why am I inexplicably panicked, as if there is a great terror approaching from somewhere?

Did that evil creature think of a way to invade Daliang City?

Shouldn't it?

While talking, one of them suddenly screamed, and blood spurted out from his seven orifices.

It's not good, my Taoist heart is broken. The disciple wailed, and the breath in his body came back, and he fell directly to the ground, rolling continuously.

The other people were stunned and were about to get up to check, but who knew that the next moment, there was a sound like exploding beans in the bodies of several people at the same time.

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