In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 356 Time and Space Displacement

Why is the power of the Dharma Realm supreme?

Because the Dharma Realm is the origin of all supernatural powers in heaven and earth.

The weird things in the human world are all caused by the power of the Dharma Realm leaking out, forming incredible things with all kinds of incredible powers.

The ultimate goal of a qi practitioner in the human world is to seize those incredible weirdness and replace them with immortality.

Therefore, all things in the world, no matter what they are, will gain incredible power once they are contaminated by the Dharma Realm.

One of Chen Lu's arms has been transformed into the Dharma Realm, and she can already interfere with the real world from the Dharma Realm.

Interfering with the real world due to the supreme laws in the legal world will naturally be unfavorable.

Just like that ray of light, it seemed to be condensed out of thin air, but Cui Yu could see that after the blood of Chen Lu in the Dharma Realm flowed into Dharma Realm's arm, strange and inexplicable changes occurred.

As Chen Lu stretched out his palm in the Dharma Realm, a bright light condensed in the Dharma Realm, and then for some reason, the light interfered with the material world.

I saw the light flickering in the material world. In an instant, all the light within dozens of miles gathered together and turned into a laser with strange power, shining towards Cui Yu.

That laser came too fast!

The laser was condensed to the extreme, without any light leaking out, and it did not illuminate the sky for dozens of miles around.

The ultimate light is the ultimate black.

The speed of the laser was so fast that Cui Yu had no time to react.

Human speed is definitely not as fast as the speed of light.

In an instant, the laser hit Cui Yu's body.

The soil melted and turned into hot magma.

Wherever the light passed, everything turned into gray.

A curtain of aqua blue light lit up on Cui Yu's body, the blood of Gonggong in his body kept rolling, and the aqua blue hair on the back of his head was now emitting a gleaming light.

An aqua-blue light shield, with an ancient aura, firmly protected Cui Yu.

The moment the laser approached Cui Yu, it was frozen.

This is the power of Gonggong, which Cui Yu displayed for the first time and appeared in the human world one hundred and eight thousand years later.

In the corner, Chi You, who was lying on the ground, raised his head and looked at the blue light shield around Cui Yu. A trace of obscure runes were flowing on the light shield. There was an expression of disbelief in his eyes: The power of the ancestors and gods working together. !”

This is the power of Gonggongshi!

No matter how weak it is, it is still the strength of the Gonggong clan.

The light beam was frozen, and the extreme cold power spread. In the blink of an eye, it went along the light beam and froze Chen Lu's arm in the legal world.

Looking at the spreading aqua light, Chen Lutong couldn't help but shrink. The arms in the Dharma Realm tried to dodge the extremely cold light, but it was already too late.

In an instant, a layer of ice covered Chen Lu's palm in the Dharma Realm, and an extremely cold force spread along the Dharma Realm, sealing Chen Lu Bing.

At the critical moment, the cud dog given by Yan Qu in Chen Lu's sleeve suddenly opened its eyes, suddenly opened its big mouth, and devoured it in the cold air.


Even a stupid dog cannot withstand the power of Gonggong.

Even if it's just a trace, it's definitely not something a guppy can bear.

The Chu Dog was frozen and turned into powder and scattered, but at the critical moment it gave Chen Lu a glimmer of hope.

Inside Daliang City

Chen Lu can't die!

Seeing the dew aura in the ice fading away, Yan Qu further away couldn't sit still.

How could he not notice such a fight in Daliang City?

He also wanted to use Chen Lu to severely injure Meng Shengren. How could he allow Chen Lu to die here like this?

So Yan Qu took action at the critical moment.

It's a pity that my treasure, which was given to me by the saint to save my life, is wasted here like this. Yan Qu sighed softly, waved his hand, and a little white light fell on Chen Lu.


The sound of water splashing was heard, and Chen Lu fell into the water.

Then Yan Qu quickly came to the waterside, picked up Chen Lu and returned to the courtyard.

Looking at Chen Lu who was frozen into a big lump of ice, the ancient power was flowing. Yan Qu's eyes showed a serious look: What a powerful power! What a powerful magical power. Even the means left by the saint can actually I can't resist it either. Who is Chen Lu fighting against? Are there any such masters in Daliang City?

His eyes were full of disbelief.

Damn bastard, you are going to consume some of my treasures again. But if the cold energy in his body can burst out and attack Meng Shengren at the critical moment... Yan Qu's eyes lit up: It seems like it's not a loss. But how can I do it? Condensing this power and using it for your own use?”

Just as Yan Qu was deep in thought, Chen Lu's frozen body suddenly twisted and transformed. The next moment, the cold air around him dissipated out of thin air, and an intact Chen Lu appeared in the yard.

You? How did you do that? Yan Qu looked at the lively Chen Lu with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

Chen Lu is still Chen Lu, but now Chen Lu looks a little pale, as if he is depleted of energy and blood.

Time and space displacement. Chen Lu said.

What kind of attack did you suffer? This power actually spread to the legal world? Yan Qu asked.

Chen Lu shook his head when he heard this, and his face became even paler as he recalled the power that nearly froze everything, even the passage of time and space was slowed down.

After I rest for a few days, I will go to the mountains to look for Saint Meng. Chen Lu said.

He was certain that it was definitely a more terrifying power than the Saint.

He thought of the god and demon rice, and became more certain in his heart that there was an ancient god and demon standing behind Cui Yu.

He would rather plot against Shengren Meng than deal with this kid again.

The power of the material world directly interferes with the legal world. This is something that only saints and demons can do, right?

Inside Cui Yu’s small courtyard

Cui Yu's face was pale and his body was trembling. Looking at the clear day that suddenly returned, cold sweat broke out all over his body.

Looking at the Gonggong True Blood on his body, he had consumed eighty-one drops.

Countless divine blood was transformed from the Corpse Ancestor to replenish the Gonggong True Blood in his body. Cui Yu quickly hurried out the door with trembling steps.

Of course, this was not a blow from the Great Demon God Gonggong, but the instinctive reaction of Gonggong's true blood, which instinctively activated a trace of Absolute Zero.

Chen Lu received my blow and must have been severely injured. He could kill him while he was sick! Cui Yu hurried towards Heluo, which was not far away.

At this time, the outside world was in chaos. Countless people fled in panic, and the streets were extremely chaotic.

The sky suddenly turned dark and suddenly turned white. How could countless people not be panicked?

Faced with an unstoppable force, all the people could do was howl and flee towards their homes in panic.

I hope that the room with air leakage from all sides can provide me with a sense of security.

Cui Yu weaved through the chaotic crowd and reached the stone bridge hundreds of meters away. Looking at the more than thirty meters wide river and the layers of ice on the water, his whole body shrank and he observed carefully: This is it! The power of Gonggong still remains here.

There was a thick layer of ice on the river. Cui Yu stood on the bridge and looked at the ice under his feet. The next moment his blood started to activate, and he saw that the ice on the river was melting little by little, and a stream of cold air came from the river. It floated up and was taken back into Cui Yu's body.

The ice melted, but the water flow was still calm. Cui Yu stood on the bridge and watched a stick of incense. Suddenly he noticed something and suddenly shouted: I found you!

The next moment, the water rippled and a figure appeared on the water.

Dead? Cui Yu was stunned.

I didn't expect that the other party died so neatly, with no chance of life left at all.

Cui Yu was thoughtful, and then

No! It's not Chen Lu.

Looking closely at this time, Cui Yu noticed something was wrong at first sight.

Because there is no residual extreme cold power in the opponent's body.

Second, the other party's skin was too dark, as black as coal, and drops of pus and blood flowed into the river along the pores.

It turned out to be an unlucky guy who was poisoned to death. Cui Yu glanced at the other person and was about to kick him into the water. But at the next moment, a figure stumbled over and stumbled onto the corpse. After stumbling against the wall, he got up and ran forward three steps. His whole body turned into pus and blood under Cui Yu's eyes.

Blood dripped down, along the cracks in the stones and the slope of the stone bridge, and flowed into the moat.

Cui Yutong winced: What a powerful poison.

Cui Yu didn't dare to touch him, and was about to kick him into the moat, but who knew the next moment Cui Yu saw the other person's face, and he couldn't help but froze.

The man rushed over and pushed the hair away from the corpse, revealing Cui Yu's familiar face.

This face became more and more familiar to Cui Yu the more he looked at it.

Zi Lu's body? Cui Yu's palms were filled with the word Shou, which seemed to exude sadness. Cui Yu finally recognized the other person.

It is indeed Zilu.

But wasn’t Zilu a saint?

Why did you die here?

And he was poisoned to death?

Cui Yu stared at Zilu's body, looked at it carefully for a long time, and finally confirmed in his heart: This is Zilu's body.

Looking at Zilu's body, Cui Yu showed a hint of hesitation in his eyes, and then looked at the willingness in his palm. After a slight hesitation, he used the Qiankun in his sleeves to put Zilu's body up.

Zi Lu's body appeared here, but what about Chen Lu's body? Cui Yu stared at the river with his eyes: Is it possible that Chen Lu is so capable that he can escape after being attacked by hundreds of drops of Gonggong's true blood?

Junior Brother Cui, why do you want to come outside for a walk? At this moment, someone said hello in the distance.

The person coming is Yan Qu.

He was curious about who was fighting Chen Lu, and he almost lost Chen Lu without even using his bloodline magical power. There was such a master in Daliang City, which really made people feel unsure, so he came to find out.

Senior Brother Yan Qu, why are you here? Cui Yu looked surprised.

I have nothing to do, let's go out for a walk. Someone in Daliang City made a big fuss earlier. I didn't just want to come over and have a look to see if there was any excitement. Yan Qu stared at Cui Yu, but saw Cui Yu's face was pale, and his whole body seemed to be damaged. He couldn't help but asked in surprise: Junior brother, are you feeling unwell?

No! Cui Yu shook his head in denial.

To exert the power of Gonggong, Cui Yu has to bear the burden of power.

Just like using a pistol, you have to bear the recoil of the pistol.

At this time, Cui Yu only felt that his muscles and bones were soft and soft, as if someone had done it thousands of times.

The Qi and blood in the body are severely depleted, and the organs of the internal organs are not functioning smoothly.

It's good if it's not! It's good if it's not! I don't know what kind of master he is, but he actually resorted to such means. Yan Qu said curiously. As he spoke, he patted Cui Yu on the shoulder: Take care of yourself.

Cui Yu stumbled and leaned on the railing of the bridge.

You? Yan Qu was stunned and looked at his palm with some suspicion.

Didn't he use any force?

Just a couple of normal slaps, right?

That's all?

Yan Qu doesn’t understand!

It's okay! Cui Yu rubbed his shoulders, and then walked away under Yan Qu's confused eyes.

Yan Qu looked at Cui Yu's retreating back, then looked at the black blood that had not yet finished flowing on the ground, and his childish eyes couldn't help but shrink.

He lowered his head and took out a jade bottle, carefully put away the black blood, and then walked away quickly and thoughtfully.

back to the yard

Looking at Chen Lu absorbing the sunlight, countless thoughts flashed in Yan Qu's mind.

With Chen Lu as the center, all sunlight within a radius of thirty meters was absorbed.

Chen Lu is like a tree, a crazy whale swallowing the essence of the sun and moon, while a trace of cold air emerges from Chen Lu's pores.

It's so cold. Yan Qu praised.

Of course the cold air that cannot be separated by time and space is powerful. I sealed 'that moment' in the past time and space, and reversed time and space. But the cold air still flows down the time and space, trying to kill me. Chen Lu said.

A power that cannot be isolated by time and space? Who did you provoke? Yan Qu looked at Chen Lu.

Remember the magic rice? Chen Lu said.

Of course I remember. Yan Channel said.

I said it was Cui Yu's fault, but none of you believed me. But in fact, behind Cui Yu stood an ancient demon god! That god and demon rice was Cui Yu's fault. I was hit hard, I almost died, and it was all because of the devil behind Cui Yu! Chen Lu said helplessly: But you people are all obsessed with it, and no one believes what I say.

I went to find Cui Yu today to settle the score, but who knew I would provoke the ancient demon god to take action. The cold air on Chen Lu condensed into water and slowly dripped down.

Is it really Cui Yu's fault? Looking at Chen Lu's embarrassment, Yan Qu actually believed it in his heart.

If there is any falsehood, the sky will thunder! Chen Lu swore.

Seeing this, Yan Qu's expression finally changed: Ancient gods and demons? Cui Yu is making a move?

He finally understood why Saint Li was so interested in Cui Yu!

Cui Yu's method is indeed unusual.

Thinking about Cui Yu's previous weakness, Yan Qu was already six points convinced.

For the remaining four points, Chen Lu really had no bottom line and could do anything, so he didn't dare to believe too much.

No wonder the saint worked so hard and tried every possible means to bring Cui Yu into the religion. All the doubts in Yan Qu's heart were revealed in an instant: He is indeed worthy of the saint's calculations.

You were severely injured by the devil this time, but this is an opportunity. If you ask Saint Meng to work hard to remove the cold energy from you, even a saint will have trouble. When Saint Meng removes the cold energy from you and damages your vitality, you will have the greatest danger Opportunity to sneak attack Meng Shengren. Meng Shengren would never have thought that after he worked so hard to pull out the cold energy for you, you would actually put him in a place of eternal destruction. Yan Channel.

Chen Lu couldn't help but be stunned after hearing Yan Qu's words.

As expected of Yan Qu, the helmsman of the Li lineage, his calculations are indeed rare in the world, and he will not let go of any opportunity.

Sage Meng treats me well. Chen Lu had a hint of sadness on her face.

Just to survive. Yan Channel.

Let's talk about Cui Yu. He returned to the courtyard all the way. At this time, Wang Yi's voice sounded in the courtyard: Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! Even if there are any monsters, they will never dare to come to my Sanwei Bookstore. Don't be afraid, Qian Don’t be afraid of that evil spirit!”

Brother! I want my brother! My brother is gone and has been taken away by the demon! Cui Lu stood in the yard and cried loudly, tears flowing down the corners of his eyes, across his white cheeks, and wetting the clothes on his chest.

Cui Li cried at the top of his voice: I want my brother! I want my brother!

The howling sound was so shocking that Wang Yi was crying as much as his head or two. He looked nervously towards the backyard from time to time, for fear of disturbing his master's enlightenment.

But no matter how he tried to comfort them, the two little ones kept crying and wailing for their brother.

At this moment, Cui Yu's figure appeared at the gate.

Why are you two little guys crying? I am your brother, the nemesis of all demons in the world, how could I be assassinated by a mere mediocre person. Cui Yu's voice was full of relaxation.

elder brother!


The two little ones howled at the top of their lungs, and then pounced directly on them, their voices filled with extreme joy.

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