In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 347 Thank God you are still alive

Animals are more cruel than humans and need to be more hierarchical.

The Lord of the Peacock Kingdom suppressed the Great Wilderness for eighty-eight thousand years. He was a figure who survived countless calamities and was born in the era of immeasurable calamities.

The peacock controls the acquired Qi of the Five Elements for a total of one hundred and eight thousand years. He uses the Five Elements and Five Qi to suppress the Great Wilderness and control the entire Great Wilderness and the entire era.

There used to be countless heroes who went to challenge the Lord of the Peacock Kingdom one after another, but they all disappeared into the wilderness. With the passage of time, they disappeared into the long river of time.

Every thousand years, the threat of the Lord of the Peacock Kingdom weakens and gradually becomes a legend. There is always a genius who does not believe in evil and claims to be no less than anyone, so he goes to challenge the highest mountain in the wilderness.

But without exception, they all disappeared between heaven and earth, and there was no news about the other party in the wilderness.

Until five thousand years ago, the Buddha came to the world and came to the wilderness. With an unstoppable attitude, he established the Buddha Kingdom in the wilderness and saved dozens of surrounding countries.

Then the Lord of the Peacock Kingdom came and discussed the Tao with the Buddha and the Elder for three days and three nights.

Since that day, the Buddhist kingdom of Buddha has ceased to expand, and the Lord of the Peacock Kingdom has returned to the plateau, becoming a legend in the world where only his name is heard but his person is not seen.

Sixty years ago, the Seven Saints invaded the human race. Gong Nanbei took action and fought with the Seven Saints in Qi State to settle the matter. This alarmed the Lord of the Peacock Kingdom who was practicing hard in seclusion high on the mountain. Therefore, the Lord of the Peacock Kingdom ordered that all demon clans stand still. In the great wilderness, one cannot set foot in the world of Middle-earth without an edict or reason.

The human-monster man did not know the painstaking efforts of the Lord of the Peacock Kingdom. The human race was about to usher in a five-thousand-year human revolution. He did not want the demon clan to be involved, but he was questioned, jealous, and misunderstood by countless demon clans.

Great Sage Jiao, Great Sage Ant, two Taoist brothers, come quickly. I have something to discuss. The man's voice echoed in the mountains.

As he finished speaking, a monster with an ant's head and a human body appeared on the scene.

Great Monkey King, what do you want us to do? One of Monkey Ant's eyes flickered like a ruby.

The Great Sage Ant is very short. He looks like a dwarf only as tall as a mile.

But the human demon didn't dare to look down upon it at all. This demon had ancient bloodline, and the most important thing was that he understood the law of power.

The cornerstone of all laws in heaven and earth! The root of all laws.

In recent years, in order to wash away his shame, the Great Sage Ant has devoted himself to practice, constantly tempering the blood in his body, and his magical powers have become increasingly powerful, possessing more incredible methods, and even mastering the power of the void, and even being able to rely on the law of force. Unique, relying on the power of the void to interfere with the legal world and the material world. Although he is not a saint, he has mastered some of the methods of a saint.

Although it is only in the realm of disaster, even if it is a difficult-level demon king, you should still be wary of it.

With the uniqueness of the Law of Power, it can be said that he is definitely a well-deserved hegemon in the wilderness.

Gong Nanbei is not dead! Gong Nanbei is still alive! Although the ladyboy tried his best to suppress his emotions, he was still a little excited.

What? What did you say? Gong Nanbei is still alive? The Great Sage Ant's ruby-like eyes lit up when he heard this, shining like bright stars. His eyes were full of disbelief: What did you say? God is so pitiful Wait, this bastard is still alive, giving me a chance to take revenge and avenge my shame. Where is he? Where is he!


The Great Sage Ant's voice was so excited that the stones under his feet turned into powder silently.

Thank God! Thank God you are still alive! People in Middle-earth say that Gong Nanbei has been killed. I didn't expect that he is still alive. Thank God, thank God! Before the great sage of the human demon could speak, he saw someone in the void. There was a twist, and a man with a snake head on his head appeared in the field, his eyes full of excitement:

where is he?

Human Two Boundaries Mountain, inside Daliang City. The human demon said: He has been hiding in Daliang City for sixty years.

Two Realms Mountain? The excitement on Jiao Dasheng's face gradually cooled down: I heard that human saints and masters from all walks of life gathered in Liangjie Mountain. Today's Liangjie Mountain can be said to be a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. Although we have good means, we have gone I'm afraid that the only outcome will be torn apart by cramps.

On the human side, some insiders have already said hello. As long as you don't run around and move around Daliang City, the various experts from the human race will not attack you. Moreover, someone from the other side has been waiting outside Daliang City for a long time. With the eight-treasure cloud light handkerchief, it can cover up the secrets of the entire Daliang City within a radius of 500 miles, confuse all the auras, and prevent the masters of the human race from disrupting the situation. The human demon said:

But the other party has one condition, which is to destroy Daliang City and kill all the living creatures in Daliang City. No chickens or dogs will be left behind!

What a very hot person! He is indeed a shemale, he is absolutely amazing. He actually used our hands to commit murder and achieve his ulterior motives. Great Sage Jiao looked grim:

Okay! Okay! Okay! The other party has this intention and offers a city of people as blood food. How can we refuse? I haven't set foot in the Middle-earth China in sixty years, and now I am going to the human Middle-earth, and I am about to have a good meal. A meal. The blood of those humans contains the blood of the gods, which is a great tonic for us, so we must not miss it.

The Great Sage Ant looked excited when he heard this, and without saying a word, he dived into the void and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing the method used by the Great Sage Ant to disappear, the human demon couldn't help but wince: What a good method. Apart from the saint, he is probably the only one who can travel directly between the legal world and the material world.

He masters the law of force and has the blood of an ancient ant. Of course he is not a simple person. Great Sage Jiao said: I heard people say that when he was born, the sky once dropped sweet rain to baptize him. True Fire He came down to temper his body. Birds flew down and brought honey to feed him as he grew.

The Great Sage Jiao sighed: It's not like me. My father doesn't love my mother. All the love is concentrated on my third brother. When I was eight years old, I had a fight with my third brother, but I accidentally pulled out my third brother's penis. A piece of golden scale, the dragon king almost threw him into the dragon cave to be refined to death. Thanks to the noble man I met, I escaped from the dragon cave. From then on, I lived in the wilderness, competing with jackals for territory, and vultures for carrion... ….”

As the voice of the Great Sage Jiao fell, the scales on the Jiao Dragon King's body turned transparent and disappeared into the void the next moment.

I still haven't finished my explanation. You went to Daliang City and you have to put on a show. The human demon flicked his palm, and a blade fell into the void and followed him.

Seeing the two of them walking away, the shemale slowly took off his bamboo hat again, revealing the same cheek as Tang Zhouyi: With those hundreds of millions of buckets of supplies, the demon clan can only take the blame. Even if those major aristocratic families know about the demon clan I tried my best to do it, but there is nothing I can do about it.”

Cui Yu, Cui Yu, you are really amazing! Everyone in the world has been fooled by you. Tang Zhou Youyou sighed.

Who would have thought that the human demon, one of the seven famous saints in the wilderness, was actually a clone of Tang Zhou?


At the mansion of Tang and Zhou Dynasties

Tang Zhou watched the rice of gods and demons in front of him turn into stone, with a hint of thought in his eyes: What a subtle method. Unless I had obtained the power of gods and demons, I'm afraid it would be difficult to detect its clues. This magical transformation is very powerful. , and even got a clue of creation. Is there such a powerful person in the world?

Sir, Yan Qu is here. A yellow scarf warrior came from outside the door and saluted Tang Zhou respectfully.

Invite him in. Tang Zhou said.

Not long after, Yan Qu was seen walking quickly and looking at Tang Zhou: Does the real person know about the magic rice?

I have already thought up a plan and found the person who took the blame. However, I still need your help. I can use your eight-treasure cloud light handkerchief from the lineage of the sage. Tang Zhou said.

Yan Qu was having a headache and thinking about how to deal with the creditors outside. Hearing Tang Zhou's words, his eyes lit up: Please teach me, Master.

Tang Zhou whispered for a while, and Yan Qu's eyes lit up.

I have something that I would like to ask for help from a real person. Yan Channel said.

What's up?

Surround and kill Zilu.

Why kill him? Tang Zhou was stunned.

Jushen Fist. Yan Chuanchuan.

Tang Zhou was silent after hearing this, and after a while he said: Deal.

Yan Qu was also happy in his heart. He was worried about whether the creditors from the outside world and the Li Sage could bear it, but Tang Zhou unexpectedly sent a timely rain.

It is of course the best to be able to push the matter out and give Saint Li an excuse to block the excuses of the world's aristocratic families.

Maybe no one can shake his position in the branch.

At Chen Lu's mansion

Chen Lu walked in the garden with a cold look in her eyes.

Yan Qu still has some room to spare. He doesn't want to completely offend Saint Meng to death, but he doesn't know my difficulties. Chen Lu saw the impatient people waiting in the pavilion from a distance through the jungle.

After thinking for a moment, he ordered the servant: Go and get a cup of Dahongpao tea.

The servant followed the order and left. Not long after, a steaming cup of Dahongpao tea was brought over. Chen Lu looked at the tea cup in front of her, pondered for a while, then groped in her sleeves, took out a black date from her sleeves, and soaked it in into the tea.

Even if you are a saint, you will be poisoned to death if you are poisoned, let alone you are not a saint? Chen Lu looked at the black dates in the cup, then held the tea cup and walked all the way to the pavilion.

Seeing Chen Lu approaching, Lei Huo showed a hint of impatience in his eyes: Chen Lu, have you ever found out?

Senior brother, I will naturally give you an explanation later. Chen Lu smiled with her tea cup, then came to Zi Lu and said respectfully:

Senior brother, I was wrong about what happened sixty years ago. I know my sin and am willing to repent in front of the saint. In the past sixty years, I have spent every day and night in pain. Please give me a chance, senior brother. Forgive me for my mistakes.”

As he spoke, Chen Lu knelt down directly on the ground and raised the tea cup above his head: Senior brother, you don't know, I have long wanted to apologize to you. Unfortunately, you have been living in seclusion. I don't want to see you anymore. There is no gap to be found. Senior brother, in the past sixty years, as my little brother Haoran's way has penetrated into my bones, I have realized my mistakes and awakened the goodness in my heart. Otherwise, I would not have had the opportunity to step into the realm of the imperial edict.

I really realized my mistake. I hope that my senior brother will forgive me this time for the sake of my repentance and repentance. I am willing to pay any price to make amends with my senior brother. Chen Lu said with deep love, tears It also slowly flowed down, and his eyes were filled with regret.

Seeing Chen Lu's tears, Zilu couldn't help but look moved, and the expression on his face slowly disintegrated: The fact that you have been accepted into the imperial edict means that your awe-inspiring ways have gained traction, and your conscience must have awakened. Since you have repented, the past has The matter will be over. How can people not make mistakes?

To be honest, I would like to thank you. It's not your fault that you took away the position of the master's disciple and asked me to practice hard in the back mountain to understand my mind and nature, so that I could throw away the distracting thoughts of the world and make rapid progress in my practice. I will still be immersed in it at this time. In the chores of the past, how did you achieve today's cultivation? Today's fortune? To be honest, I still want to thank you. Seeing that you can make changes today and take further steps in cultivation, I have a better understanding of Haoran Dao. A new realization.”

While talking, I saw that Zilu's cultivation had greatly improved. The half of his body that was originally left, and the half of his arm also entered the Dharma Realm, leaving only one leg and half of his body standing in the wind.

Seeing this scene, Chen Lu was so angry that he wanted to take out a knife and stab the other person to death.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have the ability.

In the practice of entering the imperial edict, isn't it about being careful and transforming skin and flesh into special forms bit by bit, for fear that a slight inadvertence will cause the power of the Dharma Realm to backfire and break the balance between the physical body and the Dharma Realm?

But what about Zilu?

How could he not be angry when one arm was transformed into another?

What's more, this person is still his number one enemy.

Get up. Zilu's cultivation has improved again, and there is a hint of joy in his eyes: It's really a cycle of cause and effect. You plotted against me back then, causing my Taoist heart to almost collapse, but now you help me make great progress in cultivation. It's really a sip and a peck. It’s nature.”

I also asked senior brother to drink this tea, otherwise I won't be able to get up. Chen Lu said.

Seeing the sincere Chen Lu, Zi Lu never imagined that the other party would dare to scheme against him because of his heart and courage.

Without taking any precautions, he directly picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

He really didn't expect that Chen Lu would harm him.

There is Saint Meng above, who dares to do such a thing?

Do you want to kill each other if you are from the same family?

Seeing that Zilu only took a sip, Chen Lu was a little disappointed, but she did not show it. Instead, she stood up and without waiting for anyone to ask questions, she took the initiative and said: Brothers, I have already dealt with the matter of the God and Demon Rice. I know. But there is a problem with the God and Demon Rice, but you don’t have to worry. I have gathered a large amount of supplies before, so it is not difficult to make up for your shortage. It’s just that I hid the large amount of supplies in a secret place. Please ask all seniors. Come and get it with me.”

It should be so. Zilu nodded.

No one had any doubts. Everyone knew that Chen Lu had used the God and Demon Rice to exchange for countless supplies. The worst he could do was return the supplies.

It only took a few days, and the supplies would not be exhausted.

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