In front of the Cave of Gods and Demons

Tang Zhou walked in a hurry and walked all the way to this place. He stood outside the Gods and Demons Cave with a pair of eyes looking at the Gods and Demons Cave, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

He finally cultivated the state of mind of light in the ten directions and gained the ability to restrain some of the power of the demons.

Standing in front of the Gods and Demons Cave at this time, a pair of eyes looked at the dark cave of Gods and Demons, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

The birth of the Heart Monkey was so weird that it made him suspicious.

But the desires that kept haunting him and the beating thoughts in his heart were always provoking his thoughts.

With danger on one side and the Three Treasures of Kaitian at his fingertips, Tang Zhou hesitated.

What if this cave of gods and demons is a trap?

But once I redeem the Three Treasures of Kaitian, and I have the body of a god and demon, I will definitely be able to defeat all the invincible opponents in the world.

Gradually, a thought suddenly appeared in my mind out of nowhere: Although he is a demon, I also have a body of a god and a demon. Even if he secretly sets a trap, so what?

So what?

Even if the other party sets a trap, I still may not have no chance to resist.

After all, my body is also the body of a demon. He is hiding in the cave and must be in a broken state. What am I afraid of him doing?

This idea came out of nowhere, but Tang Zhou felt that it made sense, not just ordinary sense.

And thinking that Chen Lu was about to exchange for the Three Treasures of Kaitian, she couldn't help but feel worried in her heart: What if I delay the exchange of treasures because of my hesitation, wouldn't I regret it for the rest of my life?

At this time, thoughts kept rising in Tang Zhou's heart: The flat peach helped me cultivate the supreme demon body after all, how can it be false? And I am also an ancient demon god. Now that I have obtained the identity of an ancient god and demon, how can I be afraid? it?

Although my origin of gods and demons has just returned to its original position, and the laws of magic and gods and demons' bodies are being blended and nurtured, there is still incredible power accompanying me. Strands of distracting thoughts actually appeared in Tang Zhou's mind. In Shifang Guangming's state of mind, Seems extremely clear.

I know it is the inner demon that is causing trouble, but the inner demon is my heart after all. I think this statement is very reasonable. Tang Zhou put his hands in his sleeves and walked into the cave with serious eyes.

Tang Zhenren, wait for me. Seeing Tang Zhou's back gradually deepening, a call suddenly rang out, and it was Yan Qu who had arrived.

With the help of the Mi family, Yan Qu was able to collect supplies as quickly as the two of them. As soon as he had collected enough supplies, he was already here in a hurry.

He happened to see Tang Zhou about to enter the Cave of Gods and Demons, and secretly said Luckily in his heart, and then quickly walked into the Cave of Gods and Demons, catching up with Tang Zhou.

Fellow Taoist, your speed is not slow. Tang Zhou looked at Yan Qu who walked in and praised him calmly.

Not as good as Master Tang. Master Tang didn't know the news until after I waited, but he collected it faster than I did. This is a great skill. Yan Qu boasted without leaving any trace.

How much supplies have you harvested? Tang Zhou asked.

One hundred and three million buckets. Yan Qu looked at Tang Zhou calmly: I wonder how many the real person has collected?

Tang Zhou's heart sank when he heard this: This is not good!

He had just collected 110 million dou, and he rushed over eagerly, fearing that Chen Lu would beat him to it.

When I heard the other party's words, I couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in my heart.

Tang Zhou smiled and did not answer the other party's question, but changed the subject without leaving any trace: You, the Lisheng lineage, have been suppressing the price too much recently. You have even reduced the price of God and Demon Rice to one-tenth of the previous price. Let's follow. You have suffered a lot, and you don’t know how much supplies you have exchanged for losing money.”

There is no way, after all the treasure that created the world is more important. Yan Qu said with a smile.

Tell me, if I kill you now, can I get two Kaitian treasures? Tang Zhou suddenly asked.

Yan Qu's eyes moved, and his heart couldn't help but skip a beat. Anyone who encountered the threat of a strong man like Tang Zhou would feel a sense of fear in his heart.

As a leader of the lineage of ritual saints, I will come here unprepared? Yan Qu did not answer, but asked quietly.

And if you want to act arrogantly in front of the Lord Gods and Demons, I'm afraid the gods and demons won't be able to spare you. Yan Qu felt a little unsure after all.

That was Tang Zhou!

Who can not be afraid of the ruthless man who has three hundred and sixty-five clones and practices day and night?

You practice for one day, while others practice for 365 days. How can you compare such a huge gap? How to chase?

Tang Zhou looked at Yan Qu: I want to choose the treasure of gods and demons first.

Yan Qu wanted to retort, but was interrupted by Tang Zhou: Otherwise, I'm afraid that even if you get the treasure of gods and demons, you won't be able to take it away.

Yan Qu was silent when he heard this. Faced with Tang Zhou's threat, he finally chose to compromise.

Tang Zhenren is too domineering. At this moment, Mi Zhu's voice sounded, and Mi Zhu appeared outside the cave with big steps.

Have you also collected supplies? Tang Zhou felt a little worried in his heart.

He was not afraid of Mi Zhu's cultivation, but he was afraid of Mi Zhu's Shennong inheritance.

Yan Qu can gather them together, so of course I can gather them together. Mi Zhu said with a smile, Okay now, the three of us will have exactly one piece of the treasure that created the world.

I'll choose first. Tang Zhou repeated.

Why? Mi Zhu asked.

My cultivation is better than yours. Tang Zhou said.

So what? In front of the gods and demons, you have to be reasonable. An illusory cauldron appeared around Mi Zhu, covering him tightly:

Although your cultivation is stronger than mine, you may not be able to break through my defense.

Tang Zhou looked at Mi Zhu's big cauldron and couldn't help but sneer in his heart. In the past, of course he would have been like a dog biting a hedgehog, but now he has cultivated the power of gods and demons.

But Tang Zhou didn't want to waste time.

The other party possesses a treasure that is immeasurable in calamity. Even if I want to break it open, it will take a moment or three. When Chen Lu comes, I'm afraid it will be even harder to distinguish between the three treasures of Kaitian.

There is something I want to remind you. Chen Lu has collected 100 million Fighting God Demon Rice and is already on her way. Tang Zhou said slowly and leisurely: Haoran Academy and the Lishengren lineage are now facing each other, and they can be said to be mortal enemies. There are four people here, and there are only three Kaitian Three Treasures, so one of them must be eliminated. Do you think Chen Lu and I can eliminate you two by joining forces?

Chen Lu also collected enough treasures? Mi Zhu's expression changed.

Tang Zhou said with a smile: There is not much time left for you two.

You come first. Mi Zhu's expression changed, and he finally said through gritted teeth.

No. Let's worship the gods and demons together, and let the gods and demons randomly reward you. Yan Qu refused to suffer. He had to get the Four Swords of the Immortal to make up for his shortcomings.

Tang Zhou glanced at Yan Qu with a cold light in his eyes, but Yan Qu refused to give in.

As he spoke, without waiting for Tang Zhou to agree, he had already begun to perform sacrifices.

When Tang Zhou saw this, his whole body flashed with divine light, and he wanted to step forward to stop him, but he saw the statues of gods and demons above suddenly awakened, and the auras of ancient gods and demons circulated between the heaven and the earth: Who is acting arrogant on my territory?

Greetings to the Lord Gods and Demons, I have collected enough supplies and would like to exchange them for one of the Three Treasures of Kaitian. Yan Qu said quickly.

I have gathered enough supplies, and I want to exchange them for the three treasures of Kaitian. Mi Zhu quickly followed suit.

Tang Zhou also bowed down and said, I have gathered enough supplies and come to exchange for treasures.

You three, want to exchange for the treasures of gods and demons? The heart monkey's eyes above him were bright, and he couldn't help but poke his hand, his eyes full of excitement.

I never imagined that these three people could be so capable. How long did it take to collect enough treasures?

With these treasures, wouldn't my Tengu body be able to grow half as big?

Chi You, the Great Demon God, also looked excited. He had been sealed for a hundred and eight thousand years and needed various supplies to nourish him.

I have 15 million dou of supplies, and I would like to exchange them for the Four Swords of Zhu Xian. Yan Qu stepped forward and spoke quickly.

Hearing Yan Qu's words, Tang Zhou couldn't help but take a breath: One hundred and five million? That's not the number this grandson just said.

Mi Zhu also glanced at Yan Qu with a surprised expression, and came forward with a respectful expression: I have 12 million in supplies, and I want to exchange them for the Pangu flag.

Then the two of them looked at Tang Zhou.

Tang Zhou looked gloomy, stepped forward and said: One hundred and two million fights, I want to exchange them for the Four Swords of Killing Immortals.

Shang Xinyuan drooled when he heard this. He opened his mouth wide and began to breathe quickly. Happiness came too suddenly.

It's hard for the two of you to fight for a treasure. Xin Yuan tried his best.

I have countless clones, and I happen to be in charge of the Four Swords of Zhuxian. These Four Swords of Zhuxian were born for me. Why do you want to fight against me? Tang Zhou looked at Yan Qu.

Faced with Tang Zhou's question, Yan Qu just said calmly: This matter is quite simple. Naturally, whoever has more materials will have priority in selection.

This makes sense. Whoever of you has more supplies will have priority. Xin Yuan said, Now submit all your supplies.

Mi Zhu stretched out his palm, and a leaf appeared. He held it above his head with a respectful expression.

This is the magical power left by Shennong. It can use part of the divine power of Shennong's tripod to create a space among the vegetation.

Tang Zhou patted his sleeves, revealing a giant python. The python opened its mouth, waiting for inspection.

All my supplies are in this beast's belly.

Yan Qu watched the two men's movements, and touched a package around his waist with both hands. The package was only the size of a fist and fell on the steps: The supplies are here, please inspect it, Lord God and Demon.


Xin Yuan was about to stretch out his dog head and swallow the supplies into his stomach, but was caught by Chi You's arm: Slow down! I think there seems to be something wrong with Tang Zhou. There is actually the aura of gods and demons in his body. There is a high possibility that he is behind him. Standing is an ancient god and demon. Your strength is too weak. If you take action, once it is exposed, we will be in trouble. We are not afraid of a real fight, but if it attracts the attention of experts from all over the world, At that time, you and I can only become a lost dog.

Xin Yuan was stunned for a moment and felt that what Chi You said made sense. Then he saw Chi You's arm growing out of the dog's body stretching out. The aura of gods and demons filled the entire cave. The supplies in the package, the supplies in the leaves, and the supplies in the belly of the python, It was actually transferred completely by Chi You.

Looking at the outstretched arm of the demon, Tang Zhou could not help but wince: This demon is by no means weaker than the Taisu Demon.

Even stronger than Tai Sui Demon God!

It's just that this arm seems familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere before.

The gods and demons took away the supplies with their arms, and several people secretly smacked their lips as they looked at the great magical power that was changing rapidly.

Hundreds of millions of buckets of materials, probably weighing hundreds of millions of kilograms, were moved away so easily. It was worthy of the legendary ancient demon god.

At this time, the atmosphere in the arena was suffocating, and everyone was waiting for the Demon God's judgment.

above the stone statue

Xin Yuan opened his mouth wide and drooled, and Chi You also looked excited.

I'm getting rich! I'm getting rich! Xin Yuan babbled.

There's still one left to go, Chi You said.

He was talking about Chen Lu.

Chen Lu will arrive in just one stick of incense. Xin Yuan retracted his gaze: Delay for a while.

The quiet sound of needles dropping could be heard in the cave, and only the breath of gods and demons floated, as if they were constantly counting supplies.

Below, Tang Zhou looked at the sculpture of gods and demons, feeling the aura of gods and demons in the void, and a thought flashed through his mind: Why do I think that arm looks familiar? It looks quite familiar?

Not a general familiarity.

I must have seen it somewhere, but where exactly?

Thousands of thoughts changed in Tang Zhou's heart.

He had personally participated in the battle between gods and demons in Kunlun Mountain, and of course he had seen Chi You's arms.

It's just that the appearance of Chi You's arm in normal state was different from that of Chi You's arm in the battle, so Tang Zhouyi couldn't tell the difference for a while.

Where have I seen gods and demons? The only two gods and demons I have seen, one is my current body, and the other is the demon god on Kunlun Mountain...

But this arm is very different from that of the gods and demons. Tang Zhou shook his head and objected, hesitating: Could it be said that the gods and demons in the world all look the same?

Thousands of thoughts flashed in Tang Zhou's heart, and he tried his best to recall the incomplete memories left by the Demon God Tai Sui.

But at this moment, the god and demon above spoke: Yan Qu has the most supplies and can get the Four Swords of Immortality. Mi Zhu has the second most supplies and can get the Pangu Flag. For the last one, the only choice is the Tai Chi Diagram.

I'd like to thank the devil. Mi Zhu and Yan Qu were overjoyed when they heard this, and the stones in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

Tang Zhou didn't have time to continue thinking about it. He looked at Yan Qu with a gloomy expression, a little bit of murderous intent flowing in his eyes.

Wait a minute!

Seeing that the dust was about to settle, he suddenly heard a cry from outside the cave. Chen Lu panted and ran in from the cave: God, please wait a minute. I also have supplies. Please look at my supplies before you come back. It’s not too late to make a decision.”

As he spoke, he took out a scallop: This scallop is the void that was opened by Saint Meng when he attained enlightenment. All the materials are here. That scallop is also a material contribution from the villain.

He was really cruel and sacrificed all the treasures of Saint Meng!

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