In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 334 The Skin of Heaven and Earth

Taunting you? Why did Brother Chen say this? Everyone in the world knows that I, Yan Qu, am an honest and polite young man. Why would I invite you here to ridicule you? I invited Brother Chen here today because I want to find a way out for Brother Chen. Yan channel.

Find a way out for me? Chen Lu had a sneer on her lips.

That's right. The failure of the old Confucian to become a enlightened person is a sure thing. If Saint Meng is blamed in the future, you will definitely end up miserable. It would be better to join our lineage of Li as early as possible. With the blessing of Saint Li, you will definitely be able to achieve great things and have a bright future. It’s so vast and boundless.” Yan Qu said with a smile.

You want me to abandon my husband and take refuge with Saint Li? Chen Lu was stunned when he heard this.

The Confucian sect in the world belongs to the same family. If brother Taoist realizes that Meng Shengren's future is unclear, it would be a wise move to choose to join the lineage of our saints. With brother Dao's cultivation, he will definitely make great achievements in our lineage of saints. Yan channel.

Impossible! I, Chen Lu, practice Haoran Dao, and there is no way I will betray the school and take refuge in the Li Saint. Don't even think about it!

Why are you so stubborn? We are both Confucian sects, so what's the difference? You have joined the lineage of Saint Li, how can Saint Li treat you badly? I am willing to abdicate and give up my position as head teacher to you! From now on, you will be me Brother, the headmaster of the lineage of Li Saints. I am responsible for the teaching's planning, and you are responsible for the teaching's military force. If you and I join forces, wouldn't we be invincible? Yan Qu kept lobbying.

I was really shocked that he was willing to pay such a high price. Chen Lu looked at Yan Qu with a pair of eyes: What's the price? The Li Sage is willing to give me such benefits, but I can't do it without any price.

Go to Liangjie Mountain and sneak attack Meng Shengren. It doesn't have to be successful, as long as you take action, the next thing will be planned by Saint Li. Saint Li will definitely take action to protect you and make sure you escape unscathed. Yan Qu poured wine for Chen Lu.

I see, you actually made this plan. You want to use me to give Meng Shengren a fatal blow and break Meng Shengren's Taoist heart. Meng Shengren advocates that 'people are originally good in nature'. If something happens to one of his disciples, A disciple who has been teaching for hundreds of years suddenly turns his back on him. When Saint Meng discusses the Tao with Saint Li, his Taoist heart will definitely collapse. Chen Lu said.

He's just not very Machiavellian, but he's not a fool.

As soon as the other party said it, he already knew Yan Qu's plan.

It seems that Sage Li and Sage Meng are not sure about the truth. Otherwise, how could they use Panwai's tactics? Chen Lu asked.

Hearing Chen Lu's words, Yan Qu smiled and said nothing: If Meng Shengren's Taoist heart collapses, the Confucian school will be dominated by the Confucian clan in the future. You will definitely not suffer a loss if you come here. When the time comes, you will be able to defeat Meng Shengren. Which saint dares to continue to compete with the Li saint? You are a good thing for coming here. It is the wisest and most unique choice.

Hearing this, Chen Lu smiled: You underestimate me. Do you think I am that kind of person?

After saying that, Chen Lu turned around and left, disappearing into the tavern.

Looking at Chen Lu's untouched wine cup, Yan Qu shook his head and chuckled.

Your plan seems to have failed. Mi Zhu walked out of the backyard of the tavern, sat at Chen Lu's seat, picked up the drink and drank it down.

Do you think he is that kind of person? Yan Qu asked.

Mi Zhu was stunned: How could he, a good master of the Haoran lineage, come here to be a child?

Yan Qu was silent.

I don't think he is that kind of person. How can a man stay depressed and depressed for a long time? Mi Zhu said.

Contrary to you, I think Chen Lu is that kind of person. Yan Channel.

But he has clearly rejected you. Mi Zhu looked at the wine cup and Chen Lu's retreating figure.

The reason why he rejected me was because he felt that he still had a way out, and he still had options. He placed his hope on the statues of gods and demons, and wanted to use the sculptures of gods and demons to exchange for one of the three treasures of Kaitian. If the Three Treasures of Kaitian are with him, even if Chen Lu is a saint, he may not be able to surrender. Even if he fails in his errand, Saint Meng will never punish him. Yan Channel.

Mi Zhu looked at Yan Qu with his eyes, as if he had seen a ghost. His eyes were full of disbelief: How could you think of this?

There's a reason why my cultivation level is so low, but I can become the head master brother. Yan Qu smiled proudly: Don't forget, I am a bloodline person.

The power of the soul. Mi Zhu's face turned pale.

Have you seen Dr. Psycho in the blockbuster movie?

Directly control other people's bodies and exert the power of other people's bodies.

But is that all?

Absolutely not!

There are also mind robbery, mind enslavement and even mind replacement.

The power of the human heart is endless.

In fact, as Yan Qu said, Chen walked out of the tavern expressionlessly, looking at the chaotic streets, his eyes full of seriousness: I still have a chance! Even if I don't deal with the old Confucian scholar, It’s all done, but I still have a chance. As long as I can exchange the Three Treasures of the Heaven and Earth from the gods and demons, and exchange them for the power that created the world, even the saints cannot and dare not easily accuse me.”

At any cost, I will gather all the wealth and exchange it for the Three Treasures of Kaitian. I will wipe out the wealth of Haoran's lineage, and use the credit of Haoran's lineage to exchange and borrow from all forces. , to exchange for various treasures. I want to lower the price of God and Demon Rice to exchange for countless kinds of treasures. Chen Lu's voice was full of seriousness.

Even if I leave Haoran's lineage and join Saint Li, with the Three Treasures in my hands, I will still be taken seriously and become the backbone of Saint Li's lineage. Therefore, the Three Treasures of Kaitian are the key to determining victory or defeat.

At this point, there was no room for redemption for the old Confucian scholar's matter, and he had no chance to retreat. He could only go to the dark side.

In front of Sanwei Bookstore

Cui Yu was sitting in the flowerbed, with countless thoughts flashing in his mind. Drops of the blood of gods and demons were constantly moisturizing the skin all over his body, and they were transforming the skin of gods and demons with great difficulty.

Cui Yu, there's big news. Xin Yuan suddenly raised his head, and then walked up to Cui Yu.

Big news? What big news? Cui Yu asked.

Then Chen Lu is going to die. Xin Yuan said.

Cui Yu was puzzled. Isn't Chen Lu a good person? Why is it about to end?

Xin Yuan lowered his voice and quietly told what happened.

Hearing Xin Yuan's words, Cui Yu was startled: He wants to spend all the wealth of Haoran's lineage to bet on the illusory Three Treasures of Kaitian?

Yes. If he really does this, he will be dead! Xin Yuan said.

Can you find a way to reverse the situation regarding the old Confucian scholar? Cui Yu asked.

How about posting some big-character posters on the street? Xin Yuan asked tentatively.

Or you go to Tang Zhou, ask Tang Zhou to do errands for you, and ask all the forces of Taiping Road to imprint that article. Or you go to find someone from the court. Now the old Confucian scholar is at a disadvantage in the fight, is it? I will never sit idly by and ignore it. Xin Yuan asked.

What he said seemed to make sense.

Chen Lu is the biggest backer and biggest backing of the Chen family of Dayu. If Chen Lu falls, the Chen family of Dayu will not be afraid. Xin Yuan advised Cui Yu.

I can ask Zhihu, but not now, but when the Chenlu Mountain is exhausted. Cui Yu said thoughtfully.

Xin Yuan looked at Cui Yu, his big eyes widening. He did not dare to tell Chen Lu about his betrayal.

After hearing Xin Yuan's words, countless thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind, and then he spread out his palm and stretched it out in front of Xin Yuan.

What? Xin Yuan pretended to be dumbfounded.

The skin of heaven and earth. Cui Yu said.

Looking at Cui Yu's white and tender palms, Xin Yuan came forward helplessly, opened his mouth and spit out a piece of leather that was as gray as a fingernail.

Then Tang Zhou was a lucky man, and he actually got a treasure like the Skin of Heaven and Earth, which is basically impossible to appear in the world. Although this piece of Skin of Heaven and Earth is a bit small, it is enough to slowly Slowly deducing the information of a world. Xin Yuan was a little reluctant and looked at the skin of Cui Yuzhang's palm reluctantly.

Cui Yu took the Skin of Heaven and Earth in his hand and looked at it carefully for a long time.

I saw that there seemed to be chaotic energy rolling on the skin of heaven and earth, and there were faint textures of heaven and earth flickering. The tentacles of the skin were as light as nothing, somewhat similar to stroking the universe in the sleeves.

What if I could analyze the skin of heaven and earth and turn my skin into the skin of heaven and earth??? Cui Yu had a bold idea in his heart, and then looked at his golden finger's page with his eyes: Can it be called the skin of heaven and earth? Invade my body? If I usurp the power of the Skin of Heaven and Earth, I will definitely gain incredible abilities.

Cui Yu wanted to analyze the skin of heaven and earth, but when faced with the material transformation, he was indifferent and could not analyze any information about the skin of heaven and earth at all.

The divine power was poured into the Skin of Heaven and Earth. Cui Yu wanted to provoke the Skin of Heaven and Earth to fight back, but when his divine power reached the Skin of Heaven and Earth, he was actually blocked by the Skin of Heaven and Earth.

He couldn't help but lose even a hair of heaven and earth.

After trying for a long time, I finally had no choice, so I turned my palm over and saw that the skin of heaven and earth had penetrated into the small world.

Cui Yu's small world is now ten miles in size and quite large. Ever since Yan Qu and Chen Lu transported all kinds of materials from heaven and earth like hard-working little bees, Cui Yu's small world has gained a touch of vitality. The laws of time are also being rapidly established.

The skin of heaven and earth merged into the chaos, and the chaos rolled. The skin of heaven and earth turned into halos, and crashed directly into Cui Yu's small world.

Then Cui Yu's small world was seen absorbing the colorful light. The whole small world was shaking continuously. The chaotic energy was rolling inside, and wisps of innate energy were being born rapidly.

There was a thunderclap in the sky, and the void exploded, green air was generated in the void, and clouds and mist were gathering.

The first cloud and mist between heaven and earth was actually formed at this time.

Innate clouds and mist!

As the innate clouds and mists emerged, Cui Yu's eyes widened and he saw the clouds and mists being formed, and the first innate breeze was also born.

The birth of clouds and mist is always accompanied by wind and rain.

The clouds and mist were intertwined with innate lightning, and the rain poured down, falling on the yellow sand on the ground.

With the moistening of the rain, the innate rainwater penetrated into the sand, and the acquired aura of various natural materials and earthly treasures buried under the soil by Cui Yu began to fade away, and they quietly transformed into innate ones.

Wisps of green began to be born between heaven and earth.

It's just that the world is too small, and there is still no sun or moon. Although the energy of chaos absorbed by Jianmu can temporarily replace the sun to maintain the operation of the small world, Cui Yu still feels that there seems to be something missing in the operation of the small world.

Moistened by the rain and dew, the innate building wood began to grow vigorously, growing thicker at a speed visible to the naked eye, and more innate energy was transformed by the building wood.

Thick trees soared into the sky and submerged into the void. Their branches appeared in the chaos and the unpredictable place.

With the integration of the skin of heaven and earth, Cui Yu's world began to shake, chaos began to riot, countless chaotic energy swarmed in, and Cui Yu's small world began to surge.

From the previous ten-mile small world, it evolved into the hundred-mile small world.

No more, no less, exactly one hundred miles.

There seems to be a kind of shackles in the dark, which has turned into a shackles, firmly suppressing the evolution of the small world and preventing the evolution of the small world.

Cui Yu knew that the evolution of his little world seemed to have reached a bottleneck.

As long as you break through the bottleneck, you can turn it into a small world thousands of miles away.

After digesting the foundation of the Kunlun world, wouldn't it be difficult to break through the world of hundreds of miles and turn it into a world of thousands of miles? Cui Yu had a thought in his mind.

As Cui Yu's idea was born, his eyes moved away from the small world.

He had a feeling that the way of heaven seemed to be born in his own little world, and his will of heaven seemed to be ready for use.

Although he didn't know how powerful it was, Cui Yu was still full of expectations.

Everything is getting better. Cui Yu muttered silently.

elder brother!

Cui Li and Cui Lu ran out of the wing of the courtyard and hugged Cui Yu's arm: We are going shopping, and we are going to eat candied haws.

Cui Yu stroked the heads of the two little ones. The two little ones had grown very fast recently, and they had reached Cui Yu's chest.

It's too chaotic outside now. When things get calmer in the future, I'll take you shopping again. Cui Yu took out a KFC chicken drumstick and french fries from his sleeve and handed them to two small ones.

The two little ones looked at each other, with a hint of grievance in their eyes, but they still left happily holding the fries.

Master, what should I do? Is there really nothing we can do? Wang Yi came to Cui Yu and looked at Cui Yu with serious eyes.

I also want to find a way, but there is nothing I can do. Cui Yu looked at Wang Yi. His eyes were red and swollen, and he had obviously cried many times.

Damn the Saint of Li, I will never give up with him in the future! And that bastard Chen Lu, who fails to succeed but fails to succeed. Wang Yi cursed angrily, his voice full of anger.

Cui Yu patted Wang Yi on the shoulder: Don't worry, good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil. He will be punished. It won't be long before he will suffer retribution.

The old Confucian scholar failed to achieve enlightenment. How could Saint Meng spare him? He will inevitably die. Cui Yu kept comforting him softly.

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