In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 330 A bigger misunderstanding

After Xin Yuan heard Tang Zhou's request, his head froze and his eyes stared blankly at Tang Zhou below.

He knew that the other party was a dog, but he never expected that the other party would be such a dog.

Where could he go to find flat peaches for Tang Zhou?

And it’s still a nine-thousand-year-old flat peach!

If there were nine thousand years of flat peaches, Cui Yu would have eaten them long ago. Where would it be Tang and Zhou's turn?

Mortal, do you know how much materials are needed to exchange flat peaches? Xin Yuan turned his eyes, with a hint of cunning in his eyes.

Do you want to exchange for flat peaches?


I'll give you a number that is simply out of your reach, and just ask you to give up.

What is high-end operation?

This is high-end operation.

Please give me the materials needed to redeem the flat peaches. Tang Zhou said respectfully. He came well prepared. He, Tang Zhou, would never fight an uncertain battle.

After hearing what Tang Zhou said, Tengu stood on the head of the god and demon, and gushed incessantly: I want to have a piece of grain grass, a piece of azure culvert, three drops of sea and sky blue, and a stone of cause and effect. And I want to mend the phalanges. One section is an innate peacock feather. A piece of innate Geng gold in the West, a piece of ancient heaven and earth.

At this point, Tengu stopped talking, feeling that the conditions he wanted were too high. These items were all rare treasures from the world. Even in the epoch of the beginning of time when gods and demons were rampant, it would take a lot of effort to gather them together.

Get out of trouble!

He wanted Tang Zhou to retreat when he realized the difficulty.

I don't know what the Hegucao/Azure Yuhan, Sea and Sky Blue, Karma Stone, Finger Bone Replacement, Innate Peacock Feather, Western Geng Gold, and Taikoo Heaven and Earth Skin you want look like. Please tell me, Lord Gods and Demons! Tang Zhou heard this! The other party's eyes were full of confusion. He had never heard of anything the other party said.

Indeed, I have never heard of one.

As expected of the ancient gods and demons, what they want to ask for is high-end atmosphere and class. Tang Zhou said to himself.

After hearing what Tang Zhou said, Xin Yuan said eloquently: That Hegucao is a wisp of acquired grass and tree energy, combined with the grass and tree elves in the world. It is three feet long and has seven small white flowers. The small flowers appear like the Big Dipper. The shape of seven stars is in full bloom. This grass and tree is born at the alternation between the innate world and the acquired world. Only when the innate world transforms towards the acquired world, and the energy of the innate grass and trees transforms into the energy of the acquired grass and trees, can it have a chance to form. There should be twenty-eight on this flower. The stars correspond to the twenty-four solar terms of the human world...

Master Gods and Demons, wait a minute. Look at this plant in my hand. Is it the Hecao you mentioned? A black python came out of Tang Zhou's sleeve. The python opened its mouth and spit out a flower of divine light. Flowing flowers.

Judging from its appearance, there are seven small white flowers on it. The small flowers are in the shape of the Big Dipper, which looks very mysterious.

Impossible! Seeing the appearance of the little flower, Tengu stood up in shock, his eyes full of disbelief: How is it possible? How is it possible? How could you have such a strange grass? It has been ten years since the creation of the world. How come there is such a strange grass after 8,000 years?

The Tengu's heart suddenly lurched, and he looked at Tang Zhou with a pair of eyes. The whole dog's gaze was wrong.

Let's talk about the Qingyuhan that day. It grows in the blue clouds. It needs a wisp of blue air to open the sky and the first wisp of acquired air between heaven and earth. Then it is gestated in the blue clouds for 7,400 years. Only then can it be accomplished. The heavens are vast, and clouds gather and disperse, but I have never heard of any clouds that can condense for seven thousand years and not disperse.

After the azure yuhan is successfully condensed, it is like a liquid ointment, showing a green color and looking like beautiful jade. There are innate Qi and acquired Qi intertwined in it, as if clouds and rain are nurturing...

Before he finished speaking, Tang Zhou patted the python on the head, and saw the python opened its mouth and spit out a soft, paste-like object.

I... Xin Yuan held back his thousands of words, and stared straight at Tian Qing Yuhan with his eyes, unable to speak for a moment.

This thing was not considered precious in ancient times.

In the ancient times, there were many people who could soar into the clouds and ride on the mist, and there was no shortage of large formations that could hold the clouds and mists in place. What was scarce was the intertwining of the acquired era and the innate era.

Let's talk about the finger bones. The finger bones are round in shape and have innate textures inside. They are as delicate as mutton-fat white jade. When placed in the sun, smoke will appear, and the innate textures will shine.

Honored God, look at this thing. Is it the finger bone you mentioned? Tang Zhou knocked on the python's head again, and saw another piece of jade the size of a thumb spit out from the python's mouth.

The Skin of Heaven and Earth! The Skin of Heaven and Earth was a very rare treasure even in the ancient era of gods and demons. How could he obtain it? A thought arose in Xin Yuan's mind.

The skin of heaven and earth is so precious. Zhen Yuanzi obtained a roll of skin of heaven and earth, and then he refined such rare treasures as the universe in his sleeves. Chi You also spoke next to him.

I was really afraid that Xin Yuan would get lost.

If Heart Monkey can't get the flat peach, what will happen then?

Isn’t his plan to deceive the world about to be betrayed?

Without the help of these enemies, when can I regain my strength?

The skin of heaven and earth was born from the creation of the world. It contains the texture of heaven and the laws of heaven. At a glance, the skin is imprinted with the mystery of heaven and earth. There are songs of heaven and earth, praises from gods and demons, and blessings from heaven... Xin Yuan Started cheating again.

Honored God, can you see if this is the skin of gods and demons you want? Before Xin Yuan could finish speaking, Tang Zhou took out a piece of leather that was only the size of a fingernail from the python's belly. He raised his hands with a respectful expression and handed it over. Void.

It's a coincidence. Why do you think there were all kinds of incredible treasures in the Tang and Zhou Dynasties?

Tang Zhou also had good luck and quietly sneaked into the Kunlun Mountains, ransacked a palace, and dug out these treasures.

It's a pity that these are ancient treasures. Even if Tang Zhou found them, he wouldn't know their use.

At this time, Xin Yuan opened his mouth to describe it. Although he didn't know the name of the object, he immediately became energetic after hearing the shape of the object. Didn't he find all these treasures from the palace?

Although the skin of heaven and earth is small, it is indeed the skin of heaven and earth.

As the treasures were taken out, the smile on Xin Yuan's face froze, and his whole face began to look depressed.

He can't get the ancient flat peach.

Chen Lu and Yan Qu on the side also widened their eyes, watching the unheard of rare treasures being taken out from Tang Zhou's hands, their eyes filled with disbelief.

Baicao Bookstore

Cui Yu is practicing boxing, practicing the Five Elements and making iron hands, and at the same time studying the Buddha's Dharma.

Unfortunately, the Buddhist teachings are too obscure, and Cui Yu did not have the guidance of a famous teacher, so it was quite laborious to study.

Cui Yu! It's not good! It's not good! Things are going to go wrong! Things are going to go wrong! Just as Cui Yuzai was studying the Buddha's Dharma carefully, the heart ape's screams rang out in his mind.

What's the matter? Cui Yu frowned.

The mind ape itself is not restrained, but is a tangled body of various desires. It is normal to be so turbulent.

Then Tang Zhou...that Tang simply not a human being! Xin Yuan cursed and recounted the process directly.

You want flat peaches? Cui Yu was stunned, his eyes full of surprise: Where can I find flat peaches for you? If there were flat peaches, I would have eaten them myself. How could it be your turn?

But now Tang Zhou has met all the conditions. If we can't get the flat peach, what will we do next? Besides, it is the skin of heaven and earth. It is of no use to me, but it is very useful to you. It is a tonic. Although that piece of skin of heaven and earth is small, it contains the information of the entire world. Just like one cell of the human body contains the information of the entire human body. If your small world can get that piece of skin of heaven and earth, it will It can parse out the information of the entire world, so that you can overtake the evolutionary curve of your small world and have a guiding light. No matter how bad it is, you can learn from it. With the background of two worlds, you may not be able to create a world like the prehistoric world. perfect world.

Heart Ape is indeed the god of desire. Even if Cui Yu has turned desire into Heart Ape and cut it out of his body, he can't help but feel shaken when he hears it, with a hint of greed in his eyes.

Who doesn’t want to be blessed?

Create a perfect world like the prehistoric world, and then you will be the master of the perfect world. How great and incredible is it to control the birth and death of a world?

But I don't have flat peaches! If I had flat peaches, I would have eaten them long ago. How could I stay? Although Cui Yu really wanted the Skin of the World, he knew how much he had.

When I went into the realm of vision, my own little world, I saw a touch of green slowly emerging from the yellow sand in the endless desert.

The flat peach tree has taken root and sprouted, but it still takes countless thousands of years before it grows and bears flat peach fruit.

Hearing Cui Yu's words, Xin Yuan rolled his eyes: Don't you still have rotten peach juice there?

Yes, what's wrong? Cui Yu came to his senses, looked back and asked.

What I mean is, hide it from the sky. Xin Yuan murmured: You directly use material transformation and the physical transformation of that finger to create a fake flat peach, isn't it done?

Create a fake flat peach? Tang Zhou is not a fool, how could he not see it? Cui Yu shook his head.

He has never seen a flat peach, so how can he know whether the flat peach is real or fake? When the time comes, ask Chi You to use the power of gods and demons to cover it up, and then use a few wisps of Jianmu's breath as a cover. It will be surprising if he can distinguish the real from the fake. Xin Yuan said.

He can't tell the difference between true and false, but don't you know if eating it will have any effect? Cui Yu asked.

Just tell him that the dispersion of the medicinal power of the flat peach is a slow and rapid process. It needs to be repeated gradually and there is no hurry. Xin Yuan made the arrangements clearly:

Moreover, after today, we have a magic weapon to defeat the enemy. In the future, we will publicize this matter. If we encounter an enemy who is unsure, give him a flat peach and add medicine to the flat peach...

Xin Yuan's eyes were somewhat cold and vicious.

Just perfect.

Cui Yu trembled when he heard this and looked at Xin Yuan with his eyes full of awe: Why didn't you realize that this grandson is so cruel before?

A few thoughts flickered in his mind, but Cui Yu finally couldn't resist the temptation in his heart.

What he wanted was not to fool Tang Zhou, but to directly set up a trap to kill him if he encountered an enemy he couldn't deal with in the future.

For example: Chen Lu.

For example: Little Jinpeng King.

For example: Ji Wushuang.

The other party's death was unclear and there was no trace whatsoever.

If you want to forge flat peaches, it may not be impossible. Cui Yu pulled off the hosta on his head, chanted the formula in his mouth, and pointed at the stones on the ground.

Cui Yu's strongest method is not material transformation and physical transformation, but this hosta!

This hosta was originally an innate spiritual treasure.

The stone on the ground twisted and turned into a rotten peach.

Then Cui Yu silently recited the mantra, and released hundreds of drops of divine blood in his body. Wisps of innate energy from the void slowly descended and poured into the peach.

Cui Yu looked at the branches of the flat peach tree in the Dharma Realm, and then simulated the composition of the flat peach branches, constantly shaping the 'flat peach'.

Of course, Cui Yu couldn't simulate the real composition of peach branches, but as long as he simulated one, two or three, he could deceive Tang Zhou.

After all, no one in this world has ever seen a real flat peach, not even Cui Yu.

As the hundreds of drops of divine blood in Cui Yu's body were exhausted, the eyes of the female demon behind Cui Yu lit up, and her body slowly pressed against her again.

[Discover the invasion of strange power, which can be converted into 700 drops of divine blood. Will it be converted into divine blood? 】

【Transformation. 】

As Cui Yu finished speaking, hundreds of drops of divine blood burst out the next moment and poured into the hosta.

I saw that the hosta, which was like mutton-fat white jade, burst out with a little purple light, and a little bit of innate runes circulated in the light.

Then the peach twisted and turned into a flat peach the size of an adult's head.

This flat peach was created by Cui Yu by imitating the rotten flat peach. It contains the innate energy of building wood, and was forcibly shaped by Cui Yu to imitate the structure of the innate flat peach tree.

And there's a bit of the rotten juice of real flat peaches in it.

As soon as the strange-looking flat peach appeared, a strange fragrance overflowed from the Baicao House and swept across thousands of miles in an instant, sweeping across the entire Daliang City and Liangjie Mountain.

Wherever the fragrance passes, dead trees bloom, vegetation blooms and bears fruit, and dying birds heal their wounds one after another.

It is obviously autumn now, and the grass and trees in the mountains are beginning to turn yellow and wither, but flowers are blooming in the sky and the earth, and the grass and trees are sprouting tender branches again.

Blossoming peach blossoms bloomed on the trees, blooming with colorful joy.

The strange fragrance is so unique that the body of the person who smells it trembles, a sense of desire comes from the body, and the soul keeps shaking, greedily absorbing the breath of heaven and earth.

That comes from the desire for life.

In an instant, the entire Daliang City was filled with fragrance.

At the same time, everyone looked towards Daliang City with a look of shock in their eyes.

Looking at the flowers blooming again in the sky and the earth, and the vegetation resurrecting in the ruins of Kunlun, everyone can't help but have a thought in their hearts: Is the old sour scholar Li Ming going to become a Taoist?

Li Ming is going to become enlightened?

How can this be done!

Absolutely not!


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