Do you want to redeem that?甔

Xin Yuan became energetic at this time, and Mi Zhu was a prominent figure in the world, so there was no need to say more.

As a headmaster of the lineage of ritual saints, Yan Qu's strength naturally goes without saying. Although Yan Qu is less talented, he controls all the power of the entire lineage of Li Shengren. Although his strength is not enough, he can use power to make up for it.

Two demon seeds flew out, and the desire on Yan Qu's body fluctuated slightly, absorbing the demon seeds. But when the demon seed landed on Mi Zhu, Mi Zhu suddenly emitted a layer of subtle light.

That ray of light shrouded the whole body, as if covered with a layer of clouds, and actually blocked the demon species back.

Eh~ Xin Yuan was stunned, his whole dog's head was ridged, and there was a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

At this time, Chi You's dog-headed eyes also showed a hint of surprise: It seems that I have met an old acquaintance.

Old acquaintance? Xin Yuan looked at Chi You in surprise, then turned to look at Mi Zhu who was kneeling on the ground, his eyes full of surprise and uncertainty.甔

Shennong's method of staying, Chi You said.

Xin Yuan frowned: There is no one in this world that I cannot invade. Even Tang Zhou's Shifang Guangming state of mind was invaded by me, let alone a mere brat like him?

After hearing Xin Yuan's words, Chi You had a strange look in his eyes, but he didn't say much.


Mi Zhu suddenly shivered inexplicably. Looking at the luster surrounding his body, his eyes were full of surprise: Thank you, Lord Demon God, for your blessing! Thank you, Lord Demon God, for your blessing!

Mi Zhu fell to his knees and kowtowed.

Chi You looked at Mi Zhu, then at Xin Yuan with a proud look on his face, and for a moment he felt dumbfounded.甔

I was trying to control someone, but this was the first time I met him.

Boy, you are destined to me. I will give you your real name. When you return home, you can erect a statue and worship day and night without fail. When the time comes, you will naturally be blessed. Xin Yuan's voice was full of bewitchment. , Tengu originally belonged to the genus of the ancient demon god. Although he was a young Tengu, he was not considered a fake.

Thank you, Lord Demon God! Mi Zhu kept kowtowing.

Go back. As long as you prepare the sacrificial objects, ancestor, I can fulfill all your wishes. Xin Yuan bragged more and more about his will.

After some worship, the three of them walked out of the cave. Yan Qu always felt that something was wrong in his heart, but he couldn't explain what was wrong.

You go and bring Chen Lu over, and we will prepare the sacrifice. Yan Qu said to Gao Dacong.

Upon hearing this, Gao Dachong bowed again and then left in a hurry.甔

Brother Dao, can this person be controlled? Mi Zhu asked as he looked at Gao Dachong's retreating figure.

You just stay at home and don't understand the art of strategy. That Gao Dacong did something wrong, and now there seems to be no other way out except to seek refuge with me. Yan Qu smiled calmly:

Next, it's time for us to make a fortune. That old Confucian scholar is dead this time.

Inside Chenlu Manor

Chen Lu leisurely painted landscape paintings in the pavilion, outlining every plant and tree in the landscape paintings.

Suddenly his ears twitched, and he saw Gao Dacong running over from a distance in a hurry.

Senior brother! It's not good! It's not good! Gao Dacong panted, staggered, and ran over from a distance.甔

What? Chen Lu's heart skipped a beat. The scroll in front of him turned into ashes, and a premonition surged into his heart.

As expected, Na Yan Qu found the cave. My younger brother followed quietly and saw with my own eyes that Yan Qu rushed towards the mountain where the statues of gods and demons were hidden. Gao Dachong said breathlessly.

He seemed to have said everything, and yet he seemed to have said nothing.

He did not name Cui Yu, nor did he say why Yan Qu went to that mountain, but the implicit meaning in his words showed that Yan Qu knew the secret of that mountain.

And I knew it from Cui Yu.

What? Cui Yu is really so disregarding the overall situation, betraying my Haoran lineage, and leaking the secrets of Kunlun Cave? Chen Lu was furious when he heard this, and the next moment he directly got into the soil.

Watching Chen Lu disappear into the soil, Gao Dachong's humility disappeared from his face, and a cold look appeared on the corner of his mouth: Idiot! I really don't know why Shengren Meng handed over the power to you.

The voice was full of disdain.

Dashan Nei

Mi Zhu and Yan Qu stand in front of the statues of gods and demons

Do you think Chen Lu will come? Mi Zhu asked.

This is a big secret involving the Three Treasures of Kaitian. How could he not come? Yan Chuan.

Just the two of us? Should we call some experts? What if Chen Lu summons the experts to surround and kill us? Mi Zhu looked uneasy, his eyes full of uneasiness. Gou Dao showed his performance to the fullest.

Unless he wants to spread the word about the sculptures of gods and demons and let all the saints know about it, he will never spread it. Yan Qu said firmly.甔

Are you so confident? Mi Zhu was puzzled.

Because you don't understand the thoughts of those in power. Yan Channel.

Time passed little by little, and after a quarter of an hour, Mi Zhu suddenly said: He is here.

Yan Qu's eyes flashed and he began to dance and offer sacrifices in the cave.

Chen Lian came out of the ground expressionlessly. When he emerged, he saw the figure in the cave. His whole face was as gloomy as water.

Especially after seeing a large amount of God and Demon Rice spilled out, Chen Lu's face became even more furious.

Only three people in the world understand this method of sacrifice.甔

The first one is Cui Yu. The second one is Gao Dachong, and the third one is himself.

Gao Dachong would not betray him and tell Yan Qu, and he would not say another word. So it is self-evident where Yan Qu obtained this method of worshiping gods and demons.

Chen Lu walked into the cave, causing Mi Zhu and Yan Qu to look back.

Brother Chen, you have such a wonderful place, but you don't share it with us. It's too much. We are all Confucian children, and the Confucian family in the world is one family, and you secretly hide and eat alone? You are really unjust! Yan Qu complained! After all, it seems that he is the victim.

Chen Lian looked gloomy and stared at Yan Qu with his eyes: Did Cui Yu tell you?

Yan Qu chuckled when he heard this, and said nonchalantly: What do you think?

He seemed to say something, but seemed to say nothing.甔


! Chen Lu had already preconceived the idea, her eyes were full of anger, and she was gnashing her teeth in hatred.

Yan Qu greeted Mi Zhu with a smile and began to clean up the magic rice on the ground.

I saw the rice pig opening its mouth, and the hill-like rice of gods and demons on the ground was actually swallowed by the whale.

There seems to be a universe in its belly.

What do you mean about being a traitor or not? Isn't it all about benefiting the people of the world? Mi Zhu was adding jealousy to the side, and Chen Lu was so angry that his eyes were filled with stars: I shouldn't have been soft-hearted in the first place, and I shouldn't have been so scrupulous.

Now that we have found the statue of gods and demons, what will Brother Chen do next? Yan Qu raised his head with a smile and turned to look at Chen Lu.

You are not a fool if you think about it. You don't want this place to attract the attention of the saints and let everyone in the world know about it. When the time comes, we won't be able to protect this earth-shattering creation with our own abilities. Yan Qu said with a smile.甔

Then what? Chen Lian looked cold.

How about you and I each use our own abilities to collect all kinds of treasures from heaven and earth to redeem them. The treasures of gods and demons are unpredictable. If you and I can exchange one or two pieces, we have already exhausted our efforts. It seems that you and I don't have much contradiction. Yan Qu looked at him with a smile.

What should we do about the old Confucian scholar? Chen Lu had a murderous intent in his eyes.

If the saint fails to handle the matters assigned to him, he will definitely not get any good results.

Each one depends on his or her ability. Yan Qu said with a smile: The sages of rites have come to discuss Taoism in person. Do you think we will let the old Confucian scholar go?

Chen Lu took a deep breath and wished she could go back immediately and strangle Cui Yu to death.

Damn evil, he dares to eat inside and outside. I will never let him go! Chen Luqi's body began to riot, and it kept stirring in the cave. The power of the Dharma Realm began to fluctuate, and spread out from the void using Chen Lu as a medium. .甔

Seeing the power of the law spilling out, Yan Qu shrank and quickly hid behind the sculptures of gods and demons. The rice pig on the side also saw the opportunity, and like a clever giant monkey, jumped and flashed behind the statues of gods and demons.

Yan Qu is not a fool. The power of the Dharma Realm is the fundamental law of the holy way and the source of all laws in the world. If he does not have supernatural powers that defy heaven, there is no way he can compete with it.

Don't even think about competing with it, just run as far as you can.

Mi Zhu was also a very smart person, so naturally he didn't want to directly compete with him and immediately jumped into the void.

The statues of gods and demons are the sustenance of ancient gods and demons, and are naturally protected by the power of gods and demons. The two of them jumped away without thinking and hid behind the statues.

Watching the two people jumping behind the statue, lying on top of the statue, and hiding behind the huge crown glaze, Shin Yuen was dumbfounded.

What kind of statue is this? He chewed it out personally. Does he know the ingredients in it?甔

It's just an ordinary stone, nothing unusual at all.

If the other party's energy collides with the statue, wouldn't the statue directly turn into powder?

Wouldn't it be necessary to be a gangster by then?

So Xin Yuan looked at Chi You with his eyes.

Chi You glanced at Xin Yuan, and the dog head snorted coldly, causing the void to shake. The sound penetrated directly into the Dharma Realm, and Chen Lu's left arm, which was about to run away, returned to its original shape and returned to its arm posture.

As soon as the real person takes action, he will know whether it is there or not.

Seeing Chi You easily suppressing the fluctuations in the Dharma Realm, Yan Qu and Mi Zhu both widened their eyes, and a word popped up in their minds at the same time: 甔

Interfering with the legal world!

Interfering with the Dharma Realm easily is something that only a saint can do.

As expected of an ancient god and demon. Yan Qu was secretly shocked.

No wonder he didn't doubt the identity of the ancient demon god, but with Chen Lu in front and the large supply of god and demon rice behind him, he didn't have any doubts in his heart.

Gods and demons can only be enlightened by the gods and demons.

Everything in the cave returned to silence. Yan Qu hid behind the stone statue and looked at Mi Zhu.

I suspect that this kid is pretending to have magical power, but actually wants to take the opportunity to kill us. Mi Zhu said.甔

Yan Qu was silent when he heard this, with a gloomy look in his eyes: I'm afraid this grandson can do anything. He can even take away the treasures of his sect, and he is not afraid of poking his bones, let alone now?

I'm sorry, I get excited when I think of a traitor in the door. Chen Lu looked at the statues of gods and demons with a hint of awe in her eyes.

Although the previous snort was described lightly, only the arm in the Dharma Realm knew how terrifying that slight snort was.

Divine power is like a torch, irresistible and unstoppable.

Really? If Brother Dao is fine, we can say goodbye. Yan Qu said expressionlessly.

Wait a minute, I have one more thing to ask. Chen Lu looked at the two of them and shouted.

The two stopped and turned to look at Yan Qu.甔

At what cost did you get Cui Yu to hand over the secrets of this place. Chen Lu's voice was full of unwillingness.

He is indeed unwilling!

Even if you lose, you must lose clearly.

Haha, I don't know what you are talking about. Yan Qu smiled faintly, not admitting at all that he had obtained the secret of the God and Demon Rice from Cui Yu.

In fact, he did not obtain the secret of God and Demon Rice from Cui Yu.

Since it's not, then don't talk nonsense.

Since everything has been done, why can't you tell me? Looking at the two people's retreating figures, Chen Lu shouted unwillingly.甔

The two waved their hands, without admitting or defending. It seemed as if everything had been said, and yet it seemed as if nothing had been said.

Then we have made an agreement. From now on, each of us will see who can get benefits from the gods and demons based on their abilities. Chen Lu shouted loudly as she watched the two of them disappear at the entrance of the cave, her face as gloomy as water.

The secret that he originally kept to himself was now shared by two more people. It was strange that he felt happy.

Now I really hate Cui Yu to the core.

When the two of them walked out of the cave, Gao Dachong came over and said, Senior brother, now that the Saint Li lineage has also noticed the secret, what should we do?

Chen Lu closed her eyes and clenched her fists, trying her best to suppress the anger in her heart.

What else can we do? We can only swallow our anger, secretly collect countless treasures, and exchange them for the incredible treasures first. As long as we move fast enough, what will happen even if they know the secret? Chen Lu snorted coldly.甔

But he has the help of the Mi family, can we really compete? Gao Dachong whispered.

Chen Lu was speechless after hearing this.

It's all Cui Yu's fault! If it weren't for his betrayal, how could the secrets of the gods and demons be leaked? Gao Dachong added to the story beside him:

Cui Yu is a rip-off bitch. He didn't even tell us the secrets of the gods and demons, but he told the Lishengren lineage. I don't know what the Lishengren lineage used to win him over, and even asked him to betray his mentor.

Clean up the family! We must clean up the family! Cui Yu has betrayed my Haoran lineage and has become a cancer for my Haoran lineage. This person must not be allowed to stay. Chen Lu put his hands in his sleeves, and the sleeves that entered the Dharma Realm Although it has no arms, it is no different from having arms. It is held up by an inexplicable force.

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