In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 323 Gong Nanbei doubts life

Looking at Gong Nanbei's big face close to Chi Chi, Cui Yu suddenly felt a little panicked for some reason. Lan

Especially Gong Nanbei's gaze, Cui Yu felt that the other party's gaze was very scary.

What was going on with that gaze that was staring straight at him?

Countless thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's heart.

Junior brother, do you like swords? Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu.

Cui Yu shook his head: I don't like it.

Are you accomplished in swordsmanship? Gong Nanbei asked again.

Cui Yu shook his head when he heard this: I have never practiced swordsmanship. Lan

Never practiced swordsmanship? Gong Nanbei asked again.

I have never practiced swordsmanship! Cui Yu said.

Junior brother, what do you think of my swordsmanship? Gong Nanbei asked expressionlessly.

It's like a heavenly being, like a god coming to the world. I dare not look directly at him. Cui Yu quickly praised.

This is the fact. Gong Nanbei's swordsmanship skills are indeed unmatched in Cui Yu's eyes.

How does it compare to you? Gong Nanbei continued to ask.

After hearing Gong Nanbei's words, Cui Yu quickly said: Senior brother, aren't you trying to hurt me? My swordsmanship is like a three-year-old child dancing wildly. And senior brother's swordsmanship is like a god descending. Or maybe it's like the bright moon above the nine heavens. In the sky, my little brother is just a firefly, so how can he be compared? Isn't it possible that senior brother is confused? Lan

Gong Nanbei's mentality collapsed when he heard this: But why doesn't it choose me! Why doesn't it choose me! I am the swordsman! I am the swordsman!

Gong Nanbei was so angry that she wanted to scold her!

Cui Yu was a little confused when he heard this. Why did he choose it instead of me?

Senior brother, could it be that he is out of love? Cui Yu asked cautiously from the side.

Gong Nanbei glared at Cui Yu: It's not lovelorn, but it's much more serious than lovelorn.

I have decided that starting from today, I will teach you swordsmanship. I will make you the best swordsman in the world! Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu, his eyes gradually becoming firmer.

??? Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei, his mind filled with questions. Lan

What the hell?

What is he talking about?

Make me a unique swordsman in heaven and earth?

As a person who relies on supernatural powers for a living, why should I practice swordsmanship?

Sword training is so slow and uncomfortable. Is there anything more comfortable in this world than directly practicing magical powers?

Thousands of thoughts kept flashing in Cui Yu's heart, and he looked at Gong Nanbei with his eyes. He didn't know why Gong Nanbei suddenly taught him the way of swordsmanship.

Senior brother, have you encountered some kind of disaster? You feel like you can't get through it, so you want to leave a legacy? Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei: If you encounter any difficulties, you might as well speak up. Although I am not very capable, I can There may still be ways to solve the problem. Lan

Gong Nanbei glared at Cui Yu helplessly, his chest heaving with anger, and slapped Cui Yu on the back of the head. Then he stamped his foot and saw a wooden sword flying up from the corner and landing in Gong Nanbei's hand.

You just encountered an insurmountable disaster. I just want to see why you were chosen. Gong Nanbei said angrily.

Cui Yu was a little confused when he heard this, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Why can't I understand what senior brother is saying at all? Cui Yu was puzzled.

If you want to understand the innate sword, the first step is induction. What is induction? The first step of induction is familiarity. Familiar with every structure of the sword, familiar with every texture of the sword. Close your eyes, the sword is like looking at flowers in the palm of your hand, Not even a single defect or texture is missing. Gong Nanbei handed the wooden sword to Cui Yu:

You should remember all the textures on this sword now, as familiar as the hair and skin of your own body.

I don't want to practice swordsmanship. Cui Yu resisted and took the wooden sword. Lan

But seeing the look in Gong Nanbei's eyes that couldn't refuse, he had no choice but to take the sword and hold it in his hand for a while to look at it.

As his martial arts skills improved and his body gradually became stronger, Cui Yu's soul also became stronger.

A wooden sword, but all of it has been engraved in my mind in just a moment.

Then close your eyes, feel the wooden sword in your hand, and imagine that the wooden sword in your hand is a living thing. Gong Nanbei said.

But it's clearly a dead thing. Cui Yu stared at Gong Nanbei.

How can a dead thing become a living thing?

Unless he performs material transformation. Lan

But Cui Yu had thoughts flickering in his mind, but he still obeyed Gong Nanbei's request.

Although he didn't know why White House Nanbei suddenly accepted him as his disciple, and why he suddenly taught him swordsmanship, don't think about things you don't understand.

There is no harm in practicing swordsmanship for Cui Yu, as it can provide him with an additional means of attack at critical moments.

Moreover, future battles will inevitably involve fighting with others.

Magical power is the key to defeating the enemy and plays a decisive role in defeating the enemy. There are countless weird methods and magical powers in this world that are hard to guard against. If someone accidentally finds out the trump card, it will be the end of the game.

It's just that Cui Yu really didn't have the talent to practice swords. He stood under the big locust tree with a wooden sword in both hands. He stood for three full days and still had no connection with the wooden sword in his hands.

It shouldn't be. Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu standing under the big tree, his eyes full of confusion: He was chosen by the Innate Divine Sword. Not to mention his talent in swordsmanship, it should be extremely rare and rare. It’s so rare, how come you don’t feel anything at all?” Lan

In the world of sword cultivators, those with outstanding talent can sense it in a day. Those with extremely talented people can sense it in an hour. Those with rare talent can sense it in a quarter of an hour. He can be spotted by the innate divine sword. His talent should be unprecedented, and he can sense it in just one breath. It must be able to sense it. Gong Nanbei's eyes were full of confusion: Is he a fake sword cultivator? Is the innate sword blind?

When he first realized the way of swordsmanship, within three breaths, he was able to communicate with the wooden sword in his hand and entered the realm of unity between man and sword.

Do you feel it? Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu.

Cui Yu shook his head when he heard this, his eyes full of embarrassment: Brother, am I not the material for practicing swordsmanship?

Cui Yu is a little autistic.

Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu, then looked at the wooden sword in Cui Yu's hand, then took the wooden sword over, looked at it for a long time, and then broke the wooden sword: The innate divine sword is blind.

Don't practice sword practice in the future. Sword practice is not suitable for you. After saying this, Gong Nanbei sat in the corner and sulked, holding the scabbard of his sword. Lan

He really couldn't figure out how inferior he was compared to Cui Yu.

I am the purest sword cultivator, with a natural sword bone. Why did the innate divine sword choose Cui Yu but not me?

This is simply unreasonable.

Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei and felt a little baffled.

But he still obediently returned to practice boxing under the big tree.

Time passes little by little

The days are like ticking drops of water, gone forever. Lan

A month goes by in a blink of an eye.

In front of Cui Yu’s rice shop

Mi Zhu and Yan Qu stood upstairs, looking at the bags of corn with a look of contemplation in their eyes.

Cui Yudu was driven away, and the magic rice was replaced with ordinary corn. Where did they get the corn? And there was so much corn? Yan Qu looked at Mi Zhu with his eyes. He suspected that it was the Mi family. People are doing mischief secretly.

That's a great sect of the Haoran lineage, with saints at the helm. It's not difficult to get a batch of rice noodles, right? Mi Zhu defended: And I heard that a large amount of rice from gods and demons appeared in Haojing these days. , was bought in large quantities by various powerful families in Haojing. Not only in Haojing, but also in the territories of the other 365 princes, large quantities of gods and demons rice were sold. Mi Zhu said: Suddenly something like this appeared in the world. Too much God and Demon Rice is simply too abnormal. As the vitality between heaven and earth declines day by day, the output of God and Demon Rice is also decreasing day by day. The amount of God and Demon Rice in major families has dropped by more than 50% in the past thousand years. Bloodline People The days are becoming more and more difficult, otherwise how would the various qi practitioners dare to overthrow the rule of the bloodline people and take advantage of the bloodline people?

The amount of God and Demon Rice that suddenly appears now is as large as that produced in the past five hundred years. This is an astronomical amount. Once digested and absorbed by the bloodline people, the bloodline people may be able to regain their former glory and make a final struggle.

Are you sure that those selling God and Demon Rice are all disciples of Haoran's lineage? Yan Qu asked. Lan

Not only the Haoran Academy, but also the disciples of the Chen family of Dayu, as well as branches of the Chen family. Now the disciples of the Haoran lineage and the Chen family of Dayu have become the guests of all princes, and have become the shining eyes in front of all princes and kings. A person with a hot hand is really very majestic. Three hundred and sixty-five princes and kings used all means to beg to visit the powerful people of the Chen family. When Mi Zhu said this, his eyes became a little hot: The Chen family of Dayu has become prosperous this time. With the help of the God and Demon Rice, they have completely escaped from Dayu and began to make plans to bet on the 365 princes.

God and Demon Rice! Yan Qu took a breath: Everything is God and Demon Rice! No bloodline family can refuse God and Demon Rice!

But where do the gods and demons rice of the Haoran lineage and the gods and demons rice of the Chen family come from? Mi Zhu's eyes were full of doubts: I monitored the entire Daliang City, but I didn't notice the movements of the disciples of Haoran Academy. .”

In the past month, countless amounts of magic rice have been sold to the outside world. Of course, Mi Zhu and Yan Qu were also secretly investigating, but they found nothing after repeated investigations.

I saw countless amounts of ordinary rice being transported, but not a large amount of magic rice.

Even those countless gods and demons rice had no idea where they came from.

It's like it came out of nowhere. Lan

Yan Qu was speechless. He picked up the tea and took a sip quietly. He had not been idle recently, secretly investigating the sale of God and Demon Rice by the Chen family and Haoran.

Unfortunately, he also didn't notice things that the Mi family didn't notice.


Chen Lu did it flawlessly.

Thinking about it, why can't such a shameful thing be done flawlessly?

The strength of the Mi family is spread all over the world. Even if it is not as good as the lineage of Li Shengren, the Mi family is better than the others.

The Mi family is a blood family, connected by blood. One suffers, one suffers, one prospers, both prosper, united by blood as a bond. Lan

Although the lineage of Saint Li is very powerful, the disciples of Saint Li are also in a small group of three or five, and everyone in the group has their own thoughts. How can they be completely united?

The Mi family works hard, and although the Lisheng lineage is powerful, how many are really willing to work hard?

I don't believe it. Those gods and demons rice were created out of thin air. With so many gods and demons rice, how could the other party not leave any clues? There must be some clues that we have ignored. Mi Zhu felt unwillingly.

That's magic rice!

Originally, when Cui Yu was in charge of the rice shop, although Mi Zhu could not directly obtain the God and Demon Rice, he could purchase Cui Yu's God and Demon Rice for his own use.

Now that a disciple of Haoran's lineage is in charge of Mipu, there is no room for him as a middleman to play.

If you want to know the origin of the God and Demon Rice, it's actually quite simple. You don't have to spend so much time and effort to make a big fuss. Yan Qu put down the tea cup and looked at Mi Zhu with his eyes, and his words meant something. Lan

How to check? Mi Zhu asked.

Why don't we just go and ask Cui Yu directly? Yan Chuan said.

Go and ask Cui Yu directly? Mi Zhu was stunned: Can he tell us?

Why do you think Cui Yu dared not come out in the courtyard north and south of the palace for a month? Yan Qu said with a smile: And it involves such a big secret as God and Demon Rice, do you think Cui Yu would willingly hand it over to Haoran Academy?

Even if you want to become enlightened for the sake of the old Confucian, it is absolutely not possible. People are selfish. For their own interests, father and son can betray each other, let alone the interests of ancient gods and demons involved?

It concerns the interests of the ancient gods and demons. Cui Yu may be able to use the ancient gods and demons to save the old Confucian scholar, but he will never hand over the interests of the ancient gods and demons to others, so that others can master the secrets of the ancient gods and demons. Save the old Confucian scholar. You said Cui Yu is hiding in the north and south of the palace, while Haoran's lineage is selling magic rice, why? Yan Channel.

Go and ask Cui Yu directly? Will Cui Yu tell us? Mi Zhu was still a little worried: He is still a disciple of Haoran Academy after all. Will he harm the interests of Haoran Academy and tell us? Lan

Haoran Academy is a human vassal state. The scholar-bureaucrats and ministers in the vassal states can betray their own vassal states, let alone those disciples of Haoran Academy? How many years has Cui Yucai been in the Haoran lineage? How long have he known the old Confucian scholar? ? Maybe I have some feelings for the old Confucian scholar, but if I say that I have feelings and a sense of belonging with Haoran, I won’t believe it to death. If you can cultivate to his level, will you be constrained by a mere sense of belonging? Yan Qu smiled softly. : I don't believe it anymore. If it were you, would you be loyal to the Emperor of Zhou?

Not only will I not be loyal to the Emperor of Zhou, but all the princes in the world will not be loyal to the Emperor of Zhou. If those people were loyal to the Emperor of Zhou, there would not be that earth-shattering battle in Kunlun Mountain.

According to what you said, maybe we can really break the situation with Cui Yu. Mi Zhu said.

I'm going to meet Cui Yu. Yan Qu didn't delay. Thinking of this, he stood up and walked out.

Pay attention to your whereabouts, and be sure not to be seen by the disciples of the Haoran lineage. Mi Zhu quickly warned.

I'm not afraid that they will see it, but I'm afraid that they won't be able to see it. Yan Qu smiled softly.

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