In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 313: Asking the Heart and Discussing the Tao

What a Gong Nanbei! What a great swordsman in the world! Meng Shengren looked at the world of sword energy in the yard and couldn't help but praise him, and then sighed: Even I can't go in to see him?

Gong Nanbei was about to shake his head when suddenly the door opened and Master Zhao Cailun walked out of the room and came to Meng Shengren. She bowed respectfully: I have met you, sir.

After more than sixty years of separation, you are getting a little old. Meng Shengren looked at Zhao Cailun with a trace of reminiscence in his eyes.

Zhao Cailun smiled softly: There is no ageless person.

Sir, please go in and continue. Zhao Cailun said.

Meng Shengren nodded and walked into the room. He immediately saw a haggard old Confucian scholar with disheveled hair sitting cross-legged in the room.

The old Confucian scholar had his back to the door and faced a large wall. On the wall were lines of articles engraved in outline.

Is he enlightening? Meng Shengren said in surprise when he saw the old Confucian scholar.

Yes, thanks to those articles outside, otherwise things would have been in big trouble. Even if the traffickers outside printed scattered articles, there are still people talking about it. When people talk, there are topics, and all kinds of knowledge are constantly fed back. , he can fall into the state of enlightenment. Zhao Cailun said.

Meng Shengren glanced across the room and saw the desk in front of the old Confucian scholar. There was a volume of ancient books placed on the desk.

Book of Rites! 》

Meng Shengren fell on the Book of Rites and couldn't help but feel a sudden change in his heart.

Of course he knew the Book of Rites. All the Confucian saints who went to the deep palace of Da Nei to pray gatha after attaining enlightenment had the opportunity to see the true content of the ancient book of Rites. This could also be regarded as a means for the court to win over.

The moment he saw the Book of Rites, Meng Shengren couldn't help but his heart sank to the bottom. He clenched his hands in his sleeves, but didn't say much.

This is his disciple!

This is a preparatory saint of his Haoran lineage, and he must protect it no matter what.

It doesn't matter if you go astray, just persuade you to come back. Life is long, who hasn’t done a few wrong things?

It doesn't matter if you are wrong, you will eventually regret it.

He would be very happy if he knew that Mr. Meng had been here. Zhao Cailun looked at Meng Shengren.

Meng Shengren was silent after hearing this, looking at the slightly dilapidated yard, and then thinking about the bustling traders outside, and the articles imprinted on the bodies of the traders and lackeys, he couldn't help but feel sad.

Why is this so? Meng Shengren sighed, with endless emotion in his voice.

This is my understanding of the Great Dao in the Dharma Realm in the past sixty years. If he wakes up, please give this note to him. Meng Shengren took out a document from his sleeve and handed it to Zhao Cailun. , turned around and walked out of the house.


Looking at Meng Shengren's back, Zhao Cailun shouted.

Meng Shengren paused and turned to look at Zhao Cailun.

Let's have a cup of tea. Zhao Cailun said: He has written some letters over the years, but he didn't dare to send them to my husband.

Meng Shengren turned around and looked at the locust tree in the yard, walked over and sat down gently.

Outside the muddy alley

At this time, all the saints looked silent.

I feel the breath of the Book of Rites, and I can't fake it. The Rites Sage said.

It is indeed the aura of the Book of Rites. The Book of Rites has always been hidden in the deep palace. Emperor Zhou will never allow anyone to take the Book of Rites out of the deep palace. But now it is in the hands of this person. It shows that Emperor Zhou is a subordinate. Lost his blood. The famous saint's eyes showed a hint of contemplation.

Then the atmosphere in the venue was stagnant, and now the evidence is irrefutable.

The next step is how to deal with the old sour scholar.

Before everyone could discuss it, Meng Shengren walked out of the alley with his feet in the mud and his clothes stained with mud.

The moment he saw the Book of Rites, he said to himself: This is not good.

He didn't want to give everyone a chance to discuss it. When everyone came to discuss it, he, the traitor, would be dead.


The return of Saint Meng interrupted everyone's discussion.

Meng Shengren, what else do you have to say now? Li Shengren looked at Meng Shengren: Li Ming surrendered to the court. The evidence is irrefutable. The evidence is conclusive. Do you still want to protect him?

In the crowd, Tang Zhou hid in a corner and ate melon quietly, waiting for Saint Meng and Saint Li to fall out.

Turning against one another and becoming enemies, Confucianism is now divided.

No one is a sage, how can he have no faults? When he attains the holy status and becomes a sage, he will naturally realize his mistakes. When the time comes, he will correct himself and turn his back on Zhou. Meng Shengren talked about the topic lightly. Reveal it.

He said it so calmly that everyone in the room was unable to refute it.

It is indeed impossible to refute!

You are just messing around and making excuses. The Li Sage looked displeased: You and I are both the founders of a school of thought. Once the Taoist heart is firm, it is like gold and iron. Mountains can collapse, the earth can be split. Rivers stop flowing, and stars fall. If the sky falls and the earth falls, it will never waver in the slightest.”

Li Ming can't stay! Saint Li's voice was firm.

Li Ming is a member of my Haoran lineage. It's up to me to decide whether to keep him or not. How can I allow you to make the decision? Meng Shengren spoke forcefully and resolutely said: If you want to touch Li Ming, you must first remove my corpse. Step over.”

Meng Shengren's words were tough and there was no room for maneuver in his attitude.

Hearing this, Saint Li glanced at Saint Meng. Seeing Saint Meng's unflinching expression, thousands of thoughts flashed in his heart.

There can be no direct conflict. This was the first thought of Saint Li.


Meng Shengren is not without supporters in Confucianism, and there are many supporters. If he is not careful, Confucianism will be divided.

The Li Shengren wanted to unify Confucianism, but now that Confucianism is divided or there is internal strife, wouldn't it be a joke to call Taiping Dao a joke? It's never in his interest.

No matter which side he or Meng Shengren falls into, it will give the court an opportunity.

But it is not in his interest to ask the old scholar to become a Taoist.

It is not in his interest for an old and sour scholar to become a Taoist, and the other party is a double saint.

At this time, the Li Sage began to look for allies and targets, and his eyes looked at the famous saints, corpses, Legalists, etc. not far away.

Facing the gaze cast by Saint Li, everyone turned their gazes and looked into the distance.

Seeing this scene, Li Shengren felt chilled in his heart, and couldn't help but cursed secretly: Bastards! They are all a bunch of bastards! They want to stay out of the matter at the critical moment, and they can't count on anyone.

What if I say that Li Ming must die? Saint Li asked unhurriedly.

Unless my Haoran lineage perishes. Meng Shengren's voice was firm.

Is there no room for maneuver? Saint Li asked again.

Meng Shengren shook his head: Haoran's lineage will fight to the last person. Even if I die in battle, I will never repent.

Do you know what it will mean to the people of the world once Li Ming becomes a Taoist and joins the Great Zhou Dynasty? Li Sheng said sadly:

Confucianism is divided, my Confucian disciples are fighting against each other, and brothers are fighting against each other. Before we can move the Great Zhou Dynasty, we will already be bleeding like rivers. Can you bear to have the whole world buried with you for the selfish interests of your Haoran family? I When you tie your head to the waist of your trousers and want to overthrow the chariot of Zhou, you'd better... Mengshe people, you have to think clearly about what you are doing now. Once a big mistake is made, it will be a big mistake in the future. It’s too late to regret it.”

If he dares to defect to the Zhou Dynasty, I will personally clean up the family and send him on his way. Then I will commit suicide to thank the world! Meng Shengren's voice was full of excitement.

These words were so impassioned that they blocked out all the thousands of words that the ceremonial saint had to say.

People say that you will clean up your family and then commit suicide to thank the world. What else are you going to do?

The sage had thousands of words to say, but they were all suppressed at this moment.

But could he just watch the rise of Haoran's lineage? A pair of saints, completely trampling under their feet?

He is not willing to give in!

Now is the best opportunity to prevent the old Confucian from becoming enlightened.

Colleagues, I put my words here. If Li Ming really surrenders to the Zhou Dynasty, I will personally clean up the family and commit suicide to thank the world. But this is an internal matter of my Haoran lineage, and no one will be allowed to interfere in it. Meng Shengren's voice was full of cruelty.

After hearing what Shengren Meng said, everyone looked at Saint Li with pairs of eyes. Saint Li looked towards the courtyard: How do you explain the book of rites from the inner palace? You can't rely on your red mouth and white teeth. , dismissed everyone with a few words.

The origin of the Book of Rites is unknown. Li Ming is at the critical moment of enlightenment and cannot be disturbed. After he comes out of seclusion, I will ask him personally. If he really surrenders to the imperial court, I will clean up the family with my own hands and commit suicide in front of you. Meng Shengren still used the same rhetoric.

Looking at Saint Meng, Saint Li shook his head: Impossible! I only believe what I see! When Li Ming becomes a saint and is protected by the Great Zhou court, will you kill him if you want?

Saint Li looked at Saint Meng with his eyes:

For the sake of the livelihood of all people in the world, I want to have a heart-to-heart discussion with you. The loser will enter the merit forest of the ten directions! You will be trapped in the merit forest and will not be allowed to go out forever.

After saying this, all the heroes in the field took a deep breath.

What is asking the mind and discussing the Tao?

To put it simply, it is a debate, attacking the other party's orthodoxy and teachings, and criticizing the other party's Taoist results.

Once it fails, the Taoist heart will collapse and the whole person will be useless.

Even if he is immortal, his Dao Fruit will collapse and he will be equivalent to a useless person.

Questioning one's mind and discussing the Tao is one of the most terrifying fighting techniques in the world.

There is no magical power, no magic, just words and words, breaking the opponent's Taoist heart, causing the opponent to question his own Taoism, and then the whole person is crippled.

When a person's faith collapses, can he still be called a saint?

The old Buddha's hand twisting the rosary suddenly stopped, and he looked at the saint with his eyes, his eyes full of disbelief: He actually chose to ask the heart and discuss the Tao? I'm afraid this guy has come prepared for this. We have been prepared in advance to deal with Saint Meng today. What's more, the opponent is sure of victory and has found a loophole in Saint Meng's way.

The saint's Daoguo has been tempered for thousands of times and has been discussed by the world. How difficult is it to find flaws and refute the opponent?

It is simply as difficult as climbing to the sky!

But now the Li sage actually proposed asking the mind and discussing the Tao.

Who would believe me if I said I didn’t prepare in advance?

Meng Shengren was also stunned, staring at Saint Li with a pair of eyes, but he saw an incomprehensible smile on Saint Li's lips: Do you dare?

Why don't you dare! My Tao has been tempered for thousands of times and has no loopholes! Meng Shengren's voice was full of determination.

There is no room for retreat in the battle between great avenues.

Especially asking the mind and discussing the Tao.

Looking at Saint Meng with a firm expression, Saint Li sighed and took a breath: What a pity.

But he was thinking in his heart: It's a pity that the preparation is not perfect. I don't know if his Taoist heart can be broken. As early as a thousand years ago, I wanted to unify Confucianism, so I began to study the Tao of saints from all walks of life in the world. I studied Saint Meng’s Dao Fruit has been in use for thirteen hundred years, and I finally found a flaw, but I don’t know if it can work in one fell swoop.”

Countless thoughts flickered in Saint Li's heart, and he looked at Saint Meng with a pair of eyes, a smile on his lips.

Now is the opportunity to get rid of Meng Shengren in an honest and fair manner!

On normal days, it would be really not easy to do anything. After all, what he pays attention to is etiquette, and etiquette is the rules. It is really not easy to find an opportunity to kill Saint Meng within the rules.

The sage turned around and left: In three days, you and I will discuss the truth and decide the outcome. We will invite the world's masters to witness, and we will carve up the Kunlun Mountains together.

The Li Sage didn't want to delay. Delaying time would do him no good at all. It was in Sage Li's interest to fight quickly, and Sage Meng was not given any time to prepare.

After Saint Li left, the other saints looked at Saint Meng with a little evil look in their eyes.

One by one, you look at me and I look at you, eyes full of seriousness.

Meng Shengren, your guarantee is worthless. Once Li Ming surrenders to the court, how can you win it? You may not be able to defeat Li Ming, and the court will not sit back and watch you capture Li Ming. Once Li Ming Fish leaping over the dragon gate has become a climate, even if you commit suicide to thank the world, what's the use? The famous saint looked at Saint Meng with his eyes, and his words were word for word, not at all oppressive, but like mountains, smashing into Meng. saint.

We put our heads in our waistbands and risk life and death to go against the imperial court. Even if you don't want to get involved, can't you let go? Or are you secretly thinking of surrendering to the imperial court? Are you planning to wait for the saint and the emperor? The imperial court fell out of favor, and you took the opportunity to replace him? Guanzi's eyes were filled with suspicion.

If someone wants to betray everyone and join the imperial court, we will never agree! Bai Yuzun's voice was cold.

Everyone seemed to have said everything, but they seemed to have said nothing.

A group of people turned around and walked away, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Meng Shengren stood in front of the dilapidated alley, looking at the bustling streets with a helpless expression.

This is the human race. The Great Zhou Dynasty has not yet fallen, but it has begun to think about internal fighting. It is simply ridiculous! It is ridiculous to the extreme! The ambition of Saint Li is obvious. Don't think that I don't know what you think. Meng Shengren shook his head. : This is an opportunity for my Haoran lineage. As long as Li Ming becomes Taoist, my Haoran lineage will become the benchmark for the world, and will set an example for the Confucian sects in the world, replacing the Li lineage and becoming the new leader of the Confucian sect. A sect. Among the two saints, who is more qualified to rule the world of Confucianism than my Haoran lineage?

If Li Ming becomes enlightened, it means that the Dharma of my Haoran lineage will have the opportunity to transcend the world and become a supreme saint. At that time, all the scholars in the world will definitely join my Haoran lineage in order to seek the holy way.

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