Yan Qu actually has another fear in his heart, and that is Shengren Meng!

Saint Meng's true attitude towards the old and sour Confucian was ambiguous, and no one knew what exactly happened in the academy that day.

His own family knows his own affairs, and the old and sullen Confucian can be in such a state of desolation today, and is cast aside by the entire Confucian sect, but he is indispensable for pushing hands of the Li lineage.

If it weren't for the propriety lineage that was behind it, the old sour scholar would never have ended up in such a miserable state today.

And who knows Gong Nanbei’s name?

Yan Qu thought to himself that he was no match for Gong Nanbei.

Therefore, he felt that there was no need to confront the opponent head-on. He only needed to destroy the old sour scholar's hope of enlightenment.

And taking action is one of the rudest ways!

Outside Daliang City

A fat man, weighing three hundred kilograms and looking less than one and a half meters tall, was standing in front of Daliang City, looking at the ancient Daliang City with a trace of reminiscence in his eyes.

I remember coming here fifty years ago. Mi Zhu put his hands in his sleeves and sighed softly: Cousin, you died so miserably.

Mizhu's expression was sad, and his voice was full of sadness.

Mi Zhu is definitely the most arrogant and popular young talent in Haojing, and one of the top players in the world.

Although the Mi family is not a noble family, it is definitely one of the largest scholar families in the world.

If the four major families of King Jia, Shi and Xue are the most unparalleled in the world, and can be said to be gods killing gods and Buddhas, then the Mi family's innate magical powers are inherited from the Human Emperor, one of the Three Emperors of Heaven, Earth and Humans in the ancient times. Shennong.

Unfortunately, the Shennong clan was overthrown by the Xuanyuan clan, and the Shennong clan's bloodline was passed down from generation to generation and was lost between heaven and earth.

The Mi family’s superpower is to command all kinds of plants in the world!

From the demon king who reaches the sky to the grass on the roadside, as long as it is related to vegetation, it will be controlled by the Mi family.

Mi Zhu is not a simple person. He is known as the number one among the younger generation of the Mi family. At a young age, 80% of the blood in his body has been awakened.

Don't underestimate this 80%, Mi Zhu got the Shennong Cauldron.

The fat on his body was caused by the inability to digest the Shennong Cauldron in his stomach.

No one knows Mi Zhu's strength, not even the older generation of the Mi family.

This person not only awakened his bloodline, but also became a disciple of a mysterious qi practitioner. With the help of the Shennong Cauldron, he gathered the essence of mountains, rivers and vegetation in the world, and his qi training realm advanced by leaps and bounds. No one knew how far his cultivation had reached.

Even if it's not comparable to his bloodline, I'm afraid it's still at an extremely advanced level.

Mi Zhu took long strides and came all the way to the city gate. After just taking a look at the strange flags and flags in the city and the passing vehicles, Mi Zhu was stunned.

There were neat articles printed on the vehicle, which made Mi Zhu feel stunned even after reading it.

That's weird! Mi Zhu said in surprise: Has it come to this that in a mere Daliang city, ethics and education have reached such an extent?

But Mr. Mi? There were people waiting respectfully for Mi Zhu at the gate of the city.

Where is Cui Yu? Mi Zhu asked.

Uncle, please follow me. The servant said respectfully and led the way.

Let me ask you, have you Daliang City saintly education reached this point? Mi Zhu couldn't help but ask as he looked at the articles imprinted on the passers-by.

Uncle, wasn't that damn Cui Yu responsible for this? the servant said angrily: You don't know, that Cui Yu got a lot of rice from nowhere and wanted to help the old sour scholar Li Ming. Enlightenment.”

The servant said a lot, his voice full of seriousness.

Hearing what the servant said, Mi Zhu frowned: Cui Yu? I have heard of his name for a long time. He actually ignored the rules of a big family and wiped out the entire Mi family in Daliang without saying anything. He also robbed and killed him secretly. What a crime. He deserves to die! I am here today just to kill him.

Uncle, I'm afraid I can't kill him now, the servant said quickly.

How can I not kill him? Mi Zhu asked.

Cui Yu is helping Lao Suanru now. Think about it if Lao Suanru really becomes enlightened... Even if he doesn't become enlightened, how can Gong Nanbei sit idly by and ignore it? The current situation in Daliang City is very good, and we will never allow it. Destroyed. The servant advised.

I didn't expect you to have such insight. It's really rare. Unfortunately, I don't pay attention to the so-called cause and effect. Others are afraid of Gong Nanbei, but I am not afraid. Mi Zhu shouted: No matter what the cause and effect, my Mi family will Are you afraid of karma?”

While talking, he came to the rice shop and looked at the busy rice shop. Mi Zhu suddenly stopped and said, God and Demon Rice!

As a direct descendant of the Mi family, and the Mi family controls the world's granary, how could he not know about God and Demon Rice?

Then the next moment his breathing became rapid: So much god and devil rice? He actually sold the god and devil rice to the people of Daliang City. It was such a waste of nature! What a waste of nature! Where did so much god and devil rice come from?

Turning his eyes, countless thoughts came to his mind. The next moment, he stepped forward and knocked the crowd to the ground: Cui Yu, get out of here.


Cui Yu and Gong Nanbei were playing chess. When they heard shouting in the front yard, they both stopped.

Trouble is coming. Cui Yu narrowed his eyes.

Mizhu! Gong Nanbei said.

Do you know him? Cui Yu asked.

A member of the Mi family in Haojing, the proud son of the Mi family, known as the number one person in the Mi family. Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu: The sixth level of Qi training, but what is the level of blood power, but no one I know. This person is really too mysterious. With the Divine Artifact Shennong Cauldron protecting his body, there are only a handful of people in the world who can do anything to him.

Cui Yu looked at Gong Nanbei with his eyes: Is it so exaggerated?

It's not an exaggeration at all. I'll send him away for you. Gong Nanbei said.

No, I'll go meet him personally. Cui Yu blocked Gong Nanbei's movements.

He is just a monk with the Immortality Lock. He has the Universe in His Sleeve and the Dragon Binding Lock. How can he still be afraid of the other party?

As he spoke, Cui Yu picked up the Tengu, stuffed the Tengu into his sleeves, and strode into the front hall.

Looking at the messy front hall, Cui Yu frowned: Are you looking for me?

You are Cui Yu. Mi Zhu looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

It's me. Cui Yu nodded.

Did you destroy the entire Mi family? Mi Zhu asked again.

In fact, it was Xiang Caizhu who really wiped out the Mi family, but I don't know why Mi Zhu would ask this.

But Cui Yu would never put the blame on Xiang Caizhu, so he simply nodded and admitted: It's me! Are you here to avenge those Hu Tudan?

It's fine if it's you. There's nothing wrong with killing him.

Mi Zhu stepped forward and actually wanted to capture Cui Yu with his martial arts skills.

Seeing this, Cui Yu couldn't help but shook his head, stretched out his hand, activated his iron-smelting hand, and pretended to be invincible when the opponent caught him.

In fact, Cui Yu was indeed defeated by the opponent.

Building the foundation of martial arts between gods and demons.

The moment the two sides fought, Cui Yu already felt something in his heart.

Yes, it is the foundation of martial arts between gods and demons!

Unfortunately, Mi Zhu made a big mistake. He underestimated Cui Yu too much.

Seeing Cui Yu being held by him all over the body, Mi Zhu couldn't help but smile coldly: However, you can actually destroy my family, the Mi family? I heard that you have developed magical powers, you might as well show them and let me see the power. .”

Mi Zhu finished speaking, and then the next moment the Dragon Binding Lock was activated. Before Mi Zhu could react, he was already bound by the Dragon Binding Lock.

What a treasure. Being bound by the dragon-binding chain, Mi Zhu was not afraid, but his eyes were bright.

The next moment, a transparent and illusory cauldron slowly appeared around Mi Zhu. As the cauldron appeared, it actually opened Cui Yu's dragon-binding lock.

But before Mi Zhu could react, the universe in Cui Yuxiu had already been activated, and the next moment Mi Zhu's entire body was taken in.

Then the dragon-binding lock slid into Cui Yu's sleeve like a spiritual snake.

What kind of genius of the Mi family is nothing more than this. Cui Yu flicked his sleeves, then turned and left the next moment.

The treasures of gods and demons are the real means.

I captured that rice pig. Senior brother thinks too highly of him. Cui Yu walked to the backyard and said to Gong Nanbei.

Each of your treasures is more extraordinary than the last. Gong Nanbei first praised a few words, and then said to Cui Yu: Did you really capture him?

Cui Yu patted his sleeves.

Gong Nanbei smiled.

Cui Yu quickly looked into his sleeves, only to see that there was no rice pig in his sleeves, but only a wooden stake.

This? Cui Yu was stunned: When did he use this method?

Every plant and tree in the world can become his incarnation. Mi Zhu is an extraordinary person, but he is terrible as a dog. When fighting with others or facing the enemy, he must use his incarnation at least three times to consider the opponent's trump card. His real name In fact, his name is Mi Zhu. But his character is a bit too greedy for life and fear of death. In order to avoid karma, he can hide in a room for ten years and live like a pig, so some people call him Mi Zhu. Before finding out the details of the opponent, his true identity will never come out. Gong Nanbei looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: The reason why I didn't remind you is actually to give you some experience. In this weird and bizarre world , anything is possible. Those weird secret methods are simply hard to guard against.

Then now that he knows my methods, it will be really difficult to deal with him. Cui Yu scratched his head.

How could there be such a dog in the world?

Haha, come with me! He can't run away. I remember when we met on the grassland, I squatted with him for seven years, and I discovered a flaw in this guy. Gong Nanbei grabbed Cui Yu , broke through the air the next moment, and arrived at a barren mountain outside Daliang City in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, without saying anything, he kicked an inconspicuous piece of grass on the ground.

Gongnanbei! Huangcao came to life in an instant, and then a light shield appeared around him, turning into an illusory cauldron, covering him.

How did senior brother discover his traces? Cui Yu asked.

Gong Nanbei smiled at Cui Yu: He has my magical power contract in his body. Even if he runs to the end of the world, I can still find him.

Gong Nanbei, this is the cause and effect between me and this kid. Do you really want to get involved? Mi Zhu yelled angrily.

Gong Nanbei smiled: Since my old friend is here, why don't you say hello to me?

Capture him quickly. I've been coveting his Shennong Cauldron for a long time. Take it back and slowly refine it with your three-flavored true fire. Gong Nanbei said to Cui Yu.

Cui Yu didn't hesitate when he heard the words, and directly showed what he had in his sleeves.

But who would have expected that when the universe in his sleeves shrouded him, the other party turned into a big tree.

Aoki's immortal body! Gong Nanbei was stunned.

Cui Yu was confused and didn't know what Gong Nanbei meant by his words.

Sure enough, I haven't seen him for sixty years, and he is still making progress. He has actually cultivated Emperor Shennong's natal magical power: the green wood immortality. As long as he does not fall into the Five Ultimate Lands, he can communicate with the vegetation between heaven and earth, and exchange bodies with the vegetation in a moment of thought. As long as you have enough divine blood, you can draw on the power of the plants and trees in the world. As expected of a rice pig, you are really a dog! What you are practicing is this life-saving magical power.

What to do now? Cui Yu asked.

Leave him to me, you are in charge of the overall situation. Gong Nanbei reassured.

Cui Yu returned to the yard with Gong Nanbei after hearing this, but for some reason, Cui Yu always felt like a pair of eyes were staring at him as soon as he saw the vegetation in the yard.

This is a troublesome person, an extremely troublesome person. Cui Yu thought of the Seven Arrows Book.

Cui Yu would never allow such a troublesome person to live in the world.

Cui Yu quietly set up an altar in the room and prepared to refine the Nail Head Seven Arrows Book.

Mi Zhu's cultivation level is nothing more than the Lock of Immortality. Cui Yu feels that with the improvement of his magical power, he should be able to withstand the Karma of the Corpse Ancestor.

With practicing day and night, the amount of divine blood in Cui Yu's body has now increased from thirty-six to a hundred drops, and the power of his supernatural powers is not the same as before.

Cui Yu felt that he could not count on Gong Nanbei to be a master who could make Gong Nanbei cautious.

And he had an intuition that he seemed to be in harmony with the female demon. The female demon seemed to be affected by the power of resurrecting the dead. Now she is living an extremely comfortable life.

And compared to Corpse Ancestor, Mi Zhu is even weirder!

It's more difficult to deal with than Song Fuyun, the young escort head of Fuwei Escort Agency.

Time passed bit by bit, and Daliang City seemed to have returned to peace.

Cui Yu used his seven nail-headed arrows and bowed to the scarecrow. Among the mountains, an old tree twisted and revealed its original shape, which was none other than the rice pig.

At this time, Mi Zhu looked at the void in confusion, and suddenly his expression changed: Damn it, what kind of method is this?

But after thinking for a long time, he still couldn't find out who was plotting against him.

At this moment, a sword light appeared in the sky, and a laughter sounded in the mountains: Old friend, we meet again. Don't run away, come on, come on, you and I will have three drinks together.

Bah, I'm drinking with you. Gong Nanbei, I'm not done with you! I knew you weren't dead! I came to Daliang City specially after hearing your news. Otherwise, how could that little boy deserve to ask me to leave the ancestral home? Earth? It seems that sixty years ago, the Shennong Cauldron did not smash you to death. I was negligent. Mi Zhu stood on the mountain and cursed loudly, and the news revealed was simply shocking.

All the masters in the world thought that Gong Nanbei had suffered a disaster, but they didn't know that he fell into the hands of Mi Zhu sixty years ago.

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