In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 189 Speaking of which, I also have a sister

If Cui Yu wanted to harm him and didn't take the opportunity to take action before, it would prove that the other party wanted to get something from him.

Until the other party achieves their goal, you are still safe!

very safe!

Even if something goes wrong, someone will protect you.

And he could see that the little pig in Cui Yu's yard was anything but simple.

That's a congenital alien species!

In the previous battle, he used the power of the ancient gods to activate the Innate Divine Sword, and then used the power of the Kunlun Mirror to appear in Lijia Village.

After realizing that this place is an excellent hiding place, he will settle down here and then plot the Kunlun Mirror.

As long as you can master the Kunlun Mirror, you can save your own people.

Looking at the young man in the pit, Cui Yu shook his head and continued to boil water and prepare charcoal fire. He wanted to make a beggar's chicken.

While Cui Yu was preparing the charcoal fire, there was a sound of footsteps outside the yard, and Yang Erlang walked leisurely from the yard carrying a pot of fine monkey wine.

Little brother, look what I brought you. Yang Erlang carried the wine, his voice full of joy.

Brother, you haven't been seen for a while. When Cui Yu saw Yang Erlang arriving, he quickly put down the charcoal fire and showed a smile.

Yang Erlang put down the monkey wine and scanned the yard with his eyes: What kind of delicious food are you preparing today?

Beggar's chicken. Cui Yu said with a smile: After eating it, I guarantee you will never forget it.

Cui Yu quickly took Yang Erlang's wine jar, then opened it with a smile, his face suddenly turned into a smile: Monkey wine? It really is yours! Where did you find it in the deep mountains and old forests of Liangjie Mountain?

You also know that I hang out in Liangjie Mountain all year round. You can't hide anything outside Liangjie Mountain from me. Yang Erlang said, turned to look at his house, and was about to go back:

I haven't been home for a long time, so I have to clean up a lot.

Wait! Wait! Cui Yu quickly grabbed Yang Erlang and said, Just stay here with me. It's not suitable to go back to your home.

Yang Erlang was stunned when he heard this: Why isn't it appropriate to go back? I haven't been home for such a long time. It's not too much to clean the courtyard.

It's not convenient for you to have a girl in your house, Cui Yu said.

Nvjuan? Yang Erlang was stunned for a moment, and then asked in surprise: Mu Shi is back?

It's not her. But the woman in the room is no worse than Mu Shi. Cui Yu said, thinking of the snow-white color and towering height again.

You have good luck with your love life. It has been very good in recent years. I am jealous of you. Yang Erlang looked at Cui Yu and began to wink:

You said this is not worse than Mushi? But I don't believe it. Is there a more beautiful woman in the world than Mushi?

Yang Erlang was curious.

In terms of appearance, both of them are different from Munini, but this one... is extra curvy... and the thighs are extra straight! Cui Yu subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

How high is it? Yang Erlang didn't believe it.

Cui Yu thought about it and made a gesture on his chest. Yang Erlang's eyes suddenly widened.

You're such a lucky boy, what a peach blossom! Yang Erlang said enviously: So, you have already accomplished good things?

That's not the case. I just touched all the places I shouldn't touch and looked at all the places I shouldn't look. Cui Yu smiled obscenely.

You kid is really... Why didn't I find you so romantic before? Since you treat me like this, you have to marry me. Otherwise, how can other girls behave? Yang Erlang looked at Cui Yu with emotion in his eyes:

After all, I also have a sister. She should be about the same age. She should be no worse than Munini. I wanted to introduce her to you at the beginning and make her your wife, but who knew you could be so romantic.

You also have a sister? Good second brother, let's not let outsiders take advantage of us. How about I call you uncle, and you call me sister-in-law? Cui Yu said jokingly, licking his face and coming up to him, his voice full of excitement. A pleasing taste.

Go away, you are getting more and more shameless. I came to you today for a serious matter. Yang Erlang looked around the yard for a while, but found no trace of the golden-winged roc, and then asked directly.

In the friendship between the two brothers, there is no need to be polite in many things.

What business can you have with me? Cui Yu was puzzled.

I heard that you caught a golden-winged roc? Yang Erlang lowered his voice, as if he was afraid that others would hear him.

You are quite well informed. Who did you listen to? Cui Yu asked in surprise.

Who else could it be? Of course the master told me. Yang Erlang said.

The old Taoist priest has no other skills, but his nose is as sensitive as a dog. I just started pickling it, and he smelled it. Cui Yudi mumbled.

Did you really catch the golden-winged roc? Yang Erlang couldn't help but look shocked when he saw Cui Yu's expression.

Of course, you came just in time. We just have a taste of this ancient alien species today. Cui Yu smiled.

You want to eat it? Yang Erlang was stunned.

Is he probably the only one in the world who dares to eat the golden-winged roc?

Even Emperor Zhou wouldn't dare to be so extravagant, right?

How do you have the ability to catch that big roc bird? Yang Erlang's voice was filled with disbelief.

This is a time restricted area. The Golden-winged Dapeng sought its own death and landed in the time restricted area. It can't use its magical powers yet, so it's not for me to beat it and knead it. Cui Yu said calmly, but Yang Erlang felt a sense of absurdity and illusion in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the young man who had to sell himself to protect him a few years ago would now have such incredible magical powers.

Brother, I want to take the blood of the golden-winged roc to cultivate a magical power. Yang Erlang looked around: Where did you put the golden-winged roc?

Now, it's in the basin. Cui Yu pointed to the basin not far away, where the golden-winged roc was soaked in soy sauce and various seasonings.

Hearing this, Yang Erlang stepped forward and looked at a bare bird head protruding from the soy sauce basin, and couldn't help but be startled.

Is this naked thing a golden-winged roc?

He stretched out his hand and pinched the head of the golden-winged roc and pulled it out, and then Yang Erlang was stunned again.

Looking at the thing that was completely naked and looked like an old hen that had shed its feathers, let's call it a thing, Yang Erlang was speechless for a while. He couldn't believe that this was actually a golden-winged roc that traveled across the wilderness and had few opponents.

What is the difference between it and the old hen that has shed its feathers among the people?

Is there a difference?

There is no difference!

Seeing Yang Erlang's eyes, Golden-winged Dapeng was so ashamed that he dived into the soy sauce and did not dare to see anyone.

Yang Erlang held the Golden Winged Dapeng's legs and looked at the golden silk ribbon tied around the Golden Winged Dapeng. He couldn't help but confirm: Are you sure this bald chicken is the Golden Winged Dapeng?

Of course it's the Golden-Winged Dapoc! It's a real Golden-Winged Dapoc! Cui Yu said with a smile: If you want the blood of the Golden-Winged Dapoc, just take it.

Yang Erlang held the golden-winged roc but made no move. For a moment, he didn't know whether he should continue or not.

The golden-winged Dapeng was filled with grief and anger, and his heart was filled with hatred: Don't give me a chance, otherwise I will kill you with a thousand cuts! Brother, where are you? Come and save me. Save me!

Grandpa, if I get out of trouble, I must kill everyone and kill you all! Otherwise, if the news gets out, how will I behave, Grandpa? I'm afraid I will become the laughing stock of the entire wilderness. The aggrieved and angry King Golden Winged Dapeng felt in his heart. , simply beyond words.

You want to take blood? Don't you want the blood of the Golden-winged Dapeng? Cui Yu asked.

Yang Erlang took out a simple knife from behind and dragged the Golden-winged Dapeng out of the soy sauce vat. He saw the Golden-winged Dapeng looking at him angrily, as if to intimidate him: If you dare to use the knife on Grandpa, Grandpa, I have to make you look good.

The golden-winged roc's gaze was cold and fierce. Yang Erlang couldn't help but feel his body go numb. He felt his soul was freezing, as if he was frozen by the golden-winged roc's gaze, and he couldn't cut with the knife in his hand.

After checking the eyes, this is definitely the golden-winged roc bird whose reputation shocked the ancients.

Why don't you take action yet? Cui Yu urged again.

Yang Erlang looked at the golden-winged roc, took a deep breath suddenly, and then closed his eyes: Senior, I'm sorry. I borrowed a drop of your blood to practice the secret method. Please don't blame me.

The next moment Yang Erlang closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, glared, and suddenly slashed down with the simple knife in his hand.


Just hearing a sound, Yang Erlang's arm went numb, and the simple sword in his hand deformed. The simple sword was curled, but it did not leave any traces on the body of the golden-winged roc.

It's like tofu hitting steel.


The golden-winged roc sneered, with a hint of contempt on the corner of his mouth.

The mocking meaning in his eyes is obvious, as if he is saying, just you guys want to break through my defense? That's ridiculous!

Looking at the curled sword in his hand, Yang Erlang was shocked: What a hard body bone.

Brother, the bones of this Dapeng bird's body are too hard to break open. Yang Erlang turned to look at Cui Yu.

Is it that hard? Cui Yu didn't believe in evil. He stepped forward and looked at the deformed simple knife and the body of the Golden-winged Dapeng King without any marks. Cui Yu stretched out his hand to touch the little Golden Peng with a surprised look on his face. Wang Pizi:

What is this guy's body made of? Why can't he be cut open?

Cui Yu took Yang Erlang's simple knife and touched it with his hand. In Yang Erlang's shocked eyes, the simple knife turned into a slender butcher's knife.

Is this the bloodline of the Great Zhou royal family? No, the bloodline of the Great Zhou royal family does not have the ability to transform inanimate objects? Cui Yu held the butcher's knife and looked at the body of the little Jinpeng King with his eyes, as if he was looking for the person who would kill him. Location.

Little King Jinpeng looked at Cui Yu with a hint of contempt in his eyes.

A mere mortal actually wants to break through my physical defense? Just don’t even think about it!

Finally, Cui Yu set his sights on the wings of Little Jinpeng King. In the next moment, the creature transformed and activated, aiming at an inch above Little Jinpeng King's wings, intending to turn the opponent's wings into tofu.

I think he used this trick to kill the demon Chunming.

The power of the divine blood in Cui Yu's body was released, and the wings of the little Jinpeng King twisted for a while, and then a golden light flashed across, canceling out the power of Cui Yu's fingers to take shape.

Boy, all the blood flowing in my body is divine blood. My body is the body of a god. How can it be shaken by your humble divine power? The eyes of the golden-winged roc were full of contempt.

If he could speak now, he would definitely be sarcastic by now.

Different from Zhu Wuneng's canopy, Zhu Wuneng's canopy is the canopy of childhood, while the golden-winged roc is already an adult golden-winged roc.

He has 129,600 drops of divine blood in his body and is protected by the source of yin and yang. How can Cui Yu be able to shake him?

Hey, what an evildoer. Cui Yu looked at the wings of the golden-winged roc blankly and couldn't help but be stunned.

This guy is so powerful!

Cui Yu has encountered countless opponents, but he has never seen such a difficult person.

They were lying there and letting themselves use their own methods, but there was nothing I could do to the other party!

It is simply an invincible portrayal.

People are lying there, but you can't even break through their defenses. What should you do?

Little Jinpeng King seemed to realize this at this time. He looked at Cui Yu leisurely, as if he was looking at a prey. His eyes were full of contempt, and he showed a look: 'Unless you trap me for a lifetime, sooner or later, one day , you will become the sneer in my belly. ’

Brother, this little Jinpeng King is so powerful. Even if we are trapped, there is nothing we can do about him. It is better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. We might as well kowtow to our seniors to apologize, and then let him go. Yang Erlang was flustered. Holding the little Jinpeng King's thigh, one feels that Alexander is holding a death ticket leading to the underworld.

What are you afraid of? Now that things have come to this, do we still have room to retreat? Do you think this birdman will let us go if we retreat? Cui Yu said angrily.

Little King Jinpeng looked at Cui Yu with a hint of praise in his eyes, as if he was saying, What you said is good, I will never let you go.

Look! Look! This bird man is starting to get angry now. Cui Yu snatched the golden-winged roc from Yang Erlang's hand: Now that we let him go, he won't let us go either. of.

What should we do? Yang Erlang's head was as big as a bucket.

Don't you want his divine blood? Who said that if you can't break through his defense, you can't get the divine blood in his body? Cui Yu reached out and touched the heart of the little Jinpeng King:

Dese, right? You won't let me go, right? I haven't reconciled with you yet.

The true blood of Gonggong flowed in Cui Yu's body, and the next moment the true water was activated.

The little Jinpeng Wang shrank, his whole body became creepy, and he looked at Cui Yu as if he had seen a ghost.

With the power of Zhen Shui Wuxiang, a ray of divine blood from Xiao Jinpeng King's body actually flowed out along the skin and floated in Cui Yu's hand.

Although this ray of divine blood is insignificant, even one part in a billion, it is my original divine blood!

His eyes were full of disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost.

He felt threatened!

Then he struggled desperately, but unfortunately his divine power was imprisoned by the Dragon Binding Lock, making him unable to struggle at all.

In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

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