In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 174 The donor has a predestined relationship with the Buddha

Miao Shan's scalp was about to explode after hearing what Nan Hua Lao Xian said.

Apart from the internal and external cooperation, she really couldn't think of the second result.

Cui Yu was hunting pigweed on the mountain, humming folk songs as he walked. Suddenly, the sound of knocking wooden fish sounded in the mountains, echoing and spreading throughout the mountains.

One after another, the sound of the Buddha's words is clear and majestic, flowing through the mountains.

So I heard. At one time, the Buddha was in the city of Kushina among the two sal trees. He was with a group of 1,250 great bhikkhus and a group of 36,000 Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas...

The sound is very clear, but it also contains a unique tone that makes people fascinated. Even the grass and trees in the mountains are breathing light under the Buddha's voice, exuding a sense of Zen.

For a time, hundreds of flowers bloomed in the mountains of both worlds, and the grass and trees glowed with the scorching light of the sun. Cui Yu's eyes widened when he saw it.

There is a powerful person teaching the Dharma. Cui Yu's eyes lit up.

It is a rare opportunity for a powerful person to teach the Dharma.

And the person who can cause such a strange phenomenon, causing hundreds of flowers to bloom in the mountains, must be a truly powerful person.

It's different from that parallel importer from Nan Hua. Nan Hua said that I have a poor understanding. It's obviously because he is a dabbler. He can't even understand the scriptures when he lectures, and he still says that I have a poor understanding! Now that I meet a powerful person, I want to show my enlightenment to that old magician. . Cui Yu thought as he walked toward the mountains.

further away

Nanhua Old Immortal looked at the flowers blooming in the mountains and the vegetation absorbing the light of the sun. He couldn't help but admire: The old monk's cultivation is getting higher and higher. With his Tongue Blossom Lotus, he can actually affect the world of heaven and earth. Every tree and plant is gone. Buddhism is good at deceiving people, and we Qi practitioners like us will never be able to imitate this kind of pomp.

Miaoshan blinked: The monsters in the Great Wilderness are superficial and don't understand my Buddhist dharma. Those beasts only recognize the bells and whistles to deceive people.

After hearing Miaoshan's words, Master Nanhua felt that the other party was cursing. Did the Great Wild Monster like fancy things? Obviously humans also like it, okay?

The two of you look at me and I look at you, and continue to look at Buddha's methods.

Cui Yu followed the sound of the scriptures and saw the grass in the mountains blooming along the way, which made him feel refreshed.

Waiting for a turning point

Among the futons with flowers and plants, an old monk in rags and sackcloth sat, banging a wooden fish in his hand and reciting scriptures unhurriedly.

Cui Yu walked quietly to the old monk and sat down, for fear of crushing the flowers and plants under his buttocks.

The old monk's closed eyes quietly opened a gap, and then he looked at Cui Yu who was quietly listening to the sutra, and he couldn't help but feel a little pride in his heart.

However, the old monk didn't notice that there was a stone behind him. The stone stared at the back of the old monk's head with wide eyes.

Then the back of the old monk's head twisted slightly, and a head actually grew. .

Pure black head!

Then the big eyes of the two heads stared at the small eyes.

I checked my eyes and saw that they were traveling on the same road!

Then he actually stretched out his hand and touched it. The next moment, Xin Yuan narrowed his eyes, patted his chest on the head, made a gesture of assurance, and quietly sneaked into the soil underground.

Cui Yu didn't see the black head behind the old monk. If he saw the black head, he would be frightened and run away immediately.

Where is the Buddha here?

He is clearly a demon!

The ultimate demon!

It was just that Cui Yu was listening to the old monk's scriptures, and after listening for a while, he realized something was wrong.


Why are you sleepy again?

Seeing the Buddha's light lingering and visions rising in the sky, why can't I understand a word?

What Buddha and Bodhisattva.

The old monk talked for a long time, and then saw that Cui Yu had no reaction. He was sitting there drowsily, feeling a little dazed in his heart. He quickly stopped preaching, for fear that Cui Yu would fall asleep later.

Are you also a Buddhist believer? The old monk opened his mouth and looked at Cui Yu.

Elder, you are polite. I only admire Buddhism and am not a Buddhist believer. Cui Yu quickly returned the salute.

far away

Master Nanhua looked at Cui Yu's respectful attitude towards the old monk, and then thought about how Cui Yu usually acted carelessly in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a little sour:

A fool who only recognizes clothes but not people.

Believers who can stop and listen to the preaching of Buddhism are also people with great Buddha nature and are destined to our Buddhist sect. The old monk looked at Cui Yu and said to himself: Look, what a well-behaved child, how can he be as stupid as Nan Hua said ?」

Do I have Buddha nature? Cui Yu's lips cracked as he looked at the old monk more and more favorably.

He said I have Buddha nature!

This is the first one to praise himself!

My Buddha nature is profound and I have a predestined relationship with Buddhism. I can be called the future disciple of Buddhism. The old monk said with a smile.

The smile on Cui Yu's face turned into a flower: The holy monk's sermon can transform even ordinary plants and trees. Even if the Buddha comes, it will be nothing more than this. After listening to the holy monk's great road, people feel relaxed and countless insights come to them. My heart suddenly felt enlightened, enlightened, and countless inspirations poured out from my heart, just like the water of the Three Rivers.

Business blows each other up!

Cui Yu felt that the old monk was very discerning. He said that he had Buddha nature, and he couldn't help but agree.

People in the world, if you support me and I support you, you can build relationships with others.

The more Cui Yu looked at the old monk, the more he liked him.

far away

Nan Hua looked at Miao Shan: It's just a passage from the Sutra on Sins. Is it really so profound? Why can't I hear it? Is my understanding degraded?

Miao Shan smiled bitterly and clasped his hands together: The young monk is stupid and has never heard it.

A smile appeared on Mr. Buddha's face as he watched Cui Yu become more and more satisfied. How could it be as bad as Nan Hua said?

What a well-behaved child.

If you have any insights, believers, you may wish to discuss them with the old monk. We can also gain some understanding between you and me. The old monk looked at Cui Yu with a smile.


Cui Yu was stunned, with a smile frozen on his face.

What insights does he have?

This old monk is so sincere, shouldn't he take his words seriously?

Sensing something strange about Cui Yu, the old monk wondered: What's wrong? Why didn't the believer say anything? Is there any problem?

I just feel that my understanding is really shallow. How dare I show my embarrassment in front of the holy monk. Cui Yu excused himself, resentment erupting in his heart: You bastard, it's understandable that we are talking about each other, but you don't have to be serious.

It doesn't matter. As long as it is truth, how can it be shallow? Only by discussing with each other can we make progress together. The old monk took it seriously and insisted on giving Cui Yu some advice.

Cui Yu's eyes widened. What insights did he have?

He didn't understand anything.

Why don't the believers speak? the old monk asked when he saw Cui Yu's troubled expression.

I actually didn't understand anything. Cui Yu looked at the old monk and said a little depressed.

It’s really unbearable!

You can call me flattering, but if you ask me to tell the truth, isn't it a joke?

Puch~ Nan Hua in the distance suddenly laughed.

It tastes like this!

It sure tastes like this!

Hahaha, the old monk was tricked by Cui Yu. If you have to get to the bottom of it, it's better this time! You must have found out! Nan Hua laughed and covered his stomach.

Nan Hua was smiling, but the old monk did not laugh. Instead, he looked at Cui Yu seriously. Cui Yu looked like there were insects crawling all over his body. He just said with a solemn expression:

The believer really doesn't understand?

Cui Yu shook his head quickly.

Not at all? The old monk stared at him.

Cui Yu's throat moved, and he met the old monk's eyes. He wanted to say something flattering, but he was afraid that the other party would ask him to express his feelings. What could he do?

If you can't tell it at that time, won't the boat of friendship capsize at the drop of a hat?

So Cui Yu shook his head honestly: Not at all!

Unexpectedly, the old monk became excited when he heard this and was astonished:

The true believer

Gods and humans, just a short passage of scripture can actually draw inferences from one instance and infer the profound meaning of the supreme Buddhist truth emptiness. It is really unfathomable! If such a root of wisdom cannot enter my Buddhism, it will be a regret for my Buddhism and a regret for this old monk in this life. I also request believers to worship me as their teacher, enter my Buddhist sect, and preach the supreme Zen to my Buddhist believers.

Nan Hua, who was bending over with laughter in the distance and leaning back and forth, could no longer laugh. Miao Shan felt his face burning.

Cui Yu looked at the old monk with a fanatical expression, and his body suddenly trembled: I'm afraid this old monk is not a liar! Even if he is not a liar, he must be weird!


Go now!

The faster you go, the better!

Master, I suddenly remembered that the piglets and old sows at home have not been fed yet, so I will leave now. Cui Yu stood up in a panic and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, the old monk suddenly stretched out his hand, stretched his palm infinitely, and grabbed Cui Yu's arm: Believers, please don't leave. The old monk never said anything false. If you don't enter my Buddhist door, I'm afraid it will be a waste of time. The qualifications given.”

Cui Yu watched the old monk stretch out his two-meter-long palm and grab him like Optimus Prime. He couldn't even move. He staggered and was dragged back by the old monk.

Old monk, Cui Yu was stunned and speechless.

Believers, come and become a disciple! The old monk will accept you as his disciple. The old monk looked at Cui Yu with a smile, his eyes were kind, and his whole face was filled with kindness.

Cui Yu was speechless.

Master, I really haven't understood anything. Cui Yu looked at the old monk.

The divine blood in his body actually shrank, as if he were lying on a corpse, unable to move. Now I can’t move even if I want to!

Only the blood of Gonggong Shen is flowing quietly.

Damn it, what on earth is this old monk doing that makes me unable to even resist? Cui Yu was secretly frightened.

I also scold myself for knowing that the world is full of weird things, but I still run around. There is an old monk preaching in this empty mountain, but I feel weird no matter how I look at it.

It's best if you don't realize it. If you realize it, you can't worship the old monk and sit down. The old monk looked at Cui Yu and said with a smile: I see that you are really resisting, so you might as well follow me and do a crotch for the time being... ...How about sitting down boy? In this way, you will definitely change your mind after listening to me preaching the scriptures day and night.

Cui Yu stared at the old monk with his eyes: If I don't become a disciple today, will I be unable to leave?

The old monk smiled: The donor has arrived, where are you going?

Cui Yu saw that there was no explanation for life and death, so he activated Zhen Shui Wuxiang without saying a word, and the next moment he appeared directly ten feet away.

What kind of method is this? The old monk was stunned.

Cui Yu ran away without saying a word.

The old monk shook his head and tapped the ground gently. Then he saw the land receding and Cui Yu had already arrived in front of the old monk.

No matter how far his steps went, after his feet landed on the ground, he returned to the old monk again.

At this time, the old monk looked at Cui Yu with a smile: Look, the donor is destined to be my Buddha. Is it because the donor was reluctant to leave the old monk, so he ran back again?

It's fate. Cui Yu paused and looked at the old monk with his eyes: What method is this, old monk?

If you are willing to become a disciple, I will teach you! the old monk said with a smile.

Cui Yu had a gloomy face and looked at the old monk with his eyes. He knew that he was now entangled in something strange!

And it’s still very difficult and weird!

My own divine blood cannot flow, and even the Dinghai Divine Pearl cannot be activated. This is the first time I have experienced this.

This old monk is really terrifying, the only one I have seen in my life.

Be a monk?

Cui Yu absolutely refuses to be a monk!

If you become a monk yourself, what will your wife do?

The three flavors are really hot!

Cui Yu thought of his martial arts magical power, and the next moment he pressed his palms on the ground, and saw that the essence turned into three flavors of real fire and poured out, inexplicably burning the void in front of him.


, you have so many tricks up your sleeve, this is actually the three-flavored real fire that can burn mountains and cook seas in ancient times! The old monk moved for the first time and stood up to avoid the flames:

It's a pity that your foundation is too poor. If you are able to cultivate Taoism and use the three flavors of true fire to burn me, I will definitely retreat.

The old monk shook his head secretly.

Cui Yu ran away!

His three-flavored real fire really burned through the weirdness!

Then Cui Yusaya ran wildly. After running a certain distance, he turned to look at the old monk who was still standing where he was and continued running without looking back.

far away

Master Nan Hua shook his head: This old monk bullies the younger ones. When did he become so tasteless?

Ever since that monkey was born, the Buddha's temperament has changed drastically. Miaoshan said.

Nan Hua shook his head: Three flavors of true fire! I didn't expect that after countless tribulations, there would be people who could master the three flavors of true fire.

This old monk is fooling around, why don't you try to persuade him? Nan Hua looked at Miao Shan.

Miao Shan shook his head: The madness has broken out, who can stop it?

While the two parties were talking, they suddenly saw a figure running out of the mountains in the distance, panting and running wildly among the mountains. However, after a few breaths, he stopped and stood there blankly.

For some reason, he actually ran to the old monk again.

Believer, do you think we are destined to be together? We have just parted ways, and now we have met! the old monk said with a smile.

What are you doing? Cui Yu stopped running. He clearly remembered running down the mountain, but why did he end up in front of the old monk again?

How can I use means? It's clearly just the fate between you and me! Great fate! The old monk said with a smile: Believers might as well accept their fate.

far away

Master Nan Hua couldn't bear to look closely and walked away: What a trick: If the mountain doesn't see me, I will go see the mountain. This old monk is too embarrassed to see anyone! You can also use tricks on a junior! It seems that he has mastered the golden body of the Great Sun Tathagata and has mastered the power of time, otherwise he would definitely not be able to use this evil magical power.

Miaoshan also blushed and followed Master Nanhua away.

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