In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 166 Tang Zhou is my fucking nemesis

That night

Let's say that Shilong mobilized a large group of troops to surround the hilltop.

At this point, Tang Zhou's body split into two, and then one of the clones said: You guys wait outside, I'll go see Cui Yu's background.

Tang Zhou took one step forward, his body rising and falling several times, and he had arrived at the gate of Cui Yu's house.

Without a large group of people to assist Zuo, he did not dare to go alone to trouble Cui Yu.

To be honest, although he is a great monk, he is not afraid of Cui Yu at all.

Then he rose and fell lightly, and Tang Zhou's figure flashed a few times, and he reappeared outside Cui Yumen.

Tang Zhou appeared outside the thatched house, stretched out his hand to open a gap in the window paper, and looked quietly along the gap in the window. Sure enough, he saw the altar where Cui Yu cast his spell.

It is indeed him! Tang Zhou took a deep breath: What a great trick, but there is no trace at all.

Then Tang Zhou knocked on the window.

in the house

Zhu Wuneng huddled under the light, trying his best to blend himself with the light and disappear his sense of existence. He couldn't help but swallowed, and then opened his eyes wide: I can't understand! What kind of fucking method is this? This kid didn't use it. The qigong practitioner didn't use any martial arts techniques, let alone the power of his bloodline, and he just bowed to someone and captured his soul with just two casual bows?

Zhu Wuneng was a little confused!

At this time, he was not just confused. At the same time, a huge chill rose in his heart. He couldn't help but muttered: I don't know which unlucky guy actually provoked him and was assassinated by him. I just said, offended. He didn't end well.

At this moment, there was a sound outside the door.


Cui Yu, who was worshiping in the house, was startled.

Tang Zhou! The door of the room opened, and Tang Zhou walked in boldly.

The moment he saw Tang Zhou approaching, Cui Yu felt wary and picked up the scarecrow on the altar and held it in his hand.

As expected, it's you! I admire you for your good skills. Tang Zhou said with a smile.

How did you find this place? Aren't you afraid that my senior brother will cause trouble for you?

Are you here alone? Are you here to die? Cui Yu couldn't help laughing. No one can laugh if they are caught doing bad things.

But he couldn't imagine how Tang Zhou found him.

Moreover, if Tang Zhou came alone, he would die!

What I came here is just a clone. Tang Zhou said calmly as if he could read Cui Yu's thoughts.

Cui Yu was silent and secretly cursed Xin Yuan for being unreliable for making such a big mistake.

At the same time, he was scratching his head secretly: It's difficult to handle! If someone catches you red-handed, it will be troublesome.

Hand over the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations and Shilong's Heavenly Soul, and I can guarantee that Shilong will never have any conflict with you in the future. I can share the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations with you equally! Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu .

If he could get part of the Golden Elixir, he really didn't want to do it. It would be really troublesome if Cui Yu went to the corner and stabbed himself.

To be honest, he doesn't want to directly conflict with Cui Yuqi now, but there is no way that the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations is too delicious!

Fragrant enough to teach him to disobey his master's orders.

Cui Yu looked at Tang Zhou with murderous intent brewing in his eyes.

The current situation is completely different from the budget.

So what if you kill me? I'm just a clone, and there are hundreds of people waiting outside. Tang Zhou said, If I can't get out, they will kill me immediately on the mountain.

How many people? What if there are too many people? I have explosives! Even thousands of troops can't stop me! Cui Yu muttered to himself.

Is the Cui Yu of today still the Cui Yu of yesterday?

What he was afraid of was not the number of people, but the opponent's clone.

Can an explosive pack kill Tang Zhou?

Just think about it and you will know that it will never be blown up to death!

Not to mention that it can't be killed by the explosion, it can even be seriously injured.

Even in later generations, explosive packets will not be able to blast through the steel plates of tanks, and the marbles inside are at most more lethal than crossbow arrows.

That’s all.

I ate the golden elixir of all calamities! Cui Yu clicked his lips: It's crunchy! It doesn't taste good at all.

Do you think I believe it? I am just discussing this with you. If we start a fight, it will be different!

I want to see the difference! The worst I can do is hide it forever. Cui Yu sneered, murderous intent began to flow in his eyes.

If you want to fight me, I will accompany you! If you really want to fight, Gong Nanbei may not be able to protect you. Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu: I have endless clones, and one day I will kill you. .Even if I can’t kill you, I will kill everyone I find related to you in the future.”

Zhu Wuneng stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes, and suddenly his heart suddenly thought: This grandson of Tang Zhou is seeking death, so he dares to threaten Cui Yu? Is Cui Yu so easy to threaten?

Sure enough, after Tang Zhou finished speaking, his whole body twisted and turned into a toad.

Xin Yuan, you don't want to invade Tang Zhou, you clearly want to use Tang Zhou to kill me!

Tang Zhou turned into a toad without any surprise, but Cui Yu didn't show any joy. He just looked down at the scarecrow in his sleeve: It's difficult! Xin Yuan, where did you go, you were touched by someone? I don’t even know about my old nest.”

Cui Yu was very afraid of Tang Zhou's fly whisk. I am also afraid of Tang Zhou who will never die!

I have magical powers to protect my body, so it doesn't matter, but it's not easy to involve the old Taoist priest and the little nun.

Walking out of the house, I looked at the thatched cottage not far away. The lights in Nanhua Zhenren's thatched cottage were extinguished, and Miaoshan was sitting under the light doing evening lessons.

Cui Yu took long strides, disappeared in front of the house door, and came to the little nun's yard.

Little Sister, I have an enemy here. No matter what happens, don't come out for a while. Cui Yu stood outside the door and shouted.

Take care. Miao Shan, who was copying scriptures in the room, was stunned for a moment, then whispered back.

I'm just a chicken and a dog. I am no longer what I used to be.

After speaking, he ran down the mountain.

When things go wrong, we have to find a way to get out first. Save the old Taoist priest and the little nun!


Among the mountains, Master Nanhua was sitting in the mountains, knitting a cud dog in his hands, and his whole heart was immersed in it. When Cui Yu walked out of the house, Master Nanhua suddenly sighed:

I'm afraid that the human disaster of Tang Zhou will fall on Cui Yu. You said it's not good for you to provoke anyone, but you have to provoke Cui Yu.

Then he scratched his head and asked, What should we do now?

It’s difficult!

It’s easy to handle too!

Cui Yu can't die!

Forget it, let's call Zhang Jiao. Huang Tian has already chosen him, and I can only choose to believe in Huang Tian! A cud dog fell to the ground in Nan Hua's hand and turned into a line of green smoke and floated down the mountain.

The moon is all over the sky, where is the white jade? There is only one old Taoist priest!

Outside the hilltop

Tang Zhou held a fly whisk and looked into the night with his eyes. Beside him, Shi Long looked uneasy, and he was a little restless.

The talk has collapsed! Tang Zhou suddenly took a breath.

Collapsed? Shi Long was stunned.

What about his heavenly soul?

Come in now? Shi Long couldn't wait.

Whose soul is anxious?

No need, he's out. Tang Zhou Youyou sighed.

You two guys, do you really think you can win with more people? Cui Yu walked from the hilltop and saw Tang Zhou holding a fly whisk, and his heart skipped a beat.

Cui Yu, return my heavenly soul. Shi Long was anxious.

Cui Yu shook his head: Whether you can get your Heavenly Soul back depends on your ability.

The next moment, Cui Yu took out the explosive pack and rushed towards the crowd.

Seeing this scene, Shi Long and Tang Zhou were both stunned.

Hook knife! Shi Long shouted loudly.

As long as you use the hook knife to control Cui Yu's breathing, then you can use your sword to cut Cui Yu's copper and iron

The bones were broken into eight pieces.

Looking at the hook shot, Cui Yu shook his head: You really look down on me!

The next moment, the explosive pack flew out of Cui Yu's hand, and then fireworks bloomed in the night sky, and a roar woke up the people sleeping in the middle of the night.

A scream turned into a Shura field.

Tang Zhou's boy's hole tightened, and the whisk in front of him swayed gently. All the steel balls and iron sand that were three feet away from his body were blocked by an inexplicable energy.

And Shilong over there also heard the sound of breaking through the sky in the dark night. The long sword in his hand was splashing water, and all the iron sand was bounced back.

But the remaining people did not have that kind of good luck. There were screams and blood splattered, just like cutting wheat, and the crowd kept falling.

Cui Yu kept walking, like a lively ape, constantly shuttling among the crowd, and then threw explosive packets one after another.

Ten large sparks burst out, and then Tang Zhou finally couldn't help it anymore: That's enough!

The next moment, the fly whisk flew out from his hand and wrapped around Cui Yu.

Tang Zhou knew that he could not capture Cui Yu with his own body, so he simply sent the fly whisk.

Damn, it's that move again! Cui Yu saw Tang Zhou's fly whisk, and the next moment he released all the 24 drops of divine blood in his body without hesitation.

This is the strongest conventional power he currently has at his disposal.

Refers to materialization!

Cui Yu's fingers transformed into objects and landed on the whisk, but the light flowing on the whisk had no effect at all, and it came to Cui Yu again.

Cui Yu looked at the whisk that was entangled around him with an expressionless expression. He was just stimulating the corpse ancestor's coordinates and continuously replenishing the divine blood in his body.

He also wanted to test the power of the dragon-binding lock to see if it could break the opponent's fly whisk.

Cui Yu would feel happy thinking about it if he could take away the opponent's whisk.

Without confidence, how could he ask the other party to see what he can do and let the other party know that he is not someone to be trifled with?

Corpse Ancestor is a good man!

Feeling the divine blood that was constantly recovering in his body, Cui Yu thanked the Corpse Ancestor ten thousand times in his heart.

Looking at the fly whisk, Cui Yu actually wanted to ask: Brother, are you doing this one thing and eating it all over the world?

It's a pity that although Tang Zhou's clone is a three-blade ax and uses the whisk, it should be said that the whisk is really powerful. Before Cui Yu could react, he was tied up again.

Cui Yu, there is no Gong Nanbei this time! Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu with a touch of pride on his face, but he still did not dare to step forward.

Now he doesn't want to fight with Cui Yu under the eyes of his master, he just wants to get the Scarecrow back and share a cup of the Golden Elixir!

He was about to say some words of persuasion, but Cui Yu had already taken action.

I don't have a palace, but... Cui Yu looked at Tang Zhou, and the next moment he activated the dragon-binding lock in his arms.

He doesn't have a palace, but he has a dragon-binding lock!

He has long wanted to try the power of the Dragon Binding Lock!

As he spoke, Cui Yu's body had recovered three drops of divine blood.

Then the dragon-binding lock flew out of Cui Yu's arms and turned into a golden light and shot toward Tang Zhou.

Tang Zhou was very afraid of Cui Yu's methods, and he split into three clones in an instant: I have three clones, and you only have one treasure, what can you do to me?

The Dragon Binding Lock is very mysterious!

In an instant, it entangled one of Tang Zhou's clones, and then saw the dragon-binding lock diving into the void, and before the other two Tang Zhou could react, it had already entangled it.

Then Tang Zhou, whose face was full of pride, didn't wait to react when he saw the dragon-binding lock being pulled, and the three Tang Zhou were forcibly pulled together and overlapped into one.

Fuck! Until the three clones were pulled into one, Tang Zhou was still a little confused and completely unresponsive.

Then he stared at the rope on his body as if he had just woken up from a dream, his eyes full of disbelief.

What the hell is this method? This is simply the nemesis of the clone technique! This thing is specially designed to restrain oneself. Tang Zhou was a little unsure.

Cui Yu too

For a moment, he never expected that the dragon-binding lock could have such a function.

Cui Yu, what kind of treasure do you have? Tang Zhou stared at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Cui Yu looked at Tang Zhou without saying much. The next moment Zhen Shui Wuxiang activated his power and broke away from Tang Zhou's whisk.

Tang Zhou, your methods are outdated. Cui Yuman looked at Tang Zhou and Shi Long with pride, and the divine blood in his body continued to recover.

So what? If you can kill my clone, can you kill all my clones? There was no fear on Tang Zhou's face: And I have 365 clones. My current strength is only that of my original self. One in three hundred and sixty-five. After you kill me, the strength of my clone will be instantly transferred to the other clones. Think about the trouble you will face in the future.

When Cui Yu heard this, he looked at Tang Zhou with his eyes and his face turned green.

It’s difficult!

So what if we trap the other party? It's just a clone!

Just come and kill one!

Ignoring Tang Zhou, Cui Yu looked at Shi Long.

You used your iron smelting hand to plot against me before, but I haven't settled the score with you yet. Cui Yu's voice was cold.

The murderous intention seemed to penetrate deep into the bone marrow, wishing it could freeze the opponent's bone marrow.

Give me back my soul! Shilong's body energy began to gather.

He is at the fourth level of martial arts and is much stronger than Tang Zhou's clone.

I can return your soul, but I have something to ask you. Cui Yu looked at Shi Long: Why did you assassinate Xiang Caizhu back then?

In order to coerce the Xiang family to join Taiping Road, it's a pity that you destroyed it. Otherwise, maybe the Xiang family and his son would not have to die! It seems that you killed them! The next moment, the light of the knife in Shi Long's hand flashed.

This sword was not directed at Cui Yu, but at the dragon-binding lock on Tang Zhou's body.

Cui Yu sneered, but quietly recovered his divine blood. Shilong is on the fourth level of martial arts. He is definitely no match for Shilong in martial arts. If he wants to defeat Shilong, he can only rely on magical powers to win.

One breath used to take three thousand wisps, but recently I often use the Seven Nail Head Arrows, and one breath is already five thousand wisps.

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