In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 164: The state of mind of light from all directions

Is there something weird peeping in secret? Or am I using my magical power to alert the weird here?

Cui Yu was shocked and confused.

However, since Goldfinger gave the reminder, Cui Yu didn't take it to heart: My body can hold twenty-four drops of divine blood for the time being, but it has reached its limit, but the Dinghai Divine Pearl can continue to be sacrificed.


As Cui Yu finished speaking, twenty-four drops of divine blood were poured into Cui Yu's body, and then twenty-four drops of divine blood were poured into the Dinghai Divine Pearl.

At the same time, the corpse spots on the female slave disappeared strangely and inexplicably.

Inside Daliang City

Wu Guang stood under the eaves, looking at the bright and scorching sun in the sky, with a hint of thought in his eyes: Are you taking action? Just do it! If I can invade Tang Zhou, I will make a lot of money by then. I will destroy the entire Taiping Road I hold it in my hands, and then I plant evil thoughts in the hearts of countless believers throughout Taiping Dao...

The inner demon suddenly began to have wild thoughts.

Time passed little by little. Seven days later, as Shi Long's soul was worshiped into the scarecrow, Cui Yu in the room also stood in the thatched cottage with some surprise.

In the past seven days, every time he worshiped, there would be inexplicable strange attacks, making him feel frightened and uncertain.

Is there something wrong with my Seven Arrows?

Cui Yu was shocked and doubtful. Ever since the female slave ran away, he had been a little suspicious.

Inside Daliang City

Sir, Chen Chuan is going to have a funeral today!

A guard shouted outside the door.

I know. Wu Guang responded casually.

Xin Yuan also walked out of the mansion and walked all the way towards Shi Long's mansion. He was about to start getting close to Shi Long Tao.

Everything in Daliang City is on track.

Everything seemed to have happened, and everything seemed like nothing had happened.

Inside Shilong Mansion

The martial arts hall was deserted, with only a few people.

He was just a Chen Chuan, not worthy of being buried by those big shots.

Wu Guang walked into Shilong Martial Arts Hall and saw Shilong standing in the mourning hall with an old look.

There is a demon in Shilong's heart! A very big demon! Xin Yuan felt a little itchy: What a pity...

Master Shi, please forgive me and accept the change. Wu Guang stepped forward and bowed.

My condolences? What are your condolences for? Shi Long was stunned, his eyes full of confusion.

It can be seen that his eyes are really blank, and he seems not to remember anything.

Everyone on the side was also stunned.

Aren't you holding a funeral for your disciple?

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you with confusion in their eyes.

For some reason these days, I keep forgetting things. Shi Long said, Is it because my time has come?

Shi Long's eyes were full of vicissitudes of life and sadness.

Wu Guang narrowed his eyes: Brother Taoist, you are already a martial arts minister, how could you forget things? And it's still happening now? Even if it is the end of life and death, you shouldn't forget what happened just now.

Shi Long was stunned when he heard this and realized something was wrong: What do you mean?

I feel like Brother Dao has been plotted against, Wu Guang said.

Plot? No? I'm very good now! Who can plot against me? Shi Long shook his head.

Perhaps Xiang Mangzi plotted against Taoist brother before he died, but Taoist brother could not detect it. I think Taoist brother has at least ten years left to live. How could he reach his end now? Moreover, even if it reaches its end, it will only be the end of its life span. How can it have anything to do with memory?

Shi Long was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly changed his color: Yes, I am already a martial arts minister, how can I still lose my memory? I'm afraid someone is deliberately trying to harm me! My thinking has been slow these days, and many things have not been thought thoroughly. Even My thinking has become much more chaotic.

But what means did the other party use to harm me? Shi Long was a little panicked.

Being plotted is not terrible, but after being plotted, you don’t even know who plotted it. That is really terrifying!


During this time, someone actually plotted against him and he didn’t even know it?

How terrifying should the other party be?

Brother Dao, you don't know what kind of plot you have suffered? Xin Yuan pretended to be concerned, with a look of shock in his eyes.

What should I do? What should I do? Shi Long was so anxious that he broke into a cold sweat and looked at Wu Guang with a pair of eyes pleading for help: My mind is confused now and I can't think of many things clearly. Please ask Brother Dao to think of a way for me and give me some instructions. road.

Ming way? Xin Yuan pretended to be thoughtful, and then said: The other party can secretly plot against you, which shows that the method is weird, and it is no longer within the scope of our ability to deal with it. It is better to ask Lord Tang Zhou to take action, Lord Tang Zhou can eliminate life and death Ji is the number two figure in Taiping Dao. If you look at the existence that is ranked among the top fifty in the world, you will definitely be able to spot some flaws.

Shi Long was deprived of his soul, and his thinking was really slow. Hearing this, he ignored Chen Chuan's funeral and ran straight to Tang Zhou's residence.

You take charge of this body, and I will follow the stone dragon for a while. Xin Yuan said to the inner demon king.

Brother Dao, walk slowly, I'll see you off. Wu Guang looked at Shi Long walking away and quickly chased after him. As he said this, a stone fell silently into Shi Long's sleeve.

Shi Long was completely unaware. Looking at Shi Long's back, Wu Guang raised the corner of his mouth and revealed a sneer: It should be done! As expected of a demon lord, he is really shameless. He can even think of such an insidious and despicable method.

Although Shi Long looks old, his steps are still as steady as flying.

At Tang Zhou's residence, Tang Zhou was looking at the map in his hand. He kept sketching back and forth on the map, marking characters one after another on the map, and then crossing out characters one after another. A little light flashed in his eyes: Only Shilong is the most suitable one. I feel most at ease when I leave Daliang City in the hands of Shilong!

Wu Guang, Tang Chen, and Shi Jia all have their own small thoughts and calculations, and it is difficult for them to truly serve Taiping Dao and do their best. On the contrary, Shi Long is a lonely man. If he can get the support of Taiping Dao, There will definitely be great achievements in the future. Tang Zhou kept sketching, and then circled Shilong's name:

But it's hard to deal with the stone dragon's life span.

Just when Tang Zhou was thinking about how to lift Shilong up and extend his life, a child outside the door announced: Master, Shilong is here!

You're here just in time, invite him in. Tang Zhou put away the drawings on the table.

As the words fell, Tang Zhou was seen walking from the door, and without saying a word, he knelt down in front of Tang Zhou. After kowtowing three times, he shouted loudly: Taoist, save me! Taoist, save me. I!

What? That hurt you? Shi Long looked at Tang Zhou.

I'm being plotted against, please help me. Shi Long said hurriedly.

Being plotted against? Come forward. Tang Zhou waved, and Shi Long climbed forward on his hands and feet, crawling in front of Tang Zhou, his eyes full of panic.

He was being plotted against, but couldn't find any flaws. How could he not be afraid?

He could only be beaten passively, and anyone else would be terrified.

Tang Zhou stretched out his hand, gently placed it on Shi Long's head, then stroked Shi Long's head, and then frowned: Your soul has disappeared. No wonder you are talking erratically and thinking in confusion. Your soul has been Someone took it.

Memory of Heavenly Soul Master, your Heavenly Soul is lost, so your memory is gradually disappearing. You have only lost your memory for three days now. After a while, all your memories will be lost and you will never remember anyone in the world again! Tang Zhou put down Shilong's finger.

How could it be? How could I lose my soul? Shi Long couldn't believe it, and was so scared that his whole body went numb.

Losing your soul is no joke.

Shi Long was so horrified that he flew out of the sky: Who has the means to take away my soul? Even the original Wuzhuang Temple couldn't do anything to me. How can someone take away my soul?

Ancestor, who took my soul? Shilong panicked.

How did I know! There are no traces of spellcasting on your body. It's really weird!

Tang Zhou also felt that it was quite difficult and looked at Shi Long with his eyes:

Have you offended anyone recently?

Before Shi Long could answer, Tang Zhou shook his head: That's not right. If the other party has the ability to take your soul, he can crush you to death with one finger, so why would he take your soul?

The other party must not be as strong as you, or someone who can't show off. Tang Zhou was a little confused:

Please, ancestor, save me. Shi Long quickly knelt down on the ground: I am willing to work as a cow or a horse to repay my ancestor for his great kindness.

Don't worry, why are you panicking? You just lost your soul. Just wait until I cast a spell to bring your soul back. Tang Zhou walked into the house, took a basin of water, and then looked at Shilong: A drop of blood.

The qi and blood in Shilong's body moved, and along the pores of the index finger's skin, a drop of bright red blood seeped out and fell into the basin.

I saw Tang Zhou pinching his mouth and reciting the incantation, and a wisp of moonlight fell into the water. For an instant, the water in the basin continued to ripple, emitting strange waves.

As more and more moonlight poured into the basin, the water in the basin boiled more and more violently. Finally, the entire basin exploded, and countless water splashed. Tang Zhou held up his sleeves, and all the water within three feet of him was blocked. Come down.

Impossible, my secret method tells me that your soul is in your body and has not been lost. Tang Zhou's face became a little more solemn at this time. He stretched out his hand to pinch Shilong's fingers. After pondering for an unknown amount of time, his brows Wrinkled: Three Souls and Seven Souls have clearly lost their heavenly souls, how can they still be in the body? There must be something wrong with my secret method! There are thousands of secret methods in the world, and I don't know what method this person used to get it. Your soul was taken in forcefully.

Tang Zhou was a little confused!

Shilong plays a great role, but he can't just die like this!

Ancestor, you have to save me, but you can't just die without saving me! Shi Long panicked.

His enemy was plotted against him for no apparent reason before he even saw it. Who could he ask to reason with?

Help me, real man! Help me, real man! Shi Long knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly.

Tang Zhou was silent for a moment after hearing this: I still don't believe it, come again! Come again! There are still clues in this world that I can't see through.

Then he kneaded the secret in his hand and used another magical power: Wait for me to use the soul-stealing technique and see if I can recall your soul.

Tang Zhou made the secret in his hand, and the next moment a black mist spurted out from his sleeves, swirling around the stone dragon. Then he saw the energy surrounding the stone dragon, and then a powerful air flow surged, and the black mist penetrated into the stone dragon's body. The apertures turned into strange runes, which seemed to communicate with the underworld.

The soul is back! The soul is back!

Tang Zhou used his magical power, and his expression suddenly changed. He saw the mist in front of him twisting and turning into a copper lamp. The scarecrow lay quietly in front of the lamp.

He was still looking at it, but suddenly the gods and demons roared with resentment. Tang Zhou was so shocked that he fell to the ground and became a gourd rolling on the ground, his face turned pale. kind of enemy have you provoked? How can the enemy activate the resentment left by the ancient gods and demons in the world to curse you? Tang Zhou got up in embarrassment, as if looking at strange animals.

How can a stone dragon provoke such an enemy?


Help me, real person! Please help me, real person! Shilong begged again and again, and was also frightened by the vision.

Tang Zhou stroked his eyebrows when he heard this, and there was a hint of uncertainty in his eyes: How can I save you? The other party can incite the resentment of gods and demons. I am afraid that the only one in the world who can save you is my master.

If you think about it carefully, what kind of enemy have you provoked that is worthy of using this method to curse you? Tang Zhou was also a little worried.

Shi Long knelt on the ground, countless thoughts flashing in his mind, and then suddenly slapped his thigh: I know! I know! They want to kill people and silence them!

Shi Long felt that he knew the clues to the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations. The person who took the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations must have heard the news from somewhere and wanted to kill him quietly through the air.

Who wants to kill people and silence them? Tang Zhou asked.

Shi Long looked at Tang Zhou and then gritted his teeth. Now that his life was gone, what kind of golden elixir would he need?

I just hope that Tang Zhou can save himself

own life.

The Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations! I know the clues to the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations! Shi Long gritted his teeth.

What? Tang Zhou stood up in shock.

At this moment, a small stone in Shilong's sleeve emitted a wave of fluctuations, which actually followed Shilong's chaotic magnetic field and attached to Tang Zhou's magnetic field.

As expected, Tang Zhou lost his Taoist heart after hearing the news about the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations.

You actually know the clues to the Golden Elixir of All Tribulations? Tang Zhou was really shocked.

The Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations mysteriously disappeared in Quyu Mountain. Bai Yujing's masters and Zhu Wu were able to make fools of themselves, but the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations disappeared, and no one knew where it went.

Even the emperor of the current dynasty beheaded tens of thousands of the Changfeng Escort Bureau, but still could not find the whereabouts of the Golden Elixir.

Shi Long actually said that he knew the clues to the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations?

Why does he know?

I am willing to tell you the clues to the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations. I just ask the old immortal to save my life. Shi Long said.

If you really have information about the Golden Elixir, maybe you can ask my master to take action. Tang Zhou's heart gradually calmed down: How do you know the clues about the Golden Elixir?

He asked for proof!

Shi Long said: The young escort head of Changfeng Escort Bureau actually came to Delong Martial Arts School to become a disciple.

Song Fuyun? Tang Zhou's eyes became brighter and brighter.

There is no doubt that Tang Zhou longed for the Golden Elixir of All Tribulations!

There is only one Emperor Zhou, and there is only one who can taste the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations!

I know that I cannot protect the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations. As long as the real person begs Old Immortal Nanhua to take action, I am willing to hand over the clues to the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations. Shi Long kowtowed respectfully.

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