In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 153: Will you forget or not?

Hearing that Cui Yu actually opened his mouth and targeted the things at the bottom of the box, Shi Long rolled his eyes and agreed:

You are my close disciple. If I don't pass on my magical powers to you, who will? I still expect you to take care of me until you die.

He was afraid that if Cui Yu kept nagging him, he would end up talking nonsense.

Besides, let’s wait until you drink the love-forgetting water and still remember this matter.

Looking at Cui Yu's expression on the side, Xiang Yu couldn't help but sneer at the little family spirit in his heart. At this time, he made a divine assist: I say Master Shi, look at this kid, he can't wait for your skills. If you delay it any longer, he will I'm afraid I'll die of panic. Since you accept him as a closed disciple, how can you do it without a gift? Why not give him the original version of the iron smelting hand. Anyway, sooner or later, he will take care of you and die.

Cui Yu looked at Xiang Yu and couldn't help but silently praised in his heart: Well done.

Then he looked at Shi Long eagerly: Disciple, I don't need any apprenticeship ceremony. Since the master thinks highly of me and accepts me as his true disciple, I just ask the master to teach me the whole story of Iron Smelting Hand. You will have to teach it to me sooner or later, so why bother about this moment? Woolen cloth?

Cui Yu was shameless at this time and directly spoke to the general.

If you don’t give the Iron Hand the original version, you don’t drink tea.

Shi Long glanced at Xiang Yu and said to himself: Why hasn't the Forgetting Water worked yet?

But looking at Xiang Yu's look, Shi Long was shocked: There is still a flaw in this apprenticeship. No gift was prepared.

Gao Dasheng looked at Shi Long from the side and winked desperately at this moment, hoping that Shi Long would not cause trouble and quickly tricked Cui Yu into drinking tea.

Shi Long's heart trembled, fearing that Xiang Yu would find out that the clue had escaped early, so he had to force out a smile, took out a simple animal skin from his arms, and handed it to Cui Yu: This is the original version of the iron smelting hand. It was obtained from a secret place by my teacher after nine deaths and a lot of hardships. Since you are my close disciple, my teacher is going to give this to you as a gift.

Here you go! Give it all to you! But you have to take it with you!

As he spoke, Shi Long handed the treasure scroll to Cui Yu's palm, then picked up the tea cup and brought it over: Drink this cup of tea, and you will be my disciple. As the saying goes, once you are a teacher, you will always be a disciple. Father, from now on you will be like my son.”

Thank you, Master. Cui Yu took the scroll, fearing that Shi Long was cheating, so he quickly opened the scroll and took a look. After he noticed the strange power invading, he showed a proud smile.

Cui Yu put his iron-smelting hands into his sleeves and bowed respectfully: Greetings, Master.

Then under Shi Long's eager eyes, he drank the tea cup in one gulp.


Seeing Cui Yu slurping down the tea, Shi Long slapped his thigh with satisfaction: Not bad! Not bad! Really good! From now on, you will be my father's eldest son... No, you will be my master's good disciple.

The apprenticeship ceremony is complete, please invite the guests to the banquet. The master of ceremonies said with a smile next to him.

As the master of ceremonies finished speaking, a group of people entered the banquet with laughter.

Xiang Yu took the first seat, Shi Long took the second seat, and Cui Yu followed closely behind.

The group of people sat down and chatted and laughed at the banquet.

back hall

The boy paced back and forth with his hands behind his back.

It wasn't until Gao Dasheng returned that he raised his head to look at Gao Dasheng and asked in an urgent voice: Did they drink? Did they drink it?

Replying to my lord, I have already drank it. Shi Long is indeed an old fox. He handled the matter smoothly, and Xiang Yu was completely unprepared. Gao Dasheng said.

Okay! Okay! Okay! Just drink it! Just drink it! The boy finally breathed a sigh of relief: The bloodline of the Xiang family is the most feared, especially Xiang Yu. It is said that he has awakened the law of force and is a natural master of martial arts. His body is built with the bones of the ancient giant spirit god, and there is divine blood flowing in his body. No one knows how strong he is.

When he forgets his memory, he can be sold to Taiping Dao and trained as a Yellow Turban Warrior. The boy's eyes lit up at this time.

In the front lobby

The banquet is in full swing

Shi Long and Xiang Yu exchanged cups, while Cui Yu was thinking about the water from the underworld.

according to

Logically speaking, my Dinghai Divine Pearl can mobilize the power and blessing of all kinds of divine water in the world. Unfortunately, I only have four drops of divine power. It is good to be able to mobilize a small river. Where can I find the innate divine water?

Over there, Xiang Yu and Shi Long drank bowl after bowl of wine. Shi Long looked at Xiang Yu with bright eyes, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes: It's weird, why doesn't the water from the underworld work? Didn't the Paradise Boy say that , as long as you drink the water of the underworld, can your soul be cleansed immediately?

Thousands of thoughts flickered in my mind: Is it because the Xiang family's law of power is too strong? Even the power of the innate divine water is under its control?

Or is it that he has forgotten his memory, but didn't show it? An hour passed, and after countless drinks, Shi Long couldn't hold it any longer, and looked at Xiang Yu with his eyes: Master Xiang, do you still remember your sister? .

Xiang Yu was stunned: Of course I remember, my sister is the cutest when fishing for pearls. Why did you talk about my sister, sir?

Shi Long quickly laughed: I remembered how lively and cute Zhuizhu was when he was a child, and he suddenly felt emotional.

Xiang Yu glanced at Shi Long in surprise, then picked up the wine bowl: Let's do it! Let's drink from this cup together.

Shi Long had no choice but to swallow, his eyes flicked left and right, looking at Cui Yu: Xiang Yu has blood to protect his body, Cui Yu must have forgotten his memory at this time, right?

So Shi Long said with a smile: My disciple Cui Yu, do you still remember the iron-smelting hand formula?

Of course I remember. Sir asked me what the formula was for? Cui Yu looked at Shi Long with a smile, his words full of jokes.

Shi Long smiled dryly: My teacher wants to tell you that there should be no mistakes in the path of cultivation. You still need to practice carefully and hard! Only by working hard day and night can you not fall.

Come, let's drink! Shi Long exchanged glasses for another meal and took the opportunity to urinate and escape to the backyard.

At this time, Gao Dasheng looked at Shi Long: How is it? Have you forgotten the memory?

Damn it, the two of them didn't react at all. It's as if they didn't drink the water of forgetfulness. Go and ask the adults! Shi Long said.

Gao Dasheng was stunned for a moment, then quickly walked to the backyard.

The Paradise boy was admiring the flowers. Before Gao Dasheng could speak, the Paradise boy smiled and said, But those two have forgotten their memories and are waiting for me to come over?

Sir, Cui Yu's memory has not been lost, and Xiang Mangzi's memory has not been lost. Is your Wangqingshui fake? Or is it a mistake? Gao Dasheng looked at the Paradise Boy cautiously.

The bliss boy was stunned when he heard this: Impossible! The gang leader gave you many warnings before coming here. Could it be that I used the wrong dose?

After waiting for a while, the blissful boy looked at the Wangqing Water in his hand: Go and get a jar of wine. Maybe the Wangqing Water is not powerful enough.

Gao Dasheng quickly brought a jar of wine, and the Paradise Boy poured half of the Wangqing Water down.

Take it to the front and let them drink it, said the blissful boy.

Sir, Shilong... The bliss boy looked at the wine jar and hesitated.

Drink it. He is a traitor to Wuzhuang Temple, so you can rest assured that you will make him into a Yellow Turban Warrior. The blissful boy waved his hand impatiently.

Gao Dasheng did not dare to say anything, and came to Shi Long with the wine jar. He looked at the three people who were pushing the cups and changing the cups, and placed the wine jar next to Shi Long.

Gao Dasheng blinked at Shi Long. Shi Long suddenly felt something strange in the wine jar. He then calmly took it over and said to Xiang Yu, Come on, come on!

After pouring the wine, Cui Yu's eyes lit up: Another innate divine water?

Then Gonggong's bloodline changed, and the innate divine water in the jar and bowl was absorbed by Gonggong's bloodline again.

Good wine! Xiang Yu picked up the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp without saying a word. Shi Long also picked up the wine bowl. The next moment, his iron smelting hand quietly started to work, and the wine in the bowl turned into nourishment for martial arts.

While refining the wine in the bowl, Shi Long secretly wondered: That's strange! Logically speaking, my martial arts practice should be improved by refining the innate divine water. Why is it completely ineffective at this time?

I have a lot of thoughts in my mind, but I don't dare to express them: Is this innate divine water a fake? Why is it no different from ordinary water after refining?

After finishing the jar of wine, Shi Long looked at Cui Yu and Xiang Yu: You two, can you

Do you still remember Xiang Caizhu?

You old guy, you keep asking what my sister is doing! Xiang Yu was a little impatient and threw the bowl on the table: It's so disappointing. Say goodbye!

After saying that, he got up and left.

Seeing Xiang Yu's performance, Shi Long panicked: Damn it, that swindler Ji Le Boy is trying to trick people with fake stuff, right?

We couldn't let him go now, so he quickly stepped forward and grabbed Xiang Yu: Master, don't be impatient. I miss you a little bit, but we haven't seen her come to play for some time.

My little sister has gone to the capital of Dayu. Xiang Yu saw Shi Long apologizing again and again, but he didn't want to leave in anger. After all, his father was on good terms with him.

The three of them continued to drink. The boy in the backyard waited impatiently: Gao Dasheng, go ask Shi Long if those two people drank the wine.

Gao Dasheng reluctantly came over and winked at Shi Long.

Shi Long shook his head secretly, and Gao Dasheng turned around and returned to the backyard: Sir, neither Xiang Yu nor Cui Yu have lost their memories.

Impossible! After drinking half a bottle of water from the underworld, even a strong man in the fifth level of martial arts will lose his memory. The boy's face was ugly, and his eyes were full of disbelief as he took out the bottle and looked at it:

Did I really see it wrong? Or did the gang leader give me the wrong one?

I opened the bottle, took a closer look, and even wanted to take a sip to see if I was wrong, but I was afraid and didn't dare to act.

He turned around and looked at Gao Dasheng: Why don't you come and take a sip?

Sir, please spare me! This is Qingqing Water, who dares to drink it? Gao Dasheng was so frightened that he fell to his knees.

Forget it, I won't embarrass you anymore. The blissful boy turned around and saw the servants serving him.

The servant changed color and opened his mouth to beg for mercy. The next moment, a drop of forgetfulness water fell into the other man's stomach.

Then the servant stood there blankly, staring blankly at everything in the yard, having forgotten everything.

Forgot to speak!

Forget fear!

Forgot to ask for mercy!

Damn, what a waste of a drop of divine water. Seeing this, the Paradise Boy knew that the divine water was real, and then said to Gao Dasheng: This person has eaten a drop of Forgetting Water, and his martial arts cultivation will be greatly improved in the future. Martial Arts Heaven It’s not difficult to be a man, you take it back and train it well so as not to waste the good things.”

As ordered. Gao Dasheng said quickly.

It's strange, why did those two people have no reaction after drinking the water of forgetfulness? Is the water of forgetfulness not very effective for monks? At this time, countless distracting thoughts were flowing in the mind of the blissful boy, and his eyes were full of seriousness.

He looked at the divine water in his hand again, and then turned to look at Gao Dasheng: It stands to reason that the Forgetting Water will be digested when it enters the abdomen. How could this happen? Go and get a jar of wine.

Gao Dasheng quickly brought another jar of wine, and then the Paradise Boy poured all the remaining divine water into it: Go, let them drink it.

He walked out tall and tall.

Gao Dasheng handed over the wine jar, but Cui Yu's eyes lit up. Before the wine jar came closer, Gonggong's true blood had already been activated, and all the innate divine water in the wine jar had been drunk.

Gao Dasheng winked at Shi Long, then lowered his voice and said: This is the last altar.

Shi Long was stunned for a moment, then nodded, knowing that it was the last divine water.

He took the wine jar and poured it for Cui Yu and Xiang Yu.

The wine is full, and the jar of wine quickly reaches the bottom.

Shi Long kept refining the wine with his iron hand, but it didn't even have the slightest effect.

Looking at Xiang Yu who was full of alcohol, Shi Long looked a little worried at this time and could only bite the bullet and said: Sir, is it okay for Mr. Xiang to be on the front line?

Of course, what can Daxia and Wei do to me? Xiang Yu patted his chest, his face full of pride.

Shi Long frowned: Didn't you forget? Where does Xiang Yu look like he has forgotten?

Then he and Xiang Yu started to have daily routines, constantly testing Xiang Yu's memory.

Let’s talk about the martial arts chef

Song Fuyun was squatting in the firewood shed and cracking firewood. He was cursing while cracking firewood.

The way:

Bullshit true disciple, I have to work so hard to chop so much firewood.

He originally wanted to go to the Shilong Martial Arts School to learn martial arts, but who knew that he would have to work as an odd job for three years before he could master the skills. Song Fuyun was cracking firewood every day in the martial arts gym, and he was full of resentment.

Junior brother, don't you dare say nonsense, haven't you received enough whipping? A thin man on the side, cracking firewood, quickly said something to persuade.

It's just a few words, so what can I do? Will the senior brother in charge beat me because of this? Song Fuyun grunted in dissatisfaction.

Junior brother, you used to live in a wealthy family, right? You don't know the sufferings of the people at the bottom. The thin man said with a smile.

Song Fuyun was silent. He didn't want to talk about his past at all.

I really envy that Cui Yu. He was so successful in cultivation at such a young age that he directly became the closed disciple of the master of the hall. If I can be taught one and a half moves by the master of the hall to be passed down to my family in my lifetime, I will be satisfied. The young man said in his words. Full of fascination.

Then what is Cui Yu's background? He actually asked the owner of the museum to make such a big show? Song Fuyun was puzzled.

It is said that he saved the second lady of the Xiang family.

He's just a boy who relies on women to get to the top. Song Fuyun grumbled a little sourly, then threw down the ax in his hand: Let's go to the front yard to get some food.

You dare to go to the front yard? Aren't you afraid of getting beaten? The thin man's expression changed when he heard this.


Song Fuyun smiled coldly.

Being beaten is also a kind of cause and effect!

If you are beaten now, they will have to bear the consequences for you in the future.

He really wanted to be beaten.

Besides, what day is it in the woodshed?

How could Song Fuyun endure eating steamed buns every day without even seeing the fishy smell?

There are so many people in the front yard, who knows if you sneak in. Song Fuyun didn't care and sneaked along the eaves all the way to the front yard.

Seeing the crowds of people coming and going in the front yard, as well as the big fish and meat on the tables, Song Fuyun felt a little sad.

In the past, I wouldn't have even looked at these things, but now they are out of reach?

Passing by a certain table, I casually took a plate of crystal elbows and a plate of roast chicken and stuffed it into my arms. Then I looked at the crowd of people pushing cups and changing cups, and I couldn't help but feel curious. What kind of person is Cui Yu? Lucky.

If I form a cause and effect with this person, I will definitely be able to do a lot by then.

Perhaps we can use the other party's fortune telling. Song Fuyun walked through the crowd, passed three doors, and then looked through the crowd toward the backyard, and then his body suddenly shook.



The roast chicken in his hand fell to the ground and he rubbed his eyes vigorously. Song Fuyun stared at Cui Yu with his eyes full of disbelief: Zheng! It's Zheng! It's really him! It's impossible, he Didn't you go to Haojing? Why do you want to become a disciple here?

Moreover, I remember that everyone in the canyon died! He was among them! Song Fuyun's body trembled: Is the loss of the Golden Elixir of All Tribulations also related to him?

What a coincidence! What a coincidence! How could he appear in Ping'an Town by such a coincidence. Song Fuyun recalled and analyzed it afterwards, and felt more and more that the appearance of the man named Zheng was a coincidence.

And if it was him, why did he change his name? Is it because he felt guilty? Song Fuyun's heart was beating wildly: It's impossible to have two faces that are so similar.

Hey, what are you doing here? Just when Song Fuyun was in a daze, someone yelled. The shocked Song Fuyun quickly picked up the roast chicken, and then disappeared after a few ups and downs.

Based on his martial arts cultivation, a group of martial arts disciples were not taken seriously by him.

It's just that Song Fuyun's heart was confused at this time!

Complete chaos!

That is the golden elixir of all calamities!

Tens of thousands of people in Changfeng Escort Bureau lost their lives!

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