In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 148: Master Nanhua I have an enemy

Cui Yu has never seen the sunrise or the stars in this world.

The bright and pure moon of this world is like a ball of extremely pure light, emitting strands of light that envelopes the entire world, providing every living being with a trace of creation and vitality.

Cui Yu and Yu watched the stars all night, and then watched the sunrise. When the sun rose from the horizon, Yu lay in Cui Yu's arms and burst into tears.

Cui Yu patted Yu's back with a smile in his eyes: Let's go, it's not about life and death. When you get there, you have to practice hard.

Plans don't change quickly.

In fact, that's the way it is. Yu's blood concentration has reached its limit, and the next step is to adapt continuously, and then adapt to the divine blood.

This process may take thousands of years.

In this case, Cui Yu could only find a way to send Yu to study.

Yu nodded, and just mustered up the courage to kiss Cui Yu on the face, then got up and encouraged herself: Yu Ji must be strong! Yu Ji must be strong! Yu Ji must be the backing of the master.

Then he wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, stared at Cui Yu with big eyes, and showed a smile: Yu must live forever!

Carefully stuffing the sparrowhawk into her sleeve, the girl showed a big smile.

Then Cui Yu smiled, touched the girl's head, took the girl's hand and walked away.


The old Taoist Nanhua Immortal Wind stood on the top of the mountain and looked into the distance.

Cui Yu and Yu stood behind the old Taoist priest. Farther away, Zhang Jiao and Shoucheng stood respectfully, with meticulous expressions on their faces, and they also changed into clean and neat Taoist robes.

We're here. Master Nanhua suddenly said.

Cui Yu looked in the direction of Master Nanhua and saw only a blue sky and no human beings.

Suddenly, a clear cry was heard, like gold and stone exploding among the mountains.

A white crane came from the sky, carrying a series of sonic booms, shattering the white clouds in the sky, and a terrifying evil spirit filled the sky and the earth.

The sand and rocks were flying, the sun and the moon were dim, and wisps of majestic and strange energy spread down among the mountains, winding towards the top of the hill.

Master Nanhua waved his sleeves, and the sand and gravel in the sky were blocked from the mountains.

Look, this is the momentum of Qi Lian Dao Dao. Fairy He, long time no see. Master Nanhua said with a smile.

He Jiuming has met the real person, and the real person likes to joke the most. Although the Yaochi is good, the real person is better than the Huangtian, which is better than the Yaochi. There are many monsters and gods without eyes along the way. I am too lazy to deal with them, so That's why you act like this. I saw a figure in white walking out of the dark wind.

The white light around the figure makes it hard to see clearly, but the voice sounds like a woman.

I've seen the real person. The figure came closer and bowed respectfully to the real person Nan Hua.

Master Nanhua waved his hand: This is the Yaochi Protector Crane Fairy I told you.

Yu stepped forward and bowed respectfully: I've seen Fairy Crane.

Fairy He stared at Yu, looking at the delicate little girl in front of her, with a hint of surprise in her eyes: She is the one who can control the sound power?

That's her. Master Nanhua said.

Fairy He said: If a real person speaks, there will be nothing wrong.

Then he turned to look at Yu: Is there anything else you want to explain?

Yu turned around and glanced at Cui Yu, with a hint of reluctance in his eyes, and then shook his head.

In that case, let's go. After Fairy He finished speaking, a burst of white light swept by, and she and Yu disappeared between the cliffs.

It's such a pity. If Yu wants to succeed in cultivation, he must use Yaochi's precious medicine, otherwise I will never hand over such a talented disciple. Master Nanhua turned to look at Cui Yu:

Do you regret it?

I don't regret it. Cui Yu shook his head: I will definitely be able to live forever in the future. There is no problem in living for tens of thousands of years.

This is no nonsense. I hold the 30,000-year Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations in my hand, and I will live for at least 30,000 years.

plus no

Cui Yu couldn't estimate how many years Laoquan Shui could live.

Master Nanhua curled his lips with a look of disdain on his face: Do you think the Yama Palace is opened by your family?

Then he stared at Cui Yu and said, We have always known that you have a flexible mind. We have something to ask you.

Well, what's the matter? Just tell me. Cui Yu was not polite, put his hands in his sleeves, and said lazily.

It's like this. I have an enemy who is working as a warrior for the princes and kings. His descendants have served the princes and kings for thousands of years, but I accidentally provoked him some time ago. He wants to use the princes and kings to become a powerful force. In revenge, he killed me and forced me to take refuge in this deep mountain and old forest. What do you think I can do to make that enemy lose the favor of the princes and kings? So that he cannot rely on the power of the princes and kings? Old Taoist priest Looking at Cui Yu eagerly.

Oh, no wonder you went to the deep mountains and forests for no reason. I didn't expect you could cause more trouble than me. The warrior family that protects the princes and kings must be such a giant. Can you, an old man like you, afford it? Cui Yu turned to look at him. The old Taoist priest looked at the old Taoist priest with admiration. He didn't expect that the old Taoist priest had caused such trouble.

Who could have expected it! The old Taoist priest was helpless.

He never thought about training troops before, but now he is forced to train troops. Where can he find a suitable general?

Cui Yu was silent for a while before saying, How did you get into that kind of enemy? Logically speaking, you and him are from two different worlds.

An unreasonable disaster. Master Nanhua made it up.

When I have a plan, it depends on whether you can implement it. Cui Yu said.

Do you have a plan? Master Nanhua's eyes lit up, and then he shook his head: Ordinary strategies will not work. That man has served the princes and kings for generations, and he is highly respected by the princes and kings, almost to the point of blind trust.

Really? That's not difficult to do either. Seeing that you are an experienced person who has found a future for Yu, I will give you some advice. Cui Yu felt like a feather fan at this moment:

Sometimes, the greater the trust, the greater the disappointment. If a warrior does something that surprises the princes and kings, and touches the taboos of the princes and kings, then does that mean the matter is over?

You can't help the princes and kings, but you can use the princes and kings to get rid of the warrior families. Cui Yuzhizhu was in hand.

Impossible! That's impossible! He is definitely not that kind of reckless person! This person is quick and smart, and he does everything flawlessly. He is highly regarded by the princes and kings. What's more, this person's family has had thousands of years of friendship with the princes and royal families. It will never be broken easily. Master Nanhua said, looking at Cui Yu eagerly as he spoke, he had great expectations for Cui Yu.

Cui Yu stroked his chin and said thoughtfully: It's quite simple. I also have a way, but I'm just afraid that you can't do it.

As long as you can think of a way, there's nothing I can't do. Master Nan Hua assured, patting his chest.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this: This person has a deep friendship with the princes and kings. It's easy. Just tell him to commit an unforgivable crime.

For example? Master Nanhua asked.

Staying on the dragon bed at night, he had the most beloved concubine of the current princes and kings, and was caught red-handed by the princes and kings. What do you think? Cui Yu looked at Master Nanhua.

Master Nan Hua was stunned and stared at Cui Yu with his eyes. He could never imagine how someone in the world could be so sinister and vicious and come up with such a harmful plan.

Emperor Zhou fell in love with Bao Si so much that he didn't need to sleep on the dragon bed. He only needed Lian Po to tease her or extend his hand, and the matter would be done.

But I still have to ask Zhu Wuneng for this matter! Master Nanhua had thousands of thoughts flickering in his mind.

Just when Master Nan Hua was praising Cui Yu for his evil thoughts, he was worthy of being a person who could make people run out of their minds. Such a vicious plan was not something that ordinary people could think of. Cui Yu spoke again:

However, if a prince is not a foolish king, he will never ruin his empire because of a woman. If he is a wise king, he will definitely give a woman to a warrior, which will complete a good story. This matter is not difficult. Then let’s put the mother of a prince or king on a warrior’s bed, hahaha…”

speaking of

Here Cui Yu couldn't help but smile proudly, and said happily: At that time, the princes and kings will also kill him for the sake of face.

Cui Yu's laughter fell on the ears of Master Nanhua and Shoucheng, and it was indescribably terrifying, eerie and terrifying.

Only the Demon Lord could come up with such a vicious strategy.

Old Taoist, what do you think of my plan? As long as you can do it, no matter how hard the warrior dies, no matter how much the princes and kings dote on him, they will never tolerate him. Cui Yu turned around and saw Master Nanhua. Yu Shoucheng was dumbfounded and looked at Cui Yu blankly, a little dumbfounded, marveling at Cui Yu's viciousness.

What kind of person could come up with such a vicious plan?

What's wrong? Aren't you satisfied with this plan? Cui Yu saw the two people stunned and said with some dissatisfaction: As long as you follow this idea, if any princes and kings can tolerate their own hats, You just continue to use it, throw the concubines, daughters-in-law, daughters-in-law, and grandson-in-laws of the princes and kings on the bed, and then build momentum among the people. Don't worry if the princes and kings don't kill him. If you don't destroy his nine tribes, it will be considered a mercy.

That's enough! That's enough! I'm very satisfied with this plan! Very satisfied! Quite satisfied! Master Nan Hua looked at Cui Yu and was simply amazed.

Cui Yu waved his hands to the two of them: As long as you are satisfied with this plan, I originally wanted to deal with the Mi family, but after thinking about it, I was afraid of hurting Xiang Caizhu, so I had to give it up and give you an advantage.

Cui Yu waved goodbye and left: As long as you are satisfied, I will contact you if you have any questions.

Cui Yu! Seeing Cui Yu about to leave, the old Taoist priest quickly greeted him.

What's wrong? Is there anything else? Cui Yu asked.

I'll follow you to the village. You are the foundation of the Demon Lord. Now that you don't have Yu to supervise you, where will you come back to listen to the scriptures? Master Nanhua said to Shoucheng on the side: Go, pack your things quickly, let's go Live in the village and be your neighbor.

Master Nan Hua was really frightened by Cui Yu!

It’s not an ordinary fear!

Although he liked such a vicious idea, he thought about what he would do if someone used this idea on him one day.

what to do?

Master Nanhua wanted to purify the evil thoughts in Cui Yu's heart. He felt that the evil thoughts in Cui Yu's heart were getting deeper and deeper and needed his own purification.

And regarding Taiping Road, he felt that he could ask Cui Yu some questions.

You also need help raising pigs, right? I'll raise pigs for you! Master Nan Hua followed Cui Yu.

Cui Yu glanced at Master Nanhua. This old Taoist priest kept talking all day long, but it would be good if he was willing to feed his pigs and collect pig grass for him.

Cui Yu is now wary of the weird power in this world. He has no choice but to eat food that is shaped by weird power.

The three of them happily went down the mountain and arrived at Cui Yu's house.

The old house of Cui Yu's family has experienced disasters many times. It was first burned down by fire, and then invaded and turned into dust by the power of time. Now the hastily built house is not enough.

The house needs to be expanded. Cui Yu looked at the somewhat small house and nagged to the old Taoist priest and Shoucheng: By the way, when will my eldest brother go to the wilderness?

He? He hasn't practiced Kung Fu yet, it will take another three to five months. Master Nan Hua said.

Really? Cui Yu said in surprise.

The wilderness is not that simple. If you go there rashly, you will only risk your life.

Daliang is too chaotic. I don't know when it will cause trouble. I hope he can develop the ability to save his life as soon as possible. Staying here is useless for practice. It is better to get out of the quagmire and get rid of the cause and effect of this place as soon as possible. It can take as long as one year, or as short as three Months, he will definitely leave this place. Master Nanhua said with a smile.

Is Brother Yang about to leave me too?

Before I knew it, everyone around me had gone away.

Cui Yu sighed leisurely, his eyes full of regret: It's good that we each go our separate ways! That's good!

Adults are always on the road to saying goodbye.

Just separate

There will be a day to meet each other later, that will be good.

Cui Yu took off his clothes, spread his arms and began to prepare to expand the pig pen and expand his house.

He didn't know how long he could stay in Lijiacun, but he probably had an idea in his mind that he would not stay in Lijiacun for too long.

The time barrier of Lijia Village is his novice village. He will leave after he has finished masturbating the female slave and then kills Zhu Wuneng.

Cui Yu was building a pigsty, and Nanhua Lao Tao and Shoucheng were not idle, and they all came forward to help.

While digging at the soil on the ground, the shovel in Cui Yu's hand suddenly creaked, and then a jar was dug out of the ground.

Wisps of strange and strange power overflowed from the small jar. The strange power was very weak, but unprecedentedly unique. It seemed to be able to purify people's hearts and thoughts.

Then Cui Yu opened the jar, and there was a package inside, a blue package.

There is also a strange rune painted on the blue wrapper.

Cui Yu was stunned, then turned to look at the big and small Taoist priests who were carrying wood and leveling the land in the distance, and quietly put the two items into the Qiankun bag.

He could feel that this object was different from the weird objects he had encountered in the past.

The most important thing is that he has lived in the yard for such a long time without noticing the existence of strange power. This is very abnormal.

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