In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 144 Nanhua What should my apprentice do if he wants to clean up his sect?

Looking at the chaos in the city today, Cui Yu felt increasingly uncertain.

When the general trend sweeps over, it is like a rolling wave, and no one can stay away.

Is it really safe to hide in the mountains and forests?

The imperial court of the Great Zhou Dynasty was in chaos. When the earth veins and dragon energy in the deep mountains and old forests lost their suppression, countless wild beasts opened their wisdom and swallowed the moonlight. How many old demons lost the suppression of the Great Zhou ghosts and gods covenant and broke through the realm to cause trouble in the world?

Deep mountains and old forests are even more dangerous!

There are monsters and elves with wisdom everywhere.

When a country is about to perish, there must be monsters.

The accumulation of evil spirits will cause countless heretics to obtain the Dharma.

Cui Yu wants to help Yang Erlang shape his bloodline and make Yang Erlang a bloodline person, so that the two of them can stand firm in this troubled world.

Cui Yu followed Shoucheng all the way towards the back mountain. There is a waterfall in the back mountain, and no one knows who dug a rugged path.

The path is very clean, not to mention spotless, but there are few fallen leaves.

This road is called the road of inquiry. Shoucheng said from the front.

Cui Yu was puzzled.

Whenever I have a problem that I can't figure out, I will come here to dig steps to eliminate the demonic obstacles in my heart. Shoucheng said.

Cui Yu was stunned and looked at the mountainous area. There were probably tens of thousands of steps, which were more than the steps in Huangshan and Taishan in his previous life.

How long has the little Taoist Shoucheng been here?

And he is a Qi practitioner, not known for his strength, but this little Taoist has carved tens of thousands of steps?

This little Taoist priest...isn't he afraid that there is some evil in his heart? Cui Yu looked at the little Taoist priest with something in his eyes.

Sometimes I don't understand. We are all human beings. Why are their ancestors chosen by the gods? Why am I not as qualified as you fellow juniors? How come other people's decades of practice are worth my hundreds of years of practice. I I can’t figure out why!”

Shoucheng's whole body energy began to twist, and even the Wenxin Road under his feet seemed to come alive. Wisps of strange power distorted time and space, and the entire road's demonic energy surged into the sky, attracting the essence of the sun and moon from all directions in the world, seeming to destroy the world in all directions. He absorbed the vitality and perfected his destiny.

The entire road has turned into a magical dragon, which seems to be able to rise into the sky at any time.

Wisps of strange power spread towards Cui Yu, but before they could invade Cui Yu, he was already purified by the radiance of the divine blood.

Looking at the back of the little Taoist Shoucheng, Cui Yu looked at the steps at his feet. How could this be asking for his thoughts? It is clearly a path of inner demons.

He stepped forward and patted the little Taoist priest on the shoulder: Actually, you should think like this. You are the winner if you live to the end. Acting as a hero for a while is not a hero. As long as you live long enough and endure long enough, you will be the winner of countless lives. If the enemy dies, you will be the biggest winner. Then, wouldn’t it be nice to toast a glass of wine to the graves of heroes?”

Shoucheng, who was walking in front, couldn't help but be stunned, then turned to look at Cui Yu, with a look of astonishment in his eyes, and the demonic energy around him began to recede rapidly:

It makes sense! I think what you said is very reasonable. As long as you live long enough to kill everyone, then go to the grave and offer a glass of wine before killing his descendants. Wouldn’t it be nice to have him cut off his descendants?”

Shoucheng smiled, as if he was a bit dazed.

Cui Yu stepped around Shoucheng and continued climbing to higher places, leaving the little Taoist priest in a daze.

Between the mountains, a waterfall hangs high, and the sound of the waterfall from several miles away is like thunder.

Liangjie Mountain is an ancient mountain with countless water veins inside it.

Huangshan and Taishan even have waterfalls and water veins, not to mention that this place is countless times more majestic and vast than Mount Tai. .

Cui Yu saw Yang Erlang standing in front of the waterfall from a distance, his body twisted strangely in a certain arc, holding seals with both hands, and quietly standing in front of the waterfall to practice.

The sound of muscles and bones exploding was covered up by the waterfall, and Cui Yu looked a little weird.

What kind of skill is this? Cui Yu was surprised.

He could feel that there seemed to be a strange energy coming from all directions between heaven and earth, heading towards Yang Er

Lang gathered together and poured it into Yang Erlang's body.

He is practicing a technique from the ancient times, called The Little Sage Moving Mountain Technique. This technique draws on the power of the mountains. The stronger and thicker the mountain, the faster the training speed. But now there are famous mountains and rivers in the world. They are all occupied by strange and demon kings. If they want to seize the power of the mountains to practice, they will have to do it once. However, if this magical power can be practiced, it will be able to control the sky and the earth, carry mountains and chase the moon, and have all kinds of incredible powers. It can be called the supreme fighting method.

Cui Yu was stunned: Is there really the kind of power in the world that can carry mountains and chase the moon?

Can you lift a mountain? What is that power?

Cui Yu couldn't believe it.

The golden cudgel used by Sun Dasheng only weighed more than 10,000 kilograms.

Haha, I haven't seen it either. They are just legends. Shoucheng chuckled: If you had that kind of power, no one in the world would be named Zhou. No matter how many troops you have, if a mountain top hits you, you will be killed. Turn into ashes and disappear into smoke.”

Believe me, I'll be here later. I still have an hour to finish my practice. I haven't finished my homework yet, so I'm sorry! Shoucheng left, leaving Cui Yu to stay where he was, looking at Yang Erlang who was practicing in the distance with some confusion. Trance.

It seems that everyone around me is a genius, but I am an idiot.

Brother, why are you here? At this moment, a voice came to his ears, and Yang Erlang jumped up and landed in front of Cui Yu.

Now that the world has changed so much, I want to give my brother another blessing. Cui Yu smiled.

Give me good fortune? What good fortune? Your Five Elements Iron Smelting Hand is really useful. The Little Sage Moving Mountain Technique that assisted me is even more powerful. I will pass on the Little Sage Moving Mountain Technique to you. Yang Erlang He looked at Cui Yu with a smile.

No! You have your destiny. Besides, martial arts is just a supplement to me. I have the five elements to make iron. Cui Yu shook his head and refused.

He looked around, then lowered his voice and said, Brother, stretch your hand over.

Yang Erlang didn't understand what he meant, but he still stretched out his palm obediently.

Cui Yu took Yang Erlang's palm and was stunned: Brother actually has the power of blood in his body.

You can sense this? Yang Erlang was stunned.

The power of blood is the most hidden power in the world. If Yang Erlang hadn't used it, even Nan Hua Zhenren wouldn't be able to sense it.

Cui Yu looked at Yang Erlang and slowly retracted his palm: Brother, forget it if you have blood.

Yang Erlang looked curious at this time: What kind of destiny is related to blood?

Cui Yu shook his head and did not say anything. If one less person knew about the matter of shaping the bloodline, there would be less trouble.

Cui Yu talked to Yang Erlang for a while, then turned and walked down the mountain. Now Yang Erlang lives here in seclusion, working hard day and night, and rarely goes down the mountain.

Cui Yu walked all the way down the mountain and saw the old Taoist priest Nan Hua saying something to Yu in the distance. When he saw Cui Yu, his eyes suddenly lit up and he waved:

Cui Yu, you're here just in time. Come and persuade this silly boy.

What's wrong? Cui Yu walked over curiously.

Master. Yu called out with aggrieved face.

What's going on? Cui Yu touched Yu's head.

Yu's talent is really rare. I planned to recommend her to practice in the Yaochi lineage, but she refused to go, saying she couldn't do without you. Cui Yu, Yu's future is very bright. Immortality is not impossible. The future is bright. There is hope that he will become one of the top people in the world. You can't delay Yu's future because of the love between his children. Nan Hua looked at Cui Yu with sincere eyes: Yu's talent is unparalleled, and he is expected to become the best in the world. The first person ascends to the Dharma Realm and becomes an immortal existence. You cannot delay her future.

Yu Sheng is the master's person, and death is the master's ghost. I will serve the master day and night, and I will never leave the master. Yu's voice was firm.

Is the Yaochi Dao Meridian famous? Cui Yu ignored Yu's words and asked curiously.

If the qi-training meridian in the world is ranked, the Yaochi Dao meridian must be in the top three. Nanhua Zhenren said: The qi-training meridian in the world is divided into fifteen meridians. These fifteen meridians hold the ox's ears and serve as the basis for the world.

The leader of Qi practitioners. The Yaochi Dao Meridian is said to have existed since ancient times. It is the Dao lineage left by the Queen Mother. There is a method for refining the elixir of immortality in the sect. You think it is powerful or not.

Speaking of this, Master Nan Hua proudly said: And it just so happens that I have a good relationship with the leader of the Yaochi Dao Meridian, so I can arrange for Yu to join him. In the future, he can seek immortality and inherit my mantle.

There is such a wonderful place in the world, of course I should go. Cui Yu looked at Yu.

I won't go. I want to be with my master and never be separated for the rest of my life. Yu held Cui Yu's arm and looked at him stubbornly.

Listen, now the chaos in the world has been revealed. Taiping Dao is going to bring disaster to Kyushu and bring disaster to our country. We want to live happily together forever. How can we do it without the strength to protect us? Cui Yu comforted Yu : Without strength, you are just a fool in this troubled world. How can you control your own destiny? If you can practice the method of growth, how can we worry about not having time to stay together in the future?

Yu Wenyan said bitterly: Taiping Dao is really a scum that brings disaster to the country and the people, especially that old immortal, and he is not a good thing. He harbors evil intentions and brings harm to the world, and he should be cut into pieces. When I master my skills in the future, I must kill this person. Kill all the scum that brought disaster to the country and the people! Especially that old immortal, I must cut him into pieces with a thousand swords.

Cough cough cough... Master Nanhua coughed violently and suddenly felt a little panicked.


My apprentice wants to kill me, what should I do?

If I announce the name of the master one day, will the disciple clean up the sect directly?

Is my apprentice going to leave the master's school?

After my apprentice left the profession, the first thing he did was to clean up the family? Kill me, the black sheep of the master?

My apprentice is a filial son.

In an instant, countless titles flashed through Master Nanhua's mind, and then he shuddered and secretly made up his mind: No, I can't let my disciples know my identity! I must hold on! I must hold on!

Taoist Priest, are you okay? Cui Yu couldn't help but ask as he watched Master Nanhua cough violently.

No! It's okay! I just heard that Taiping Road was going to bring trouble to the world, and I couldn't help but be shocked. Master Nanhua said.

In order to protect myself, I can only resort to self-destruction.

Cui Yu sneered when he heard this: Isn't it just a wish to make Taiping Road a reality? It's simply wishful thinking.

What? Taiping Dao believers are all over the world now. As long as the old immortal raises his arms and shouts, hundreds of millions of believers in the world will gather and follow. Do you think Taiping Dao can't become a climate? Master Nanhua saw Cui Yudao's sneer and disdain. His expression was full of curiosity.

Taiping Dao is his hard work. He has developed Taiping Dao to what it is now, and he has sacrificed too much. It can be said that Taiping Dao is the foundation of his enlightenment and the pride of Nanhua Lao Immortal.

Now that Taiping Dao claims to be the most powerful force in the world, who can say anything against it?

But here in Cui Yu, why are you so dismissive?

He actually looks down on Taipingdao and his own hard work. Why?

Master Nan Hua was a little unhappy. His most proud work was actually looked down upon by others. It can be said that creating the Taiping Road to overthrow the Zhou Dynasty and open up a way for the people of the world was his lifelong dream. How could he be so dismissive of Cui Yu? Did you care?

Now Cui Yu actually despises his Taiping Dao, as if his own child was offended by the other party, and Master Nanhua is very unhappy.

It won't work out. Cui Yu nodded. Isn't it possible? Master Nanhua stared at Cui Yu and began to argue subconsciously: Master Nanhua is known as the strongest person in the world. Except for that old bastard, he has never lost to anyone in the world. He has thirty-six disciples. , are all top-notch experts in the world. Nowadays, there are so many masters of Taiping Dao, gathering masters from all directions for their own use. As long as the old immortal raises his arms, the entire Zhou Dynasty will respond immediately and overthrow the Emperor of Zhou in a matter of days.

Shoucheng also took over the words from the side: Yes, Cui Xinshi, you don't know how powerful Taiping Dao is now. Taiping Dao has attracted 80% of the gentry, 60% of the princes and 30% of the scholar-bureaucrats in the world. There are even more practitioners in the world. Spirit warriors and ghosts and gods come to their aid

, such a behemoth, even the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty cannot match it. It is not difficult to overthrow the Emperor of Zhou, so why can't it be achieved?

You old Taoist priests and young Taoist priests only know how to practice. Which one has truly understood power? Which one has truly mastered power? Cui Yu argued: Controlling a sect is different from controlling the world.

As for why I say that Taiping Dao cannot create a climate... Cui Yu said with a smile: To me, Taiping Dao is just a sieve, full of flaws, and it cannot create a climate at all.

What about? Shoucheng asked.

For example, let me tell you the simplest and most deadly thing. Once there is an incident in Taiping Dao, can Taiping Dao have a large army? Cui Yu asked.

What is this? There are hundreds of millions of Taiping Dao believers, and they can pull out an army of hundreds of millions at any time. Besides, when the armies of those noble families gather together, they number in the hundreds of millions. How can the old immortal fail to test such a simple question? Arrived? Master Nanhua said with a smile, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief. He thought it was some kind of flaw.

That's it? That's it? Is this considered a flaw?

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