Brother, we are hunting pigweed again. Come and help me! A shout came from the jungle in the distance, and Yang Erlang's figure appeared in the jungle.

Yang Erlang looked at the boy who was beating the pigweed, and couldn't help but sigh to himself: Ancestor Zhu Wuneng has been unlucky for eight lifetimes. He is really unlucky. He has done too many evil things, and only then did he meet a disaster star like my little brother!

What? Did you hunt down the big guy? Cui Yu suddenly became interested.

A ferocious tiger! Your favorite tiger whip wine is available this time. Yang Erlang said.

Good guy, you actually hunted a tiger. It's really amazing. This time you will become a famous tiger hunting hero in the Hezhou Guard. Cui Yu started to get excited.

It's not like the hunting method you taught me last time was so effective. I was able to capture the tiger this time, thanks to the method you taught me. Yang Erlang said enthusiastically.

The two of them climbed mountains and ridges all the way, but Cui Yu didn't even notice that they had left the territory of Dazhou without knowing it.

Climbing several mountains along the way, when we reach the top of the mountain, the endless Tatar plain appears in front of us.

Standing on the top of the mountain, facing the cold and strong wind, Cui Yu walked out of the Tatar border outside the Liangjie Mountain for the first time. The moment he stepped out of the Liangjie Mountain boundary, he suddenly felt that the world in front of him had changed, and it was inexplicably different. An aura of desolation.

Before he could speak, his mind suddenly froze and he lost consciousness.

Yang Erlang stretched out his palm and caught the limp Cui Yu. At this time, a big tree twisted and turned into a Bodhisattva.

Looking at Cui Yu, the Bodhisattva couldn't help but exclaimed: Hey, I missed him. He turned out to be a man of Taoism. His martial arts cultivation is quite advanced.

Bodhisattvas cherish their talents, why not bring them into Buddhism? Yang Erlang's heart moved.

It's difficult! It's difficult! It's difficult! He doesn't look like a person who fears ghosts and gods. How difficult is it to overcome it? The Bodhisattva shook his head.

Although it's a bit difficult, transforming an immortal is also a blessing. Yang Erlang said.

The Bodhisattva was a little moved.

He looked at Cui Yu carefully, and then said with a smile: We will see if he is a good person in the future. If he is good luck, I will bear the cause and effect for him. If he is not good luck, it is not easy to force him.

Let's do it. Yang Erlang changed the subject.

The Bodhisattva stretched out his palm, made a hand and recited a mantra, and a ray of colored golden light accompanied by a stream of black smoke flew out of Cui Yu's body.

Looking at the black light, the Bodhisattva was speechless: I really don't know how that person accepted such a disciple...

But he saw that black energy was lingering in the black light, and there was a figure inside, who was struggling and roaring with filial piety and evil energy.

But he doesn't cultivate his mind. He will be in trouble if he enters Buddhism in the future. The Bodhisattva frowned. .

What can this guy do if he doesn't cultivate his mind? In the past, when the Buddha attained enlightenment, there was still a calamity of demons to come. What's more, before this guy became enlightened, he committed endless killings, and I don't know how much karma he was contaminated with. He is lucky, and the golden lotus of merit can help him overcome it. He has passed the calamity, but the obsession in his heart cannot be resolved. I don’t know how many chickens and dogs will be stirred up when he is resurrected. Yang Erlang began to test the Bodhisattva.

After he is resurrected, I will temporarily take him with me and strictly restrain him for a period of time. I will teach him the Dharma and cleanse him of evil spirits. The Bodhisattva waved his hand, and a golden lotus appeared in the sky.

I saw the golden lotus chanting Zen music, the holy light flowing, and the sound of chanting scriptures constantly flowing. It seems that thousands of people chanting Buddhist sutras can purify all suffering.

The Seventh Grade Golden Lotus, Buddhism is so generous. Yang Erlang exclaimed in amazement.

As far as he knew, the Buddha of Buddhism sat on a ninth-grade lotus platform, and then there were the four great Bodhisattvas, all of whom sat on an eighth-grade lotus platform. Even Maitreya Buddha is only an eighth-grade lotus platform. In the past, the third prince returned flesh and blood to his father and cut off his bones to return his mother, but they were nothing more than a thousand-year-old Yimu Green Lotus.

No one without a seventh-grade lotus platform can bear the fruits of his lifetime. The Bodhisattva stuffed Zhu Wuneng's soul into the lotus platform and looked at the Two Realms Mountain with his eyes: I still need to find a home.

A pair of eyes turned and saw a group of wild boars in the mountains. Then with a wave of his hand, the lotus cut through the void and fell into the body of an old sow.

This? Yang Erlang couldn't help being stunned when he saw this scene, and then his eyes changed when he looked at the Bodhisattva.

This is what the Buddha meant. The Buddha once said that this is his destiny and cannot be changed without authorization. The Bodhisattva said without blushing and without a beating heart.

Yang Erlang was speechless and picked up Cui Yu: In that case, I will leave Zhu Wuneng to the Bodhisattva.

As he spoke, Cui Yu was carried away and left, leaving the Bodhisattva standing in the mountain and sighing: It's a pity that he has lost his bones, but I don't know if he has such good fortune.

Let me help Zhu Wuneng escape from the disaster first. After the Bodhisattva finished speaking, the man had gone away.

The Golden Lotus of the Seventh Grade Merit can nurture its soul, reshape its bones, and purify its Buddha nature.

Zhu Wuneng was a blessing in disguise. He got a seventh-grade golden lotus for nothing. In the future, his aura will not be related to my Western religion. Both will be harmed and both will be harmed. Even if the one above him is reluctant, there is nothing he can do. The corner of the Bodhisattva's mouth raised. I got the above one. With that help, all the voices within my Buddhist sect will be suppressed, and by then I will be the only Buddha in the Great Thunder Sound Temple in the West.

The Bodhisattva walked slowly into the mountain and saw that the wild boar's fetal water had broken and there were already signs of giving birth.

The old sow was surrounded by Buddha's light, and there were golden lotuses in full bloom. The old sow was helped by the golden lotus, but within the time of a stick of incense, the twelve cubs had already fallen down.

The Bodhisattva turned his Dharma eyes and raised his hand. One of the piglets was picked up by the hind legs. The sound shook the three thousand worlds like thunder: Zhu Wuneng, you have obtained the power of the seventh-grade golden lotus, and you will have a mouthful of innate vitality that has not been dissipated in the next life. If it doesn’t work, how long will it take?”

As the words fell, the little pig's body was surrounded by Buddha's light, and a golden lotus appeared under the fur on his back. The lotus turned into a condensed light, and turned into a seven-level lotus platform under the little pig's body. The little pig kneaded the pig's trotters on the lotus platform. , start to operate mana.

As the piglet swallows and puffs, it draws in the infinite essence of the sun and moon to calcine the embryo.

Three hours later, the lotus platform dispersed and the little pig woke up. He kowtowed to the Bodhisattva and murmured: Old Zhu, thank you Bodhisattva for saving me. But Bodhisattva, since you saved me from the sea of ​​suffering, why don't you give me a baby? Are you asking me to throw myself into a pig fetus again?

Looking at Zhu Wuneng, who was so naive but full of resentment in his words, the Bodhisattva couldn't help laughing: You can't blame me. It's your destiny to be reincarnated into a pig. Since you have received the embryo of the ancient canopy, you can't become a saint in the human body unless you are a pig fetus. turned into an ancient canopy.

Come on! Come on! Come on! So what if I throw myself into a pig fetus? It's better to be whole than to be cut into pieces. At this point, Zhu Wuneng gritted his teeth angrily and turned pale:

I, Lao Zhu, have never suffered such a big loss! I must peel off that kid's cramps and castrate him a hundred times before I can relieve the hatred in my heart.

Bodhisattva, wait for me to kill that mortal man later, and then I will come back and say thank you to Bodhisattva. Zhu Wuneng became more and more angry as he spoke, and he threw his legs away and was about to rush towards Liangjie Mountain.

Hold on! You have only recovered some magic power now. You have three hundred kilograms of strength. Aren't you afraid of being caught by the people in the village and drinking wine? You can cultivate in the mountains of these two realms and join me in studying Buddhism and restoring your soul. Bodhisattva dwells in Zhu Wuneng.

in small village




The snoring shook the world. Yang Erlang carried the sleeping Cui Yu and walked back, listening to Cui Yu's snoring, and couldn't help but shake his head. Then he carefully placed the other party on the bed. Seeing Cui Yu sleeping like a dead pig on the bed, he couldn't help but shake his head: Bodhisattva's sleepyhead is really powerful. My little brother has always been alert, but this time he didn't even react. It's just that Zhu Wu can I have been blessed by Buddhism and fell into the Bodhisattva's scheme. There must be various variables involved, and I don't know whether they are good or bad. I just hope that Zhu Wu can be more sensible, otherwise I will not be blamed! No one can hurt me! Even if I try my best to be wonderful and good. The scholar is furious, I will kill Zhu Wuneng too!

After looking at Cui Yu again, Yang Erlang carefully closed the doors and windows and walked all the way to the stone bridge at the head of the village. He looked at the bronze mirror hanging under the stone bridge with a burning look in his eyes.

Kunlun Mirror! Yang Erlang took a deep breath and continued walking into the distance with long strides: Mom, don't worry! My child will save you soon. The Kunlun Mirror can't lock you in! Neither can Kunlun. I can’t hold you in! Even the eighteen levels of hell in Da Zhou can’t hold you in!”

When Cui Yu woke up, Yu was practicing his sword under the light. Yu's sword was very slow, but it seemed to contain a lot of power.

A unique pattern. When Cui Yu woke up from his deep sleep, he had another dream. He dreamed that he was being chased by a pig and he insisted on paying for it with his life.

Cui Yu sat up and said, That's strange. Didn't I catch tigers with Yang Erlang? Why did I sleep here as soon as I woke up?

The roar of the old sow could be heard in the yard, and she was squealing when she was hungry. Cui Yu didn't have time to think too much. He hurriedly got up and walked quickly towards the door. He picked up the pigweed in the yard and threw it into the pigpen.

I said Yu, the old sow is so hungry, and you don't know how to feed the pigs for me. Cui Yu couldn't help complaining as he looked at Yu practicing his sword under the moonlight.

It's my fault that you still talk about being affectionate. Yu's voice was full of grievance: I didn't know the old sow was hungry. I thought she missed you since she couldn't see you.


Cui Yu was speechless when he heard the words. Looking at Mr. Yu, he felt that this girl was swearing, but there was no evidence.

Looking at the old sow that was eating deliciously, Cui Yu showed a smile of relief, and then a look of worry: Erlang went to the mountains to hunt tigers, and I don't know what happened. Why did I suddenly sleep at home?

Cui Yu was a little worried, looked at the sky, picked up his backpack and walked out the door.

What are you going to do? Yu flicked his wrist, sheathed his sword in an instant, and asked Cui Yu.

Where has the elder brother gone? I went into the mountains with him and somehow fell asleep and returned home. Where has the elder brother gone? Cui Yu asked.

Brother has come back a long time ago and went to study martial arts with his master. Yu pouted.

Cui Yu put down his backpack when he heard this: That's good!

Then he sat in the yard and started reading.

Through the help of pinyin and Chinese characters, Cui Yu finally recognized all the characters in this world, but his writing was messy.

By the way, why haven't you seen Xin Yuan recently? Cui Yu reviewed his homework under the lamp for a while, and suddenly felt that he hadn't seen Wish Wish for a while.

You finally remembered me. Cui Yu just finished speaking. The soil under his feet turned up, and the monkey crawled out of the stone cutely.

Good fortune! Great good fortune! Xin Yuan sat in front of Cui Yu with a look on his face, his eyes full of pride: Cui Yu, I have done a big thing! A huge thing! I solved it for you A pet peeve.

Xin Yuan sat on the ground, and a face appeared on the stone body, with an expression that said please praise me, come and praise me.

Looking at the triumphant Xin Yuan, Cui Yu couldn't help but feel his heart tremble, and a bad premonition emerged in his heart. Xin Yuan is just worried that the world will not be in chaos. If he doesn't do bad things, that's good. Can he also do good things?

What did you do? Cui Yu asked.

Then Zhu Wuneng fell into my scheme. I aroused Zhu Wuneng's inner demons. I enlightened his mind and made him my younger brother! said the mind proudly:

If you go out and stimulate him, if you have the opportunity to give him some colors to taste in front of him, you can hatch out his inner ape.

F*ck! Cui Yujing's hair stood up: What are you talking about? Did you enlighten Zhu Wuneng's inner demon? Zhu Wuneng's inner demon is going to turn into a mental ape? Then where is the ancestor Zhu Wuneng?

Cui Yu still doesn't know that the person he roasted was Zhu Wuneng.

Xin Yuan rolled his big eyes and stared at Cui Yu. Why was this guy's expression different from what he expected?

Shouldn't it be a look of ecstasy?

How could it be this expression?

It seems like something is wrong again!

The next moment, the monkey turned into yellow smoke and went underground, turned around and walked away without stopping, disappearing completely in the blink of an eye.

Don't leave, please speak clearly! Cui Yu wanted to catch Xin Yuan, but Xin Yuan jumped directly into the ground and disappeared.

I'll go! This bitch never stops for a day. I knew it would never stop. He actually found the whereabouts of Zhu Wuneng, and he didn't know where Zhu Wuneng was? Cui Yu was a little anxious.

That's a mental monkey!

He doesn't have the materials to continue refining the Tightening Curse now.

It’s difficult!

It’s not that difficult!

Brother. Yu came to Cui Yu with some worry: I think there is something wrong with you, you are such a monstrous person.

Not only is something wrong, it's simply too wrong. Cui Yudi muttered.

However, he thought that he had a tight spell, so he was not afraid of losing control of his mind. He is now afraid that Xin Yuan will dig a hole for him, and then he will be in real trouble.

Don't make trouble! Don't make trouble! Peaceful days are extremely hard to come by, so don't make trouble! Cui Yu was a little flustered.

The water in this world is too deep, and he is afraid that Xin Yuan will not be able to grasp it.

All kinds of incredible powers and incredible things are simply beyond Cui Yu's imagination.

For example, there are countless clones of Tang Zhou. If you don’t know the details of each other in advance, can you control them?

You never thought of it!

When the other party secretly gives you a moment, you don't even know how to die.

Isn’t it true that my true water has no phase and goes against heaven?

There are more weird things in this world than you are!

Cui Yu stretched out his hand and flicked the light in front of him: Especially since I took the Golden Elixir of All Tribulations, what I hope most now is to survive.

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