
Where there is snow, there is Bai Yujing.

No one knows where Bai Yujing is, nor why Bai Yujing appears in the snow. They only know that there are six powerful people walking outside Bai Yujing, arranged in alphabetical order, namely Fu, Sheng, Wu, Liang, God, respect”.

Bai Yutian ranked fifth, which means Bai Yutian ranked fifth in Jingzhong.

Wherever there is snow, that is Bai Yujing’s territory.

The heavy snow covered the sky, like steel knives, and the clothes on Zhu Wuneng's body were ripped open. Under Zhu Wuneng's skin, black bristles were grown, like the bristles of an old wild boar, in the wind and snow. It keeps flying in the air, making a steely sound when it collides with the snowflakes, and sparks fly out, like masters constantly fighting.

The snowflakes in the sky seemed to have a spiritual consciousness. When they got close to Gao Dasheng, they turned into ordinary snowflakes. But when they fell on the body of Ancestor Zhu Wuneng, they turned into steel knives weighing a thousand kilograms.

A knife from heaven!

The sky is really going to strike!

Wherever there is snow, there is Baiyujing. Wherever there is Baiyujing, even heaven and earth must bow. Ancestor, I learned the lesson today. Zhu Wuneng looked at the manes that were cut off one by one, and his childish eyes couldn't help but shrink. .

The laws of heaven and earth have changed!

The entire law of heaven and earth was distorted by a strange force and tampered with by another force.

I must take the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations. Bai Yutian looked at Zhu Wuneng and said, I hope that my ancestor will do it conveniently, and I, the Yujing Mountain Tract, will be able to give you a great gift in the future.

Is the great gift you gave me comparable to the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations? Zhu Wuneng asked.

Bai Yujing was silent.

We have heard that Bai Yujing is very clever. He has been in charge of the world's Taoism for thousands of years and is the leader of the world's Taoism. If it weren't for the rise of that old bastard from Zhenwu Temple, Bai Yujing would still be the leader of Qi Refining. Today, he is about to learn about Bai Yujing's Taoism. A brilliant move. Zhu Wuneng said with a smile.

Since my ancestor mentioned the old bastard that everyone hated in Zhenwu Temple, he should know the importance of this golden elixir of all calamities. Except for me, the great leader of Bai Yujing's lineage, no one in the world can compete with that old bastard. .So the leader of my family cannot die! Bai Yutian was dressed in white and seemed to blend in with the heavy snow in the sky.

For the sake of the world, please give me this golden elixir of all calamities, ancestor. Bai Yutian said modest and polite words, but his movements and expressions did not change.

Polite words are really just polite words.

If your Bai Yufu shouldn't die, shouldn't I die? Zhu Wuneng asked.

Bai Yutian was speechless. He just stretched out his hands and made a gesture of invitation: If the ancestor can defeat me, Bai Yujing's lineage will no longer interfere with the matter of the Ten Thousand Tribulation Golden Pill. The Ten Thousand Tribulation Golden Pill will be given to me. .”

Haha, you are confident, but you don't know how powerful my canopy has become. My canopy can control all water in the world. Your snowflake is made of one yuan of heavy water, but it is also under my control! Zhu Wuneng stretched out his palm! , a rake grows from small to large and appears in the hand.

How about a rake?

The huge teeth are made like dragon claws, and the fine gold makeup looks like a python. If you encounter an enemy, the cold wind will blow, but if you encounter a stalemate, the flames will grow.

He can eliminate monsters with the elders and catch goblins on the road to the sky. The rotating smoke and clouds cover the sun and moon, making the rosy clouds shine clearly.

Thousands of tigers are afraid of building Taishan, and thousands of dragons are frightened by overturning the sea. Forgive me that Wei Ling has the means to build nine holes!

As soon as it was raked down, time and space seemed to stand still, and the white snow in the sky spread out and exploded in all directions.

Impossible! You have only lived three hundred years old and have accumulated a total of two hundred years of Taoism. How can you drive the Baoqin Golden Rake? Bai Yutian suddenly changed his color.

Masters compete with each other, and the difference is just a hair's breadth.

Bai Yutian was in charge, and when he saw Zhu Wuneng actually offering the Shangbaoqin Golden Rake, he couldn't help but change his color in shock. If he tried to fight back again, he would have lost the first move.


Bai Yujing's whole body exploded, no blood splattered, and his whole body was like a snowman, turning into heavy snow.

What you don't know is that our Tianpeng lineage in Laoshan has been passed down from generation to generation, and the Tianpeng Transformation is not a skill at all, but a real ancient canopy. The ancestors of the Tianpeng lineage in the past dynasties were just suppressing


The will of Tianpeng refines the soul of Tianpeng. By my generation, all the will of the canopy happened to be washed away, and I completely controlled the canopy embryo, turning into a clone of the canopy to roam the world. Therefore, even though I only have 200 years of Taoism, I will beat the shit out of those thousand-year-old guys if I take action. Zhu Wuneng stood in the heavy snow with a rake in hand, laughing wildly.

This is the Laoshan Taoist tradition, which is passed down from generation to generation by master and disciple. What is passed down is not only the transformation of the sky, but also the true embryo of the sky.

The Shangbaoqin Golden Rake was transformed into the teeth of Tianpeng, and it was no ordinary treasure at all.

Those Taoist traditions passed down from ancient times, which one has no means to suppress the bottom line?

Just like the Laoshan Tianpeng lineage, as long as the Tianpeng embryo exists, no one can cut off this lineage.

The canopy embryo is a living thing, not a dead thing.

He is really difficult to deal with. His skin is rough and his flesh is as thick as a diamond's body.

Heavy snow gathered in the sky, and countless snowflakes gathered crazily towards a certain point, forming a white jade sky in a snap.

The complete and living Bai Yutian.

There was no injury at all, just standing quietly in the heavy snow.

The legend is actually true. Where there is heavy snow, Bai Yujing will never die. Zhu Wuneng looked at Bai Yutian, and his eyes began to shrink involuntarily:

What method are you using?

Field. Bai Yutian said with a smile.

Damn it! It is said that Bai Yujing obtained fragments of the ancient immortal way and formed a realm independent of heaven and earth. Unexpectedly, the legend is actually true! Every descendant of Bai Yujing has a small world with him. Zhu Wuneng wanted to curse.

Our own Taikoo Canopy embryo is already perverted enough, but compared with Bai Yujing who has his own small world, it seems to be a little bit behind.

It is said that there were three eras in ancient times. The first was the Shinto era of Shinto rule, also known as Shentian. The second is the Immortal Era when Immortals rule, which is the Heaven of Immortals. The third one is the Era of Heaven.

Damn it, you are really difficult to deal with. If you can't break Bai Yujing's domain, Bai Yujing will be immortal. Heaven and earth are self-contained, and Bai Yujing is the sky. How to fight? Zhu Wuneng held the rake and looked at Bai Yutian's The body was looking up and down, as if thinking about where to start.

Come on, I won't believe it anymore. Even if the heaven and earth have an end, and there are five calamities of decline, I don't believe that your small field has no flaws. Zhu Wuneng picked up the rake, swung it again, and hit the white jade sky.

Bai Yutian shook his head, pulled out a sword from his waist, took one step to avoid the power of the rake, then continued to step, and then stabbed Zhu Wuneng in the throat with the sword.

As Bai Yutian stabbed out with his sword, the wind and snow in the sky gathered crazily on the tip of Bai Yutian's sword. In an instant, Bai Yutian's sword extended three meters and stabbed Zhu Wuneng in the heart.


Sparks flew everywhere, a few strands of fur flew in the air, and the sword pierced Zhu Wuneng's heart, but it did not break Zhu Wuneng's golden body.

Man said that after the golden body was broken, only two or three hairs fell out.

Damn it, I hate rough-skinned guys like this the most. Bai Yutian's eyelids twitched, and he had the urge to curse.

Mages are most afraid of warriors with stacked armor.

Can't beat it!

This is really unbeatable!

You can't even break through the opponent's armor, how can you fight?

Zhu Wuneng looked down at his heart, then looked at the sword, stretched out his hand and poked the tip of the sword.

It's a real sword. Zhu Wuneng took a breath: It's really insidious. Wouldn't someone else be dead right now?


Zhu Wuneng said nothing, picked up the rake and hit Bai Yutian.

Bai Yutian's head was as big as a bucket at this time. He couldn't even break through Zhu Wuneng's defense, so how could he fight?

Ice all things! Cold air filled Bai Yutian's domain, and Zhu Wuneng's movements slowed down, trying to use the cold air to freeze Zhu Wuneng.

Zhu Wuneng shook his head: After all, cold air is also an evolution of water. As long as it is water, it cannot escape my control.


Zhu Wuneng's eyes glowed with white light, and the cold air rolled back from the sky, freezing the white jade sky in an instant.

Then Zhu Wuneng smashed Bai Yutian's body with a rake. This time Zhu Wuneng learned the lesson and took off his robe directly, trying to put Bai Yutian's head on it.

Without your head, let's see how you can come back to life. Zhu Wuneng was a little disbelieving.

But as soon as his palm touched Bai Yutian's head, he saw that Bai Yutian's head was vaporized and turned into a cold air that dissipated between the heaven and the earth. Then the white snow in the sky reorganized again and turned into Bai Yutian's body.

Ancestor, give up! No one can defeat me in this domain. Unless someone breaks this world, I will be immortal. Bai Yutian shook his head:

I, Bai Yujing, am deeply grateful for giving up the golden elixir of all calamities. I will definitely help my ancestor find a way to survive the calamity in the future.

You fart, if Bai Yujing has a way to survive the catastrophe, why are you still robbing the golden elixir of all calamities? Zhu Wuneng cursed loudly and waved the rake in his hand. The next moment, the ice and snow in the field were reversed and turned into water flow, blessing Zhu Wuneng. On the body, another pile of flowers came out.

This blow actually shook the general trend in the domain, causing the laws of heaven and earth in the domain to tremble with the swing of Zhu Wuneng's rake.

Bai Yutian's complexion changed greatly: This pig's hair is so powerful. This is pure power, pure to the extreme.

Suppress it! Bai Yutian's expression changed drastically, and he quickly mobilized the power of the domain, borrowing the power of heaven and earth from hundreds of miles away, to bless the domain, and then stretched out a palm, Fa Tian Xiang Earth suppressed Zhu Wuneng.


At this moment, a bright light suddenly flashed on the horizon, and in an instant it came to the back of Bai Yutian's head, penetrated Bai Yutian's field, and hit the back of Bai Yutian's head.

Damn it, someone is attacking! Someone is attacking! This was Bai Yutian's first thought. Then the rake fell, and Bai Yutian's whole body collapsed. The heavy snow in the sky disappeared, and even Bai Yutian turned into cold air and disappeared between the sky and the earth. .

What about the golden bowl? Zhu Wuneng looked at the golden bowl in the sky with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The golden bowl turned into golden light and went away. Zhu Wuneng thought thoughtfully and raised his hand to salute: I wonder who is helping? Old Zhu is polite.

When he received no response, Zhu Wuneng did not delay, but looked at the Sanhe Gang protector Gao Dasheng aside.

But where is the shadow of Gao Dasheng at this time?

Where is the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations? Zhu Wuneng twitched his nose and began to wander around the canyon again.

far west

Ancestor, Bai Yujing's domain is so difficult, is there really no way to defeat it? The nun in white was confused.

The legal domain is an incomplete small world. The small world rests on the big world. How difficult is it to defeat a small world? The old monk shook his head:

Unless you can destroy the balance of heaven and earth, or cultivate an indestructible body like Zhu Wuneng, I'm afraid you will only die.

Whenever you meet Bai Yujing in the future, just stay away from him. It is said that Bai Yujing's great master wants to repair the complete ancient immortal way and bring the immortal way back to the world. If you meet that madman in the future, you should stay away from him. The old monk gave some instructions and then said:

My Yang Shen is about to go to Lingshan to attend a meeting to preach the Thunder Sound Dharma. Why don't we go with him?

What about Zhu Wuneng? The nun in white hesitated.

Without Bai Yujing, who is still his opponent? If you want to seize the golden elixir of all calamities, don't you just have the right hands? The old monk smiled and stroked his chin: Let's go together!

After speaking, his physical body breathed weakly, and a golden light left his body.

Seeing this, the nun in white could only clasp her hands together, and then left with a golden light.

Let’s talk about Quyu Mountain

Zhu Wuneng successively repelled the powerful men from all walks of life who came to look for the golden elixir of all calamities. He kept wandering in the canyon alone, but his heart gradually sank to the bottom.

Zhu Wuneng searched for two or three days in the mountains, and his heart gradually sank to the bottom: Damn it, where is the golden elixir of all calamities?

What about the golden elixir of all calamities?

Zhu Wuneng was a little panicked!

I have caused such a big fight, if I find someone


Without the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations, how would the Great Zhou Dynasty still have a place for itself in the future?

When the time comes, the people in the court will not let him go.

Just when Zhu Wuneng's heart was getting more and more panicked, suddenly a light flashed in the distance. The light ignored time and space, like the bright moon in the dark night, rising in the direction of Liangjie Mountain.

The Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations! The breath of the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations! I found you! How could the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations go to the Two Realms Mountain? Zhu Wuneng was stunned for a moment, but he didn't care about that much. He went straight to the Two Realms Mountains. Run.

His mind is now filled with the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations. He has offended Bai Yujing, the Imperial Court of Zhou Dynasty, and Dalin Temple. If he cannot find the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations, he may have no choice but to break into the depths of the Two Realms Mountain to find the continuation of immortality. It's a matter of fate.

Especially for the Zhou court, the Emperor of Zhou would not mind killing the Canopy embryo in his body to try it out.

But the light was fleeting, and by the time Zhu Wu could reach the two mountain realms, the energy of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Golden Pill had long since disappeared.

It must be in this area! It must be in this area! That old guy from Nan Hua must know where the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations is! Find Nan Hua! Zhu Wuneng's heart moved, and then he flew away without saying a word. When he reappeared, he had already arrived in Nan Hua. In front of the real hayloft.

Are you here? Master Nanhua is preparing straw dogs.

I had to come. Zhu Wuneng smiled bitterly.

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