In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 124 Who ate my golden elixir of all calamities


Mushini's whole body was about to burst when he heard this.

What are these three views?

Live your whole life just for one person?

Mushini can’t do it! She, Mushini, will never be able to do it in her life.

She, Mushini, will travel thousands of miles in this life, see the infinite world, live forever and live as long as heaven and earth. She, Mushini, will unify the Demon Sect and re-establish it.

In the words of my father: My Nini is someone who will do great things in the future.

How should I live if I only live for one person my entire life?

Mushini couldn't imagine it.

Mushini felt that it would be better to die if she only lived for one person in this life.

Listening to the little slave girl nagging in her ears to brainwash herself, describing the wonderful blueprint for the two of them to serve Cui Yu together in the future, Mushini felt her hair stand on end:

My dear mother, you can't live like this. This girl has been brainwashed too much.

I have to run! After working hard to recover my cultivation, I have to run quickly! I don't want the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations. It's not like I haven't eaten that thing before. Mushini gritted his teeth:

We can't stay here anymore.

When she thought about how many babies she would have in the future, Mushini felt like her head was getting big.

Now she just wants to run back and see how her Kun Yushan is doing. Her sudden disappearance must have an impact on Kun Yushan, and it is not a small impact.

However, he has been operating in Quyu Mountain for decades, and there are tens of thousands of troops in Quyu Mountain. It is simply a dream for the Sanhe Gang to attack.

Cui Yu was confused at this time: Why are we getting married?

Are you getting married? And his wife also has a loli who is thirteen or fourteen years old?

Cui Yu felt a little confused for a moment.

Walking into the room, Cui Yu looked at Mu Shini's little face wrinkled together, and Yu's face filled with a happy smile. Cui Yu wanted to laugh a little: Just getting married like this seems good, it seems good.

Raise your own loli by yourself.

Mushini looked at Cui Yu who walked in, and obediently brought him water for washing his feet. He secretly said with a grudge in his heart: I will wait for him for a few days, and when he lets down his guard, I will escape in secret.

Mushini lowered her eyebrows, as if she were a well-behaved little maid, stretched out her slender jade fingers to rub Cui Yu's feet, and cursed in her heart: Damn it, how dare you teach me to rub your feet, when my strength returns to its peak, I will take you back and make you the general manager, and you will warm my bed every day.

While washing Cui Yu's feet, Mushini cursed secretly.

Countless thoughts were circulating in Cui Yu's heart, thinking about the future.

That Shilong, why did you harm me? I have no enmity with Shilong. Our only relationship is with the Xiang family. Could it be that Shilong came here for the Xiang family? But the only thing I did was to save Xiang Caizhu. Cui Yu paused when he thought of this, and a look of clarity appeared in his eyes: I know! I know! If Shi Long is with those people, then there is enough reason to target me. But Shi Long is not Xiang Someone from home?

Thinking that Gao Dasheng gave him a slap for no reason and almost killed him, Cui Yu's eyes sparkled with wisdom.

Shilong! There must be something fishy about that rabbit-headed warrior. Cui Yu's eyes revealed a hint of evil.

After washing up, Cui Yu was not in a hurry to go to sleep. Instead, he sat on the bed and exercised, constantly beating his meridians to let them adapt to the power of the divine blood.

When the two breathing sounds in the room became calm, Cui Yu knew that the two women were asleep, so he opened the Qiankun bag, and then took out the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations from the Qiankun bag and looked at it:

How do you use this thing?

Cui Yu has never eaten such high-end stuff.

With a hint of thought in his eyes, Cui Yu stuck out his tongue and licked it: Something's wrong, this thing must not be eaten directly.

The golden elixir of all calamities is very cold!

It was like licking a piece of cold steel.

It's strange that this thing can be digested in the stomach. Cui Yu frowned, with a hint of contemplation in his eyes, and held the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations to look at it.

The Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations is very heavy, don’t


Look, this golden elixir is only the size of a pigeon egg, but it weighs dozens of kilograms in your hand.

How is it used? Cui Yu looked thoughtful: Does it require a specific primer to dissolve the medicinal properties?

Cui Yu looked at the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations, which looked like a luminous pearl in the dark night, emitting a dull luster.

Hey, something's wrong! Is your tongue so numb? Cui Yu was suddenly startled and felt his tongue was numb. The next moment, a torrent exploded at the tip of his tongue, and then Cui Yu felt as if his brain had been hit by a hammer. , the whole person fainted directly.

Cui Yu fainted, and Mu Shini, who was breathing steadily over there, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the golden light on the head of Cui Yu's bed, with a look of doubt in his eyes:

That shouldn't be the case. You've already established your foundation in the martial arts of gods and demons. Why don't you know how to use the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations?

The Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations can make a person live for thirty thousand years. What a powerful and incredible power it contains. How dare you lick it with your tongue! Mushini's eyes were bright, he rubbed his hands, and crept up from the bed. He got up and came to Cui Yu's bed:

But this also gives me an opportunity, Mushini! Good boy, I asked you why I can't feel the breath of the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations on your body. It turns out that you actually have such rare things as the Universe Bag.

Mushini climbed onto Cui Yu's bed, stretched out his hand to pinch Cui Yu's wrist, and then nodded: He licked it for a moment, causing the medicinal properties of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Golden Elixir to enter his body, and his body could withstand the huge vitality. I couldn't help it, and I fainted for a while.

The Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations is not an ordinary thing. Not to mention you, even those powerful people who have eliminated the fate of life and death would never dare to lick it directly with their mouths. Such a huge vitality increases the life potential. A little If you are not careful, it will cause the body organs to mutate and turn into essence. Mushini looked at the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations in Cui Yu's hand and stretched out his hand to grab the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations: And for those elders who have cultivated to the heaven and earth. As far as I'm concerned, even though we are thousands of miles away, the medicinal properties of your Golden Elixir are like the bright moon in the dark night. You can't take it out directly, otherwise those old guys will definitely come to your door.

Think about it, my arms and tongue have become sperm, and I have my own thoughts. I even want to take off your body and run out. I ask you if you are afraid?

A layer of white light appeared in Mushini's palm, covering the golden elixir of all calamities: Silly boy, I saved your life, otherwise those old guys would come to your door and insist on killing you.

You have established a foundation in the martial arts of gods and demons. Your life must be very precious, right? I will share half of the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations. Is that okay? Musini drooled as she stared at the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations:

To be honest, I don't like eating the Golden Elixir. It has no taste at all. It tastes like chewing steel. Moreover, I have already eaten the Golden Elixir once. My lifespan has reached the end and I can't add any more. , this golden elixir of ten thousand tribulations is ineffective for me. But... taking the golden elixir of ten thousand tribulations can help me regain my strength as soon as possible and help me escape from this fire pit in your house as soon as possible! You can't blame me, Mushini, just blame me if you want. I can only blame you, my mother. I, Mushini, want to become the immortal ancestor of the Demon Sect, how can I get married?

Mushini picked up the Golden Elixir and kept looking at it in front of his eyes: Good stuff! Good stuff!

Do you have any objection if you lend me a bite of your Ten Thousand Calamity Golden Pill? If you don't agree, just say something! Musini brought the Ten Thousand Tribulations Golden Pill to her mouth, then suddenly stopped and looked at the bed. Sleepy Cui Yu.

Don't say anything and I'll take it as your consent! Don't blame me then!

As he spoke, he brought it directly to his mouth, and the indestructible golden elixir of all calamities was actually chewed into a crescent moon by Musini's neat teeth.

About a fifth of it!

I only chewed one-fifth and left the rest to you, isn't it fun? Mushini proudly took the Golden Elixir and stuffed it into Cui Yu's Qiankun bag: I am the only one in the world who admires the elixir. Shi Ni can chew the golden elixir of all calamities, but a novice like you can't stand it after just one lick.

Mushini took one Golden Elixir, which made her body resistant to the drug. Taking another pill would only restore her strength.

Mushini chewed the Golden Elixir in his mouth and frowned: What the hell, it tastes too bad! It doesn't taste good at all! If it weren't for the purpose of recovering my strength, I, Mushini, would not be able to part with these teeth.


After saying this, Mushini took Cui Yu's Qiankun bag in his hand, looked at it carefully for a while and then said in surprise: This is not a human thing, this is a dragon treasure!

It's a good treasure, much more valuable than the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations. Mushini looked at it for a while, then reluctantly put it down. He got out of bed and took two steps, then came back and took the Qiankun Bag in his hand. After a while, he Shaking his head: It's a pity that it has been completely refined, otherwise I can borrow it for a few days. People in the world are not strict about trivial matters, and I, Mushini, always borrow things that I like. There is such a treasure in the Dragon Palace, and I have to go there if I have time. Let’s take a trip to the Dragon Clan.”

Countless thoughts flickered in Mushini's mind, and thousands of thoughts circulated. Finally, he put down the Qiankun bag reluctantly, and then looked at Cui Yu on the bed:

What the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations increases is the foundation of life. It is an evolution of life potential. No one can resist the process of increasing the evolution of life essence. It is normal to faint.

However, I have to give him a warning, otherwise, sooner or later, he will cause trouble. Mushini looked at Cui Yu, thought for a while, then made a mantra, then put his finger on Cui Yu's forehead, and then He turned around and returned to the bed, happily digesting the golden elixir of all calamities.

outside the house

Cui's mother looked at everything in the house through the gap in the window and took in Mushini's movements.

Then Cui’s mother laughed! The laughter was silent, but very happy!

Naturally, Cui's mother had already noticed the powerful aura of the Golden Elixir. Using the excuse of getting up late at night, she went all the way to Cui Yu's window and saw Cui Yu holding the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations and giggling in the dark night.

Cui's mother looked through the gap in the window and saw the golden elixir in Cui Yu's hand. She couldn't help but shrink back and almost uttered a sound in shock.

What did she see?

Golden elixir of all calamities!

The culprit who had smashed the heads of countless powerful people in the outside world and turned the entire Zhou Dynasty upside down actually fell into the hands of his own son.

The energy of the Golden Elixir must have leaked out just now. Cui's mother quickly took action, and a black smoke melted into the void, suppressing the energy of the Golden Elixir.

The Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations! As expected of my mother, he can snatch food from the mouths of countless powerful men. Cao Chun, who suppresses the secrets, is known as the wise fox and can know all the foxy tricks in the world. But facing my mother's son, he can't help but Still want to drink foot washing water? Cui's mother was a little proud. The only thing that worried her was that the energy of the previous Ten Thousand Tribulations Golden Pill was very likely to leak out.

Just when countless thoughts were flashing in Cui's mother's mind, Cui Yu suddenly saw Cui Yu in the room picking up the Golden Elixir and licking it. Cui's mother was shocked and thought: You shouldn't be! My son How can you be so stupid? Do you dare to lick the golden elixir of all calamities?

Then Cui's mother saw that Cui Yu's vitality had increased, and she fainted directly from the huge vitality, and she fell into a coma.

Cui's mother felt nervous and was about to get up to take a look when she suddenly saw Mu Shini getting up in the room.

Nini? Cui's mother looked at Mushini who was walking out of bed. She couldn't help but be stunned, and a trace of murderous intent circulated: Could it be that this girl knew the news about the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations, so she deliberately pretended to be pitiful to approach my son? Right? If she dares to do harm to my son, no wonder I, the mother-in-law, am so cruel.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Nini holding the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations in Cui Yu's hand. He couldn't tell what he was thinking, and then he stretched out his teeth and bit it down.

Seeing this scene, Cui's mother was relieved and sneered secretly in her heart: That is the golden elixir of all calamities, how can you bite it?

Even if it's just a lick, the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Calamities is not something you can bear. It will break you. Anyway, I'll teach you a lesson! Cui's mother didn't stop her.

But the next moment, a crisp kacha sound was heard in the room. Cui's mother was dumbfounded when she saw a gap in the golden elixir of all calamities.

The golden elixir of all calamities!

That is the golden elixir of all calamities!

Can it be opened with your mouth?

Cui's mother was about to get up, rush in and pluck out the golden elixir from Nini's mouth. No matter what the reason is, the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations cannot take advantage of outsiders. It's a pity that Mushini moved too quickly. Before he could make a move, the next moment


Mousini swallowed it with a crunch like chewing chicken.

What a huge loss! Damn it, I've always been the only one to take advantage of others, no one else can take advantage of me. This girl has to stay with me as my daughter-in-law. If she can run away, I'll cut off her head. , I won’t hang out in the world anymore!” The more Cui’s mother thought about it, the more she felt frustrated, and she gritted her teeth outside the window angrily.

That's a treasure that I smashed. You didn't show any respect to me, my little wife, but you just started talking about it. It's totally unreasonable! This is simply unreasonable!

The more Cui's mother thought about it, the angrier she became. She turned around and walked back to her house.

Walking into the house, looking at the sleeping Cui Laohu, Cui's mother sat on the bed and pouted angrily. Suddenly something occurred to her and her body trembled:

Something's wrong! Something's wrong! She took a bite of the golden elixir, but nothing happened? Didn't she pass out immediately? My son couldn't bear even one lick. How come she just took a bite and acted as if nothing happened?

Cui's mother noticed something was wrong. She sat on the bedside and racked her brains. Suddenly, an inspiration flashed in her mind: Unless she has eaten the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations and developed resistance to the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations. But the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations is so precious. Who in the world can take the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Calamities?

No, someone has eaten it! Cui's mother's eyes suddenly lit up.

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