
I, Mushini, have never suffered a loss in my life!

It was snowing heavily, and the ground began to become muddy at some point. The snow water was melted by geothermal heat and turned into mudflow flowing in the mountains.

On the back of the tiger, Musini's eyes fell on the Five Thunder Iron Refining Hands and refused to move away. She carefully studied every word in the Five Thunder Iron Refining Hands, but the Five Thunder Iron Refining Hands were so mysterious. They were the martial arts of gods and demons. , Even though Mushini is a genius, he still can’t figure out the reason.

Didn’t you see that Shi Long has been practicing for half his life and almost killed himself in training, but he still hasn’t gotten started as an iron smelter?

Cui Yu was not stingy and pointed lightly. After all, the iron-making hand was just an auxiliary martial arts to him, and his golden fingers and magical powers were the foundation.

It is worth it to exchange a human life with something of little value!

I see that you are also practicing martial arts. You should know the value of iron-making hands. Why did you teach it to me like this? Mushini sat behind Cui Yu, his words full of confusion.

If she obtains this kind of inheritance, if others take a look at her, they will have their brains dug out and destroyed.

The weight of life cannot be measured by anything, including your so-called martial arts of gods and demons. Cui Yu said without looking back.

Mushini looked at the back of Cui Yu's head, looking straight at the man who had lived for a hundred years, and at this moment something was touched in his heart:

He is such a kind-hearted person who is rare in the world. He loves all living beings and life so much. He must be an extremely good person. Good people should not be harmed! At worst, I won't castrate him in the future.

The tiger ran all the way, and the air was full of warm wind, mixed with the coolness of fine snow.

The sky was glowing and blue.

Where is your home? Mushini asked curiously.

Lijia Village at the foot of Liangjie Mountain. Cui Yu replied, and then solemnly corrected: It's our home.

It was slow to arrive, but the return speed was very fast. Lijiacun was in sight in three days.

The sparrowhawk returned to its familiar territory and kept chirping triumphantly. Sometimes it flew into the sky, and sometimes it landed on the head of the big tiger, causing the big tiger to raise its paws and pat it with disgust on its face.

Cui Yu got off the tiger's back, and then scolded him with a serious face: You evildoer, go play in Liangjie Mountain, and don't hurt anyone.

Then he took off the wood, carved a sign, and hung it around the tiger's neck: My second brother Yang is a brave man. I won't let you hit him. I will carve a sign for you to prevent you from losing your life.

After Cui Yu finished speaking, he looked at Mushini on the tiger's back: Follow me home.

It is a secluded place back to Liangjie Mountain.

He felt that his parents worked too hard, and it was too hard for Yu to take care of him all day long, so he should find another maid.

After three days of running, Musini's internal injuries were temporarily stabilized, and the injuries in her internal organs were also suppressed somehow.

Don't your family live in the village? Mushini followed Cui Yu curiously.

There are too many enemies. Cui Yu looked at the birds in the mountains casually, not wanting anyone to notice where his lair was.

Those enemies of yours are so abominable. Mushini said with emotion.

Cui Yu, a kind-hearted person who loves life, was forced to such an extent by those guys, which shows how hateful those guys are.

I added another sentence in my mind: If you dare to bully me, Mushini, the chief manager, when I recover from my injuries, I will help you to kill them all.

Mushini shook his head, mumbling something in his mouth, and followed Cui Yu, mumbling something unknown.

Cui Yu casually broke off a branch to block the scorching sun above his head: I will build a parasol in the future. The sun is really too scorching in this weather.

Speaking of this, he muttered with some dissatisfaction: The power of fire and poison of the female slayer doesn't know how to restrain it. I haven't seen the female slayer for a few days, and I really miss her.

He missed the blood of the female slave.

Set a small goal first, draw out all the blood from the female demon's body, and then use it to temper yourself.

The female slayer is dead anyway, so the blood won't be needed anymore, right?


Numerous thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's mind. He looked at the lush green inside Liangjie Mountain and the withered yellow outside Liangjie Mountain. He felt as if he was in another world, as if he had traveled through time and light years.

Brother! shouted a surprise call, and Yu was like a baby swallow throwing herself into Cui Yu's arms.

Brother, where have you been? Why haven't I seen you for a month? Yu's eyes were full of surprise.

Oh, what a cute little sister.

Before Cui Yu could speak, Mushini's voice came from behind.

When Yu heard Mushini's soft voice, he stuck his head out to watch. When he saw Mushini, who was as exquisite as a flower and jade, he immediately became alert.


It's so beautiful!

No worse than myself!

The beauty makes people sigh, as if it is favored by the Creator. Especially her soft character and her flawless face made Yu feel a sense of threat and hostility in her heart.

Strong enemy!

This is your own powerful enemy!

Looking warily at the effervescently beautiful girl behind Cui Yu, Yu immediately became nervous: Brother, who is she?

Cui Yu smiled. He could feel that Yu's nails were digging into his skin, and the corners of Cui Yu's mouth twitched in pain.

I'm here to serve you! You are busy practicing every day and it's too hard, and you have to find time to take care of me. I can't bear it. Cui Yu stroked Yu's little head, and the little girl was really sensitive.

Is it true? Yu's eyes widened, and then he smiled, and his tense face suddenly turned from gloomy to sunny.

What did you say? Ask my aunt to take care of you? Mu Shini was a little angry when she heard Cui Yu's words.

What else? Cui Yu looked sideways at Mu Shini.

Being under the eaves, she had to lower her head, and Musini could bear it.

For the golden elixir of all calamities!

In order to become an iron hand!

For her, Mushini returns to the top!

Cut it! This piece of shit must be cut! It's so abominable. I am so beautiful and cute, and she keeps trying to please him all the way. He is so cruel to ask my aunt to be a maid. If I don't cut it, she will be sorry for my name, Mushini. Mu Shini kept waving the little notebook in her mind, secretly jotting down something for Cui Yu.

But who is Mushini?

How could she be treated as a maid by Cui Yu?

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Musini whimpered, and then her whole body burst into tears.

Brother, why is she crying when she's so good? Yu was a little at a loss.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoriuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Ni's tears were streaming down his face, and his whole body was filled with sadness. His voice was full of sorrow, and he felt sad when he heard the tears.

When Cui Yu heard this, he also sighed in his heart, thinking of the tragic situation in the canyon, and said to Yu: His family was brutally killed by gangsters, and her parents risked their lives to send her out. Then I brought her back because I thought she was pitiful. Since you also need someone to serve you, I will bring her back to you as a maid.

Yu Wenyan's eyes suddenly turned red, and he stepped forward to hold Mushini's hand, and then wiped the tears on the girl's cheeks: Sister, don't cry, I don't dare to ask you to be a maid. Now that we are here, we are a family. , I will be your biological sister from now on.

As he spoke, he pulled the girl into his arms and gently stretched out his hand to slap her back.

Take care of it! Mushini said to herself as she felt the tears falling on her shoulders. Then she hugged Yu and started to cry bitterly, screaming her sister one after another.

Yu is now fifteen or sixteen years old, and the girl looks like a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl. The older one and the younger one look like sisters.

Cui Yu shook his head when he saw this. He was sure that this girl named Mu Shi was anything but simple. Being able to read the ancient texts of gods and demons represented an ultimate inheritance.

Let's go home. Yu directly took the girl's hand, her eyes filled with overwhelming motherly love.

Two girls with the same life experience and background, at this time


Together they immediately became the best sisters.

Coupled with the fact that Musini wanted to make friends and pretended to be pitiful and flattering, the two of them walked straight into the mountains, leaving Cui Yu behind.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Cui Yu shook his head, and then followed them leisurely.

In front of the thatched cottage in the mountains

Cui's mother was cutting clothes with scissors when she suddenly heard crisp laughter coming from down the mountain. She was surprised and said: The laughter is a bit familiar. One is Yu, and the other sounds so familiar?

As the laughter approached, two figures stuck together walked towards the mountain. Then Cui's mother's eyes passed over Yu Ji and fell on Musini. Her whole body shrank sharply, and the next moment she held the scissors Kacha With one sound, the entire piece of cloth was cut into pieces.

Such a look??? Such a look??? Cui's mother couldn't believe it, rubbed her eyes vigorously, and stared at Mu Shini with her eyes.

so similar!

Exactly the same as that person back then!

Are there any similar people in the world?

To be precise, it is exactly the same as when that person was a child, which is simply unbelievable!

Cui's mother couldn't believe her eyes.

It's not her! Cui's mother shook her head and objected secretly in her heart: How can a person reverse growth? I heard that that person was living happily in Quyu Mountain and was preparing to do something big. How could he appear here? And he's not the right age either. ah!

But there can never be unrelated similarities in the world. Could it be that Musini got married secretly? Is this person her junior? It was so well hidden that we didn't even hear about it. Cui's mother began to think in her heart. Thinking about it, the whole person's heart was full of resentment: Opportunity! Opportunity! My opportunity has come. If I ask my son to marry her, what will Saint Aunt Baiyun look like? What if Saint Aunt Baiyun knew that her disciple Mu Shini actually gave birth to a child secretly, what would her expression be like?

Hahaha, Saint Aunt Baiyun always bullied me, but now I have found the opportunity to take revenge! I am determined to make this girl my son's wife! Don't even think about running away when the King of Heaven comes! Mother Cui! Eyes light up.

If you can't take revenge on Saint Aunt Baiyun, you can't take revenge on the girl who is Saint Aunt Baiyun's apprentice?

When the time comes when the two parties become a family, they can also let out a bad breath.

Let's talk about Musini and Yu Ji walking from the bottom of the mountain. Musini and Yu Ji were sticking to the lake while secretly observing the scenery and layout of the mountain.

The scenery is good, you will enjoy it. The stone paths in the cold mountains in the distance are slanted, and there are homes deep in the white clouds. Musini glanced at the surrounding scenery from the corner of his eyes, glanced at it accidentally, and then fell on Cui's mother.

The next moment, Musini's body trembled, and she asked in surprise: What's wrong with my sister?

No! No! It's okay! Mushini shook his head repeatedly, sighing that he was blinded and had a false alarm.

You can't blame me. The figure is really similar! It's so similar to that person! Musini will never forget that female devil in her life.

Especially that look in her eyes aroused memories deep in her heart.

But upon closer inspection, she didn't look like her at all. She had an ordinary stature and a weather-beaten face. She was just an ordinary farm woman. How could she be the indistinct big devil in her memory?

I saw it wrong! I must have seen it wrong! I heard that the female devil secretly instigated all the heroes of the world to come to Zhenwu Temple eighteen years ago and died in the melee. I must have seen it wrong. The girl scratched her head. Scratch your head.

Yu looked at Mushini in surprise. Previously, she had clearly noticed that the girl was frightened, like a frightened rabbit.

If she hadn't been holding her hand, she would have jumped up in fright and turned around to run away.

Hey, what a handsome girl, whose little fairy is here? Cui's mother put down the scissors and cloth in her hands, stood up, took a step forward with a smile, and directly held Mushini's hands, with a smile on her face. It's full of Grandma Wolf... No, it's a kind smile.

Yu dared to swear that he had never seen Cui's mother smile so brightly in his life.

Holding Musini's hand, Cui's mother nodded secretly: I'm just proficient in martial arts, and I am indeed Musini's junior. This


It will be easy to handle in no time! Holy Aunt Baiyun, waiting to drink my son’s wedding bar.

Auntie, this is the new sister brought back by eldest brother. Yu introduced from the side, then remembered that he hadn't asked the girl's name yet, so he quickly turned around and asked:

What's your sister's name?

I've met Auntie. Auntie and sister can call me Nini. Mushini said sweetly and pitifully.


I'm older than all of you combined!

Musini complained secretly in her heart, but then scratched her head: Nini, just Nini, no one has called me for a long time. I have to bow my head when I am under the eaves!

Auntie, Nini's family suffered a disaster. Both her parents were killed by bandits. They fought to the death to get Nini out, and then her eldest brother brought her back. Yu Ji explained.

Nini has met my aunt. Thirteen-year-old Musini bowed obediently.

Good boy! What a good boy! What a poor good boy! From now on, this will be your home, we are all your relatives, and I will be your mother! Don't call me aunt, just call me mother! Cui's mother will Mu Shi Ni was held in his arms and kept beating Mus Ni on the back.


Mushini's mind was full of questions, and she always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

Cui Yu, who was walking from a distance, was also surprised. His mother had never been so eager before?

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