
The sparrowhawk was in panic, as if it had encountered a formidable enemy. It didn't even dare to take a breath, and plunged frantically from the clouds into the jungle.

Haitongqing! And it's a spirited Haitongqing! That Haitongqing's demonic aura is soaring into the sky, I'm afraid he has already reached a very deep level of cultivation. Cui Yu stood under a big tree outside the canyon, looking far away Looking at Hai Dongqing flying in the sky, especially on the back of Hai Dongqing, there was a purple figure standing.

Since you have come to my Kunyu Mountain to cause trouble, it is too late to leave now. If I ask you to escape, my reputation will be tarnished if word spreads. A neutral voice of unknown gender crossed the mountains and kept going back and forth between heaven and earth. Waves, overlapping and echoing in the mountains.

Let's go! Gao Dasheng saw this scene and ran away immediately without saying a word, not even caring about the escort warriors behind him.

Shi Long's expression also changed: Mushini actually captured a monster, run away!

Shilong also started to run away. It was obvious that the two of them were extremely afraid of Mushini, the leader of Quyu Mountain.

Cui Yu looked at the direction in which Shi Long and Gao Dasheng were escaping, then turned his eyes and ran towards the distance.

Cui Yu's running speed was of course not as fast as Shi Long and Gao Dasheng, but Mu Shini, who controlled birds in the air, became Cui Yu's biggest target.

Mushini's bird flew across the canyon and chased Gao Dasheng. In the blink of an eye, the two of them disappeared into the sky.

These two were so fast that they almost broke the sound barrier.

Damn it, why didn't you chase Shilong instead of chasing me! Gao Dasheng looked at Hai Dongqing, who was rushing towards him, and was so angry that he wanted to curse.

How can a person running on the ground run faster than a person running in the sky?

Leave it to me!

Seeing that the distance between the two was getting closer and closer, Hai Dongqing's huge body was not suitable for traveling in the jungle. Mushini suddenly took a step forward. The next moment, black energy rolled around his body, and a full moon unsheathed around his waist.

Heaven! Looking at the full moon that was chopped off, a ray of Tao rhyme flowed between heaven and earth. Gao Dasheng actually smiled: It's just a martial arts heavenly being? How evil are you being spread outside, it's scary. It made me jump!

Haha, I am at the fourth level of martial arts, and you actually dare to chase me regardless of life or death. Gao Dasheng stopped, charged up his whole body, and then pulled out the long knife from his waist.

How evil the outside world has said about you, but I don't believe it! After all, you are just a martial artist!


As soon as the blow fell, Gao Dasheng flew backwards, a hideous wound appeared on his chest, and the white bones were exposed.

That sword...damn it, the foundation of the martial arts of gods and demons!

! Gao Dasheng looked at the approaching figure with fear on his face: That is one of the top ten magic swords in the world. How could it fall into your hands?

One hit, clean.

Then Gao Dasheng turned around and ran away without saying a word.

He finally understood why the outside world had spread rumors about Musini to such an extent!

He thought that his martial arts skills were no worse than anyone else's, but he couldn't resist the fact that the opponent had a magical weapon in his hand!

Not to mention his great success, even if a master of the fifth realm comes, he will still stay away.

Artifacts are inherently unreasonable!

The Full Moon Scimitar is said to be cast from the origin of the moon, and every move it makes can be blessed by the power of the moon, borrowing the power of the moon.

But didn’t the legendary magic sword disappear in the Snowy Mountains five hundred years ago? How could it suddenly appear in the human world?

Gao Dasheng doesn’t understand!

If you don't understand, don't understand, just run away. This artifact is said to be the weapon of a great demon god under Chi You, and it is no longer something that ordinary people can withstand.

run! Without saying a word, he ran away!

I recognized you! You turned out to be the little mouse from back then. The moonlight flickered in Mushini's hands, and the full moon penetrated into his sleeves. He looked at Gao Dasheng's back and chased after him.

Can't run away! Gao Dasheng ran through the jungle for a while, but the next moment he saw a figure in purple blocking the way.

I told you, you can't run away! Mushini was wearing a bamboo hat, and most of his body was covered by the bamboo hat. At this time, he was one step ahead and blocked the way.


Mu Shini, don't bully others too much! I am also a fourth-level martial arts monk after all. Gao Dasheng looked at Mu Shini with a hint of evil in his eyes.

Oh? Can you take a stab at me? Mushini said calmly.

Martial arts magical power! Gao Dasheng's body felt strange aura fluctuating the next moment, and the next moment, afterimages were drawn out in the air.

Gao Dasheng's martial arts magical power is speed!

Extreme speed! Theoretically speaking, as long as the physical body can withstand it and the divine blood in the body can be continuously supplied, Gaoda Sheng's speed can continue to increase!

At this moment, Gao Dasheng's shooting speed increased at least ten times!

Mushini's eyes shrank, and the next moment a full moon rose behind him, emitting immeasurable rays of light. It actually gathered the light of the big sun in the sky, and the sky within a radius of 300 meters suddenly turned dark.

Damn, that's totally unreasonable! Gao Dasheng, who was halfway through, immediately stopped and turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Aren't you going to run and wait to die?

That is an ancient artifact!

The sparrow hawk screamed in the sky. Cui Yutong shrank and looked around. When he saw the terrifying scene, he couldn't help but take a breath:

This grandson of Gao Dasheng is really a stubborn person! He is extremely stubborn! He just pretended to be a second-level martial artist in the canyon to bully people, but now he actually has magical powers. This grandson is undoubtedly a fourth-level martial artist. Ten times Speed, at this extreme speed, it can be said to be invincible at the same level! Cui Yutong winced.

Gao Dasheng is not a son of man!

Are all old people in this world so stubborn?

A mountain eighty miles away

A figure with a rabbit head stood on the top of the mountain and slowly wiped the blood stains on the long knife in his hand. His clothes were stained with blood, and the head of a cute rabbit was stained with Mohu meat.

I can't run away. Mu Shini has Hai Dongqing to take care of him. I can't get rid of him at all. Now I can only fight to the death. Fortunately, I am usually cautious. I am afraid that some old monster will appear in Wuyu Mountain and cause trouble. He did my good deeds, so he deliberately left a back-up to help me escape.

Damn Musini, didn't you just do some blood gum? Did you have to chase me for three days? Gao Dasheng yelled.

But thinking about the golden elixir in his arms, his heart became happy again.

With this golden elixir of ten thousand tribulations, my cultivation level will definitely be able to reach a higher level. Coupled with a life span of 30,000 years, I will be able to survive to the highest level of martial arts. But even if it is ten thousand years, I will be able to survive. The Tribulation Golden Pill is only part of my plan. I also need to take the opportunity to eliminate the biggest unstable factor near the Two Boundary Mountains, Musini, the strongest person in Qunyu Mountain! A change in the sky is coming. Musini has occupied Qunyu Mountain and has already captured the gathering. Part of the fate of the Two Realms Mountains.

Mushini! The foundation of the martial arts of gods and demons! It's like he suddenly popped out of the cracks in the rocks, without any trace. The gang has been investigating for several years, but they haven't noticed the power behind it. There must be something fishy behind this person. But no matter what the origin of the other party is, it should be over from today. The strength of the Two Realms Mountains has been swallowed up by our Sanhe Gang, and no one can touch it.

Mushini's magic sword has exceeded my expectations. I don't know if the means I deployed earlier will work. I don't know if the means left by the Sanjiang Water God can defeat her. The foundation of the martial arts of gods and demons is established! It’s really unreasonable!”

As he spoke, he sat cross-legged on a rock on the top of the mountain and kept meditating and adjusting his breath.

Gao Dasheng, you are so brave. You dare to take action on the territory of our Qunyu Mountain and break the rules of our Qunyu Mountain. You didn't leave after doing the bloody thing. Instead, you hovered here. You didn't even take me seriously. The cold voice resounded through the mountains, and a figure in black gauze and a bamboo hat could be seen in the distance, walking slowly towards him.

One step forward, and the distance is more than ten meters.

The movements are light and ethereal, like a weightless catkin, swaying in the wind.

The sound contained a certain kind of unique magnetism, just like the sound of running water on a small bridge in the winter, but the words he spoke made people shudder. A murderous intention ran through the mountains, causing birds to fly and tigers and wolves to crouch.

Gao Dasheng was speechless upon hearing this.

Did he not want to escape?

You are chasing after me, you call him


How to escape!

Feeling the qi flowing between heaven and earth locking him tightly, the voice behind Rabbit's head did not change at all:

Since when have there been so many foundations in the martial arts of gods and demons in the world? It seems like they can be seen everywhere. If you are a strong martial arts master of gods and demons, you must have become famous all over the world. You cannot be unknown. Who are you? Why hide your identity and hide in this place? Qunyushan?

Who am I? Mushini landed opposite Gao Dasheng: Haha, you traitors! In the past, you were just the guardian army of the six sects of the Demon Sect. I didn't expect that in the past five hundred years, the Demon Sect has undergone tremendous changes. I have taken advantage of this opportunity for you and asked you to split from the Demon Sect. I originally wanted to wait until the natural change is over before looking for you, but now that you have taken the initiative to send me here, you can settle the account together.

After hearing this, Gao Dasheng's expression changed drastically, as if he had seen a ghost: How do you know so much? Where did you hear such secrets?

Musini did not answer when he heard the words, but a bright light flashed around his waist, turning into a full moon and rising and falling towards Gaoda.

Damn it, why don't you talk about the situation and find out what's going on? Why do you just take action as soon as you get up? Gao Dasheng cursed, but he didn't dare to neglect.

The full moon is crescent, bright and flawless.

Even though the sun is high in the sky and the white snow on the ground has not yet melted, it still cannot hide the brilliance of the full moon.

When people face the perfect bright moon, they will only feel intimidated and infinite praise will rise in their hearts.

The dead trees in the mountains and the pine and snow on the ground are all immersed in the full and flawless artistic conception of the full moon.

The sword is a scimitar with a strange shape, but it turns into a flawless full moon, reflecting people's hearts.

This mountain, this scenery, and all living beings are all immersed in the flawless full moon. That full moon reflects on people's spiritual world and appears in their hearts.


At the moment when the full moon appeared, everyone was stunned by the tenderness of the full moon.


Blood splattered, the cute rabbit's head was missing an ear, and the severe pain pulled Gao Dasheng back from the spiritual world.

A gentle sword! The legendary gentle sword! The eyes behind Rabbit's head were full of fear: You are the Great Perfection of Heaven and Man, a martial art of gods and demons that has touched the threshold of the fourth realm. You are by no means an unknown person.

Gentle Knife? Is that what you call it? I prefer to call him the Full Moon Scimitar! Musini Scimitar disappeared, and his hands were hidden in the cover under the bamboo hat, and there was a hint of laughter in his voice. Surprised:

You do have some skills. You were able to break free from my full moon mood at the critical moment. This sword didn't kill you. Could it be that you practice the art of transforming the sky and striking the earth?

***! No matter what your origins are, today is your day of death. I don't believe that the foundation of the martial arts of gods and demons is really that strong, and it can cross great realms! Gao Dasheng made a sound in his sleeves, and then an iron chain The shot was like an arrow leaving the string, and it instantly pierced Musini on the opposite side: Today you must die.

The chains rattled across the sky, and the rattling sound seemed to have a magical power that could shake people's spiritual world, making people's hearts appear like a thousand-foot waterfall rushing down, taking away people's minds, and making people be killed if they are not careful. That artistic conception suppressed the spiritual world.

Change the sky and strike the earth! It is indeed a transformation of the sky and strike the earth! This is the secret skill of the Demon Sect. Back then, you group of traitors stole the three supreme secrets of The Great Compassion, Changing the Sky and Strike the Earth and The Divine Art of Wedding Clothes. After the sudden change, I wanted to find trouble for you and others, but who would have thought that you would dare to come to my door on your own initiative? You really don’t know how to live or die.


There was another full moon, accompanied by a shrill scream. Gao Dasheng's eyes were full of disbelief: Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Even if you are the perfect god-demonic martial arts foundation, there is no way you can break it. Mine changes the sky and strikes the earth.

You haven't taken action yet, what are you waiting for? Gao Dasheng's eyes were spitting fire. The full moon seemed to have a unique magic power. He knew clearly that the full moon had incredible power, so he desperately reminded himself that he must not I'm sinking into it, but I don't know why I can't control myself.

Whenever the full moon comes, my mind can't help but feel peaceful.


Jing, all murderous intentions were purified by the full moon.

As Gao Dasheng finished speaking, there were only sounds of piercing the air from all directions, arrows came from all directions, and dozens of iron hooks rose into the air from the sand on the ground.

This is what Gao Dasheng left behind!

To prevent old monsters from catching up, I specially prepared a backup plan.

The killer of the dragnet! Musini's voice remained unchanged, and her palms under the bamboo hat couldn't help but clenched tightly: So what if there are more people? They can't stop me, my full-moon scimitar.

Kill! You are dead today!

Gao Dasheng's voice was full of ferocity.

Kill! Capture her and seize the secret book of Rou Yi Dao! We must not let her run away.

kill him!

Do it!

The cry of killing was heard in all directions.

Facing the iron chain coming at him, Mushini had no expression on his face, and the full moon condensed in his hand. The next moment, the full moon in his hand flashed, and it actually poured into Mushini's body.

Then the Mushini in the sky split open, and in an instant it turned into ten full moons rising from all directions, illuminating the entire mountain.

Wherever the moonlight passed, the grass and trees turned into powder, the iron chains broke, and dozens of figures turned into blood and scattered in the air.

Seeing the moonlight shining towards him, Tall Shengtong's eyes tightened, his eyes full of fear: Don't kill me, I have the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations! I have the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations! The reason why I took action in Quyu Mountain was to seize it Otherwise, why would I offend you at will? If you kill me, no one in this world will know the whereabouts of the Golden Pill.

Gao Dasheng felt that this was the fastest he had ever spoken in his life.

The full moon stopped three feet away from the tall sky, and then twisted and transformed into Mushini.

At this time, Mushini looked at Gao Dasheng in shock: Golden Pill of All Tribulations? Are you telling the truth?

Of course it's true, otherwise why would I have taken action rashly in Wuyu Mountain. Gao Dasheng's whole body was covered with tiny wounds, some of which were extremely tiny. His whole body seemed to have turned into a blood gourd, with drops of blood seeping out from his pores. , looked at Mushini with concern.

Just a little!

He just barely turned into powder.

I have obtained the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations. As long as you let me go, I will give it to you. Gao Dasheng pointed to his arms. Through his tattered clothes, a small box could be seen.

Gao Dasheng trembled with his hands and was about to get the box, but the next moment Gao Dasheng suddenly opened his mouth, and the next moment a drop of blue water burst out.


! Mushini's expression changed, and the next moment, his whole body turned into a full moon and rose into the sky.

But it's too late!

The water droplet seems to be moving slowly, but its actual speed has exceeded the limit that the human eye can see.


The moonlight collided with the water droplets, and a bright light burst out between the sky and the earth. When the light disappeared, Mushini disappeared in place.

A great battle, earth-shattering.

a quarter of an hour later

Gao Dasheng was leaning against a big tree, covered in blood, with dozens of large and small wounds, a human figure molded into a lake of flesh and blood. At this time, he was leaning against a big tree and breathing heavily.

On the ground, dozens of figures in black were beyond recognition, with broken limbs and arms scattered around. Wild wolves in the mountains smelled the fishy smell and howled.

It's a pity that that thief woman ran away. She actually practiced the legendary Eternal Life Technique of Seeing All Directions for a Long Time, Only I Dominate the World and the World and cut herself off over the years and escaped.

The evil magic skills circulated in the world are actually real! Gao Dasheng cursed, feeling a little sour in his heart.

Why does the other party have such an incredible destiny?

But when he thought of the golden elixir in his arms, Gao Dasheng smiled again.

I, Gao Dasheng, am also a man of good fortune! With this golden elixir of all calamities, even if I have to survive, I will survive you old monsters!

Gao Dasheng sat in the shade of the tree, feeling a little proud.

Those proud sons of heaven are born as superior people, and fate automatically brings them to their doorsteps, but it is not bad for them to be tall and promoted!


When I live for 30,000 years, even a pig will become enlightened. Let's see if I don't beat you, the so-called pride of heaven, to death!

The bandits in Yushan are really not what they are bragging about. This time they almost capsized. Fortunately, I was prepared, otherwise I would have died on the spot today. Even so, I sacrificed dozens of good men, but I still couldn't keep this thief woman!

So many good men died, and the backup plan prepared by the Water God was wasted, but that woman escaped. How can I explain to the master when I go back? But that woman was affected by the power of Disaster and can't live for more than a month! One month. His life will surely be destroyed within him! He can be considered powerful if he can force me out of my hiding place.

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