
The beggar was beaten up, asking for trouble, and even the big cake was snatched away by the beggar next to him. He could only find a corner to lie down, holding a broken bowl in ragged clothes, cursing in his mouth, I don't understand the principle of losing money to avoid disaster. , you will suffer retribution sooner or later and then lie in the corner waiting to die.

You, come with me. Cui Yu came to the old beggar and kicked him.

The old beggar squinted his eyes, glanced sideways at Cui Yu, and then continued to close his eyes.

There are steamed buns. Cui Yu said.

The old beggar got up with a grunt: Sir, what are your orders?

Cui Yu said nothing and just walked forward.

When the old beggar saw it, he quickly picked up the broken bowl and followed Cui Yu.

Throw away the broken bowl and follow me to ensure that you have no worries about food and clothing in the future. Cui Yu ordered.

The old beggar looked hesitant. Although the bowl looked broken, it was a tool for him to eat.

1 Cui Yu counted.

The old beggar looked left and right, came to a corner, stuffed his broken bowl into a hole, and buried it with soil. Then he looked at Cui Yu and said, Master, you can give me your orders. As long as the villain can be fed, It’s all up to you.”

Come with me. Cui Yu led the old beggar forward.

Why didn't you accept it before? Why did you insist on pestering me? So that you had no food to eat? Cui Yu asked as he walked in front.

That Lady Song is the most kind-hearted. The boy she gave birth to is seven feet tall, but his personality is like that of a big girl. She believes most in generating good relationships and good people will be rewarded. In the past, I was often besieged by beggars, giving away various kinds of buns and buns. We all took turns to corner him. I waited for a year and finally managed to corner him. Of course, I had to order more. It's just that the guards around him are not human, they are extremely overbearing. The old beggar cursed.

That kid started giving porridge on the street when he was five years old. Over the past eight years, we have already figured out his character. If you don't order it now, you will be a fool. The old beggar said.

He asked for too much this time, and the servants around him couldn't bear it, so they got a heavy beating.

Cui Yu smiled and said nothing, and brought the old beggar to the inn. The waiter stepped forward and asked eagerly: Sir, who are you?

Do you collect broken silver here? Or gold? And other things? Cui Yu asked.

Master, let's collect practical things now, such as cloth, dried meat... the waiter said with a smile.

I am a ten-year-old wild ginseng here. Go and open a room for me, prepare a pot of hot water, and prepare some side dishes to send over. Cui Yu ordered.

The waiter's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this: It's up to you.

One room in the upper room. One pot of hot water and eight side dishes. The waiter took the wild ginseng and hurriedly shouted, inviting Cui Yu to come upstairs.

Master, you are too extravagant. A piece of wild ginseng can be cheaper for him. A piece of wild ginseng can be exchanged for a year's worth of steamed buns. The old beggar whispered as he followed Cui Yu.

Cui Yu smiled and said nothing, just followed the waiter upstairs, and then the waiter brought hot water.

Take a bath and get clean. Cui Yu took out a piece of soap and threw it to the old beggar.

Should I take a bath? You are so good at joking. I am an old beggar, why should I take a bath? the old beggar said with a smile.

Huh? Don't want to eat eight dishes? Cui Yu stared at the old beggar.

These beggars survived without starving to death, and they are not ordinary people. They are all good at observing words and emotions.

I'll wash it now! I'll wash it now! The old beggar quickly took off his clothes and jumped into the barrel with a thud.

Cui Yu nodded with satisfaction.

The old beggar held the soap and looked at it curiously: Sir, what is this thing made of?

It's for bathing. Cui Yu ordered.

When the old beggar heard this, he no longer said anything, but patiently started washing himself.

Not long after, the waiter opened the door and brought out various side dishes and a pot of scalding wine.

The old beggar's stomach was rumbling in the bathtub. He was impatient. He stared at the braised pork elbow and his saliva was about to flow out.

Come out after cleaning yourself. Cui Yu took a sip of wine and said nothing.


Slowly he sat on the stool and began to feast.

Faced with the temptation of delicious food, the old beggar really worked hard. After a while, he scrubbed himself clean, and then hurriedly rushed out of the basin: Master, do you think it is clean enough?

Cui Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Then he stopped and said, Eat. After you finish eating, I want to make a deal with you.

You're welcome, little man. The old beggar's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to grab the elbow on the table.

Cui Yu looked at the old beggar. The old beggar grabbed the crystal elbow with his claws and gnawed wildly. The oil dripped onto his clothes along with the soup.

What's your name? Cui Yu asked.

I'm an old beggar, how can I have a name?

Cui Yu was indifferent and now said: You eat now and listen to what I tell you to do.

After you finish eating, take me to the Chang'an Escort Bureau, and then tell me that you want to send me to Dazhou Haojing. After that, I will give you ten old ginseng. You leave here and go farther and farther. Well, it's best not to come back forever, ten old ginsengs are enough for you to live for half your life. Cui Yu looked at the old beggar.

Is it that simple? The old beggar looked at Cui Yu suspiciously: It's such a simple thing, and you gave me ten old ginseng. Could you be bluffing me?

You're bluffing? What do you have to bluff me? Cui Yu sneered, then slowly stood up, walked to the bedside and took out his clothes: There are countless details in this, and they must not be missed at all. If there are any mistakes, I'm sure you won't be able to eat enough and will have to walk around. After you finish eating, change into my clothes and practice a few times.

The old beggar smiled when he heard this. He really had nothing to covet.

The old beggar feasted so much that a lot of grease spattered on his body. His belly was bulging, and he could not move while huddled in the chair.

Cui Yu didn't rush him and stepped forward to help the old beggar tidy up his clothes and patiently braided his hair, revealing a skinny face.

It doesn't look like he comes from a wealthy family. Cui Yu took a look and shook his head.

The dirt on the body can be washed away, but the wind and frost wrinkles are difficult to wash away.

Cui Yu glanced at the old beggar's skin with his eyes, and activated the material transformation in his mind. Cui Yu directly transformed the old beggar's age spots and weather-covered skin into delicate, girl-like skin.

After looking at the old beggar with satisfaction for a while, Cui Yu continued to fine-tune the old beggar, and finally laid his eyes on the old beggar, showing a satisfied smile.

When the old beggar was almost rested, Cui Yu pointed to the clothes on the bed and said to the old beggar, Go and change the clothes on the bed.

Such a beautiful dress, are you really giving it to me? The old beggar couldn't believe it.

Even though he was confident when he asked for clothes from Empress Song, now Cui Yu really gave him the clothes, and he couldn't believe it.

Cui Yu smiled and said nothing.

Anyway, the old beggar has nothing worth coveting. The old beggar smiled and quickly put on his new clothes. He really seemed to have some momentum.

When you get to the Changfeng Escort Bureau, you pretend to be an ordinary rich man. This will not be difficult for you, right? Cui Yu said.

The old beggar straightened his back, cupped his fists and saluted Cui Yu: This young man, you are so old and polite.

Yes, this momentum is what I want.

Cui Yu nodded with satisfaction. Sure enough, a man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle.

Cui Yu took out two boxes from his sleeves and handed one to the old beggar: Here are ten old ginsengs. Once the matter is done, you leave here immediately and never come back again.

He took out another box and handed it to the old beggar: This contains the money for the escort.

Now that they were tens of thousands of miles away from Haojing in the Great Zhou Dynasty, Cui Yuliao decided to take over the escort team and arranged himself into the team that would escort the Wanjie Jindan in a month. This was to save manpower and material resources, and to increase safety.

Just like various express delivery companies, they will only deliver goods every two or three days, instead of just sending out one express delivery when there is one.

As for why Cui Yu was sure that the escort agency would pick up escorts?


Only the head guard of the Changfeng Escort Bureau knows about the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations, and he will never make a big deal about it and spread it to other branches. Moreover, the local rudders must maintain normal operation in order to truly conceal the truth from others.

Cui Yu smiled proudly.

As long as the Changfeng Escort Bureau deceives others and maintains normal operations, he can blend into the large army.

After blending into the large army, there will be more opportunities.

Unlike the old beggar, Cui Yu just pretended to be an ordinary person. Even his clothes were a bit old and he looked a little downcast.

The old beggar wore clothes and danced around the house: Sir, if you want Changfeng Escort Agency to take care of the bidding, you can just go to the door yourself. Why waste energy on asking the old man?

Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. Cui Yu scolded.

The old beggar said no more, just nodded in agreement with a smile, showed off his clothes, and then picked up the two boxes on the table.

Let's go. Cui Yu took out a bamboo hat and put it on the old beggar, and also put on a bamboo hat himself.

The two of them left the inn and went straight to Changfeng Escort Bureau.

Changfeng Escort Bureau is just a small branch in Ping'an Town. There are only thirty or so escorts working in the yard, stone locks being tossed up and down in their hands.

Is there anyone? The old beggar appeared outside the gate with his hands behind his back and a bamboo hat on his head.

Sir, please come in quickly. When Youmen saw the old beggar, he hurriedly came forward with a smile: What are your orders? Is it a human mark or an object mark?

My son is going to Haojing and has come to pick up the bids. Will you pick up the bids from Haojing? The old beggar sat on the stool swaggeringly, took a sip of tea and took a sip.

Get it! You're just in time. We will have a train to Haojing next month. But the price... Menzi looked at the old beggar.

You have to take care of your own food and accommodation. You don't have to spend any money. This is the cost. The old beggar pushed the box over.

Cui Yu stood behind the old beggar, listening to the old beggar calling his son, wishing he could give him a kick.

Okay, we accepted this order. Menzi opened the box, took a look, and then closed the box: Not only did we accept it, we also covered the food expenses along the way.

Son, just stay in the escort agency and wait patiently for the bid for a month. You and I have said goodbye, and we don't know when we will see each other again. Please take care of me. The old beggar stood up and patted Cui Yu's shoulder, and then said to him The disciple said, There is no need to see you off, just stay.

After speaking, the person left quickly.

Cui Yu was taken advantage of by the old beggar, and he cursed in his heart: As expected of an old beggar, he is trying to regain his position. It's my fault for lecturing him earlier.

Menzi did not chase him, but looked at Cui Yu: I don't know your brother's surname, how do you call him?

Just call me Zheng. Cui Yu replied: I have to rely on your escort agency for all the food and drinks for the next month.

Why bother with such a trivial matter? There are a lot of empty rooms here. Master, just come with me. Menzi led Cui Yu all the way to the backyard, and all the way to the back hall, he saw an old man with white hair sitting at the table, thinking. Ledger.

Mr. Liu, we're here for business. Ren Biao is going to Haojing. He is a big customer and cannot be treated lightly. Menzi said.

The old man raised his head slowly and said: Just in time, the master will escort a standard car to Haojing in a month. I will send it there on the way.

Then he wrote a document and handed it to Cui Yu: Young Master can stay in the escort office or in an inn outside. You just need to leave your address. We will inform you when the train departs.

Just stay in the escort agency. Cui Yu replied.

He didn't want to live in Ping'an Town, where dragons and snakes were mixed outside, and living there for a month would definitely leave traces. By then, the Golden Elixir of All Tribulations would be lost, and all forces would investigate, leaving no clues.

On the contrary, the interior of the escort agency is very clean. As long as you cover yourself carefully and don't let the escorts in the escort agency see your true face, all clues will be completely wiped out after you steal the Golden Elixir.

The man arranged for Cui Yu to be placed in a courtyard in the backyard, and then left Cui Yu standing alone in the house.


If there is a flaw, the only flaw is that old beggar. I am not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately! Cui Yu stood in front of the window thoughtfully, watching the bodyguard practicing martial arts in the yard in trance:

Once the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations is stolen, the entire Changfeng Escort Bureau will be invaded. I don't know how many of these escorts will survive.

But Cui Yu didn't care so much. If he didn't take action on the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations, others would naturally do it.

Uncles, please stop practicing martial arts. My nephew has bought a roasted whole lamb for you. Let's all eat the lamb. At this moment, a familiar voice sounded in Cui Yu's ears.

Cui Yu looked through the crack in the window and saw that it was Empress Song who was bullied by the beggar. She was followed by four followers and walked in carrying two roasted whole lambs.

Ms. Song? Is he from Changfeng Escort Agency? Cui Yu was stunned.

A group of bodyguards gathered in the yard to eat and drink. The accountant came up and whispered beside Madam Song. Madam Song nodded with a strange look on her face, then took a look at Cui Yu's house and casually cut off a bird. The leg of lamb, served on a tray, came to Cui Yu's room.

My sword skills are good. Cui Yu saw Lady Song's clean and neat blow and thought that it was not one-tenth as good as her opponent's.

Seeing that Lady Song's feet were steady, it was obvious that she had martial arts skills and had made great achievements.

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