In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 105: Usurpation---Reduction Method


After burying the explosives, Cui Yu simply came to the road into the mountain and waited.

On a mountain road leading to Daliang City, Cui Yu sat leisurely on the bluestone, looking into the distance with his eyes.

Cui Yu didn't let Cui Yu wait long. The noise in the distance started, and a large group of people rushed in with swords, guns and clubs in their hands.

It seems quite impressive, and the Mi family also knows my flaws, but it's a pity that you don't know my methods at all. My methods are unfathomable and beyond your imagination. The number of people on the battlefield is It's just a number, nothing more. If we could win by relying on numbers, then there would be no need for modern high-tech warfare.

Cui Yu sneered and his eyes fell on the person who was taking the lead. The person who came was riding a white horse and wearing a red cloak. He looked very coquettish. It was Mi Dou, the uncle of the Mi family.

Cui Yu saw the uncle, and of course the uncle also saw Cui Yu. He suddenly pulled the white horse, and his whole expression changed: Cui Yu.

It's me. Who are you from the Mi family? Cui Yu stood on the big rock and waved to Mr. Liu with a smile.


Did you know I was coming? Looking at Cui Yu with a sullen expression, Mi Dou felt something bad suddenly arise in his heart for some reason.

You know you're coming, but you're still so calm?

Mi Dou stared at Cui Yu, slowly drew out the long knife from his waist, and then several flash people had already arrived in the crowd.

Since you know I'm coming, we don't have to say harsh words. Either you die or I die! The Xiang family can't protect you, I said so! Xiang Caizhu has long been held back by our wife. , no news can be passed on. Mi Dou's voice was cold.

This is the end of the matter. The blood feud has been concluded. We really don't need to say anything more. Cui Yu sneered, then gently lowered his palm and ignited the line of fire.

The chirping sound of the fire line was buried by the noisy crowd. Looking at the rushing crowd, Cui Yu couldn't help but shake his head.

There was a loud noise, the ground shook, and the entire canyon turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Cui Yu covered his ears and looked at the crowd below expressionlessly, when he saw eight figures rushing out of the sea of ​​fire.

The second level of martial arts!

The gunpowder did not kill all the opponents, which was as expected by Cui Yu.

For martial arts masters, the iron beads impacted by the gunpowder explosion are no different from crossbow arrows, and can be avoided by the knife net.

The second level of martial arts has been completely transformed and is no longer human!

What Cui Yu lacks most now is divine blood.

With a casual move, eight toads appeared on the ground. Cui Yu stepped forward slowly and looked at the eight toads on the ground. His eyes suddenly moved and fell on one of the toads. He could feel the body of the toad. A strange change occurred, and his fingers were transformed into pieces.

Cui Yu's heart moved: It's interesting, but I don't know how to do it.

Cui Yu pretended not to know and was about to raise his foot to crush the other toads. Suddenly there was wind in the back of his head. Cui Yu turned around and saw that one of the toads had twisted and turned into an old man. The old man was holding a cloth bag and saw that it was used as a hood.

Yes, this is the thing that broke my finger's shape! Cui Yu looked at the cloth bag covered with it, his eyes lit up: What if I can get this power?

Then Cui Yu stopped activating Zhen Shui Wu Xiang and waited blankly for the cloth bag to be used as a hood.

Cui Yu was swallowed suddenly. The old man held the cloth bag in his hand and looked at the sea of ​​​​fire behind him with a lingering heart: Damn it, thanks to the purification bag that is immune to all strange powers, otherwise I would have been in trouble today. This little guy The beast's methods are really weird!

Then the bag shrank, the old man stuffed the bag into his sleeve, and several of them disappeared without a trace.

In the bag

feel sleepy

Cui Yu only felt that he was standing on the infinite void, and Gonggong's blood was flowing in his body, dispersing the dizziness in Cui Yu's mind.

Where am I? Cui Yu looked at the endless void in front of him, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes: Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How can a person who became a toad become a human again? Material transformation is irreversible?


This must be inside the bag! If I can obtain this power, will I be able to achieve the seventy-two transformations in the future? Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of thought.

There are no barriers in front of you, it's all void, so naturally you can't activate True Water Without Form.

The three-flavored true fire appeared in Cui Yu's hand and illuminated the void in front of him. Only then did he realize that he was suspended in mid-air, surrounded by a ten-meter space.

Then Cui Yu was suspended in the space.

Just as he was about to take a closer look, suddenly there was a strange fluctuation in the air, and the three flavors of real fire in his hand went out.

Cui Yu was stunned.

[Discover the power of forbidden laws: it can break all laws. The finger can be restored to its physical form! 】

[The strange power has never invaded and cannot be usurped! 】

[I hope the host will use his intelligence to introduce the power of the forbidden law into his body. 】

Goldfinger's voice sounded in Cui Yu's ears.

Cui Yu was stunned. Does his golden finger still have such disadvantages? It’s not like there are no flaws!

Then Cui Yu launched against the barrier ten meters away: Material Transformation!

He wants to use his fingers to transform into objects to break through the barrier.

A drop of divine blood releases the power!

But when the magical power reached his fingertips, a strange wave passed through the air, and it actually dissolved Cui Yu's power.

Cui Yu was stunned.

This is the real weird world, even supernatural powers can be banned! Cui Yu narrowed his eyes.

Now there are twenty-four drops of divine blood in Cui Yu's body. The next moment, all the power of the twenty-four drops of divine blood is released, and the material transformation starts again.

This time, a strange storm of power was twisted in the void, and Cui Yu's finger transformed into a shape and rushed out three meters before disappearing without a trace.

What a powerful spell-breaking power! Cui Yutong winced. This power is simply the nemesis of monks in the world!

The key is that this power is not invasive. If it does not enter your body, you will not be able to use it for your own use.

The other party's best friend is Ruoshui, but Cui Yu has no choice but to fight for it.

A mere noble family in Daliang City has such evil things, but what about the Xiang family? What about the Great Yu Kingdom? What about the Great Zhou Kingdom? This world is really scary!

How can I invade this power into my body? Cui Yu sat cross-legged in the void, lost in thought for a while.

outside world

Xiang family

The little girl's will was indeed beyond Lin Xiaoyue's expectations.

Looking at the girl who was wet and swaying but still stubborn and unwilling to give in, Lin Xiaoyue suddenly felt something in her heart for some reason: The little girl back then has grown up!

Lin Xiaoyue threw the whip on the ground at some point. Looking at the crazy Xiang Caizhu, she felt a little hairy in her heart. She didn't dare to continue beating her. She just ordered people to keep serving bowls to force her to surrender.

How much will can a little girl have?

It's just learning the rules, is it so difficult? Lin Xiaoyue asked.

I, Xiang Caizhu, are not subject to your rules of pleasing men! Don't even think about asking me to surrender! When my aunt comes to power in the future, I will let Cui Yu ruin you. Xiang Caizhu's body was trembling, and there were tears in his eyes:

Xiang Yan, you bastard, I curse you to have no descendants!

Listening to Xiang Caizhu yelling and cursing, Lin Xiaoyue's face darkened.

Just when Xiang Xiang's body was swaying and his whole body was trembling, suddenly a burst of rapid footsteps echoed through the small courtyard.

Miss! Miss! It's not good! It's not good! Lai Shengli ran in from the door in a panic. When he saw Xiang Caizhu in the yard, he couldn't help but stopped in his steps and choked back all his words. .

What kind of panic is it for a bitch who doesn't understand the rules? Your master doesn't understand the rules, and you don't understand the rules either? Lin Xiaoyue scolded, and she panicked and knelt down to beg for mercy: Madam, I know I was wrong. , please spare the little one.

As he spoke, he winked at Xiang Caizhu crazily.

Xiang Caizhu knew something was wrong and cursed: You bitch, you are my aunt's slave, what do you ask her to do? What's the matter, why don't you tell me quickly? Why are you so panicked?


What does it look like?

Auntie, the uncle of the Mi family led a group of local ruffians to Lijia Village to surround and kill Cui Yu. The villain knows that my aunt has a sworn relationship with Cui Yu and doesn't dare to hide it, so I came to report. Lai Sheng lowered his head and said.

What? When Xiang Caizhu heard this, he was like a hen with fried feathers. The next moment, he was furious, and the water bowl in his hand fell directly to the ground: He is looking for death! How dare this guy not give me face? Knowing that I am with Cui Yu’s relationship is irreconcilable, but he still dares to trouble Cui Yu? He’s simply asking for death! He dares to play the treacherous game with my aunt, he’s really suffered enough!”

It is said that there are 1,500 people armed with hook knives and chains of fire oil. Lai Sheng said.


Xiang Caizhu was like an angry little leopard, his legs were trembling and he was about to rush out.

Xiang Caizhu! This is an order given by your father personally. If you dare to step out of this door, you will have a hard time in the future. Lin Xiaoyue stretched out the whip in her hand and blocked Xiang Caizhu:

Don't blame me for not reminding you.

As he spoke, he shook the Chinese book in his hand.

With an angry look on his face, Xiang Caizhu grabbed the document, tore it into pieces and then slapped Lin Xiaoyue in the face: You bitch, I've had enough of you for a long time.

The slap made Lin Xiaoyue stagger, and then Xiang Caizhu limped out of the mansion with a look of embarrassment.

They rode fast all the way, and when they arrived at the gate of the city, they saw a servant of the Xiang family coming towards them: Miss, I'm afraid it's too late. There was an earth-shattering noise in the direction of Lijiacun earlier, and then the villain went to check, and saw everything in the field. There are corpses everywhere and rivers of blood. Cui Yu is afraid... he is afraid...

What! Xiang Caizhu stood blankly in front of the city gate as if he had been struck by lightning, his eyes full of dullness and disbelief: No way, he is a very capable man, how could he die! How could he die? Woolen cloth!

Xiang Caizhu's body was trembling, and his eyes were filled with tears: How could he die like this? Have you ever seen Cui Yu's body?

They are all stumps, and the body is torn apart. The servant smiled bitterly.

Cui Yu!


Xiang Caizhu rode on his horse, crying and crying all the way, and ran straight to Lijiacun.

After Dai came to the battlefield, he saw corpses everywhere, with no flesh and blood left. He couldn't help but stumbled and fell to the ground, shouting at the top of his lungs in the pool of blood, and kept crying.

Miss, we sent someone to check. There is no Mr. Cui Yu in Lijia Village. Cui Yu has not gone back! Lai Sheng came over in a low voice.

Cui Yu!

! Xiang Caizhu stood in a pool of blood, screaming like a wounded lone wolf.

Mi family! Mi family! How dare you disobey my order!

Xiang Caizhu's face was painful, his voice was full of grief, anger and despair, and his eyes were full of pain: The Mi family dares to plot against Cui Yu, I think there is no need to exist. I want your entire Mi family to be buried with Cui Yu!

Xiang Caizhu roared angrily, turned his horse and headed towards the city.

The horses galloped through the streets, knocking down countless pedestrians and knocking away the blind ones. Xiang Caizhu ignored them and rushed straight to the Mi family's residence:

All of you die! All of you die! I want you to be buried with Cui Yu! I want you to be buried with Cui Yu!

Steel wires flew out from Xiang Caizhu's sleeves, emitting a sharp edge like a knife, and shuttled through the void at high speed. The steel wires were seen cutting through the window paper, door cracks, and soil. In an instant, the Mi Family Courtyard was filled with screams. Thousands of steel wires formed a wire mesh that covered the sky and the sun, sealing off the entire Mi family. People in the Mi family in the yard died on the spot.

I don't know who the master is. I have offended the Mi family. Please forgive me. My Mi family is willing to spend all our wealth to reduce your anger. Mi Kuan jumped out of the house and looked at the dense crowds of people walking in the Mi family's yard. The cold light couldn't help but change color.

However, Xiang Caizhu did not answer Mi Dou's words. The next moment, countless steel wires rushed forward. Mi Dou pulled out the sword from his waist and tried to resist, but there were too many steel wires. Inadvertently, a steel wire drilled through its pores. In an instant, his internal organs were shattered into pieces.

This is the alien



The aliens who ruled the Great Zhou Dynasty were born sacred and unreasonable beings.

In a matter of moments, the Mi family no longer had any hope of life.

Go to the Mi family's lair! Xiang Caizhu couldn't understand his hatred, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

Miss, there are still five old guys in the Mi family. The servant's voice was hesitant.

So what? Do you think I'm no match for those five old guys? Xiang Caizhu said in a cold voice: If a warrior does not enter the fourth realm, he will be an ant in front of strangers. Why do bloodline people rule this world? Are you afraid? forget!

Xiang Caizhu turned around and dialed the dock, heading straight out of the city.

Go eighty miles to the southwest

There is a secret villa among the mountains. The villa is not big, only eight or nine miles in radius, but the inside of the mountain has been hollowed out.

The small villa is the biggest secret of the Mi family. All the masters of the Mi family are hidden in the villa.

It was a secret to ordinary people, but as the overlord of this place, the Xiang family, Xiang Caizhu knew the power of Daliang City very well.

Recalling the information he had collected for the Mi family, Xiang Caizhu looked coldly: Those five old guys are indeed very difficult to deal with, but so what? If you kill Cui Yu, you will be buried with him!

Very good! Very good! Very good. If you kill the Mi family, I will bear all the consequences. Xiang Caizhu closed his eyes, slowly mobilized his energy and energy, feeling the iron in the manor, and the next moment his lips showed A cold smile: You are seeking death on your own.

Then Xiang Caizhu's huge energy burst out, and the swords in the manor could be heard trembling slightly. Countless Mi family disciples watched the swords on their waists and racks shaking continuously, and they were a little curious, thinking that it was an earthquake.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the swords and guns around his waist turned into countless steel wires, and before he could react, they were all submerged into his body.

The internal organs will be broken and he will die immediately.

There wasn't even time to react.

Xiang Caizhu walked among the mountains with an expressionless face. As he moved, the overwhelming steel wires were like locusts, following the gaps in the mountains and burrowing into the mountains.

The smell of blood is overwhelming. Some Mi family members were cut into countless pieces by steel wires, and some Mi family members were covered with holes, with countless steel wires coming out from under their skin.

In the Mijia cave, five old men sat cross-legged in the cave and meditated quietly.

There's an enemy attack! Suddenly, a scream came from outside the cave, the voice was cold, stern and desolate.

The expression on Wu Lao's face changed drastically, and he was actually called to the door?

Quickly rushing out of the cave, he saw steel wires flying in the air everywhere between the sky and the earth. Countless Mi family disciples were slaughtered, and even the enemy could not be seen.

Xiang Caizhu's bloodline indeed has an overwhelming advantage over ordinary warriors.

Who destroyed my whole Mi family? We are a branch of the Da Yu Mi family, and I hope you will give my Mi family some face. Our Mi family is willing to compensate and reconcile, and accept any of your conditions!

Just when Xiang Caizhu was going on a killing spree, he saw five figures jumping out of the cave. The five figures were so fast that even the steel wire in the air could not touch them.

As soon as the five people came out, they saw Xiang Caizhu standing in the middle of the wire.

The five old antiques didn't know Xiang Caizhu.

Kill! The only response from the five people was the sky full of steel wires.

Do you have to destroy our Mi family? Looking at the flying wires, the eyes of the five elders of the Mi family were full of embarrassment.

Brother, the other party wants to destroy the entire Mi family, so we don't have to hold back. One of them was holding a long knife with an angry look on his face.

Yes, he killed countless of our disciples and wants to be buried with us.

Looking at her young age, but with such bloodline, she must have a good background. The leading old man's beard and hair were all white.

The whole family is going to be wiped out. Who cares about her origins? If we don't kill her, all of us will die. There was another short-built old man stroking his beard.

At this time, the five people's beards and hair were spread out, and their eyes were filled with anger.

The manor was filled with elites accumulated by generations of the Mi family. It was the foundation of the Mi family. Now they were slaughtered inexplicably. Who wouldn't be upset if it was left to them?


Facing the sky full of steel wires, the five elders of the Mi family were not afraid. The leading old man took out a steel ring from his arms.

The colored light from the steel ring burst out, and a strange force circulated. The steel wires in the sky were gathered by the light ring and turned into iron balls.

Kill him! The five of them took action together, followed the passage opened by the steel ring, and rushed to search for pearls.

Something that contains strange power. Xiang Caizhu saw a hint of surprise in his eyes when he saw that his methods were restrained, but he did not panic.

You can restrain my steel control, but no one can restrain my gravity! Xiang Caizhu looked at the old man rushing over. The next moment, the soil beneath his feet sank, compressed by the gravity of the collapse.

Several old men who rushed over couldn't help but staggered, and almost fell in front of Xiang Caizhu.

Xiang Caizhu stretched out his hand, and the steel wires gathered in the sky, turned into a long sword, and stabbed straight into the throat of the old man at the head.

Although Xiang Caizhu is only a bloodline person and does not practice martial arts, the gravity is blessed by him on the long sword. This sword may not have the strength of several thousand kilograms to cut down.

Then Xiang Caizhu changed the gravity again and focused on the eyes of one of the old men.

ps: Thanks to Xiao Liang for helping to catch insects. These two chapters are added for the big brother.

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