In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 105 The Three Hatreds Oath

The power of the Fruit of Life and Death in Cui Yu's hand flowed and turned into invisible chains, tightly restraining Chun'er in his palm.

It's you! It's you, you bastard! You actually used shady means to harm me, you damn bitch, why don't you let me go quickly! Chun'er's soul still had intelligence, and when she saw Cui Yu Then he yelled, his voice full of anger.

Cui Yu looked at Chun'er's soul thoughtfully: 'This person's soul is still useful. Whether it is blackmailing Cui Laohu or threatening Cui Cancan in the future, it will be a trump card. ’

Madam, don't show off your power with words, otherwise I will use real fire to refine you for thousands of years, so that you can't live or die. Wouldn't you be unhappy? Cui Yu's voice was cold, and his eyes revealed a soul-shattering look. The murderous intention that was about to be frozen made Chun'er shut up immediately and stared at Cui Yu with a pair of horrifying eyes. He felt that Cui Yu could really do it.

That's how you behave. Cui Yu said with a smile.

After all, I am also your aunt. Your father and I are married. Aren't you afraid that your father will find out one day if you treat me like this? Chun'er, as expected of Chun'er, calmed down immediately and stared at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes. Finished sentence.

Haha. Cui Yu did not answer Chun'er's words. Instead, he picked up the soil on the ground and kneaded it briefly to create a fist-sized clay figurine. Then he patted Chun'er's soul into it. The next moment Cui Yu cast Using the Creation Technique, I saw that the clay figure actually came to life, looking at his body with a horrified expression.

Please stay with me for a little longer, Madam Lao. If my plan goes well, I can kill Madam to pieces. If my plan doesn't go well, I will ask Madam to come forward and make peace for me. Cui Yu couldn't stop talking. Giving Chun'er a chance to react, he directly used the 'Hidden Embryo Dharma Realm' to seal it and put it into the Qiankun within the sleeves.

Cui Yu!!!

At this moment, an earth-shattering roar was heard from the direction of the back mountain, and the next moment a figure descended in front of Cui Yu's thatched cottage and kicked Cui Yu's wooden door to pieces. Anger rose in his eyes, and his eyes were dead. Staring at Cui Yu, his eyes were filled with a frightening chill.

Why did the head master get so angry and kick down the door of my handyman disciple so early in the morning? If word spread, wouldn't it cause criticism from the elders and disciples in the sect? Cui Yu looked at Cui Laohu with a smile.

Evil! Chun'er is dead now, are you satisfied? Is it what you want? Cui Laohu glared at Cui Yu with his eyes. He looked ferocious and terrifying, as if he had rushed out of hell. of evil spirits.

Actually, as long as you went to my mother's grave and apologized, everything would have been settled. How could you have caused today's cause and effect? Cui Yu looked at Cui Laohu with his eyes, which were as calm as lake water, without causing any ripples.

Hearing Cui Yu's words, Cui Huhu's body trembled with anger: You evildoer, you still dare to talk nonsense. I never thought you could be so cruel. Zhenwu Mountain will not be able to tolerate you in the future, so you'd better go down the mountain as soon as possible!

After finishing speaking, Cui Laohu walked out angrily. Over there, Cui Cancan heard Cui Laohu's words and didn't know what happened? , I saw her screaming Mother piercingly, then running towards the back mountain.

What a sin! Chi You's dog head emerged from Cui Yu's shadow.

Are you saying I've done something wrong? Cui Yu glanced at Chi You sideways.

I'm saying that the relationship between Cui Huhu, Qiqing Shenggu and Chun'er is evil. Chi You said angrily.

After hearing Chi You's words, Cui Yu didn't say much, but closed his eyes and thought about the future: Now that I have completely broken up with Cui Laohu and Cui Cancan, the two of them will definitely attack me at all costs and drive me down the mountain. Go, I must seize the time to compete for the position of Chunyang Peak Master as soon as possible, otherwise if Cui Huhu is bent on targeting me, even the Cunning God may not be able to protect me.

Cui Laohu is the master of Zhenwu Mountain. He has many ways to deal with a small handyman disciple.

Before Cui Yu could straighten out his thoughts, he suddenly heard a burst of hurried footsteps in the distance, and then saw Cui Cancan rushing to Cui Yu's door like a madman, staring at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes full of blood and tears, and then matching the flesh and blood His forehead was blurred with abscesses, and his hair was disheveled like an evil ghost rushing out of hell: Cui Yu, I, Cui Cancan, will never be done with you in this life! You are so cruel, and you can't help but watch my mother die. Come on, I will never let go of you! I, Cui Cancan, swear to God today that one day I will cut your soul into pieces and refine your soul. I will let you taste all the pain in this world. I will let you taste it. What it feels like to lose a loved one, a loved one.”

Cui Cancan's voice was like the cry of a blood cuckoo. Along with Cui Cancan's blood oath, the sky turned bright red. Black winds blew between the sky and the earth, causing the grass and trees in the mountains to rise and fall. Even Cui Yu's thatched cottage was shaken by a burst of evil. The wind blew away and flew into the sky.

The sense of heaven, the vow comes true? Cui Yu looked at the constantly changing sky with a pair of eyes, his eyes couldn't help but reveal a touch of shock, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Then a pair of eyes looked at Cui Cancan: You are so unreasonable, why should I help you if you ask me? Then I beg you to give me the position of Zhenwushan's heir? Why don't you give me the position of Zhenwushan's heir? Give me your seat?

But how could Cui Cancan listen to Cui Yu's words? He disappeared into the black wind with an angry face, and the figure disappeared in a few breaths.

Cui Cancan can't stay. Chi You said from the side.

I have already used the Three Corpse Insects to kill Chun'er. If I use the Three Corpse Insects to kill Cui Cancan again, then the whole Zhenwu Mountain will be suspicious of me. There is no rush to kill Cui Cancan. His body is already infected with the Three Corpse Insects. If you want to Killing him is just a piece of cake. If you use the Three Corpse Insects to kill Cui Cancan, then how can you force Cui Laohu to step down as the headmaster? When I ascend to the position of the leader of Chunyang Peak, I will use Cui Cancan to force Cui Laohu to step down as the headmaster. position, and then Cui Cancan's life and death are eliminated, everything is just right! Cui Yu was also worried in his heart. The powerful masters in Zhenwu Mountain were not fools. They used three zombies to kill people every time, and the people who died were all those who had enemies with themselves. How can you not arouse everyone's suspicion?

Therefore, the three zombies can be used as little as possible. It is best to use them on the edge every time and at critical moments.

The atmosphere on Zhenwu Mountain is heavy. The headmaster's wife, Chun'er, has passed away. The entire Zhenwu Mountain must mourn for seven days, and countless disciples need to go to express their condolences.

Cui Yu didn't want to go, but as a handyman disciple, he had no choice at all. He had to go. This was the sect's rule.

Cui Yu and Runan went to express condolences together, but were blocked from the mourning hall by Cui Cancan.

Stop, you are not welcome here. When Cui Cancan saw Cui Yu and Runan arriving, he stood in front of the mourning hall with a pale face, instantly attracting the attention of countless elders and disciples.

Without saying a word, Cui Yu picked up Runan and turned around to leave. He didn't want to hang him in the first place, but now that the world is stopping him, he can't blame himself.

Cui Cancan couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Cui Yu leaving neatly.

Walking to the foot of the mountain, Runan looked back with uneasy eyes, and lowered his voice in Cui Yu's ear: Brother, isn't it a good idea for us to do this? What if the elders and deacons of the back door blame us...

I'm not even afraid of the headmaster, how can I still be afraid of those elders? Don't be too humble. We have obtained the Qi Practitioner's formula. Where can we not practice? The worst is to leave Zhenwu Mountain. Cui Cancan patted Runan's face. Shoulder.

When Runan heard this, he lowered his head and followed Cui Yu obediently: I listen to big brother.

The two of them had just reached the foot of the mountain when suddenly a terrifying energy shot up into the sky in the direction of the mourning hall. In an instant, the sky was filled with colorful clouds for thousands of miles around. A terrifying coercion spread out from Zhenwu Mountain and spread to all directions in the world. The terrifying coercion in the breath covered thousands of miles around, and at the same time, golden lotuses were falling from the sky. Golden lotuses were blooming everywhere on Zhenwu Mountain, and white flowers fell from the sky one after another.

Golden lotuses are pouring from the sky. This is a sign of the realization of the Golden Order. Has anyone on Zhenwu Mountain broken through and stepped into the mysterious realm of the Golden Order? At this moment, an exclamation sounded in Cui Yu's ears. Song Fuyun didn't know when he was sneaky. Sue appeared on the path not far away, staring at the pillar of light rising into the sky with a pair of eyes full of shock.

I saw the light pillar twisting and transforming amidst Song Fuyun's exclamation, and then turned into a huge figure. The figure wore a hair crown and simple Taoist robes. It was surrounded by thousands of laws, endless stars rising and falling, and an indescribable wave. The energy of the words is lingering, and he seems to have become a unique protagonist in the world.

Although the outline of the figure was blurry, Cui Yu could still tell it at first glance: it was Cui Laohu!

Impossible! Cui Chen is just a monk in the disaster realm, how come he suddenly stepped into the realm of the Golden Imperial Order overnight? Cui Yu was stunned, his eyes full of disbelief.

The span was so big that Cui Yu was stunned and his eyes were full of disbelief: Impossible! I must have seen it wrong! I must have seen it wrong! How could Cui Laohu suddenly realize the Golden Immortal? Woolen cloth?

Zhenwu Mountain actually has another strong man in the Jinchi realm? What's going on? Haven't you heard that Cui Laohu has achieved the Jinchi realm?

Song Fuyun on the side also had his brain shut down, his eyes were filled with disbelief and shock.

Go and find out what happened on Zhenwu Mountain. Cui Yu looked at Song Fuyun: Could that person be Cui Laohu's grandfather, who looks somewhat similar to Cui Laohu?

Song Fuyun heard the words and hurried towards the mountain without saying a word, leaving Cui Yu standing there with a look of disbelief in his eyes. After thinking for a while, he hurried towards the back mountain.

No matter how you say it, Cui Huhu's realization of the Golden Edict is not good news for him.

Cui Yu came all the way to the back mountain and saw the old heavenly master of Zhenwu Mountain standing in front of the stone tablet and studying the words, paying no attention to the vision in the sky.

Fellow Taoist came early today, Cui Yu said.

Last night I figured out a few things, so I came to have a chat. The old Heavenly Master looked a little sad at this time.

Cui Yu couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the old Heavenly Master's performance. There was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and he said to himself: Cui Huhu has achieved the Golden Edict. The Heavenly Master should be happy. Why is he looking so sad now? ’

Why do fellow Taoists look like this? Cui Yu asked.

Unfortunately, my family has encountered a bad thing, and I don't know how to solve it. The old master replied in a wan tone.

When Cui Yu heard this, he glanced at the old Heavenly Master, then turned to look at the earth-shattering vision in the distance, and said to himself: The old Heavenly Master must know the reason why Cui Laohu attained enlightenment.

Then he said calmly: Fellow Taoist, what is that vision?

The old Heavenly Master turned his head and glanced at Cui Laohu's Dharma image, and sighed: It's not Cui Laohu who has attained the Golden Edict.

How could it be? That Cui Huhu is just a monk in the disaster realm. If he is said to be a monk, I believe it, but if he is said to be a member of the golden imperial edict, it seems unlikely, right? Cui Yu asked cautiously.

Upon hearing this, the old Heavenly Master glanced at Cui Yu and did not hide anything: The descendants of the Cui family went astray and practiced an evil technique called The Record of Forgetting Love by the Supreme Being. Chun'er's life and death will eliminate Cui Huhu. The Taishang Wangqinglu suddenly came to perfection and directly entered the realm of the Golden Imperial Order. In the past, the reason why Cui Huhu was ruthless and ruthless in killing his couples was because of the Taishang Wangqinglu. Those who have practiced Taishang Wangqinglu People are too evil, and they can do anything, from the ultimate emotion to sex, to the annihilation of the seven emotions and six desires, to the true union with the Tao, and to merge into the origin of heaven and earth. It is really an extremely evil technique.

The Forgotten Love Record of the Supreme Being? Cui Yu was filled with surprise. This technique was too evil.

I heard someone say that there is a large tomb at the foot of Zhenwu Mountain. The Taishang Forgetful Record was dug out from the foot of the mountain by the founder of the Zhenwu Mountain sect. It was valued by the third generation ancestor of the Cui family as if it were a treasure. The decline of the Cui family is also related to the Taishang Wangqinglu. It has a lot to do with Wang Qing Lu. It can be regarded as retribution! The old Heavenly Master said with a sad face.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard the words, looking at the vision in the horizon with his eyes, knowing in his heart that he could not delay any longer. A master of the Golden Imperial Realm and a master of mediocre strength were definitely two different concepts.

There are many things that Cui Huhu in the disaster realm cannot do, but for Cui Huhu in the Jinzhi realm, it is just a matter of words.

Cui Huhu in the disaster realm cannot drive his family off Zhenwu Mountain, but it is not difficult for Cui Huhu in the Jinzhi realm.

I can't hide my clumsiness anymore! I have to go further to resist Cui Laohu's oppression. Cui Yu withdrew his gaze from the sky, looked at the jade tablet in front of him, and then said to the old master: Speak to me Recently, I understood a secret formula on a stone tablet and developed a magical power, which seems to be able to see through all illusions in the world.

Have you really understood the secret formula? The old Heavenly Master was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Cui Yu in disbelief.

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