In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 1002: Meeting the Heavenly Master for the First Time

Cui Yu is not a fool, how could he let the tiger go back to the mountains so easily?

If this person backfires in the future, wouldn't he have no means of checks and balances?

However, the two sides only had a conflict of positions. Although Mu Renjie did something wrong, he could not be punished to death.

The great elder came to plead in person, giving Cui Yu enough face to be the evil spirit behind him. What could Cui Yu say?

If he goes too far and loses people's hearts, how can he compete for the peak master of Chunyang Peak?

However, the mixing of Mu Renjie and Eryou made Cui Yu feel disgusted and wanted to kill him directly. However, he planted the three corpse insects in advance and infected everyone in Mu Renjie's lineage first. If the day comes when the two sides are really at odds with each other, it would be better to eradicate the conflict directly, so as not to kill one today and another one tomorrow.

It is also beneficial to let Mu Renjie go, as it can kill all Mu Renjie's relatives and friends.

Cui Yu unlocked Mu Renjie's magical power, causing Mu Renjie's legs to become flesh and blood again. The elder looked at Cui Yu and said calmly: Thank you, Junior Brother Cui Yu.

Ancestor, he insulted me like this... Mu Renjie looked unwilling.

Huh? Don't you even listen to what I say? Mu Renjie said in a long voice.

Mu Renjie could only bow to Cui Yu with an unwilling expression, and said firmly: I'm sorry.

Cui Yu's face was full of smile: It doesn't matter.

Sorry for disturbing you. I will definitely discipline this evil beast when I get back. Let's meet again in the future. After saying this, he led Mu Renjie and disappeared into the house.

Looking at the two people's retreating figures, Runan lowered his voice and said: Brother, this great elder is a smiling tiger. He will definitely plot against us in the future.

I know. Cui Yu patted Runan's head: This old guy has lived for who knows how many years. He has cultivated his body and nourished his energy to the extreme. He has mastered the advance and retreat of fire. Now that I have the favor of the evil god, of course he wouldn't dare. It makes things difficult for me, but when he reaches the position of Peak Master, there are many ways to defeat me. Unfortunately, he has no chance to ascend to the position of Peak Master!

Cui Yu buried his head and continued to sort out the books and said: Don't be afraid, I'm just a grasshopper after autumn. How long can I still jump around?

Cui Yu did not pay attention to the Great Elder, but the Great Elder and Mu Renjie left the library and came to the deserted mountain road. Mu Renjie just said: Old Ancestor, you are also the Great Elder of Zhenwu Mountain. The Mu family has been rooted in Zhenwu Mountain for two thousand years, why are they still afraid of being a mere fool? As long as you take over the position of the leader of Chunyang Peak, Chunyang Peak will be our private territory in the future, why do you have to bow to that kid?

That kid's identity is not simple. He has the support of the Seven Peaks' Secret Gods behind him. His identity is the direct bloodline of the Cui family of Zhenwu Mountain. We must not underestimate him. After I climb to the peak of Chunyang Peak, we will have many There is no need to start a conflict at this time. It would be unsightly to cause any accident. For me right now, the most important thing is to compete for the position of the peak master. There can be no surprises! The great elder's eyes were full of excitement. Seriously: If I want to ascend to the position of Peak Master, I need the nod of the Deception God. If I am disgusted by the Deception God because of a mere Cui Yu, then I have lost the watermelon and gained the sesame seeds.

After hearing these words, Mu Renjie said with murderous intent: Then let's let him live a little longer. When we seize the position of peak master, we will make sure that he dies without a burial place.

While the grandfather and grandson were talking, suddenly a little Taoist boy came from a distance: Great Elder, Guishen Xuan, you come to see me.

The Creepy God summoned me? Is it for the Peak Master's business? Could it be that the Peak Master's position has been determined? Upon hearing Tao Tong's words, the Great Elder's face suddenly lit up with joy. Without saying a word, he turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the back mountain of Chunyang Peak. .

Chunyang Peak Back Mountain Temple

When the great elder arrived, he saw a vague shadow standing quietly under the sculpture of the temple, holding a scroll of scripture in his hand, wondering what he was thinking.

Pay homage to the gods. The great elder bowed respectfully.

I heard that you are going to compete for the position of the leader of Chunyang Peak? A human face appeared on the vague shadow of the strange god. A pair of eyes looked at the great elder quietly without any emotion. Those dead eyes looked at the great elder. My heart is numb.

Exactly. The great elder suddenly became excited when he heard what Gui Shen said, and a thought flashed in his mind: Could it be that Gui Shen wants to directly support me in ascending to the throne?

However, before he could get excited, the cold voice of Wei Shen was poured down like cold water, immediately chilling the great elder:

Don't waste your efforts and just wait and see! The position of Peak Master is not destined for you!


The great elder was so shocked that he couldn't even speak. He looked at the strange god with a pair of stumbling eyes, his eyes were full of disbelief, and his eyes were full of shock.

He couldn't understand, besides himself, who else in Chunyang Peak could be qualified for this position?

Who in the entire Chunyang Peak is more suitable for the position of peak master than this disciple? The great elder's voice was full of disbelief.

After hearing the words of the Great Elder, white light gathered in the eyes of the God of Creation: Are you questioning my decision?

Disciple doesn't dare. I'm just curious in my heart about what kind of person he is that can win the favor of our ancestors. The great elder quickly knelt down on the ground.

Cui Yu. Guishen spat out two words: Don't make trouble for him again, otherwise don't blame me for not giving you the favor of the ancestor of the Mu family.

The voice of the strange god was full of coldness, and after speaking, the figure had disappeared.

The great elder stood there blankly as if struck by lightning, staring at the air in front of him. He wanted to ask, 'Why? ’, but the cold words of Wei Shen still echoed in his ears, causing a wave of unwillingness to well up in his heart.

‘Why! Then Cui Yu was just a handyman disciple, how could he soar into the sky and become the peak master of Chunyang Peak? ’ A surge of anger rushed into my mind along with huge unwillingness.

Of course he is not willing to give in!

You must know that the gap between him and the Seven Zhenwu Sons in Zhenwu Mountain's ranking in the past was just a move in chess. It was not bad luck, and he must have a place among the Seven Sons of Zhenwu.

It was fine to be ridden on the head by the other seven people at first, but now he is being ridden on the head by a related household. Can he be willing to do so?

I don't accept it! The great elder clenched his fists in his sleeves and walked down the mountain with a livid face: Why do you want to give it to him just when you say you want to? The seven weird gods are incompatible with the main peak. The weird gods cannot take the peak. If the Lord's position is given to me, then I might as well go and join the main peak lineage directly.

Thinking of this, the great elder rushed directly to the main peak.

The grudge between Cui Yu and Cui Huhu is now well known in the entire Zhenwu Mountain. Since Guishen chose to support Cui Yu and his direct lineage in the fight, why didn't he directly join the direct lineage?

With the support of his direct lineage, am I not as good as Cui Yu?

Inside the Sutra Pavilion

Of course, Cui Yu didn't know what was going on in the mind of the great elder of Chunyang Peak. At this time, Cui Yu was sorting out books and reading Chunyang Peak's classics, hoping to understand the path to immortality.

If you can understand the Great Way of Immortals, you will be able to leap directly from the dragon gate to reach the sky in one step.

It's just that the Heavenly Avenue is not so easy to comprehend. It cannot be said that the combat power of the Heavenly Avenue is strong, but after comprehending the Heavenly Avenue, one can master all kinds of incredible heavenly secrets, break the shackles in the underworld, and be able to transform people and the world. Communication induction.

Everything seemed to calm down, as if all the storms had disappeared and everything was quiet again.

On this day, Cui Yu came to the back mountain and stood in front of the jade monument, thinking about when to end his acting and show all the ghosts and gods that he had fully mastered the magical power of the 'eye of the sky'. Suddenly, a whirlwind and a figure blew through the mountain. Walking from the foot of the mountain, we came to the jade monument along the way.

Cui Yu's eyes moved away from the jade tablet and fell on the visitor. He couldn't help but be startled: What a profound cultivation level!

Cui Yu only felt an indescribable energy swirling around the opponent's body, which seemed to have transcended the five elements of heaven and earth, and half of his feet vaguely jumped out of the three realms.

The Heavenly Master of Zhenwu Mountain! Cui Yu said secretly in his heart.

He has practiced resurrecting the dead, and his grasp of the energy of life is unparalleled. Although he has never had close contact with the Heavenly Master, he has seen the opponent's actions from a distance several times, and of course he has memorized the opponent's life magnetic field.

Cui Yu looked at the old Heavenly Master, and the Old Heavenly Master also looked at Cui Yu.

It's very similar! So similar! The old master looked at Cui Yu with his eyes and felt that Cui Yu and Cui Huhu were very similar in front of him. Anyone who had seen them would think that they were a father and son.

Are you meditating on this secret technique? The old master spoke first, breaking the calm in the field.

Cui Yu pretended not to know the identity of the other party, and replied casually: I overheard someone talking about it in the Sutra Pavilion, so I wanted to give it a try. Maybe there is a chance to understand this secret technique and obtain the Pure Yang Peak. The position of Peak Master.”

The old Heavenly Master was stunned when he heard this: Did you understand this secret technique to compete for the position of the leader of Chunyang Peak?

Cui Yu nodded: That's right! If I can become the master of Chunyang Peak, those people will no longer dare to despise me or bully me at will. I just want to win a breath!

The Heavenly Master heard this and had mixed feelings in his heart. Before he came to see Cui Yu, he had done his homework secretly and learned about Cui Yu's past. Of course he knew about the messy affairs between Cui Laohu and Qiqing Saint Aunt, as well as the relationship between Cui Yu and Cui Laohu. conflict.

Looking at Cui Yu with a stubborn face, Master Tian felt a pang of distress: This child is having a hard time.

Not only did he lose his mother at a young age, but he was also ostracized by his stepmother, and was cheated by his own father. He probably experienced nine out of ten of the sufferings in the world.

Are you also here to learn this secret technique? Cui Yu asked back.

The old Heavenly Master was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said: Yes, I have also comprehended this secret technique. I heard that whoever can comprehend this secret technique can become one of the Seven True Martial Sons, or even become the master of a peak. Of course I will too. Gotta try it.”

Having said this, the Heavenly Master stood calmly behind Cui Yu: How do you feel about it?

I have figured out a few tricks, but most of them are confused. Cui Yu said.

After hearing this, the old Heavenly Master looked at the stone tablet with his eyes: What's the puzzle?

The inscriptions on the stone tablet are incomplete and seem to be intermittent. There is no way to understand them. Cui Yu said.

After hearing this, the old Heavenly Master secretly said in his heart: 'The content on this stone tablet was originally made up by me combined with the Xuan Mizhu. Even I can't understand it myself. It would be strange if you could understand it. However, this damaged message contains a magical power that I left behind in the past. This magical power comes from the Xuan Mizhu. After training, it can see through all the illusions in the world. I can give you some guidance. ’

Let me take a look. The old master pretended to be curious, and then he stepped forward and stared at the stone tablet for a moment. He suddenly pointed to a formula and said: I always feel that there is something wrong with this formula. It seems to contain some unique rules. .”

That formula is the first sentence to understand the magical power of 'seeing through illusions', and it is also the beginning of all laws.

Really? Cui Yu looked quickly when he heard this, his eyes fell on the stone tablet, and there was a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Then the two of them discussed the secrets on the stone tablet in front of the stone tablet. After a long time, they saw the old master standing up: Oh, I forgot something, I have to do it now, you can understand it yourself here Bar.

After saying this, he patted Cui Yu's shoulder with his palm. A drop of Cui Yu's blood was absorbed by the Heavenly Master, and then he hurried down the mountain.

When they arrived at the foot of the mountain, the Heavenly Master took Cui Yu's blood and used his magical power. A drop of blood flew out from his fingertips, and then the two drops of blood emitted a divine light, creating an inexplicable rhythm. The next moment, it turned into two... The rays of light merged together. Seeing this scene, the old Heavenly Master's face showed joy, and he was overjoyed: I didn't expect it to be true! It's really surprising!

Great! Great! I didn't expect that my direct lineage from Zhenwu Mountain still has blood flowing out. I need to let it multiply more and strengthen my Zhenwu Mountain bloodline. This child is now in Chunyang Peak. Isn't it the intention of the seven strange gods? Can you control him to compete with the main peak? I can secretly push someone to make all the ghosts and gods in Chunyang Peak fight. A glint appeared in the old Tianshi's eyes: It's strange that the seven strange gods want to promote him to the top. , why wasn’t there a secret ban?”

The Heavenly Master was a little confused.

Through Cui Yu's blood, he could deduce that Cui Yu was not banned by the seven strange gods.

No matter how many there are, as long as Cui Yu can be used to trick the seven deceitful gods, those seven guys really think that they can break through the Jinchi realm and compete with the ancestors? Wait until they enter the big mountain at the foot of Zhenwu Mountain. Inside the tomb, Ancestor, I will definitely make you look good. The Heavenly Master smiled coldly: I have been prepared for this trick from you for a long time. I even suspect that the loss of my Xuan Mizhu and the loss of my breathing method in the past were related to the seven weird things. I can’t rule it out, it’s just that the seven weird hands and feet are too clean, and I can’t grasp the reason.”

In front of the jade monument on the back mountain

Cui Yu looked at the departing figure of the Heavenly Master and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief: I was too tired from the performance. The Heavenly Master took a drop of my blood. It should be confirmed now, right?

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