Obviously, in the eyes of the hermit, he will never be more trustworthy than the ice masters of the same family, and most ice masters will not think that a human being is more likable than his compatriots.

And Shiori Wuhe's mission was to brush up on the goodwill of these two, and then seal them up.

Obviously, this is a rather intractable problem.

"But, in the end, I have to try it."

"Kinri, let me go."

Shiori Wuhe spoke, and unlike the previous complaints, her voice was full of high fighting spirit at this moment.

Yes, she wants to save all the elves.

"My battle, it's time to start."

========Dividing Line==========

"So, boss, you are too big."

In another world, a witch with beautiful gray hair is complaining irritably through the video.

"Obviously, as long as you wait for the experiments in the three aspects to proceed gradually, you can win, and you actually jumped directly in front of the villain boss."

"Boss, is it possible that you went to Chernobog and was kicked in the head by Amiya?"

"Is that kind of thing important?"

In response, Su Han, who had directly destroyed the entire AST, tapped casually, and then raised his eyebrows.

"It's very important."

Seeing a boss who didn't hide at all after arranging various tasks, but jumped directly to the villain's base camp, Miss Irena really wanted to cover her face.

To be honest, she didn't know Su Han very well.

However, after the mission is over, Su Han will generously provide enough points to buy the golden rate.

There is no doubt that Su Han is the one holding her future.

Therefore, Miss Irena is obviously very concerned about his affairs.

"Boss, according to your description of that Lao Shizi Takamiya Mio, now the whole group of us is not enough to be beaten by that guy."

"The key to your victory is to be able to successfully capture its reversal power and its 55%, and then rely on the power obtained by accumulating blood to gain an advantage and overwhelm it."

"However, now you have neither obtained a wizard's physique, nor mastered elf spells, nor accumulated enough blood. If you are seen by Chong Gong Mio, then the tower will be finished!!"

It was really incomprehensible, Irena, who was operating someone, interprets a stack of thick magic and slapped it on the table with a look of grief and indignation.

The agreement between her and Su Han was that he would give himself 1500 points after defeating Chong Gong Mio.

If this guy is blown up by the hammer of Tsokiya Mio, and he even needs Shizaki to travel 3000 miles to save his life, can he still get points?

When she thought that she couldn't save points before the end of the month and could only watch the scene where the gold rate was wiped out, Miss Irena wanted to lie on the ground and roll for no reason.

That was the hope of her life! !

So, what the **** is the boss thinking about, he came here.

I don't understand at all, Irena, who Su Han didn't go to be the owner of his meat factory at this time, felt that her head was about to explode.

Wouldn't it be nice to read books while accumulating blood energy, and then wait until the blood energy is full and the spells are understood, and then comfortably grab the wizard's physique and then kill the gods?

Have to play so exciting.

Is it difficult, is there any reason why it has to be shot?

Out of the corner of her eye, Irena, who was full of puzzlement, glanced at the blue-haired girl who was playing beside her... and her expression gradually became serious.

She heard Su Han say that he was chasing girls again recently.

If you see the type of girl you like, and you are willing to expose yourself in order to pursue it, it seems not impossible...

"Boss, don't you have the same hobbies as the President of the United States and the Vatican priests?"

Irena, who had lived in the dating world with some kind of doubt, knew something about someone's great deeds, and looked at her boss very seriously.

If that's the case, she'll have to stay away.

In response to her, the boss looked at the mentally handicapped.

Oh, I seem to have said something stupid just now.

Miss Irena thought.

"Wum~, boss, what do you think of the fact that the rectification movement attacked Qicheng and was beaten?"

Irena-san, who felt like she said something very strange, made a very strange voice, trying to change the subject.


"I heard it all."

"Insult the boss and deduct 50 points from you."

Su Han expressionlessly said the decision that made Irena painful.

Damn capitalist!

Miss Irena, whose salary was suddenly reduced by fifty points, covered her face, and while scolding someone for her shameless behavior, she hated herself for being so cheap.

After saying this, Su Han just explained Shi Shiran.

"Lori or something, it should be pretty good to be a daughter, but forget it as a lover."

"The type I like is a gentle and considerate big sister with long **** and thighs, not a guy who can put a small slider on his chest to do linear movements."

"Then boss, why do you dance samba in front of boss?"

Irena became more and more puzzled.

Obviously, Su Han can choose to avoid, and then slowly seek victory.

"Just give her a chance to actively probe my memory."

Very plain, Su Han pinched the feathers in front of his neck.

The woman named Takamiya Mio is infinitely close to the existence of God.

Therefore, no matter how he hides, the probability of being discovered by him will be discovered again, and once he is discovered, his plan will fail.

So, it's better to let yourself become a presence that can make him feel at ease.

It was very clear that the boy who could probe other people's memories by Mio Takamiya touched the crimson feathers, weaving new memories for himself.

"Let her probe your memory?"

As if encountering something very incomprehensible, Irena touched her head with a puzzled expression.


In this regard, the boy nodded without much expression on his face.

"Let her see my memory."

Trying to exchange a picture for a ticket.jpg

Chapter Thirty Five River Shiori, don't stop!

However, although it is said that you are going to give away the head, in the end, there must be a reason and a clue to give away the head.

After all, the purpose of this trip is to let Takamiya Mio find out the truth about "self", and then enter Ratatoskr to get in touch with the reincarnation of Takamiya Mio's lover, Shiori Wukawa, and try to use it as insurance in the worst case. organ.

If you bump into it in a confused way, it will only arouse the suspicion of Chong Gong Mio. In that case, it is better to hide in the collapsed world, while endorsing the letter, while integrating the blood of the wizard, directly give Chong Gong Mio a wave of void smash.

So, when did Wuhe Shiori come?

Su Han, who had been waiting for Wuhe Shiori to attack him, but never saw Wuhe Shiori's figure, sat bored in the building and yawned.

Also, Irena seems to have mentioned before that the rectification movement attacked Qicheng and was beaten up. What happened?

I vaguely remember that in the plot of the Ark, Kelsey, who had a record like the captain of the transportation team, paid a huge price to save Su Han from the Swordsman Tower in the Qicheng incident, rubbing his chin.

Could it be that the little donkey who has always been an invisible person has also gone online when he is no longer there?

Also, as a future talker in Rhode Island, the little donkey still has some funds on hand.

She gritted her teeth, and she could use the Doctor's ration - Originium to exchange points for points, and then let Dardalia go to Nutallulah.

I always feel that this kind of development is a bit out of the plot development.

Thinking of this, Su Han's expression became slightly distressed.

However, after thinking about it for a while, he was relieved.

The plot thing is not very reliable in the first place. If it is messed up, it will be messed up. It is nothing more than spending more time to deal with the problem.

So, another day, in the name of celebrating the little donkey's birthday, take Miku to Usas for a spin.

Although Miku is always an Ako who is useless except for singing, her ability is actually very strong when facing opponents who do not have her own strength.

If nothing else, Su Han could never replicate the ability to control thousands, even tens of thousands of people.

After he celebrates the little donkey's birthday, let Miku directly control the nobles of Ursus.

Then, scientists with anti-entropy or destiny, go to manufacture artificial robots to explore Originium to mine, directly mine Originium in a large area, and sell it, wouldn't it be beautiful.

After the industrialization harvested the blood and energy, the young man who started to think about how to industrialize the collection of group points thought of this, and his eyes lit up slightly.

This is not much stronger than fighting with Otto and the **** all day long.

Safe and reliable.

The Ark world view seems to be somewhat similar to the ceiling and seems a bit threatening, but there are no boss-level characters on my side.

If nothing else, take Ark World as the No. 1 colony and tell Su that Su is definitely running over here.

The skin of Cthulhu is terrible, and the gods who will become stronger because of people's fear are also terrible, but they are obviously not broken and difficult to deal with.

If you fight with the skin Cthulhu or the so-called gods, you can get the chance of human survival. I believe that the pioneers in the collapsed world will definitely fly happily.

I decided to go to the Ark World to pan for gold after I cleaned up Chong Gong Mio.


And Irena's world seems to have developed techniques, and there are still many strange specialties.

If you can, you can buy and sell land there, build factories, start the industrial revolution, and then learn magic techniques to improve your mysticism level, while exchanging things like special minerals in that world for points.

Well, sure enough, industrialization is more profitable than going it alone.

The boy who seemed to have the same thoughts as a scumbag witch thought.

It's a pity that I have to clean up Mio Takamiya first.

So, why hasn't Wuhe Shiori come yet?

Su Han looked at the half-open door with a confused expression.

Not far away, a timid girl, holding a doll, looked at the boy who knocked down the entire AST with one blow not long ago.

"That, big brother..."

It may be because of the mutual attraction of spiritual power, the girl who called Su Han the eldest brother, was floating in the sky in an inverted posture that violated gravity, and returned to a normal posture after turning around, and then landed on the ground.

Then, the mouth of the hand puppet began to speak three times.

"Big brother, did you do something wrong?"

"There is no big sister who wants to save the elves at all, come here."

Yoshina, another personality created by Yoshino, only emerges when wearing a hand puppet.

She is Yoshino's ideal self and her friend.

A cheerful and talkative personality, he is always confident in his speech, but occasionally he speaks too much. Constantly encouraging and supporting Yoshino, and talking to others on her introverted place.

In addition, Yoshino is also Yoshino's spiritual support, a strong image created to prevent his own fear from getting out of control, and this is also based on Yoshino's gentleness that he doesn't want to hurt others.

Although it is through Yoshino's ventriloquism to speak, but since the two thoughts are separate and independent, Yoshino's speech has nothing to do with Yoshino's will, and is regarded as Yoshino's second personality.

At this moment, in the eyes of most people, Yoshina, who is just a rogue rabbit, is shaking his head and complaining.

"Big brother, you remembered it wrong."

In response, Su Han also shook his head helplessly.

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