I don't know if it was an illusion, but Miss Shiori felt that Murasame Reine looked at this male elf, very unkind.

Just now, she had been giving the impression of not waking up, looking straight at herself in the mirror, then quickly picked up the phone, and looked at the photo of a certain elf that suddenly appeared, her eyes were sharp.

That scene was completely different from the Murasame Reine that he knew.

To make an inappropriate analogy, it is also looking at the elf, Muramame Reine looks at Yatoshen Tohka, like a young and ignorant sister, or a daughter adopted from elsewhere.

Even if the contact time was not very long, she looked at Tohka with a little warmth in her eyes after all.


When looking at Su Han, this is not the case at all.

That look can probably be summed up in a vernacular.

"Who do you send it to!"

I always feel that Miss Murasame Lingyin and Su Jun are not very compatible Yazis.

Shiori Wuhe thought, looking a little distressed.

According to Ratatosk, the seal of the elves is not absolute, and there is a line between the sealer and the elves.

Once the sealed elf is impatient, the spiritual power will flow back.

Therefore, Ratatosk will try his best to place the elves in the places where Ratatosk can observe, or simply stuff them in Vlaxinas or his own house.

Obviously, from the current situation, it is difficult for Murasame Lingyin and Su Jun to get along well.

If she can successfully seal Su Jun, then how can she make the relationship between the two people more harmonious?

Shiori Wuhe thought.


The expression on her face gradually turned into a wry smile after thinking of the elf who came prepared, came directly, cheated, and attacked her little comrade.


What are you thinking about now?

Although the guy put on an affectionate look of "I finally found you", but the guy's favorable impression of himself was only 40 alas.

The most urgent task now is to show the best side of myself as much as possible, and to brush up that guy's favorability.

To do this, you have to think about your image well.

Shiori Wukawa looked at himself in the mirror and sized up.

The eyebrows are slender, the corners of the eyes are long and narrow, and the lips are moist, like peach blossoms.

This can be said to be the best makeup time in her life.


The eyeshadow seems a little dull.

"Do I need to add more eyeshadow?"

The girl who was trying to adjust her appearance looked at the analyst next to her with a slightly uneasy expression.

The words fell into Murasame Reine's ears, making her expression more complicated.

After a long time, the woman opened her mouth and said.

"You must dress up carefully when dating a guy, but don't overdress, just be dignified and beautiful or pure and cute."

"Dressing up with heavy makeup can make boys think you're flirtatious when you meet for the first time."

That look, like a mother watching her daughter getting married, and like... an old woman who ran away.

Shiori Wukawa looked at the analyst who answered him, and for some reason, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of guilt.


What do you feel guilty about?

Shiori Wuhe shook his head to clear his mind.

Her current operation, she is sorry for Tohka, what does it have to do with Murasame Reine.

She is just her own wingman.

With that thought in mind, she picked up the comb, adjusted her hair for the last time, took a deep breath, and bowed to Murasame Reine.

Murasame Reine is a woman with deep dark circles on her face, who looks weak and sometimes falls down suddenly.

Honestly, such a person looks absolutely unreliable.

After all, this kind of ill appearance really made people wonder if she would fall down in the process of performing the task.


Considering that the rest of Ratatoskri are either perverts or losers, she is the only one who can be trusted when it comes to giving dating advice.

I will never forget what kind of useless Miss Shiori those Han Han love masters that Qin Li recruited are. With her bright eyes, she looked at the only reliable woman in the team, full of expectations.

"Next, I'm going to try to date Su Jun. Next, I'll ask you for your advice."

Become your own lover, a counselor for men?

Inexplicably, she thought of a song from Shenzhou.

Fengxi Fengxi returned to her hometown and traveled around the world to seek her phoenix.

When I haven't met Xi and I have no generals, why Wu Xi has risen to the church today!

There is a beautiful lady in the boudoir, ... I think I feel sad.

If possible, Murasame Reine would definitely refuse such a request.

However, looking at the face that was exactly the same as his lover's, a reluctant smile appeared on Mio's delicate and unhuman face.

Is this her choice?

"of course can."

persecuted person.jpg

Chapter 28 Four Lolita is the best in the world! !

According to information, the elf of unknown origin has a very close relationship with Tokisaki Kurumi, Yui Miku, and Honjo Erya.

If you shoot at it, unless you kill it without leaving a trace, as long as you leave a trace for a long time, it will be noticed by this article Erya.

Once they are noticed, then Tokisaki Kurumi and Yukiya Miku will also realize the problem and become hostile to Wukawa Shiori. At that time, it is estimated that it will affect the speed of Shiori's absorption of spiritual crystals.

Let's endure this for a while.

Wait until you can decide how to handle it, and then think about how to deal with him.

Since that guy came with malice, he shouldn't be attacked so easily.

Since it will not be easily attacked, as long as the elves come fast enough, the young man will soon be able to obtain enough spiritual power.

So, bear with yourself for a while.

Just a while.

"I'll help...boy, you—"

Looking at the face that was almost identical to his lover's, Takamiya Mio made a declaration.


Before she could finish speaking, without warning, the sound of sirens sounded in the battleship.

That was the warning sound of a spacequake report.

"Confirmation is a very powerful spirit wave reaction. Another spirit is coming!"

Just as Shiori's eyes widened in panic, the voice of a male crew member came from below the bridge.

The second genie appeared?

Hearing this news, Shiori Wuhe, who was still preparing for the attack on Su Han, had a tense expression and quickly ran towards the conference room.

As the one who decides to save all the elves, she must always stand on the front lines related to elves.

The girl with beautiful makeup disappeared from Murakami Reine's field of vision, just like a bunny playing happily.

When he entered the conference room, before that, he would only talk about "directly take that male elf to the underwear store", "hold the bread and hit the ground at the school gate, just showing a corner of fat" and so on. The intelligence's slutty assistance team is indeed more serious than ever.

They held their posts and looked at the big screen in front of them.

Shiori Wukawa looked over.

It was a projection.

On the projection is a large road with many shops.

Just as people conquered floods, droughts, storms and other disasters with wisdom in the past, people who have already understood the characteristics of space earthquakes have already built shelters and a full set of early warning devices.

Of course, after the warning device took effect, no one could be seen on the street, and it looked like a ghost town.

People, have they all been hidden?

Shiori Wukawa looked at the empty street, heaved a sigh of relief, and then focused on the big screen.

In the middle of his gaze, the center of the picture suddenly began to distort.

In the originally empty space, ripples suddenly appeared as if a stone was thrown on the water.

Then, the distortion of space gradually expanded—

Tiny blips of light appear to start appearing on the screen. At this moment, with the sound of the explosion, the picture turned white.

There was a big hole in the street.

can only be described as such.

Until just now, there were still many buildings standing on both sides of the main road, and countless shops lined up one after another. It is conceivable that there is a bustling commercial street there.

However, now part of that road has been shaved into a shallow window-level foundation./

The shops, street lights and telephone poles that should have existed there, even the asphalt pavement on the road, all disappeared without a trace.

Then, perhaps due to the impact of the aftermath of the explosion, the surrounding area also appeared as if it had been ravaged by a strong typhoon.


Although he often sees ruined streets, this is the first time Shiori has witnessed the explosion.

Palms got wet from sweat.

The state of affairs that I tried to explain with my brain was finally fully understood through actual experience.

The streets, the spaces in which people lived, were destroyed in an instant.

If the elves are not sealed, it will be terrible.

"This explosion is considered a small-scale level, which is really fortunate."

The high-view man who was at the back of Wuhe Qinli——Deputy Commander Kannayuki Kyouhei opened his mouth and said.

Shiori held his forehead silently.

——The explosion just now was considered a small-scale level?

For a moment, Shiori couldn't understand what Kotori and the others said, but he immediately reconsidered.

No wonder.

Because the scale of the space earthquake just now was only tens of meters at best.

Compared with the big air disaster 30 years ago, the scale of such a space earthquake can only be said to be small and cute.

"It looks like a recluse."

According to the scale of the space earthquake, Wuhe Qinli calmly analyzed it.

"The scale of this kind of spiritual power is higher than that of Lancer."

Alas, isn't Su Jun known as the most powerful elf?

How can I hear this statement, the scale of Su Jun's spiritual power seems to be...

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