Therefore, Miss Honjo can only sulking there.

"So, what are your plans next?"

After a long time, the girl looked at the boy who seemed to have already arranged everything, and asked.

"Probably learn more about the protagonist and ultimate boss of this world."

In the early days of entering the battle world, Su Han, who was determined not to contact Shiori Wuhe, laughed with a hearty smile.

This moment, that moment.

Now, he should also change the phalanx.

"That thing, isn't there a small discount?"

She obviously didn't know Tobiichi Origami at all, but Honjo Niya, who affectionately called her by her nickname, was stunned.

Obviously, this guy used his angels a lot during his sneaky time.

"It is obviously unreliable to only count on Tobiichi Origami."

"The genetic engineering of Thunder and Lightning Ryoma has not been completed, and the analysis of spells in Irena has not yet been carried out. Before these two items are completed, I am very free."

"So, let me have a look."

"But, you're not saying that there is in Mio Takamiya's ability—"

Honjo Erya, who heard Su Han's description of the scene of Chong Gong Mio's ability, quickly dissuaded him.

Takamiya Mio is an extremely outrageous monster. To deal with that kind of guy, you must prepare everything.

"You mean Chong Gong's ability to read and delete memories?"

The boy was playing with the feathers that had just been extracted from Benjo Erya's five-year ordeal, and had been blurred.

He smiled and answered.

"It's not a big problem to deal with."

Chapter 24: A Song Outside the Wall: A phoenix begging for a phoenix?

Licking your lips, you can taste the sweat.

In addition to gravity, random fields spread out around the body can control temperature and humidity at will.

Therefore, although the symptoms are not obvious, once it is determined that the body is sweating slightly, it means that there are conditions other than the external environment causing this phenomenon. The most common causes are mostly excessive exercise, serious illness -

Also, extremely nervous.

Tobiichi Origami swallowed as if to adjust his breathing, and clenched the hilt of the high-powered lightsaber in his hand again.

Now, what is covering Origami's slender body is not the usual high school uniform, but a combination of a wiring suit and a tactical display device.

In order to perform magic, modern wizards must wear this mechanical armor.

The wizards who put on this armor and spread out the realm of randomness can be called superhumans.

But—— Origami, who was now almost equivalent to Superman, was completely cornered.

This is a special training ground near the Ground Self-Defense Force's Tengu garrison base - a special venue for AST members such as Origami to practice how to use the display device and be treated with magic power.

In theory, the field is fairly solid and can withstand a single round of artillery fire.

Ruin-like obstacles stood around, and in the center of that space, a girl with a ponytail was standing calmly in it.

- Chong Gong Mana.

Origami silently recited the girl's name in her heart while re-examining her figure.

About fourteen or five years old.

There is a crying mole under the left eye, and there is still a bit of childishness in the face that looks quite smart.

That's one of the top five magicians in the world of display device skills.

It is also a member of AST sent by DEM after the reconstruction of AST.

In the next time, she will improve the combat effectiveness of the AST in the form of actual combat, and then replace the captain of the sun who cannot continue to lead the AST due to the loss of some memory for unknown reasons. .

To be honest, as Tobiichi Origami, who knows the truth about spirits and DEM, such a girl is undoubtedly an enemy.

Although this young lady doesn't seem to have much counter-attack ability in front of her boss, she is an enemy after all.

What she should do, should be the same as before, secretly pass on the information to let her boss know that DEM is investigating him.


that face...

Before that, Tobiichi Origami, who had been in the rehabilitation area without seeing Aileen and others, looked at the swirling blue hair, and his thoughts flew for a while.

It was the exact same hair color as Shiori.

During the time when her thoughts were flying, a lightsaber silently appeared on her shoulder.

That is the sword of Chong Gong Mana.

"Training is over."

The girl who had beaten the entire AST with only one girl, Tobiichi Origami, announced her victory.

She looked at Tobiichi Origami, who seemed to be related to a spirit, with a look of majesty that didn't match her age, and said.

Elves are dangerous.

Especially the kind of elves who are extremely restrained by magicians.

"That child may be able to investigate the clues of the elf. Next, you have to get along well with her."


Investigate the whereabouts of the elf and report it to DEM. Prepare for the next move.

This is Westcott's mission for Shina Chong Gong.

Killing that male elf is what Westcott is looking forward to most now, and for this reason, he must collect information about it as much as possible.

Tobiichi Origami, who was suspected to have a direct connection with it, naturally appeared in his field of vision.

In order to obtain information without disturbing the spirits that may exist behind him, Westcott reminded Somiya Mana, who was dispatched to the AST as the captain.

This kind of thing made Chong Gong Zhenna very irritable.

It's not that she doesn't like DEM and Westcott. She has always been grateful for the DEM who took in her who lost her memory.

The things that really bother her are other things.

- The whereabouts of my sister.

When she was stationed in Tiangong City with Aileen before, she accidentally learned something.

"Do you have any relatives in Tiangong City?"

Not long ago, a subordinate told her this.

"I saw a girl who looked just like you on the street before."

In Tengu City, there is a girl who looks very similar to him.

This is both good news and bad news for Shina Chonggong, who was separated from his biological sister.

The good news is that she has finally found her long-lost sister.

The bad news is that her sister lives in Tiangong City, where there is a high probability of super-high-risk elves. If you are not careful, the city will become as peaceful and friendly as Fuyuki City.

This kind of thing made Chong Gongzhen want to take a leave of absence, and quickly went to rescue his sister and let her move out of Tiangong City.


The action was over before it even started.

Chonggong Zhenna closed his eyes, accompanied by extreme discomfort, and memories came up from the depths of his brain.

"Tiger, tiger! The brilliant fire burning in the forest at night, what kind of divine hand or eye made you so mighty?"

The elf who recited William Blake's poems stabbed out a spear in a time when he didn't react at all.

In just an instant, the random field around him was torn apart, and before the display device created the random field again, the spear had already hit his armor.


Just like thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years of weathering, it was completed in a moment, and the armor that could even resist the slash of the elves turned into flying ashes.

Fear rose in Chong Gong Zhen's heart.

It is not that she has never fought with elves, but there has never been an attack by an elves like him.

Simple, deadly, and unavoidable.

The reason that he can live until now is purely because that guy needs a few messengers, so let's send a message to DEM.

To be honest, after this overwhelming battle, the smart people should choose to temporarily leave the front line, and then sneak up to Tiangong City, take their sister and leave.

Accepting Westcott's appointment to investigate the male elf who is the natural enemy of magicians, it's a joke.


Chong Gong Zhenna still agreed.

In her memory, the mocking smile of the young man made it difficult for her to forget.

The body that had never been seen by the opposite **** was fully exposed to its field of vision, and then was severely pressed to the ground and rudely stuffed into the dark world.

The humiliation of being defeated by an enemy who has restrained himself...

The humiliation of being stripped of all clothing and exposed...

The humiliation of being pressed into the darkness like garbage...

If you say that life is a trial, then the most difficult mountain to cross in your life has already appeared.

If you don't cross it, I'm afraid that you will live in his shadow all your life.

Recalling Su Han's face, in his heart, apart from fear, it was the blue pupils of the endlessly humiliated Chong Gongzhen, as if a flame was burning.

This is a trial, and you can only grow when you overcome those dark pasts.

"Lancer, I will definitely defeat you and make you feel a thousand times more humiliated than mine."

She murmured, like an ancient hero, taking the oath called "geis".

However, before that, I still have to deal with another thing.

When he came to Tiangong City, he had two purposes, as if he wanted to get rid of the headache, he shook his head, then took out a small pendant from the chest of the wiring suit and opened it.

Inside the pendant, two very cute girls were hugging each other and smiling.

Obviously, for her now, the most important thing is to find her sister.

"Sergeant Tobiichi, AST has the ability to retrieve the information of Tengu City residents."

Obviously planning to send his sister out of the battlefield first, and then fight his old enemy to the end, Chong Gong Mana asked.


"Then please."

========Dividing Line========

Shiori Wukawa sighed deeply and heavily.

Walking on the street leading to the school, walking at a pace similar to that of a grandmother with a weak waist and legs.

There was a tired look on his face, and for some reason even the bangs that were almost covering his eyes were dull.

Although she is only sixteen years old, her temperament seems to be a few years older than her real age.

However, this is also a matter of course.

——A sudden disaster called a "space earthquake" occasionally occurs in this world.

Literally, after a violent explosion, the space within a specific range centered on the epicenter will disappear without a trace, as if a corner had been dug away.

Even if the prediction method of space earthquakes is now established, and buildings can be repaired quickly, it is still a very serious natural disaster.

Although this information has not been announced to the public - but the real cause of the space earthquake is the existence of the so-called elves.

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