I don't know what the current situation of this article II is.

Will I continue to be imprisoned like in the plot, or will I get a new life path because of the small waves I set up...

Hope, I can simply get something and kill God.

If there is a change and you can't find this second sub, you can only find a way to catch Westcott.

In that case, you probably won't be able to get the complete elf spell, and you have to count on the shaving witch to restore it.

I don't know if the witch's spell level is enough to deduce a complete spell from the incomplete elf spell.

Su Han, who had been expecting Dr. Romani to be his backer, sighed before he met the crumb witch.

He had a private chat with Dr. Romani and got a very frustrating thing.

His real name Solomon was the king of magic in the past, but his magic ability basically came from the wisdom bestowed by the only **** of Semites.

That Rui was wiped out with his wish "I want to spend my life as an ordinary person".

The king who made the gods farewell from the world and became a mortal.

This kind of story is quite touching.

In addition to his emotions, he also stretched out his hand for Su Han, who was expecting a lot of Romani headaches, pressed his temple, and then looked at the girl in front of him.

The girl dressed exactly like the witch in the story was looking at herself with a customer service smile on her face.

Irena, the super genius in Witch's Journey.

He has one of the best magical talents among his peers.

However, what Su Han needs is not a genius, but an experienced great magician.

So, what should I say next to tell her that she is a tool responsible for contacting the Witch Association without hurting her self-esteem?

When meeting group friends, he was not as ruthless as a young man who was unfamiliar, and his expression was a little distressed.

As the group owner, although he is not similar to a certain Huangshan mother who did not want to be named, he still cares about group members.


While he was considering his words, the girl's voice rang out instead.

"So, boss, won't your girlfriend mind if you bring me here for a drink?"

As if they were very familiar, the girl laughed at her boss.


Hearing this, Su Han was stunned for a moment, and the question he was thinking about was completely interrupted.

What's that?

When I was in 520, I often thought about whether to post "Which 250 dares to show affection on 520, I will use 502 to seal your mouth, and throw a dump truck on the 205 National Road to kill you." This kind of copywriting is in the circle of friends Su Su Han rolled his eyes.

It's easy when you get to college, one of the most outrageous lies in the world.

In fact, as long as the major is selected well, the college entrance examination will be held at the end of the year.

Go to medical school and still have time to find a girlfriend?

"Hey, boss, don't you have a girlfriend?"

As if seeing something very unbelievable, Irena widened her dark blue eyes and looked at Su Han's eyes, as if she was looking at some kind of cherished animal.

"Girlfriend... that kind of thing doesn't exist for the time being."

Su Han, who told a very sad story, sighed.

Then, he met Irena's suspicious gaze.

"The singer with a super body likes you, and the girl who smiles like a lady has a high opinion of you."

Very straightforward, Irena said such words.

"You mean, Yui Miku and Tokisaki Kurumi like me?"

As if hearing something very interesting, Su Han looked at a girl who had just joined the group chat not long ago.

In response, Irena couldn't help but pouted.

"That kind of thing can be seen at a glance."

"In the case of Miss Tokisaki, I'm not sure how tall it is for the time being."

"However, that girl named Yuxiao Meijiu, the way she looks at you and the way she looks at other men, is completely looking at two species!"

In response, Su Han rolled his eyes.

"Tokisaki Kurumi got close to me because I was her partner and someone who could rebel against the 'God' with her."

"Yu Xiaomeijiu's eyes are different from those of normal men. That's because, genetically speaking, I'm really not the same species as normal humans."

Those words fell into Irena's ears, causing a slightly embarrassed but polite smile to appear on her face.

The comrade-in-arms who rebelled against God together, the only one of the opposite **** who made himself not disgusting...

This kind of setting, no matter how you look at it, you are holding the script of the heroine.

Hey hey hey, this guy in the group should not be that kind of scumbag who refuses to take off the list because he is not good at raising fish.

Thinking of this, Miss Irena moved her body silently, pulling a little distance from Su Han.

"Or... the group owner, are you not interested in love?"

I feel that the group leader is likely to be the girl of the sea king, and she speaks words like going down the stairs.

"Emotional things...not that I'm not interested at all."

"But, it's really hard to control."


Hard to control?

What is this answer.

Irena was stunned.

"I believe that reason is the real force that maintains the world order."

"As long as you think rationally, all kinds of problems can be solved easily."

"But feelings are not."

Looking at the slightly sluggish Irena, Su Han shrugged and said.

"So, after I'm sure that I can control the direction of my relationship, let's discuss the period of love."

"It's better to speculate on DEM's whereabouts than to control emotions or something."

Chapter 15 The relationship between Miss Kuangsan and Miss Meijiu does not seem to be harmonious

In the afternoon, the sky was overcast and the air was humid and dull.

It was as if at a pre-planned timing, the cold raindrops fell from the layers of cumulus clouds, tick, tick, and water stains from large raindrops began to appear on the asphalt road.

Perhaps because of the weather, there were few pedestrians on the prosperous streets in the past, and the few pedestrians were in a hurry.

In this way, the city that was not very lively in the first place is even more lonely, and even has a feeling of depression.

The hot body made Tokisaki Kurumi feel that her face was not as big as her breasts, sitting in the cafe, stirring the coffee constantly, taking a sip, then looked at the rain outside the window and sighed.

"Why is it raining so much?"

As one of the deadly duo who just beat the ast directly with his own hands, the singer is complaining in the rain that the weather forecast has been very inaccurate recently.

"Is there anything wrong?"

The source of the voice was a black-haired girl.

The layered bangs covered one eye, and the exposed eyes showed a charming wine red.

Without a doubt, it was Tokisaki Kurumi.

The girl who sent the entire ast to the emergency room with Yu Xiao Miku not long ago was holding a cup of milk tea, waiting for the rain to stop.

For various reasons, Yu Xiao Meijiu, who didn't get along very well, looked at the cold rain outside the window and said lightly.

"According to Su Jun, the precursor to the appearance of the fourth elf is rain and snow. On the way to solve the AST, it is actually a good thing to encounter such a thing."

"After all, if we are lucky, we can pick up a compatriot to go back. As long as we can convince her, the winning rate against DEM will increase significantly."

I heard Su Han mention that the premise of defeating Takamiya Mio is to obtain the blood of a wizard, and use elf magic to capture his own demon king, Tokisaki Kurumi said.

The basic framework of the plan has been set.

The next action is nothing more than repelling DEM's strongest magician, taking its bloodline, and then looking for the second elf or torturing Westcott.

"Gods are only ignorant and ignorant children after they come to the world. If they don't know the human world, and settle their mentality and wisdom, the so-called God is just a big child."

"And Mio Tsonomiya is an indescribable **** who hasn't grown up yet."

This is what Su Han said before.

Using immaturity and ignorance to describe "God" is undoubtedly a rebellious word to the extreme.

However, that's what it is.

Thirty years ago, after witnessing the tragic death of his lover, Takamiya Mio fell into a "quagmire" called feelings.

She has been working hard to resurrect her lover and make her an immortal life. In other respects, it basically stayed thirty years ago.

Apart from that feeling, she is almost the same as she was thirty years ago.

She didn't make up for her shortcomings at all.

Therefore, the flaws that she had 30 years ago, which is essentially an artificial life form, still exist.

As long as the flaw is seized, the next time will be the time when the gods bleed.

It is very clear that the most important moment in his life, the girl who will appear in the near future, looks at the rain outside and is a little dazed.

Not long ago, he was still running around in order to save time to fight to the death with Takamiya Mio, and he kept committing karma in order to gain strength...

So, why did you start to slack off?

It was probably the moment when his comrade-in-arms fully displayed his plan in front of him.

"Of course, it can't be ruled out that that half-hearted 'god' has some very strong ability to sense our movements and forcibly suppress us with force."

The boy who always planned for the worst shrugged before leaving.

"If that's the case, then take Miku to 'Minecraft' to hide for a while."

"When the group chat appeared, we weren't bound to one world, and we couldn't take advantage of the cleverness to kill the gods, so we slowly developed to the point where we could compete with her head-on, and come back again."

"It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years."

"At that time, we can directly kill that old lady Gongba."

Thinking of Su Han's name for Takamiya Mio, Tokisaki Kurumi couldn't help laughing.

Because of Takamiya Mio's handwriting and calculations, there is a kind of power in Wuhe Shiori that can be used to kiss the elves. All the abilities that are sealed into oneself.

Although I don't know why Shidou Gokawa became Shiori Gogawa, Mio Takamiya definitely wanted to use his body to resurrect his lover Shinji Takamiya and make Shinji Takamiya an eternal life.

So, here comes the problem. In order to seal the spiritual power of other elves, Shiori Wuhe or Shidou Wuhe must have kisses with other girls, and these actions must not be hidden from the sight of Takamiya Mio... ...

From the perspective of Takamiya Mio, this matter can be summed up as the son or daughter is using her husband's future body to date, fall in love, kiss, and then silently assist girls behind the scenes. .....

Fortunately, Wuhe is an out-and-out herbivorous classmate. If Wuhe classmate is a carnivorous class, what would happen to the elves directly.

That scene, probably can only be described by a song of phoenix begging for the phoenix outside the wall.

If only you were a boy.

Tokisaki Kurumi thought maliciously.

In that case, she must take the initiative to be sealed, join that weird organization, obey all orders, and be a good baby.

Then, on the edge of someone's room under the pseudonym Murasame Reine, he pushed Shiori Gokawa against the wall, bit her ear to flirt, and collided for three days and three nights...

I believe that at that time, Takamiya Mio's expression must be very wonderful.


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